CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW Interim Dean Lee Fisher Degrees Completed by May 2017 ________________________________ The Degree of Master of Laws Sameer a Gunda Siti Hasnur Binti Sheikh Hussain LL.B., Osmani a University LL.M., Case Wester n Reser ve University LL.B., Multimedia University L ui s M ar ti nez J. D. , Politechnic University of Nicaragua The Degree of Juris Doctor A l exandr a L oui se A r ko K i r sten Cl ai r e Bordis K yl e Anthony Connell B.A., Ohio University B.A., Spring Hill College Cum Laude B.A., T he Ohi o State University M atthew Gregory Armstrong John William Br ei g, Jr . Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Cal Ever ett Cumpstone B.A., T he Ohi o State University B.A., K ent State Uni ver si ty Summa Cum Laude B.A., Allegheny College M atthew Paul Baca Jordan Brogley Webb B.B.A., Cl evel and State University B.S., Ohio University Ayoub Camille Dakdouk B.B.A., Cl evel and State University Benj ami n Thomas Bal l ar d Brandon Brown M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., Oberlin College M atthew N. Danese B.A., University of Redlands Summa Cum Laude Jacob Andrew Bruner B.S., University of Dayton Robert Der ek Bar bato Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty Chel sey L ee Renee Davi s B.A., Kenyon College B.A., T he Ohi o State Uni ver si ty Cum Laude B.A., Ohio University Kerry Ann Bar r ett Olivia M ar i e Buller Summa Cum Laude B.A., The Ohio State University A l yssa M ar i a DiGeronimo B.A., Ohio University B.A., John Carroll University L aDonna A. Burrell M er edi th Kathryn Bever stock B.A., Ber ea Col l ege Cher yl M ar gar et Donahue M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty Magna Cum Laude B.A., University of Wisconsin-M adison Emily Susan Capone B.A., The Ohio State University B.A., Allegheny College Noah M atthew Bill Erin El i zabeth Dorris-A stl ey M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty Antonia E. Carbone B.A., Ohio University B.A., Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., University of Cincinnati Heath A l an Eby Alisa E. Bol es Er i ca Ei l een Ci cer o Magna Cum Laude B.A., Ohio University M . A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., Wi ttenber g University B.A., K ent State University M i chael James Ertle B.A., Bowl i ng Gr een State University A ndr ea Rose L iguore B.S., M ar quette University B.S.B.A., Youngstown State University K ar l Stef an Helfrich, Jr . M i chael Allen Estr i n Cum Laude Justi n M. L ovdahl B.B.A., K ent State University B.A., T he Ohi o State University Summa Cum Laude B.A., John Carroll University Z achar y Har t Fel dman Tiffany S. Henderson Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude Brittany N. L owe B.S., Ohio University M . P. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty Summa Cum Laude B.S.B.A., Bowling Gr een State B.A., University of Akron I an D. Fijalkovich University Summa Cum Laude Dani el Gregory L uciano B.A., University of Akron Char l es Adams Henr y Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude B.S., T he Ohi o State University Cecel i a A. Fugitt B.S., Miami University B.A., Vanderbilt University Sar ah M. M ancuso James M i chael Hilt Cum Laude Robert Ger al d Gal i nas M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., Baldwin Wallace University Magna Cum Laude B.S., United States Coast B.A., T he Ohi o State Uni ver si ty Guar d A cademy M ar y Cather i ne M ason B.A., L oyola University Chicago M onica El i ana Gar ci a M ackenzi e L. Hollar B.A., T he Ohi o State Uni ver si ty B.A., Baldwin Wallace University Col ter M cA r dl e B.A., University of Arizona Joseph M i chael Gi er sz Ryan Christopher Hor vath M . B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., M i ami University Jenni f er A. M cGee B.A., Bal dwi n Wal l ace University Cum Laude William Anthony Hrabnicky B.A., John Carroll University B.A., Ohio University Joseph Anthony Giuliano B.A., University of M ount Union Andrew M i chael M edoro Corinne A ngel a Huntley B.A., Miami University B.A., Notr e Dame Col l ege Char l es Kenneth Goble III Magna Cum Laude M arzooq M omen B.S., Case Wester n Reser ve University Stacey Nicole Jacovetti B.A., The Ohio State University Cum Laude Alia E. Gr een M.A., Bowling Green State University Thomas Ignatius M oran II M . P. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.A., Hiram College B.A., Case Wester n Reser ve University Jessi ca R. James Brandon Gar th M organ M ar l ey Nicole Grim B.A., John Carroll University Magna Cum Laude B.A., West Virginia University B.A., T he Ohi o State University Car l os Kirt Johnson, Jr. William W. Gutermuth B.A., M i ami University I sam N. M untaser B.A., John Carroll University B.B.A., Cl evel and State University Kaitlyn M. Kilbane Nicholas George Haddad B.A., John Carroll University Allison Cl ai r e Murray B.A., M ercyhurst University Magna Cum Laude Nicholas James K ol ar B.A., T he Ohi o State University Joshua Benj ami n Hal per n B.A., University of South Florida Magna Cum Laude Ni na Kimberly Nager B.S., M i ami University Patr i ck M i chael K r amer M . P. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty Cum Laude B.A., University of Wisconsin-M adison Trevor J. Harris B.S., Miami University M . P. A . , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty M i chael Ryan Nakon B.A., University of Nevada-L as V ega M ar k Gregory Kroboth Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude B.A., Denison University Justi n Christopher Haskamp B.S., Bowl i ng Gr een State University B.A., T he Ohi o State University Car ol i ne El i zabeth Nel son Stef ani e L ahoud Cum Laude Justi n Edward Hayman B.A., Baldwin Wallace University B.A., University of Toledo Magna Cum Laude John P. Nemeth Nathan D. Sar gent Genevi eve Ready Vince B.A., Bowling Green State University Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude B.S., Kent State University B.A., Kent State University Jordan Andrew Norris B.A., Ohio University Dustin Car l Sar osy El i zabeth Rose Vitale B.A., The Ohio State Uni ver si ty Summa Cum Laude L ukas Padegi mas B.A., Case Wester n Reser ve University Magna Cum Laude John M ackenzi e Sayer s B.A., Cl evel and State University B.S., University of North Kelly M ar i e Wal l enf el sz Carolina-Charlotte B.A., University of M ount Union Christina Pochemsaniy B.A., University of Richmond El i ssa Jo Schooler Ryan T. War d Cum Laude B.A., University of Akron Joseph Char l es Pokorny B.A., The Ohio State Uni ver si ty B.A., Otter bei n University Nicholas Andrew Welling Andrew Char l es Schr i ver B.S., Miami University K al ynne Nicole Proctor Cum Laude B.S., The Ohio State University B.A., Case Wester n Reser ve University Anne El i zabeth Wells Cum Laude Rocky Raf e Radef f Bethany Patr i ci a Shockey B.A., Wittenberg University Cum Laude Cum Laude B.A., Westmi nster Col l ege B.A., University of M ount Union A l exander Maximillian Wel sh B.S., Auburn University Hel en Livingston Rapp M ar y C. Springer Summa Cum Laude B.A., L oyola University Chicago Nathani el E. Wilkinson M.E., Case Wester n Reser ve University B.A., Hillsdale College B.S., M anhattan College Emily Jean Stol f er B.A., John Caroll University A r l eesha Shawntay Wilson Br yan Anthony Reo M . U. P. D. , Cl evel and State Uni ver si ty B.S., John Carroll University Brandon M ar sal i s Summers B.S., Bowl i ng Gr een State University B.A., Bethel Col l ege John L ouis Reul bach III Justi n William Younker Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Nicholas A. Tribuzzo B.A., College of Wooster B.S., University of Cincinnati Cum Laude B.A., John Carroll University M ar yann P. Z aky K yl e L ee Ripma B.A., Cl evel and State University B.S., Otter bei n University Stephen Cl ar ke Tymcio B.A., Baldwin Wallace University Clifford B.
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