March 15, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E375 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNITION OF THE OHIO STATE unable to record my vote for rollcall Nos. 92– the aim of bringing an end to the U.S. troop SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND MARCH- 94. Had I been present I would have voted: commitment in Afghanistan. I am a cosponsor ING BAND ON MARCHING IN THE rollcall 103: ‘‘yes’’—On Agreeing to Article II of of this resolution because, while not perfect, I 2010 TOURNAMENT OF ROSES PA- the Resolution; and rollcall 104: ‘‘yes’’—On believe it initiates a debate that is long over- RADE Agreeing to Article III of the Resolution. due in Congress: what is our military strategy f in Afghanistan and what future mission or mis- HON. MARY JO KILROY sions are planned for our troops there? How RECOGNITION OF THE SHAMROCK OF OHIO long are they to be deployed and what are CLUB AND THE IRISH COMMU- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they being asked to accomplish? Do we also NITY OF CENTRAL OHIO Monday, March 15, 2010 have a coherent diplomatic strategy for South Asia, involving not just Afghanistan but both Ms. KILROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today HON. MARY JO KILROY Pakistan and India? to honor the Ohio State School for the Blind OF OHIO For some time now, I have advocated the Marching Band, who in January 2010, became IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development of a U.S. exit strategy for Af- the first blind marching band in the nation to ghanistan. I voted to authorize use of force in march in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Monday, March 15, 2010 2001 against those responsible for the Sep- Pasadena, California. Thirty-five talented and Ms. KILROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today tember 11 attacks. President Bush rightly de- inspirational blind students, accompanied by in support of The Shamrock Club of Columbus termined that the Taliban regime in Afghani- their sighted marching assistants, dem- and its president Francis Doyle for their efforts stan was providing shelter and material sup- onstrated their unique abilities by marching to share and celebrate the historical, cultural, alongside some of the nation’s top marching port to al-Qaeda, and he sent U.S. forces to and social contributions of Irish-Americans. bands. Afghanistan to root out the terrorists. But the Located in Columbus, the publicly-funded The Shamrock Club of Columbus is a non- terrorists have now been largely driven from Ohio State School for the Blind offers aca- profit social organization that hosts events Afghanistan, and yet, President Obama seeks demic, vocational, and extra-curricular oppor- throughout the year and builds lasting friend- to increase our troop deployment to over tunities to its students. The school is com- ships between Columbus residents. 100,000 men and women in uniform. Given mitted to developing their students’ potential On March 17, 2010, The Shamrock Club will the statement from General Jim Jones last fall by partnering with the community to ensure join other members of our nation’s Irish com- that there are currently fewer than 100 al- that their students’ educational experience is munity in celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. Each Qaeda members in Afghanistan, I have to both effective and enjoyable. year, The Shamrock Club celebrates the Feast question why a troop build up is necessary if The Ohio State School for the Blind has the of Saint Patrick with a procession, a mass, a our goal is to pursue the terrorists. In fact, I only fully blind marching band in the nation. parade, and the annual Irish Family Reunion. think all of my colleagues should question this. Before joining the Tournament of Roses Pa- Since 1936, this group has organized and It may not be realistic to withdraw all of our rade, the marching band performed at the sponsored the traditional St. Patrick’s Day Pa- troops by year’s end, and I believe we should Ohio School for the Deaf football games and rade, which has become a beloved tradition retain the ability to take limited military action other local events. This unique marching band for families throughout Columbus area. in concert with the Government of Afghanistan was formed in 2005 and the members were The Shamrock Club benefits from the lead- in certain circumstances. However, the time to thrilled to discover in October 2008 that their ership of President Francis Doyle, a man change course and start concluding this war is application to march in the Tournament of whose dedication to the Irish community of now. We must plan for the orderly redeploy- Roses Parade had been approved. Columbus has made him an influential mem- ment of troops and rethink our approach to January 1, 2010, was an exciting day for ber of the group since he first joined over 40 fighting terrorism globally. central Ohio. In addition to celebrating the vic- years ago. Before being named president, I thank my colleague for introducing this res- tory of The Ohio State Buckeyes over the Uni- Francis helped to organize the annual Irish olution and encouraging a fresh look at U.S. versity of Oregon Ducks, I was proud to see Family Reunion, which brings together Irish military policy. I know that we will continue to the young people of the Ohio State School for families and supporters for an afternoon of ac- raise this issue until it has registered at the the Blind Marching Band represent our district tivities and celebration. Francis has proven to highest levels and we are able to bring our with such passion and skill. The marching be an energetic and intelligent president, and men and women in uniform home. band completed the full parade route of almost under his leadership The Shamrock Club has f six miles and participated in the halftime show, grown to almost 2,500 members. wowing the crowds with their signature per- The members of The Shamrock Club and HONORING GLADYS FLAMER formance of Script Ohio in Braille. Irish-Americans throughout central Ohio have The Ohio School for the Blind provides an contributed greatly to the social and cultural HON. JIM GERLACH immeasurable service to our blind children and development of our community. I am proud to OF PENNSYLVANIA their families. Their marching band’s recent honor Francis Doyle, The Shamrock Club of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trip to California is an excellent example of Columbus, and the large and vibrant Irish one of the many achievements these dedi- community in central Ohio as they join to- Monday, March 15, 2010 cated and talented students have attained. It gether to celebrate Irish heritage. Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise is with great pride that I honor the Ohio State f today to honor Gladys Flamer, a Coatesville, School for the Blind and congratulate its stellar Pennsylvania resident whose tremendous Marching Band on such a remarkable achieve- AFGHANISTAN WAR POWERS dedication to her community and church and ment. RESOLUTION participation in local politics have earned her f the Fourth Annual Rebecca Lukens Award. SPEECH OF PERSONAL EXPLANATION At 103 years old, Gladys maintains an in- HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO credible work ethic that she developed at her OF MASSACHUSETTS father’s side helping with farm chores and HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY polishing silver with other employees at the OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estate of Lukens Steel President Robert Wol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 10, 2010 cott. After holding jobs as a licensed practical Monday, March 15, 2010 Mr. CAPUANO. Madam Speaker, I rise nurse and owning her own beauty salon, Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on March today in support of the resolution introduced Gladys retired from her jobs as a sales asso- 11, 2010, I was unavoidably detained and was by my colleague, Rep. DENNIS KUCINICH, with ciate at Strawbridge and Clothier at age 90. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:26 Mar 16, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15MR8.001 E15MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 15, 2010 She still bakes homemade pies and serves IN RECOGNITION OF PAUL Nation, as well as a strong fishing and oyster lunch to the Thursday Retired Men’s Club in MCHUGH industry. This coastline is pristine and much of Coatesville. it is undeveloped. Every time the Algal Blooms Gladys has worked equally hard to help im- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH near our coastline, our local economy and en- prove the Coatesville community. She is a OF OHIO vironment come under threat. Algal blooms have a significant impact on member of the Coatesville Historical Commis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our seafood industry. In particular, the blooms sion, The Eastern Stars, The Better Commu- Monday, March 15, 2010 directly affect the filter-feeders. Oysters and nity Group, and the Coatesville Senior Center. Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise scallops are a significant economic engine to She also served as a Judge of Elections in today in recognition of Paul McHugh as he is many of the small towns along the Gulf coast- Coatesville’s Fifth Ward and as President and named the recipient of the 2010 James P. line. When the 2005 algal bloom incident oc- Treasurer of the Hyacinth Federated Club. As Sweeney Founder Award by the Retired Irish curred, many folks in my district lost a signifi- a member of the Historical Hutchinson Memo- Police Society of Cleveland, Ohio.
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