FrontRow: Showcase of Ul's wide variety of interesting cars, page 8 UN I VE R S IT Y OF IDAHO THE Volume 110, No. 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4 'AF R I CAN, ROOTS, Ul to seek increases in 'excess of . 10 percent before Board of Ed Greg Connolly UI officials will hold an Argonaut open forum on the request at 3 p.m. March 4 in the University of Idaho ad- Crest Room at the Idaho ministrators announced this Commons. week that they will'seek a "As we look at further ";I student fee increase total- reductions next year, the ma- ing $296 more per semester triculation fee is crucial," said, for full-time undergradu- Keith Ickes, executive direc- ates beginning in the fall. tor of planning and budget. The proposal breaks Ickes said money generated down to a 12percent student from matriculation fees is increase, including an 11.26 used toward the university's percent increase to facility "biggest issues." fees and a 16.45 percent in- "We'e taking a lot of re- crease to matriculation fees. ductions," Ickes said. "There Full-time . undergradu- are serious discussions about ate students will pay an ad- furloughs. An increase in ditional $296 per semester matriculation fees helps us under the proposed plan. stabilize our employment That money is distributed and our staffing ...This will into four different areas— help us shore up all the oth- facility fees, the matricula- er pieces but instruction." tion fee, student computing UI administrators are pro- and network access fees and hibited fmm using Idaho resi- dedicated student activity dent student fees to pay for fees. Under the proposal, instruction because ofa clause only the student comput- in Idaho's constitution. ing and network access fee would remain the same. see FEE, page 4 An end to odd couples" E. ',. Pgj t 'i„t'ai C" 10seph Pflueger/Argonaut From left to right, Willie Spring, Ben Doumit, Andrew Wal- do and Cody Parker sit in their Living Learning Commurii- ties dorm room common area Sunday night. l'niversity Kate Kucharzyk/A'gonaut Wo'men from the African Alliance Club dance to traditional rhythms in a performance Saturday in'the Stude'n't Housing introduces Union Building Ballroom. The. African Alliance took part in Shades of Black for the first time this year. See more photos of the event in FrontRow on page 7. program to match roommates !/ Joe Pflueger have the option to browse Argonaut other profiles and offer as eri artici ation much information about This fall, University themselves as they want. Housing will offer a new Gasser said Roommate crucial to UI's future . program allowing students Click resembles the social to choose their roommates. networking Web site Face- rad students Ray Gasser, director book. Access to user pro- Argonaut session oil campus. Housing, pre-of'niversity files on Roommate Click "The '180 ~ ~ ~ deadline is viously oversaw the same is limited only to other supplement will be given in hope "niversi< of I ~" days I;I January 2~- program when he was at users, however. 'loyees will be requued but w'e'g hoping to do it the University of Arizona, Gasser said Roommate Of reCruiting mOre minOrity StudentS to prove +e~ ehgbfl ty to by the,endof thesemester where students began using Click is a trend in housing work in the United States, becaiJ'se students leave," it over three years ago. across the country, with an " citing requirements stem- Ar'ae'on "Then 'tlus Ashley Centers but renewable for a said. "Students'nd parents obvious upside in fewer years ming fmm federal fundin A o ut third. It is de- will be happy," Gasser said. roommate problems. He Employees will partici- aftqr to clean up anything "Freshmen will have lot signed to P in a said it will have a positive 'nority stu- pate E-Verify sessions, that h'as to be corrected."' more control over choosing impact on students who w» ng 'n: un their roommate." wish to live on campus. pi'pgi'g~ .,p tion cong they are ployees say the situatiornt The program, Roommate University Housing is im- g to ok'h U 'ted'i'f 'ly. i pl: plo y- Click, is a service that al- plementing the upgrade ivith g ~, '. States. Once in the system,,ees must bringing proper to build a profile stu- d, - lows users their focus on increasing en@'neer- pl lpga ~ y, P documentafion —such as complete with optional pic- dent satisfaction and o~,gy g t4e 'ated fields, said mentofHomelands success.'These 'ng or ma th ~ Ri ksch ak ~b'." apaskport orab~ceri f tures, biographies and con- upgrades are a gg hei Sjg . ~ and the federal govemmentI icate;and'a driver's license tact information for poten- reflection of student feed- p g tp,p l verifytheMormafion —andfilloutanl-9fo~ ~ f th Of tial roommates to browse. back, and will make Uni- dp Sp IQ4lllg "Because we re'ceive a' "Alotofpeople, ithink, Gasser compared it fa- versity Housing a more of federal contrac s, it have been a little frustrat- Umversit of WPAClefllll and E ' vorably over asking "arbi- attractive option to many „~ ot to th e oin t w here if ed be au se in I 't p c th ey th k th at Q trary questions" on room- students," he said. t mate preference. Roommate Click al- g'000 ply we may very well risk this information, but it' "Roommates will 'e lows users to choose losing aH 6'e conhact'" up supplemental margrit gto allowg thge not that." A agon said. more compatible," he said. to five roommate and hall . said "I't's g RAU N, d, Lucy Aragon, human, just that the federal Until now, University preferences. yog The STEM Gollegcofo '..Graduateua« so many won- Housing assigned room- After completing the ap- eg«ra University of Idaho us to do a verification of all 'Studies dean ~,, mates by asking students plication process, students g . receives around $100 mil- our work force as a means to answer three questions. can access the service for ion annually in grants to try to make sure that'all They asked whether the stu- free at http: / /www.uidaho. and federal contracts., of the University of Idaho dent was a smoker, clean or edu/universityhousing/ resented minority doctoral ies. "Depariments in the messy and what their hours about/applying/findinga- of study were. Now, students roommate.aspx. Mpg~ age 4 Ja,30,2008 t ubmlt See E VER, page 4 iL THE INSIDE The Argonaut Tuesday, Feb. 2'0IO hoover HALI. Paul Tong/Argonaut r ling'r - DlD YM YBIfll Y(4 6Jhg. 'telttsthlt 9) 'the lT 'Y6E GVJF Up hNY7%tga TEg tj[,Tale. Y~ TITTY. g.tG cp,P;Tot l5~ OF It3,%1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Fak LESTV M.tQs Dj(Qr M Idaho Commons 8 Student Union This week's ASUI Vandal Entertainment Films... Foreign Films Series: Treeless Hov IJt !ANY.S h%-5e. cta P Ttlls QM b312s Mountain Y0tl LIKE JT g<8s M~ Ills~ CJ AT day 8, Tuesday JAWs lN mit.S e@0 AZ FOlk I4%~ NS C KYC'Jts A . HRhK TIE DuOhs Ilb$ rY IIIJ&Eoe- ~YES> Yvd( erEhl Fe 2nd and 23rd Llgr=:-Mt,ws/ /glib. QlSI304'. Z qP~ go g~ttstEPT, '@pm MT T+Sf'@.LIIIS Sr Pt2. loftily ot9 SUBB ra ger $2 Stu ents/$ 3 P 11- Tickets sol at the SUB pie" I die Film Series: recio s Wed 's . ay hursday .Febru 4 and 25th 7 L 9.Seats SUB Borah Theclter. $2 Students/$ 3 Publlctgy Tickets sold at the SUB Info Des lockbuster Series: a 0 I onau B -'ndock Saints 2 This week in history: FridayI&S,aturday '60 public relations program. February 726th~arid 27th New 'Parties'nter Race 2. Establishment of a standing committee from By Neil Leitner the Executive Board to study and analyze the ASUI Argonaut News Editor budget throughout the year. 3. Having a report of the ASUI president to the ' $2 Students/$ 3 Public ~ ~ The appearance of two one-man parties on this student body at least once a semester. year's political scene may add some color and 4. The achievement of a better understanding be- 'qkets sold at the SUB>info Desk to the spring campaign, rapidly headingex-'itement tween students and the Board of Regents in order to toward the March 10 elections. broaden and expand the scope of student govern- The two parties, Lloyd (Red) Taylor's "Campus ment. Alplications for Student Representative Party," and Earl Pederson's "Peder- United: Achievement Avmrds son's Party" abruptly arrived on the political picture 1.The philosophy of the success of student policy are due Thursday, March 4th at 5:00 with the last week. through student cooperation, unity and interest, The nebulous "Third Party," talked about either 2. An informative program focusing public atten- m in the ASUI Floor Idaho office, 3rd in the campaign, never did materialize because "of tion upon the University of Idaho and the needs of Commons lack of support and late entrance into the elections," higher education in the state of Idaho. according to spokesman Bill Olson, off campus. 3. Improvement of student representation and communication. The Get Involved Fair Platforms 4. A request and appeal for more student voice Thursday, March 4th, in determination of faculty and administrative deci- 10:00am —2:00 pm The two major parties have completed their plat- sions. forms. They are: So far both major parties report their campaigns First floor of the Idaho Independent: running smoothly, and are looking forward to the Commons in the "Recognizing our responsibility to the past, pres- first smoker, scheduled for Tuesday evening in a so- Clearwater/Whitewater Rooms ent, and future University community, we will work .far undesignated place.
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