'&• first With The News! For Value - Shop The Ados Keep Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Your The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Sftrlce* In The Area Are Our Advertisers! Patronise Then*! VOL XXXIII—NO. 32 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1954 PRICS EIGHT CENTS Whipping PAL Minstrel Into Shape Milk Sales Says Raising of Canaries Congress A Most Fascinating Hobby By Machine CARTERET—Raising canaries riety, are housed In lamp and Unit Tours Is the most fascinating hobby, comfortable enclosures in the In the opinion of Mrs. Mary cellar of her home Regulated George, 43 New York Avenue. "I don't know of a nicer pet S. I. Sound Mrs. Gforg*. who was born In than a canary," M\f said Kentucky, raised In Texas and "When vou are not feeling well, educated in Colorado, says that a canary always will cheer Inftjwrtion Trip Made Board of Health Seta a rich and full life can b* at- you up," Ihnc arc those—for rea- ll|> Rules to Lieen«e tained by anyone Interested in She is carrying on her hobby To Spur KIIIKIK for rnlslng song birds. |||1S which elude me—who Vending f)evic«*H for the pursuit of happiness, Deeper Channel , k of us New Englander: Starting witli_ a pair of birds she said. r i!n thirteen years ago when she Raising a flock of canaries is ,,; ,ust a trifle stuffy because CARTERET —An ordinance li- lived In Atlantic Street, Mrs. not an easy task, she related. CARTERET—Coritressmrn (mm New Jersey-New York port dis- ' ,' consider Thanksgiving censing nnd regulatlnc the sale of Oeorge enlarged her activity They have to be cared for like v i milk nnd milk products from au- when she moved to West babies to (jet them to become trict and other Interested partiei [[)iV m be a kind of proud tomatic vending machines Is Carteret, good singers. In the handling on Tuesday were on a harbor in- spection trip designed to spur fed- ' .,-,unal possession. slated to be taken up for final She had more than 500 ca- of the birds, she Indicated her reading nt the meeting of the naries and parakeets at one love for them. eral appropriations to Imprnv" 1 shipping facilities in Arthur Kill. * * * * Bonrd of Health December 8. time. She disposed of all of her In addition to raising cana- The HOUM members and repre- uv are happy, naturally The ordinance was Introduced parakeets, finding -greater in- ries, Mrs. George has other hob- terest in breeding and cross- ble^, A singer, she has enter- sentatives of the Commllter [or on first reading at the last meet- Arthur Kill Channel Improve- 11;li the significance of thii iiii; of the board and there are breeding canaries. tained at various hospitals and Her canaries, of a wide va- other veterans' places. ments were guests of the Port n[ tnuiition which we hav several revisions. New York Authority, commission- ^iv^uarded so well for mon An application for a license ers of which Joined them aboard must be made' to the Board of ^ 300 years, Is so widel; the Inspection boat of the U. S. lh;il , Health before the milk can be Family Reunions Highlight Army Corps of Engineers. ,. ijinize'd now and that i' sold through vending machines Access to the vending machines The Inspection was arranged to I,,,, attained the status must be made available at nil help explain the nerd to deepen Thanksgiving Day Holiday a 6'j-mlle section of the channel, uiinh warrants a Presiden times whenever the board desires Lo inspect the beverage. CARTERET—Centerpieces of family reunions at festive a project requiring 21 million dol- lul proclamation. The ob Each application for ,a license roasted turkey dotted the tables boards. lars in the next four years. in hundreds of Carteret homes Before schools recessed for The channel deepening program sl rvance which we originate^ mu.st be accompanied by a fee of yesterday as borough folks the holiday Wednesday there Is earmarked for a section from has been among the goo $2 which will be returned In case the application is rejected. A sepa- paused to celebrate America's were impressive Thanksgiving Piles Creek, Linden, through Car- oifi.s which we have been abl rate application is required for bounty on Thanksgiving Day. programs in public and paro- teret and finally to Smith Creek, Port Reading. Presently the depth to spread abroad through our each machine. More than three centuries ano, chial schools. There were sonns Under the pending measure, the when Pilgrims assembled in and recitations and various mu- Is 30 feet, whlchi is inadequate, according to the Port Authority, land, and we are privileged vending machines would be per- thanksgiving for their first year's sical programs. But Thanksgiving was somber for "the ever-increasing draft of mitted only In factories, public to ^hare all of its feeling, all survival in America, the menu in quite a number of homes, the modern oil tanker. STARS IN Till-. MAKINd; Final rehearsals are beine held lor the Police Athletic- League minstrel buildings and places of business. offered a choice of wild duck, n: its humility and all of its because of the absence of some It ls proposed to- deepen the show tii he prrsrntrd in tlir High School Auditorium Saturday, December 4. at 8 IV M, A matinee The vending machines must be eels or venison. performance, free In children, will be hold at 2 V. M. Shown in the background is Deputy Chief of the boys still serving overseas. channel to 35 feet. By an annunl d,«p faith with those who maintained at all times under Times have changed, but the There were many Ions distance I Charles Mukwinski. play director, and at the piano Is Mrs. Genevieve Frey. Performers, Ifft to right, sanitary conditions. The milk or appropriation of $5,250,000 over a ::; come with US. spirit of the occasion was still phone calls into Carteret yester- period of four years, the authority are Mary Louise t'ullrn, Itita Sullivan, Simonr Romanek, Richard Van Pelt, Anna Mae Sica and milk products must be properly * • * * Stephen Zukov. marked with church services day from many points in the said, "the work can be performed refrigerated at all times nnd com- which were well attended and United States. in an orderly fashion. ply with all Slate and local health Thanksgiving Day is truly regulations. The federal government already has Invested «53.0OO,OO0 in the New England institution. Violators can be penalized a In His Thanksgiving Sermon, Pastor completed portions of the water- corns to be only there minimum of $2 and a maximum Church Building Bank-Trust Co. way and private Interests along of $100 for each offense. Each day h, re the crisp mornings, the middle section of the Arthur Cites True Significance of Holiday that a violation continues to exist Pledges are Met Elects New Staff Kill, Including Carteret. have ex- •!,m the frost lays white will constitute a separate or addi- pended more than $100,000,000 for CARTERET "Let us be thank- men. the man Christ Jesus; Who Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. tional violation. Again we are permitted to ob- terminal facilities and $3,000,000 •I ,1 the hills, signal the com ful that, we live under the Stars gave himself a ransom for all, to According to Health Inspector CARTERET — Harold I. Has serve the recurring day of National CARTERET — Parishioners of T for. dredging. ' ' ( and Stripes and let us also be be testified in due time. Whereunto ins, who for many years was pres- lit!- Of a time when hearts in the Michael Yarcheskl, the ordinance St. Joseph's Church and friends Plans by theie firms for further grateful to those men and women 'I am ordained a preacher, and an Thanksgiving We are glad was introduced for health and denif of the Carteret Bank and mson pour out love and de- whose names have lived m the his-_, apostle, I speak the truth In Christ, President of our great Republic of the parish who have pledged a terminal Improvements costliiK safety of the borough residents. rust Co.. yesterday was elected many millions of dollars await tory of our country." Row Kiul O.' and lie not; a teacher of the Gen- i has again issues) his annual total of $225,000 towards the con- halrman of the board. The office tion and confidant hope. Klette, pastor of the Zion Evan- tiles in laith and verity. I will"Thanksgivin11 ' '•' g proclamatio--1—li""n an°"dJ Mtty an adequate channel depth struction of a new church and six- f,board chairman was created at to Justify their consummation, IT:;- parsnips are styll in the gelical Lutheran Church told his therefore that 'tnen pray every- has pointed out some of the most esterday's session of the board salient reasons for individual and oom school addition, are carrying according to the Authority, and, and through the congreRation in his Thanksgiving | where, lifting up holy hands, with- Center Building if directors, our' wrath and doubting. national gratitude, and has re- them out in good order. Mr. Haskins, former manager The Army HJngineers have indi- Day sermon. cated they are prepared to com- I ids pumpkins which could The full text of his sermon fol-j Prayer: Almighty and everlast- quested and urged the people of This optimistic statement came of the Benjamin Moore & Co., our nation to assemble In their re- plete the neceuary work as soon lot meet the rigid-tost of a lows; ing God, who has blessed the labors Fund at this week lrom Rev.
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