l'iii«*riii«\v«"i- L«M-iur«'s Phi Kola Kappa IBmIk Tuesday Gflfje Batottosoman Announced ALENDA LUX U B I ORTA LIBERTAS ZS28 VOL. XXV DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 16, 1938 NO. 26 Fred Stair Elected Student Body President Scholarship Fraternity Maestro Freshman Franchise Is Fred Stair Spencer) Is Extends Bitls To Seven Passed By Large Margin Chosen On Gailey, '37, Dorsett, Lafferty, Amendment Will Go Into Ef- First Vote Horine,Kiesewetter, Holt, Council Calls *" * fect Second Semester of Fernininily To and Cates Bidden »# f 3r ■Ell Next Session I'ti-il Stair, of Knoxville, was The local chapter of Phi Be- Halt In Vote By ihc overwhelming majority of Be HonoredIn elected president of the Dav- idson College on ta Kappa, national honorary .iju io (iO, the amenclmeni t.> the student body yesterday fraternity, has ex- Student Body Elections Run Student Bod\ Constitution pro- the second ballot scholarship New Magazine morning. Spencer tended bids to one alumnus, Over Due to Political viding for the freshman ftfinchfac Sam was J. Complications made iir-\ vice president on M. Galley,'37, and members of was passyjj in ilir \ « ttiiij.- InI<1 last "Chicken" Issue of Scripts 'n class of '38, |. Saturday morning, the first ballot Monday. Elec- the K. Dorsctt. \iter new first and sec- Pranks Will Appear Be- tion of MVi'titl L E. Horine, the This atiu'iidmcnt, known as Sec- vice president M. Lafferty, F. ond vice-presidents of the stu- fore Holidays and had Kiesewetter, K. Holt, Hi in (i, wii-. first proposed in \\h- secretary-treasurer W. B. J. dent body had been elected, not been completedas the Dav- and A. R. Cates. Siiult in Council, ;i11< i .1 |lIt and the field for the president tons The spring issue of "Scripts idsoninn went Initiation of these members will need lyid ronu1 a head, hy Mun to press, and secretary-treasurer had lo ii I'rnnks" will be out by tin- N.nr went into office on a fivi bring the membership to fourteen, rot Wii Ixip. of the mnil t ,lass. Ilu narrowed t<> two candidates, it i-iiil hi ncxi week, aci"i>rfliii{{ to vote majorit} over Sam Mcwell and the full quota allowed. Eight sen- in.iiiimi i. it tlh .urniidmeui w as was decidedat a special meet- Ilium Sam Rylwni in an in- Bob McOcllaiul, who also gained iors, who arc at present members] tahU'tt. if ruh s, foi U n ing of the council last arcordiiiK terview last week end. places mi the The new pn- arc: A. C Adams, W. I). Herring, student days, was up Stair, ballot. t<> run. and then hrouuhl for This "Chicken" issue, dcdiciited Iml who wai elected ident received 205 votes, H. A. Friday these elections < while H. Hill. C McKnight, J. F. <1( I'isit .11 .1 nut Inii' t (he -lu v< sicvil.iy over again. 'ii t<< ami hotuirillR femininity .it large, to head the* Davidson Newell and MiI li Hand polled 116 Reinhardt, T. W. Street, R. B. huilj Hryant. !)<■ Body The reason for this action, as cU'in Marion )ov will the largest i^sm to come Sluil.nl and Student ' and 84, respectively. S.mi Spencer Vowles, and W- M. Wicker. Torri-y Council, April explained by simltut body presi- K.ll.un. NK I ean ami Jim ,'iit iln-. year atmI Avill contain .v' wilt be in*tailed hy Dorsett, home is Salis- spoke _^____ v.'itnil otiit-f a whose in dent, Teeny Lafferty, during chape] jA'itMin, ..II siniorsi in favor (mm<"n four more i»;i>ms i!i;mi an> 25 if remaining decIions art- bury, has an average of 2.884 tip nt ,i tinndnu'iit, i pokcii , Saturday morning, was ili;it certain the hut iii in tlic previous issues of tIn year run off on schedule. The instal- to now. He is a member of Phi npp. sition -1. velopvd < uinitji> on the campus had been Slu it storic< l>5 1 lii k Vmvles and lation of Stair and other Stu- iainma Delta social fraternity, ed- dent Government officer* is exchanging votes, and thai since Amend Arlicli- f*our iliuliliy will In iiaimed in of Quips ("ranks, presi- KiiiR itor and may iIn tin planned for chapei on thai day. this have hail a tilleel In:n- < ; ntaitaztiie. and results of dent of his iraternity, member of 'I Ik aiiu'iidhii nt .i- pi npo " ing ui»>n the putcomc «>i i!i> bal- the iiiiestinnnairc, ronilueted In O.D.K. stairs thai : tin o( lots, H was thought thai the 1" >i " * Kyhiirn to mid r ensns |4j votrs. i. rlii Lafferty, from Concord, has an \ritele I\ < if ihi' 'mistii ution 1 thing to (hi was t.» begin the vot- opinion ni' sontluTti RirN schools Spencer average of 2.87J. Hi- is president < « f nl 11n- Student (joytTiinient mI I'.i\ Noted Author ii>vr again. These groups have now on i\m 11in 11■in 1 11'in their pref- behind the IrailiT with l.v. while the studeni body, a member of I'i and liis j idsun CnlUji. hi and hrn hy i^ ' signed ;i pledge to "!«" no further Dean Hudson Florida iit ini- ;i^ ti int in i Inishamls !■' Ilaviil Spritnt had M. Kappa Alpha fraternity and Cadet " .Mini ii'lfil hy 1lir inlilitii >n ol .i m i Mere 1 i* ■ To Tal k exchanging, Teency C Iu1m n will furni» h r i RlUSIC « iiellnr or notothi v n pirn tin top annminrctl Hi ' ■ e Srcri'tnry-Tri'a surer ;liioi '\\ .i- ,i : Lieutenant-Colonel of the ROTC for four dance* of ap- Ktii n Si'rlimi foIII'Ws "tli ii ml" ill In also said thai the candidate* *iill the the > . ii i. i'.i « ni.ule I'., li llalsli y an IK v,n. .n! unit; n Inn. ii .hall he t*. hrlil ti proaching [urn" net. Hudson eliK'ihle pnlilii Louis Untormeyor Speak - ■ left in 'the running had to " Will I \\ ■ n ,, Horine, in assented , ■ in I.. -K ballot which whose home is Louis- has played dance*, at . ml. i-U'Ctii n Here Tuesday the plan. for Clem- " ilimiiiatiil Inn I!- :-r Halsl.j poll- ville. Ky.. ha> an average oi 2.M-J. "■■::■!! ;illi| .iItrf Ilie .■ nl Contains Several Satirei < ( son at P. during the lu^ilUl Sam Spencer had been i*li t< 1 and C. last i<\ 1 coiiiparison t" -" *"< I ■< i 5r \.itt- in with IIe won a scholarship IIcidel- year, but this will he his initial Iihc mud mi -i- i hi linn Ilie hi" \\ roi in t tlii- tiiin will ' first vice Charles Mash- i t ■ nl;ir-. president, \\ < I .11 nlrltllr \ IT. IMlll'fl U -it nn I.V) Ihe sei ti burg in his junior year, and has i lit-ii ;it|m|i1i il shall fi into ffrt t i 1 appearance at ■ tit.nn poem- li\ hrini Ken burn, second vice president : Fred Davidson dnncrs. Ion ;ilttlit 'I' Ililtl t , \\ 111] 11 -■. in- ;witli I" -rfniid i let ttrct lit nt .. I'lt'cti'd thi: irniuj il since majored in German, having 1hi I'li'nin^ . t lilt' in I)avi i1 t<'ii v. M ran. ami Mi w ■ ■ Stair and Sam Newell left 1 , ' i :,. j had been ■. \lllV I.'IWl'll I'lllll'll "'rill lllli--t Iin- M I. i.■!" : . ■ ■ ninrm <1 from a trip to Gei miiiiy im Iit id the 1W .Vi —ion. \1t Sniiili nncl tin usual music ri '1 " Im the running for president : and - \ vr.sutilr l: t iiiii- in \ nm i i.i '.ill l», o ■ i'i >n . louiplfti'd tiimorrow lo mipletc his academic work. 1 riau in flici w itit tlii> amtMiri iiiiin. "Notes To You" In Vtrtvles ;il< - ■ ■ Ed Watson and Bob Balsley for " ( iii-it-.- !, Kiescwetter, from Chalfont, Pa., r'Hudson's Band Itin nl are Inr- r* |m aled M i- to 1, >< " will ■■!» in. li.'iiiihn aiidi hi. i .. Kii hiiiond and ■ h> and 1 iltn.tti \\ ill In run. \ i.il secretary treasurer as a result >i iriiiin ursij;i\ ■ Ijic il;i li I . M.itc h 22 M burn lias an average of J.S-1O. He i- a In nnti <! that nl '42 w ill -In.it sntires hy dial Vin^m and last week's voting, but these re- Mi 1 nti riiu-yii w.i- horn in \'c u N'i ininaiion iln tttdi tit ii\ member of I'lii Gamma Delta,mem- aries rMvinjj In tin- fir-1 In !" ;ifi<. hil h\ tin- i-lili.'in- Brown pith- im In sults were cancelled by the (lection ivill also he .mil narid .it, i, ■ | Vurli anil mi-edtn tl .Mr, made on Man : ber of ODK, president of Forensic fraiirlii in. pnni ,.( llhi .1 in tlir \ t ■ I '" ■ of the student council. tli' uabli :. uraihiali from ■" i ■ Council, and captain i^i the basket- Charming Frances Colwcll lir-t hy I- ri-iiiuil LafFerIy Presenti Proposal Miliuffie's Kimli i T. ■ " ■ - high scl 1 In mpi .:.il tor i thi last wa- ball team. " , ii I . werk 'It Will Be I ii|>fi i « ill il i atnre r Featured original In . ol t.nliii, - ■ ■ ■ - Molt, \it' : ih. proptisal had j thai in lifi b\ bei oniinn lai -.'-ill \t\ th : u who lives in Greensboro, lias tin- spruiK issUi - - |,i . author, ■ ,i - i ii <!ii.m Iin ni- tin student an li-vturr i ii'l u ■■■■ i ill an average <'i 2.797.
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