T h e Davie Record DAVIE COUNTYfS ODDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPDE READ aHERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XLIV. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 7. 1943 NUMBER 51 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Prejodice. My Notions Let Us Pray Put Uqoor Ratiooio; Seen Along Main Stieet Rev. Walter E. Isenhour. Hiddenite. N. G John Wesley Clay, In Wioston Jontnal. (By Rev. Loy D. Thompson) By The Street Rambler. What Was Happening In Davie To possess a spirit of prejudice is It is often said that wine and Let us think today of two phas­ Book h Collection 000000 Before The New Deal Used Up to displease God. Obristiansdonot beer promoted good fellowship. es of prayer. The one is the prat­ Plate Pretty girl in drug store admir­ possess this spirit. It belongs to Perhaps they do. We have often er of solitude; the other the prayer ing pretty diamond ring Moody The Alphabet, Drowned The (Carl Goerch, In The State) sinners, backsliders and mere pro­ seen them promote just tbe oppo­ of collaboration. Jesus encourages Chaffin carrying full gallon jug— We have a friend whose friend­ Hogs and Plowed Up The fessors of religion, and not to the site, however. both types of prayer. As a matter Two grass-widows trying to drown ship we want to keep. And so, be­ Cotton and Corn. true follower of the Lord Jesus Bnt if they promote good fellow, of fact he practices both kinds of their troubles—Miss Dora Bowles ship then why is it that when there prayer. He resorted to tbe secret cause of that fact, we cannot re­ (Davie Record, Jnly 7, 19*0.) Christ. looking at baby photos—Young What does it mean to be preju­ is friction between races, and class­ place of prayer and prayed alone. veal his name at this particular Iadv peering in court house win. Cotton is 42 cents. time. You’ll understand why as diced, or possess this spirit? Let’s es, strikes, etc., the authorities al. Also he joined others in tbe act dow from outside—Four auburn- The picnic and blackberry season you keep on reading. look at the meaning of the word ways close the strong-drink shops? and practice of prayer. Hear him haired farmerettes enjoying refresh­ is npon us. This friend—let’s call him Mr. Webster defines it thus: "Prejudg* Seems that if drink promotes good as he speaks of private prayer: ments at drug store—Representa­ J. T. Angell has been very sick Hawkins for tbe sake of conven­ ment; an unreasonable predilection fellowship that is the very time it "But thau when thou prayest, en tive group of citizens saving the for several days. ience — recently went through a for, or objection to, anything: es­ should be dispensed without bln. ter into thine inner chamber, and country in front of tbe postoffice— Miss Elsie Horn spent last week spell of serious Illness. He went pecially an opinion or leaning ad­ der. When a strike is on why not having shut thy door, pray to thy Misses Elizabeth Ward and La- with relatives and friends in States­ over to Duke Hospital, in Durham, verse to anything, without just bring out the beer wagon and let Father, which is in secret, and thy Voune Ball walking down Main ville. and spent about three weeks there grounds, or before sufficient know­ everybody get on, and thus pro­ Father, which seeth in secret shall street—Robinson Powell sitting in Mrs. W. L. Call spent several before he was allowed to come ledge. Mischief, hurt, damage, in. mote good fellowship, for certainiy recompense thee ” Then secret parked csr on the square—Captain days last week with relatives near home again. jury, detriment. To obstruct or dangerous differences can be settled prayer brings results. It has its Bill Long looking for Ben Boyles— Lexington. And then, after about another injure bv prejudices, or by previous better where good fellowship pre­ rewards to offer us. When we have T T. Angell sitting in front of bus . Mrs. M. D. Brown returned Sun­ two weeks, he was permitted to go bias of the mind; hence, generallv, vails But nope, that is the very brought secret prayer to a close we station—Will Smith ch nging $20 day from a few days visit to rela­ back to work again. to hurt, to damage.” time our city fathers cut off the can feel that our inner life has been bill—Mrs. G- ID. Boose buying ham tives in Hickory. He realized that be had had a The devil is the author of preju­ beer. strengthened with grace and onr in local market—Mayor Caudell en­ Miss Fern Cbappel, of States­ close shave, and this fact caused dice. He has implanted it in the Eut maybe they think beer and sympathies have been broadened joying horseback ride around the ville, is tbe guest of Miss Mary him to think about tbe more se. hearts, minds, souls and spirits of wiue are not as harmless as they and our nature has been uplifted. square—Misses Ruth Wisbon and Campbell. rious things of life. legions of people, not only keeping are said to be. Ii drink is danger­ Besides we can have the assurance Hazel Alexander driving south in John W. Foster, of Chapel Hill, Had he been a good husband and them out of the kingdom of heav­ ous why do they sell men the priv­ that, if our prayer has been offer­ a car through tbe rain—Mr. and spent the week-end with home father? en, and defeating them in life, but ilege of serving it to the public? If ed in conformity with his will, it Mrs. I. S. Haire and children a- folks on R. 1. He felt that he had. hindering those who would serve it is harmless why do they with­ has exerted power through God’s IigUting from bus—Rev. E. W. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. ■ Gordon, of Had he been fair in his dealings and worship God, and making it hold it from men during a strike? spirit upon some one for whom we Turner getting in out of the rain— Eadin, visited relatives here the with others? hard for those who do serve and ’Course, our city fathers are wise, have sent up our petition. As we Mrs. Tames York looking for way past week. He felt that he had. worship God. This spirit has held but they are passing wise if they repair to the secret place from time to get borne—Wesley lohnson and Mrs. A. M. McGlamery, of Ral­ Had he attended church services many a man down in life; many a can explain these things. to time we shall create in our own Harmon McMahan standing in front eigh, is visiting relatives and friends regularly? woman; and has kept them from heaits an atmosphere of prayer and of postoffice—Hugh Larew driving here this week. That question caused him to rising and accomplishing good and instead of prayer being only an ac­ car ot many colors. Miss Janet Stewart returned Sat­ HeavierTaxeshevitable great things and reaching the goal tivity it will become an attitude. stop and think. He suddenly rea. urday from a week’s visit to rela­ While wehave no figures for North of success here and heaven here­ We shall be able to do what Christ Uzed that he hadn’t been as con. tives in Danville, Carolina, a Washington dispatch mvs "Hush, Frank; the idea of speak­ after. suggested when he said. "Men scientious in church as he should Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ward, of that the Ruml Plan version will re­ have been inside a church. ing like that in church!” One of the greatest hindrances to sult in a per capita "forgiveness” ought always to pray and not to Concord, spent the week end with It worried him. The following "I can’t help it,” he whispered the progress of the church and the which range from $7 in North Dako­ faint.” relatives near Pino. back. "We’re ruined!” work of Christianity is that of pre­ ta to $730 in Delaware. Again the prayer of collabora­ Sunday, right after breakfast, he Miss Beatrice Linville, of Win­ "W hat have you done?” judice. Many people simply allow Frankly, we are not interested in tion is equally important. Without spoke to his wife and said: "Lucy; ston-Salem, spent several days the " I thought I put the envelopes prejudice to fill their minds, hearts any alleged ‘forgiveness” because this second form of prayer we should I believe I’ll go to chnrch with you guest of Miss Gelene Ijames. in the plate.” and lives until they can never get what comes to the taxpayer in this dwindle down into a chilling and this morning.” Miss Florence Poole, of Route 3, "That’s what you did, didn’t to God, or won't, unless they rea manner will be more than taken devastating self-centredness. Listen After she had recovered from has accepted a position with the from him by other and additional you?” Iize just their ungodliness, and the to the words: "Where two or three the shock and had once more be Merchants & Farmers’ Bank. taxation. "No; I didn’t” fact that they are doing themselves are gathered together in my name, come almost normal, she said: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clement Despite tbe long debate in Con­ “ What did you put in?” end their fellows great harm.
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