Christmas 1959 DCMINICAN :-==---:=..= l.- . -- n -:-..- - '-_-- - - - t-- -_- r I -.-- r -:r:..::_ .-*\.: r';;-_ ----:=_-_ _--_-i . "-- ^:;i:',u ;n,*-foo uL '': ,fJiltsn5 gc'46@r , t;' l/ NO.71 CHRISTMAS 1959 l16 @llt Domrnrr;tn iDITORS : M.. J. HArvoRrn; Mr. R. EMYRJoNEs j ?. S. FtucEEsj R. I{. DAvrEs; N. H. WLLTAMS; I. I-1.EvANs ; P. J. DavrEs; J. W. O,r.rNj W. A. T. REES. CONlENTS '','' l LUX IN TENEBRIS ...... l0 A?POINTMtrNTS ..... IIRE MR Wrr,rr]\MS -12 ..... ...... 2 W.\S T}IIS REAILYONLY A DREAM ? ..... 13 PARI]NTS, ASSOCIATION .,, 5 A DRE{]tT ...... .,TIIEY ...... 13 orD BoYs' AssocrarroN ..... ...... 5 ALSO SERVE,.,,, Er DDYFOD EF ...... ..... ,.... ..... 6 TAIT1I AR HYD Y D{NUBE .,',. l,l 1557 s0uADRoN NorEs 6 " LTYFoDoL cYvRU ''.. ls A.T.C. \VING AI'HLETIC SPORTS ,,,,, 7 CAM-DDYIYNIADAU 16 }.[M SOCIETY .... 7 I']SAPPLIED QUOTATIONS '... 1ri CHESS CLUB 8 CORNEL Y TTEIRDD .... t7 MUSIC SOCIETY '',,', s CANAD^ .... ..... 19 DEBATIIIG ! CTETY ......a CWIRiONEDDAU ..... 2l Y CYMDEITHAS GYMRAEC .... ..... I ..YOUR,E SPoRTS RETORTS ...... .... '- 21 TIItr BICGIST PROBTEI' AVIATION HAS HOITStr RII}ORTS 25 rAcED srNctr cRossrNctHE CHANNET" ... 9 EX]'\IIINATION R'SUTTS ..... ..... 28 the commetrcemert of EDITOR'S NOTDS this iem. We trust it rill r,o i\p \our.upDort. :o fdr rh-:o.iFty has A walm \felcome has been er.tended to Mr. had 2 n rt nB., ,r" Jr l-r:a- and rtc G. E. Janes, s'ho has come lroD brrnre{ail Girls'School. A choir has been foncd. "n. "l School to teach Historv in the Dlace of Mr. The Debating Society has been reyived from Harper. Mr. Harper leit last ttrri to take up 1ts dormant statc. The attendances are etr- an appointment with the Brit;sh Council i;r couraging. nrere have been t!.o debates, orc Imn. 'baloon game,' and the Societv also sponsored a scnool rvrocf lllcctron. It is \rith regr€t that we x'ish good bye to Th" I-tr-mari" i. ihrs \FJr p -u. -rr ^du(irg tvo masters this t€rm. Mr. Haworth, Senior a play in \irelsh "Iti Ddyfod r:r1 a tiansamn Ingli"h Ma.r' r .in!" 1950,.s l-a\in8,o',J.1 . "f John Y".li.ld \ariv,r\ Plrv Ihr t odt\! for fiv- 'prm. on sp.ondmen,rn PrFmpp\.^l'.9 . oJ Chlist" Xunar.i. GhanJ. M'. scni^r LFuSrrp,y Jacrson. The "cymdeithas Gynraeg" of corrse tsoes nasl"r !r," Iq51 ;. l??ving'o rc"'1, dr \.onl - -We trom strength to strength. Dyffryn Nantlle, Penv8rois. send x'ith th;m our sinceresl wishes, and $.jsh theD cvery eood The VIth Form, in su&ess in their new appointments. the Course of their ceneral Siudies have been privileqed to hear Mr. I. G. Jones spcak or cha;a, md thc Car.lift Archite.t, q, W. uelcor, 1l] lhe contany ol h,,ol rFti,,, Mr. ,qlex G,,rdon, save an int.f.siins lccture on 'nhe Bangor Granrnar Schools' Music Socicty, ''Irunctionalism in Architeciure", whi-ch he illus- forned in conjunction riih the Grls' School at trat(d riith slio€s. On Friday aftemoon, November 7th, thanks The SchoolDance was held on December18th, to Professor cavin's hosDitalitv, and tlie Girl's SchoolDance the previousFriday. ducted round the New D;partnient of Electrical Engineering at the U.C.N.1'V. Sixth FoIm pupils w. H. On l-ridal., October 16th the Vlth {olm J. Oven and C. Jones aDPFaFd on thF T.\t.W. p o8r mmp fro"oo att.nd€d a dav lcng ccnference at Ltandiudno C\1Ia si,h l"ur men b r. | To,l|' rpnU' . Jddr,s."d hy M'. Nidd ie of - uirlq ' hool, Jam-- who questioncd a london matron, .n TnF Ini,n o. South {|ri,.,. dnL L,} \'lr. Miss Cerys on october 22nd. Don Taylor, thc joumafist, on the F€deration Jones, of Rhodesia and Nyasaldd. Members of foms V and VI aitended a { ongr"'uldlions ro Hugh H'rgh"., Form \1. pertormance of 'The $'inter's Tale' by the $r. N^n a I Arn d pri , from rh" Ldurrrior Arts Council at the Pdtclrard--Ioncs H;ll on Comnittee for;n esJy hc x..ote after vNlxrs the Edrcation Offices a'i Caernarvon. Six members of YI Sc. s'ent to Brr,nrefait S.nool, un fridrv \ovFnbc' t3rl. \h;"e 'L D'. We \vish all oul Readers A Mery Christmas. C. \\rr idm. o. he Arorni. fr,-,RV Re--d'"1 Establishment at Winfrith Heath, s;ve a film Th. Ia a!it,B 5.hort alpatnlapa! haup L.?u leciure on the Dounreay NDciear Po;cr Station" i* Head Boy-P. S. Hughes The School congratulates L I-. Evans who SecondPrefect T. $as a\aarded a State Scholarship as the resurr D. Jones-criffith of the Advanced Level E:aninitions. He has retumed to School for another year of opc! IJ. J. Davies H. D. Osetr 'hula'.hit k^'k !nd s' I'opc t,,dt iL hFr R. H. Davies(s/58) J. w. owen drsiin.tiun: uill .ome his sav. L Ll. Evans w. A. r. Rees(l /ss) D. A. Jones N. H. Willians (9/58) The School colleciion tos'ards c. M. Joncs R. A. Williams thc Bangor H. G. Area s contrjbution to the World Refusec Y;ar Jones Fun4 ano, n Fd ro 13 l0 0. rl" tJr',i-i I"gion Monitors (Sept.1959) Poppy Day appeal realised {3/1/3. Iloth cotFct- L F. Edirards H. A. ions Jones have been gratcfully a.kno$4edged. J. F. Grirfiths '1'.I{. Jones R. P. I.Io!ard-Jones lV. E. x{. Jores We are grateful io the U.C.N.$J. tor enhar{rrg E. V. Hughes G. Parsons ,ur.ulrLr"l lif.. P. I{ughes G. C. ?ritchard lfi, r.rm u" w,rn ,riril"e,d ']. F. Hughes J. G. willjams W. G. Hugher T. The O'Donnell Lecture on October l3th. M. Williams The Kennedy Orten Memoriat Lecture on November,lgsg Octob€r 26th. I-. illanwood C. ]t. Jones The Rallard Maihews Lectues on October A. .1.Grat, D. M. Outram 27th and 18th. ]]. I. Hughes J. r. willians The Bangor branch of the North Wales G_eographical Societr also had 3 meetings $'hich nemberc o{ the School attended : IVOR WILLIAMS, M.A. October l4th-IJilnls at St. Mary's. 1889-1959 November l2th-Lecture on Cevtou ar The Noma] Colteee. As xe briefil' reported in last term's edition November 26th-A Welsh Lecture on Amer- ol'The Damini.an', $hich had alreadr- gone to ica, also at the Nomal Col1ege. press dren the ne\.s came, the deaih occurred on Junc 2sth 1959 of I4r. Ivor U'illians, Head- By the t;me the Masa?ine is pubtished the master of lria$ ftom 1935 to 1954, a fomer school will hare had a fun rn"pectioir. pupil and Fesidenr of the OId Bovs Association. Ihe funcml at Clt n.dda Cemetery took place on Monday, June 29th and vas attended by the lIrou8lo!1 rle !.a'",1.r loU"$.d I"njoyFd Headmaster, rer.esentatives of thc Staff, and l,i. r'i'rd"l ip and in'a'r"1t" .J,l.,l 'o ." him the Prefccts. The Govemors of the School and $-henever I sas in Bangor; and that finally I the Old loys Associaticn $ere str.ngty rcprescn was granted the honoui of succeedins hin ;nd tedi headnasters of neightouring grarnaar Civen the most difficuli task of emulating his schoots, rerrfscniatives of the Educaticn Auth- su.",,. in rhF o,li.e or Heldmc.fFr or F,idr.. .rity, the City cf langor and nrany old friends I knev him for a bare quarter of a centuly, a lcmed a substanttuI Land of mourncrs in stite mL,l -m"Uer,n n rl"r nany ot you, lut I of the printinB strihe $hich prevented the ne\rs ."r ."\ rlar T .arv him rrom lFr.r rhrF" dngl,s ", of his cleath from beins publisled in the ne$s- or points of vie\..-as a pupil, as a friend and as tapers. The luneral serice s'as conducted by the Rev. E. Vicar of St. ary's and the J. Jones, He bore all the marl(s of a great Rev. Canon T. \YoodinFs, who was Mr. Ivor man. Physicalty itrone. s i h rr, m-nd^ r. uld, rs $iLl rigrr,u., I 'illianrs' contemporary in the Classical Sixth -n, 2+ F;ar! rn/1 . t;f.t.no fai4nn !Dtr' di.rablF ha rddF nrofoJnJ iDpression on his arrival at Iiliais On Sunday, sth at St. Mary's Ch rch a as H€admaste.. July We bolis vere not slo{'to Memo al Sen'ice was held $hich {as attended discover that he vas a truly great teacher, with bv th- ald pupr- ot,l'. (rh., l rl" Co,, demanding srandards "raif or ar.u-acv. a .oni.ntr nors, rcprcsentatives of the Education Commrttee'- $Fii Ior J"\crjy lhouSl-l exp,e.-ion,.rad d d."n lo., and othcr bodi€s, and Ly a large number of Old "rd tor rt^ classics and nhatevcr Boys and personal friends of the late Headnaster. was nobl;s1 in nan,s thought and expressed the address snich the H€admaster gave on that in the \n.irten word,- the Bible, the liiemtue (ccasicn is printcd telow at thc request of the of Greece and Rone, and the English Classics. He Golernors and many of Ivor tilLiams' fIicnds.
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