J. W. De Jong Bibliography 1949–1986, Hokke Bunka Kenky∑ 14 (1988), Pp

J. W. De Jong Bibliography 1949–1986, Hokke Bunka Kenky∑ 14 (1988), Pp

J. W. de Jong Bibliography ( 1949 – 2000) 1 Abbreviations ALB = Bulletin of the Adyar Library AM = Asia Major AS = Asiatische Studien Bespr. = Besprechung BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) CAJ = Central Asiatic Journal CR = Compte rendu FEQ = Far Eastern Quarterly HJAS = Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies IBK = Indogaku Bukkyøgaku Kenky∑ (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) IIJ = Indo-Iranian Journal JA = Journal Asiatique JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society JIABS = Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies JIP = Journal of Indian Philosophy OLZ = Orientalistische Literaturzeitung TP = T’oung Pao ZAS = Zentralasiatische Studien ZDMG = Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft * This Bibliography is based on J. W. de Jong Bibliography 1949–1986, Hokke bunka kenky∑ 14 (1988), pp. 1–63. J. W. de Jong Bibliography 1987–1997, Hokke bunka kenky∑ 25 (1999), pp. 1–63. Minoru HARA,J. W. de Jong hakase no chøsei o itamu, Tøhøgaku, no. 100, 2000, pp. 301-309. 2 1949 l. Cinq chapitres de la Prasannapadå (= Buddhica. Documents et Travaux pour l’étude du Bouddhisme. Collection fondée par Jean Przyluski, publiée sous la direction de Marcelle Lalou, première série: Mémoires, tome IX). Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1949; XVI + 167 pp. [Ph.D. thesis, University of Leiden]. 2. Contributions à Bibliographie bouddhique, IX-XX, Paris, 1949. 1950 3. Le problème de l’absolu dans l’école Madhyamaka, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, Paris, 1950; pp. 322-327. [Cf. no. 200] 1951 4. Suggestions for a Polyglot Buddhist Dictionary, Våk, I (Poona, Dec. 1951), pp. 5-7. 5. Review of L. Petech, China and Tibet in the early 18th century, Leiden, 1950; FEQ, 11 (l951), pp. 114-116. 1952 6. Contributions à Bibliographie bouddhique, XXI-XXIII, Paris, 1952. 7. CR de J. Nobel, Suvar∫aprabhåsottamas∑tra, Bd. II, Leiden, 1950; TP, 41 (1952), pp. 247-250. 1953 8. CR de J. Ensink, The Question of Rå≈†rapåla, Zwolle, 1952; JA, 241 (1953), pp. 545- 549. 9. CR de P. Hacker, Untersuchungen über Texte des frühen Advaitavåda, I, Wiesbaden, 1951; Museum, 58 (1953), cols. 3-4. 10. CR de E. Waldschmidt, Das Mahåparinirvå∫as∑tra, Berlin, 1950-1951; OLZ, 48 (1953), Sp. 178-180. 3 1954 11. L’épisode d’Asita dans le Lalitavistara, Asiatica. Festschrift F. Weller, Leizpig, 1954, pp. 312-325. 12. Three Notes on the Vasudevahi∫∂i, Saµjñåvyåkara∫am. Studia Indologica Internationalia, I (1954), Centre for International Indological Research, Poona and Paris, 12 pp. 13. CR de R. Yamada, “Hannyakyøtenrui no keisei-sareta jidai no haikei”, Tøhoku Daigaku bungakubukenky∑nempø II, Sendai, 1951, pp. 1-41; TP, 42 (1954), pp. 345- 347. 14. CR de D. R. Shackleton Bailey, The Íatapañcåßatka of Måt˚ce†a, Cambridge, 1951; TP, 42 (1954), pp. 397-405. 15. CR de Y. Kanakura et al., A Catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan Works on Buddhism, Sendai, 1953; TP, 42 (1954), 43 (1954), pp. 121-125. 16. CR de L. Petech, I Missionari Italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal, I-IV, Rome, 1952-1953; TP, 42 (1954), pp. 125-129. 17. CR de F. Weller, Tibetisch-Sanskritischer Index zum Bodhicaryåvatåra, Heft I, Berlin, 1952; TP, 42 (1954), pp. 129-132. 1955 18. Fonds Pelliot tibétain Nos. 610 et 611, Studies in Indology and Buddhology, pre- sented to S. Yamaguchi, Kyøto, 1955, pp. 59-67. 19. CR de E. Conze, Abhisamayåla∆kåra, Rome, 1954; Muséon, 68 (1955), pp. 394-397. 20. CR de H. Lüders, Beobachtungen über die Sprache des buddhistischen Urkanons. Aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von E. Waldschmidt, Berlin, 1954; Museum, 60 (1955), cols. 144-147. 21. CR de F. Weller, Zwei zentralasiatische Fragmente des Buddhacarita, Berlin, 1953; OLZ, 50 (1955), Sp. 404-406. 22. CR de Bibliographie bouddhique, XXI-XXIII, Paris, 1952; TP, 43 (1955), p. 297. 23. CR de T. Schmid, The Cotton-clad Mila, Stockholm, 1952; TP, 43 (1955), pp. 298- 301. 24. CR de W. Heissig, Die Pekinger lamaistischen Blockdrucke in mongolischer Sprache, Wiesbaden, 1954; TP, 43 (1955), pp. 301-318. 25. CR de R. Shafer, Ethnography of Ancient India, Wiesbaden, 1954; TP, 43 (1955), pp. 318-320. 4 26. CR de Dawa-Samdup, Tibet’s Great Yog¥ Milarepa, London, 1951; TP, 43 (1955), pp. 320-324. 1956 27. De Studie van het Boeddhisme. Problemen en Perspectieven (Rede, Leiden, 28 Sept.1956), The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1956, 25 pp. 28. CR de E. Frauwallner, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie, I, Salzburg, 1953; Museum, 61 (1956), cols. 84-85. 29. CR de E.O. Reischauer, Ennin’s Diary, New York, 1955. Ennin’s Travels in T’ang China, New York, 1955; OLZ, 51 (1956), Sp. 461-463. 1957 30. Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands, Indo-Asian Culture, V,4, New Delh, April 1957, pp. 421-427. [Cf. Nos. 31 and 107.] 31. Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands, A.I.R. Selections. A quarterly journal consist- ing of important talks broadcast from the various stations of All India Radio, New Delhi, Government of India, Dec. 1957, pp. 45-48 and 64. [Cf. Nos. 30 and 107.] 32. De Buddha Jayanti-vieringen in India, Mens en Kosmos, 13, Deventer, 1957, pp. 149-157. 33. Contributions à Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 1, Paris-La Haye, 1957. 34. CR de H. Hoffmann, Die Religionen Tibets, Freiburg-München, 1956; CAJ, 3 (1957), pp. 79-80. 35 CR de J. Nobel (ed. and tr.), Udråya∫a König von Roruka, 2 Bde., Wiesbaden, 1955; IIJ, 1 (1957), pp. 312-314. 36. CR de H. Süger, From the Third Danish Expedition to Central Asia, Copenhagen, 1956; Museum, 62 (1957), col. 189. 37. CR de D. Schlingloff, Buddhistische Stotras aus ostturkistanischen Sanskrittexten, Berlin, 1955; OLZ, 52 (1957), Sp. 73-74. 38. CR de R. Robinson, Chinese Buddhist Verse, London, 1954; OLZ, 52 (1957), Sp. 175- 176. 39. CR de R.A. Stein, L’épopée tibétaine de Gesar, Paris, 1956; TP, 45 (1657), pp. 270- 272. 40. CR de Mgr. Giraudeau et R. P. Francis Goré, Dictionnaire français-tibétain, Paris, 1956; TP, 45 (1657), pp. 272-274. 5 1958 41. Contribution á Bibliographie bouddhique, XXIV-XXVII, Paris, 1958. 42. CR de R. Shafer (ed.), Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Lamguages, Wiesbaden, 1957; IIJ, 2 (1958), pp. 74-77. 43. CR de Dans les pas du Bouddha. Présentation de J. Filliozat, Introd., notices et photogr. de Louis-Frédéric, Paris 1957; IIJ, 2 (1958), p. 77. 44. CR de E. Bryner, Thirteen Tibetan Tankas, Indian Hills, 1956, IIJ, 2 (1958), pp. 77- 79. 45. CR de F. A. Bischoff, Contribution á l’étude des divinités mineures de Bouddhisme tantrique. Arya Mahåbala-nåma-mahåyånas∑tra, Paris, 1956; IIJ, 2 (1958), pp. 159- 162. 46. CR de F. Kern, Aßoka. Kaiser und Missionar, Bern, 1956; Museum, 63 (1958), cols. 210-212. 1959 47. Mi la ras pa’i rnam thar. Texte tibétain de la vie de Milarépa, The Hague, Mouton & Co., 1959, 218pp. 48. René Mario von Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 29. VI. 1923-9. VII. 1959; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 306-309. 49. Contributions á Revue bibliographique de sinologie, 2, Paris-La Haye, 1959. 50. Review of L. Giles, Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts from Tunhung in the British Museum, London, 1957; AM, 7 (1959), pp. 228-230. 51. CR de Tribus, No. 7, Stuttgart, 1957; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 75-78. 52. CR de M. Monier-Williams, A Dictionary English and Sanskrit, Delhi-Varanasi- Patna, 1956; IIJ, 3 (1959), p.78 53. CR de Pa∫∂ita Durveka Mißra’s Dharmottaraprad¥pa, ed. by Pa∫∂ita D. Malvania, Patna, 1955; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 151-153. 54. CR de CE. Godakumbura, Sinhalese Literature, Colombo, 1955; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 153-154. 55. CR de J.J. Poortman, Ochêma. Geschiedenis en zin van het Hylisch Pluralisme, II, Assen, 1958; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 154-155. 56. CR de N. Simonsson, Indo-tibetische Studien, I, Uppsala, 1957; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 216-219. 6 57. CR de A. Ferrari, Mk’yen brtse’s Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet, compl. and ed. by L. Petech with the coll. of H. Richardson, Rome, 1958; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 220-221. 58. CR de D. Snellgrove, Buddhist Himålaya, Oxford, 1957; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 221-223. 59. CR de W.Y. Evas-Wentz (ed.), Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, 2nd ed., London- New York-Toronto, 1958; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 223-225. 60. CR de L. Petech, Mediaeval History of Nepal, Roma, 1958; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 225- 226. 61. CR de G. Tucci, Storia della filosofia indiana, Bari, 1957; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 226-227. 62. CR de Yamada Ry∑jø, Bongo butten no bunkengaku josetsu, Sendai, 1957, pp. 222- 410; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 227-228. 63. CR de K.E. Neumann, Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos, 3 Bde., Zürich-Wien, 1957; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 229-230. 64. CR de L. Sternbach, Cå∫akya’s Aphorisms in the Hitopadeßa (I-IV); A New Cå∫akya- råja-n¥ti-ßåstra Manuscript, Bombay, 1958; IIJ, 3 (1959), pp. 230-232. 65. CR de D. Schlingloff, Chandoviciti, Berlin, 1958; OLZ, 54 (1959), Sp. 619-620. 66. CR de Contributions to Ethnography, Linguistics and History of Religion, Stockholm, 1954; TP, 47 (1959), pp. 146-154. 67. CR de W. Pachow, A Comparative Study of the Pråtimok≈a, Santiniketan, 1955; TP, 47 (1959), pp. 155-157. 68. CR de R.J. Miller, Monasteries and Culture Change in lnner Mongolia, Wiesbaden, 1959; TP, 47 (1959), pp. 157-160. 69. CR de W. Kirfel, Symbolik des Hinduismus und des Jinismus; Symbolik des Buddhismus, Stuttgart, 1959; TP, 47 (1959), pp. 160-162. 70. CR de W. Heissig, Die Familien- und Kirchengeschichtsschreibung der Mongolen, I, Wiesbaden, 1959; TP, 47 (1959), pp.

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