MLB MILITARY FACES Mariners’ Kikuchi Pentagon report Gen X inspires faces his most cites threat of Gen Z in Poehler’s pivotal season yet extremism in ranks new film ‘Moxie’ Page 24 Page 3 Page 14 Air Force approves shorts for maintainers on hot days ›› Page 5 stripes.com Volume 79 Edition 227 ©SS 2021 THURSDAY,MARCH 4, 2021 50¢/Free to Deployed Areas IRAQ US civilian contractor dies in attack on air base BY CHAD GARLAND Stars and Stripes An American contractor died Wednesday after a barrage of at least 10 rockets rained down on an air base housing U.S. and coalition forces in western Iraq, the Penta- gon said. The contractor “suffered a car- diac episode while sheltering and sadly passed away shortly after” the attack, Defense Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. There were no immedi- ate reports of injuries to U.S. ser- vice members, he said. Iraqi security forces and coali- tion officials were on the scene in- vestigating, a military official told Stars and Stripes. The launch pad used to fire the missiles was found about 5 miles from the base, The Associated Press reported, citing an unnamed official. Images shared on social media showed a burned-out truck with a ALEXANDER BURNETT/U.S. Air Force raised flatbed that had concealed Paratroopers assigned to 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division sleep while flying in a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III bound rocket tubes. It’s typical of launch- for Fort Polk, La., last month. ers used in previous attacks, which are often triggered by electrical timers. No one has claimed responsibil- ity for the attack “and we do not Nodding off gets the nod have a complete picture of the ex- tent of the damage,” Kirby said, adding that counter-rocket air de- fense systems “engaged in defense Sleep deprivation hurts military readiness despite anti-sleep culture, Pentagon report says of our forces.” The attack occurred at the same BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS Deprivation on Readiness of fense for Manpower and Reserve cognitive tasks, communicate ef- base where Iran a year ago Stars and Stripes Members in the Armed Forces,” Affairs Virginia Penrod after a fectively, quickly make appro- launched a missile attack that mil- leep deprivation hinders published Feb. 26, said sleep dep- comprehensive review of rele- priate decisions, maintain vigi- itary officials said left more than military readiness, yet ser- rivation “may be the most impor- vant scientific studies, several of lance and sustain a level of alert- 110 personnel with traumatic brain Svice members are twice as tant biological factor that deter- which indicated that 64% of ser- ness required to carry out as- injuries, and drew Washington and likely as civilians to experience mines service member health vice members lack enough sleep signed duties,” according to the Tehran closer to a larger conflict at it, according to a recent Defense and combat readiness.” compared to 28-37% of civilians. report. Department report. The report was compiled by Sleep deprivation causes “re- SEE ATTACK ON PAGE 6 The “Study on Effects of Sleep Acting Assistant Secretary of De- duced ability to execute complex SEE REPORT ON PAGE 6 PAGE 2 • STARS AND STRIPES • Thursday, March 4, 2021 BUSINESS/WEATHER US infrastructure gets C- from engineers Associated Press In its “Infrastructure Report “America’s infrastructure is not During Donald Trump’s four ica’s infrastructure — reflecting a AUSTIN, Texas — America’s Card” released Wednesday, the functioning as it should, and fam- years in the White House, his ad- “mediocre” condition with “sig- infrastructure has scored near- group called for “big and bold” re- ilies are losing thousands of dol- ministration often held “Infras- nificant deficiencies” — is a slight failing grades for its deteriorating lief, estimating it would cost $5.9 lars a year in disposable income as tructure Week” events and touted improvement from its D+ grade roads, public transit and storm trillion over the next decade to a result of cities having to fix pot- transportation improvements. in 2017. The group cited in part ef- water systems due to years of in- bring roads, bridges and airports holes, people getting stuck in traf- But it was not able to push Con- forts by other governments and action from the federal govern- to a safe and sustainable level. fic or due to repairs when a water gress to pass any broad plan to up- private companies, which have ment, the American Society of That’s about $2.6 trillion more line breaks or the energy grid goes date the nation’s roads and turned to new technology to pin- Civil Engineers reported. Its over- than what government and the down,” said Greg DiLoreto, one of bridges, rails and airports. point water main leaks and prior- all grade: a mediocre C-. private sector already spend. the group’s past presidents. The overall C- grade on Amer- itize fixes. WEATHER OUTLOOK THURSDAY IN THE MIDDLE EAST THURSDAY IN EUROPE FRIDAY IN THE PACIFIC Misawa 50/39 Kabul Seoul 57/37 54/33 Baghdad 75/56 Drawsko Osan Tokyo Kandahar Mildenhall/ 55/34 52/42 Pomorskie Busan 74/44 Lakenheath 37/33 42/37 57/50 Iwakuni Kuwait City 56/51 Bahrain Brussels Zagan Sasebo 71/60 69/65 Ramstein 45/39 60/53 Guam 47/43 49/28 84/80 Riyadh Lajes, 84/57 Doha Azores Stuttgart 61/57 54/39 Pápa 79/62 Aviano/ 54/35 Vicenza 47/34 Naples 58/44 Okinawa Morón 68/64 63/48 Sigonella Rota 58/44 The weather is provided by the Djibouti 62/53 Souda Bay American Forces Network Weather Center, 83/73 58/54 2nd Weather Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. TODAY IN STRIPES American Roundup ...... 13 Classified .................... 12 Comics .........................18 Crossword ................... 18 Faces .......................... 14 Opinion ........................ 16 Sports .................... 19-24 Thursday, March 4, 2021 • STARS AND STRIPES • PAGE 3 MILITARY Pentagon report cites extremist ties in military BY ROBERT BURNS stands for American Identity AND LOLITA C. BALDOR Movement. The group spread Associated Press propaganda through an oper- WASHINGTON — Domestic ation it called “Project Siege” extremist groups pose a serious and as of March 2019 had about threat to the military by seek- 500 members. ing to recruit service members The group’s founder was a into their ranks and, in some former Marine sergeant and a cases, joining the military to ac- former leader was an Army vet- quire combat experience, ac- eran. Several other members of cording to a Pentagon report the military and the Reserves released Tuesday. were identified as being associ- LISA FERDINANDO/Office of the Secretary of Defense The report, prepared last ated with the group, and the re- Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin participates in a Black History Month virtual engagement from the year at the request of Congress, port noted that some were ei- Pentagon last week with Department of Defense Education Activity high school students. Austin sent a did not assess whether the ther demoted or discharged. memo Monday calling on DOD employees to reaffirm values and ethical conduct. problem of extremism in the The report described a social military is growing, but it cited media post, reported by a ser- a number of examples of ser- vice member, who claimed to vice members with extremist “see plenty of our kind” in com- Austin calls on DOD workforce to affiliations. It said the number bat arms. of current and former military The message recommended reaffirm values, ethical conduct members who ascribe to white ways to identify fellow group supremacist ideology is un- members, saying “simply wear BY CAITLIN M. KENNEY related to the culture and charac- “And it means rededicating our- known. a shirt with some obscure fas- Stars and Stripes ter among the force. Last week, selves, constantly, to the privilege “Military members are high- cist logo.” WASHINGTON — Defense the Pentagon created the 90-day of being public servants,” he ly prized by these groups as The military has long been Secretary Lloyd Austin has called independent review commission wrote. “I share President [Joe] Bi- they bring legitimacy to their aware of small numbers of on the Defense Department work- on sexual assault in the military. den’s commitment to restoring causes and enhance their abil- white supremacists and other force to reaffirm their values and On Tuesday, members of the com- and maintaining public trust in ity to carry out attacks,” the re- extremists in its ranks, but the ethical conduct, according to a mission to review defense infras- government.” port said. “In addition to poten- problem burst into public memorandum released Tuesday. tructure named after Confeder- The defense secretary listed tial violence, white supremacy awareness after the Jan. 6 in- In the two-page document dated ates were sworn in. Austin also or- four expectations for the depart- and white nationalism pose a surrection at the U.S. Capitol, Monday, Austin tells personnel dered on Feb. 3 that all military ment’s personnel: completing the threat to the good order and dis- where an outsized number of that they represent the core values units conduct a stand down within annual ethics training by the end cipline within the military.” military veterans and some of the United States including hon- 60 days to address extremism of the fiscal year; ensuring that fi- For example, the report current military members were esty, integrity, character and self- within the ranks. nancial and operational process- noted that a Marine was dis- present. lessness A request for information to the es; reporting and data are accu- charged in 2018 for having ties It quickly fell to a new Penta- “I know you treasure these val- Pentagon on why Austin wrote the rate and secure; prevention of to a neo-Nazi group called gon chief, Lloyd Austin, to de- ues just as much as I do,” Austin letter to the workforce went unan- fraud, waste, and abuse, and to Atomwaffen Division, and it termine the scale of the prob- wrote.
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