*>«*iJ>4«-<->;., ' ^[^'' *••/' ?,'<5^ , t»t*i»tHit'>.;,, '^''* *>'.'' 5^^ 'tttt*»ttf(<<,. .''' '' <••.'' , ^PPl, , v<,'; ' <>' , ,,, ’I' ,,. j, ! »««)< ixlsB-t .' . j t » « <'i»<< i»»4 J. v> , o JHkI Lni*^**‘>**»******‘‘^‘*«**’**‘''’'*^*7»« .** **«* *^<**’» »»»*»» Sa»*4 il>l) family, lon^ the benefactor of steady selling quality performers such as Rofter Williams and Jane Morgan, has in the shorl I three more powerful names who should prove to he hig record salesmen for many years to come. Shown above are the new ^enny Ball and the Chad Mitchell Trio. Jones, son of veteran Alan Jones, came to the fore w ith his beautiful single "“Lollipops i “Gift of Love” and “Pick Up The Pieces.” Britisher Kenny Ball clicked internationally with his outstanding “Midnight In ] well with his LP of the same name. His new single is “Green Leaves Of Summer” b'w “I Shall Not Be Moved.” The Chad M vith its clever version of “Lizzie Borden” and is repeating with another controversial ditty, “The John Birch Society.” Eydie Gorme @ "COLUMBIA", @MARCAS REG. PRINTED IN U.S.A. belts it out on Columbia Records wham!powr!sock! "Yes My Darling Daughter" "Sonny Boy” 4-42424 Also Available on Single 33 , Gash Box GashBox Vot. XXI i I—Number 35 May 12, 1962 FOUNDED BY BILL GERSH Gash Box (Publication Office) 1721 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. (Phono: JUdson 6-2640) CABLf ADDRESS: CASHBOX, N. T. ORLECK, President and Publisher IMAN ORLECK, VP and Managing Director IRGE ALBERT, VP and Treasurer rORIAL—Music MARTY OSTROW, Editor-in-Chief IRA HOWARD, Editor IRV LICHTMAN, Associate Editor DICK ZIMMERMAN, Editorial Assistant MIKE MARTUCCI, Editorial Assistant POPSIE, Staff Photographer YIRTISING BOB AUSTIN, National Director, Music JERRY SHIFRIN, N.Y.C. office. Music LEE BROOKS, Manager Chicago JACK DEVANEY, Manager Los Angeles MARTY TOOHEY, National—Coin Machine NEVILLE MARTEN, London, Eng. PAUL ACKET, The Hague, Holland MAL SONDOCK, Munich, (jermany RON TUDOR, Heathmont, Victoria, Auat. fe- VITTORIO de MICHELI, Milano, lUly Although the master-huying their own name rather than let their SVEN G. WINQUIST, Stockholm, Sweden ver is not as burning as it hot ROGER SELLAM, Paris, France was a master take on the name of the ENRIQUE ORTIZ, Mexico 7. D.F few years ago, masters continue to company buying it. JOHN MURPHY, Ottawa, Ont., Canada Copyrights, MIQUEL SMIRNOFF, factor foreign rights, Buenos Aires, Argentina be an extremely important advances, etc., have MACEDO, RICARDO & RENATO in industry’s singles pic- Sao Paulo, Brazil the record complicated master-buying prob- HIjSARU SUGIURA, Tokyo, Japan BRUNO DUTKOWSKI, Art Director ture. lems tremendously. As a result, the lAGERS A glance up and down today’s phenomenon of an “exclusive dis- MARTY TOOHEY, Coin Machine Dept. tribution agreement” (through r. TORTOSA, Circulation singles charts reveals an amazing NEVILLE MARTEN, European Director number of big hits that were pro- which an established manufacturer CHICAGO duced by independent producers distributes product for some small- LEE BROOKS er label) has become very 29 E. Madison St., Chicago 2, HI. and taken over by the bigger and a com- (All Phones: Financial 6-7272) better established labels in our in- mon set-up throughout our busi- HOLLYWOOD ness, especially so with the JACK DEVANEY dustry, On closer inspection one bigger 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28. Cal. independent labels. (Phone Hollywood 6-2129) can find a host of today’s top art- Such agreements have been un- ENGLAND ists who were brought to a label NEVILLE MARTEN by some indie producer and have believably successful and have pro- Dorris Land 9a New Bond St. since been so successful with the duced an array of top stars that is London, Wl, Eng. almost Tel: Hyde Park 2868 major company that they have al- too much to believe. ELUX: PAUL ACKET, Theresiastraat 81a, most lost their indie producer iden- Add to this the number of suc- Hague, Holland, Tel. 070-722546 rhe cessful MANY: MAL SONDOCK, Amalienstrasse tity. Stateside hits that were pro- 18, Munich, Germany, Tel: 220197 Y, VITTORIO de MICHEU, Via Settala 20, duced abroad and one can immedi- dilan, Italy, Tel. 22 11 86 And from the structure of the NDINAVIA: SVEN G. WINQUIST, Kagge- ately see the important role played lolmsTagen 48, Stockholm-Enskede, Sw^en, business as it stands today, the Pel: 69-46-86 by producers outside the bigger NCE: ROGER SELLAM, 24 Rue de Lenln- bringing-in of product from out- rrad, Paris, France, Tel: Europe 6308 companies’ employ. rRAUA: RON TUDOR, 8 Francis St., side sources will continue with leathmont, Victoria, Tel: 87-6677 The old saying, “everybody and ICO: ENIUQUE ORTIZ, Monterrey 81, Col. equal if not greater importance in loma, Mexico 7, D.F. Tel: 12-10-00 10-10-01 his brother is a songwriter” can A.DA: JOHN MURPHY, CKOY Radio, P.O. the future. lox 3130, Station C, Ottawa, Ont., Canada today read “everybody and his ENTINA: MIGUEL SMIRNOFF. Rafaels 978, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: 69-163^^ As a result of the many success- brother is an independent record 5IL: RICARDO & RENATO MACEDO, Rus oao Ramalho 1324, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tel ful masters during the past few producer.” In essence, the singles 2-6188 years, the acquisition fO: HIKARU SUGIURA 2, Takada-Oimatau of masters record structure has more A&R (unkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan has become a great deal more com- men today than it’s ever BSCRIPTION RATES $16 per year any had be- i in the U. S. A. Published weekly. Second plex than it was at the onset. Today, fore. Most of them just postage paid at Bristol, Conn. have dif- )yright © 1962 by The Cash Box Publishing the small labels which start a record ferent initials—“IRP” (Independ- Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright under u-sal Copyright Convention. rolling in an area want to retain ent Record Producer) — Cash Box TOP 100 EST SELLING TUNES ON RECORDS COMPILED BY CASH BOX FROM LEADING RETAIL OUTLETS—MAY 12, 1962 Position 5/S 4/28 Position 5/5 4/28 Position 5/5 4/28 70- 1_SOLDIER BOY ANY DAY NOW -jam—PART I JACKSON-Wand-121 45 64 BOBBY GREGG 8. FRIENDS-Cotton-1003 46 39 SHIRELLES-Seepter-1228 1 2 CHUCK BILL BUTLER-Epic-9515 36—JOHNNY JINGO ^-BRISTOL TWISTIN' ANNIE 2—MASHED POTATO TIME HAYLEY MILLS-Vista-395 35 31 DOVELLS-Parkway-838 -^DEE DEE SHARP-Cameo-212 2 I FIND KEYS 37—SHE CAN'T HER FOLLOW THAT DREAM (EP) PAUL PETERSON-Colpix-620 34 33 3_stranger on the shore ELVIS PRESLEY-RCA-EPA-4368 94 — +MR. ACKER BILK-Atco-6217 3 3 75— DRIFTERS-AtIantic-2134 38—NUT ROCKER SAMMY GARDNER-Norman-517 B. BUMBLE & STINGERS-Rendezvous-166 37 34 73—WALK ON WITH THE DUKE DUKE OF EARL-VeeJay-440 BUDDY MERRILL-Dot-16346 JACK B. NIMBLE & QUICKS-Dot-10319 76— 80 84 4 lOHNNY ANGEL 39—YOU ARE MINE HOW CAN I MEET HER 4 4 SHELLY FABARES-Coipix-621 FRANKIE AVALON-Chaneellor-1107 47 50 m-EVERLY BROS.-Worner Bros.-5273 5_good luck charm A—(1 WAS) BORN TO CRY 1 LEFT MY HEART IN ELVIS PRESLEY-RCA-7992 5 5 DION-Laurle-3123 53 60 78— PRINCE CHARLES-Class-301 SAN FRANCISCO 1^—NIGHT TRAIN — TONY BENNETT-Columbia-42332 78 80 6—SHE cried JAMES BROWN-King-5614 56 78 79— JAY & AMERICANS-United Artists-415 12 TEACH ME HOW TO TWIST TED DARYLL-Utopia-1003 42—1 WILL CHUBBY CHECKER & BOBBY RYDELL- VIC DANA-Dolton-S1 44 51 — Cameo-214 81 77 7_P.T. 109 JIMMY DEAN-Columbia-42338 13 43—VILLAGE OF LOVE ^^HOW IS JULIE NATHANIEL MAYER-UA-449 51 63 — LETTERMEN-CapitoI-4746ETTERMFN-CnnitoI- 8—LOVER PLEASE HALOS-Tra ns- Atlas-690 82— CLYDE McPHATTER-Mercury-71941 8 BALBOA BLUE DENNIS TURNER-Louis-2002 A—NUMBER ONE MAN 83—— MARKETTS-Liberty-55443 86 97 BRUCE CHANNEL-Sniash-1752 54 67 6—9__SH0UT (Part 1) I'LL TAKE YOU HOME STARLITERS-Roulette-4416 10 84— JOEY DEE 8i A—TEACH ME TONIGHT CORSAIRS & UZZELL-Tuff-1818 85 87 ISLEY BROS.-RCA-7588 GEORGE MAHARIS-Epic-9504 62 86 7— BOBBY YOUMANS-Tifco-827 85—THAT'S OLD FASHIONED 0_EVERYBODY LOVES ME BUT YOU FOUR FRESHMEN-Capitol-4749 EVERLY BROS.-Worner Bros.-5273 8—BRENDA LEE-Decca-31379 11 17 — (^1—PLAYBOY 81 — DR. FEEL GOOD 1_FUNNY WAY OF LAUGHIN' MARVELETTES-Tamla-54060 73 87—DR. FEEL-GOOD & INTERNS-Okeh-7144 83 90 BURL IVES-Decca-31371 12 15 47—KING OF CLOWNS OPERATOR 2_twist, twist senora NEIL SEDAKA-RCA-9007 48 54 GLADYS KNIGHT & PIPS-Fury-10&4 87 88 1—GARY U.S. BONDS-Legrand-1018 13 14 48—BLUES (STAY AWAY FROM ME) DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS 3_0LD rivers ACE CANNON-Hi-2051 52 56 DUANE EDDY-RCA-7999 89 92 2—WALTER BRENNAN-Liberty-55436 16 25 49—AT THE CLUB — IMAGINE THAT 4—3—SLOW TWISTIN' RAY CHARLES-ABC-10314 40 40 PATSY CLINE-Decca-31377 93 — CHUBBY CHECKER-Parkway-835 9 6 91— CLARK DALE-Twin Hits-2009 ^^HIT RECORD TURN AROUND, LOOK AT ME BROOK BENTON-Mercury-71962 67 fc-UPTOWN LETTERMEN-Capitol-4746 — — ~ 21 28 5—CRYSTALS-Philles-102 51—1 FOUND A LOVE 86 (TWISTIN') WHITE SILVER SANDS FALCO NS-Lu-Pine-1 003 55 62 6—SHOUT, SHOUT {KNOCK BILL BLACK'S COMBO-Hi-2052 88 91 YOURSELF OUT) ||^(THE MAN WHO SHOT) LOSE 18 23 BORN TO 7—ERNIE MARESCA-Seville-117 ^ LIBERTY VALANCE RAY CHARLES-ABC-10330 — — GENE PITNEY-Musicor-1020 77 — TAB HUNTER-Dot-16355 THE ONE WHO REALLY LOVES YOU FAIRMONT SINGERS-Dot-16340 8—MARY WELLS-Motown-1024 19 24 88 LOVE CAN'T WAIT 53—1 LOVE YOU MARTY ROBBINS-Columbia-42375 90 — SOUL TWIST voLUMEs-chex-1002 61 68 KING CURTlS-Enjoy-IOOO 14 16 39_0H my angel 54—YOU BETTER MOVE ON BERTHA TILLMAN-Brent-7029 96 — 9_l WISH THAT WE WERE MARRIED ARTHUR ALEXANDER-Dot-16309 38 37 RONNIE AND HI LITES-Joy-260 20 22 90 I'LL TRY SOMETHING NEW ^^1 CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU MIRACLES-Tamla-54059 — — ^LOVERS WHO WANDER RAY CHARLES-ABC-10330 — — ^ DION-Laurie-3123 28 42 TAB HUNTER-Dot-16355 THE STRIPPER 3— DAVID ROSE-MGM-13064 — — LOVE LETTERS 56—GINNY COME LATELY ERNIE FREEMAN-lmperial-5841 KETTY LESTER-Era-3068 15 BRIAN HYLAND-ABC-10294 36 30 97— 4— VAL PALMER-Twin Hits-2011 92 MOON RIVER (S^^SECOND HAND LOVE HENRY MANCINI-RCA-7916 98 — CATERINA V-V CONNIE FRANCIS-MGM-13074 __ JEAN THOMAS-Cadence-1419 PERRY COMO-RCA-8004 24 32 JERRY BUTLER-VeeJay-405 FULLER BROTHERS-ChalIenge-9119 (^^COUNT EVERY STAR CALVIN JACKSON-Reprise-20022 YOUNG WORLD LINDA SCOTT-Canadian-American-133 71 82 CARMEN CAVALLARO-Decca-31304 RICKY NELSON-lmperial-5805 17 10 HAYMAN-Mercury-71869 RICHARD .
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