Gujarat AyurvedaUniversity, Jamnagar List of Ph. D theses DEPT. OF BASIC PRINCIPLES Sl. Scholar Guide Title of the thesis Year No 1. Pandit RaoDV V J Thaker Ayurvedopayogi Yoga Svaroopam 1982 2. ShastryMS V J Thaker A critical and comparative study of GorakshaSamhita 1984 3. ThakerHC V J Thakar Harita Samhita ka Anushandhanatmaka Adhyayana 1986 4. NirmalBM GurdipSingh A comparative study of concept of pathogenesis 1990 5. ChattopadhyayaA M S Shastri Further study in ageing and its management w.s.r. to hematological parameters 1992 6. DwivediRB M S Shastri A critical and comparative study of Vahat-Grantha (SkandaSamhita). 1994 7. Jain G K M S Shastri Medical science: As known to AcharyaHemachandraSuri. 1994 8. NirmalAB B M Nirmal Keshapata ke Sandarbha mein Svasthya-Raksha evam Aturvikara Prashamana 1995 Sambandhita Katipaya Ayurvedeeya Siddhanton ka PrayogikaAdhyayana. 9. PancholiDG M S Shastri Institutionalized care in Ayurveda: past and present. 1995 10. BhattArpan R R Dwivedi An experimental study on the effects of music on gastric and allied 1995 secretions. 11. Joshi (Mrs) U D M S Shastri A comparative and critical study on Ayurvedic material in AshatadashaPuranas 1995 w.s.r. to Garbhavakranti 12. BabariaCH R R Dwivedi Study of TvakaRachana and Kriya in relation to TvakVikaras w.s.r. to its 1996 importance in Prakriti 13. SantoshSR R R Dwivedi Conceptual and applied study of Ahara in Brihatrayee 2003 14. RawalSuhag R R Dwivedi TvakSoundarya ke Samrakshana evam Samvardhana ka Saiddantika evam 2004 PrayogikaAdhyayana 15. BaghelAS R R Dwivedi A fundamental and applied study on Prakriti and its influence on profession and 2004 vice-versa 16. MohantyBishnupriya R R Dwivedi Bio transformation of Panchamahabhuta and its interpretation in terms of cell 2006 injury 17. VyasMK R R Dwivedi CharakaChakrapaninaNirdishtaVividhaNyayataTeshamVyavaharikaUpayogitam 2006 cha 18. PandyaSiddhesh B R R Dwivedi Study on the Ayurvedic concept of Satvavajaya Chikitsa vis-à-vis self-hypnosis 2007 wsr Smriti Vardhan and Anidra 19. PaparinathS Mandal R R Dwivedi Conceptual and applied study of AturaPareeksha in Brihattrayee for the 2007 BalaDoshaPramana and standardization of AushadhaMatra 20. TikenderjitSarma R R Dwivedi A comprehensive study of Satakas in Ayurveda and assessment of Rasa ritu 2007 relationship 21. MundJayashankar R R Dwivedi Clinical study of Pitta panchaka and role of Ghrita on their physiopathology 2007 22. Mane SantoshS. R.R. Evolution & Evaluation of some objective parameters for Ushna & Sheeta 2009 Dwivedi Gunas based on Panchabhautika theory & experiments. (Samhita) 23. MishraSangram R. R.R. Fundamental and applied study of Snigdha & Ruksha guna w.s.r. to 2009 Dwivedi RasrakatagataSneha (Hyperlipidemia) (Samhita) 24. Parvani Indrakumar R.R. An applied concept of Dhatusara and VyadhiKshamatva(Immunity) 2009 Dwivedi 25. YvasHA R.R. Astanga hridaya Sutrasthana Adhyay ke 1-10 Adhyayon ka Sahityika, 2010 Dwivedi Saiddhantika, Prayogika evam AnushandanatmakaSamiksha 26. Bargi U C Vyas M K A Critical study of srotovimaniya Adhyay with special reference to Annavah 2012 Srotas and Amlapitta 27. Junjarwad A V Vyas M K Conceptual and applied study of Bhaishajya Kaala wsr to Pragbhakta Kaala 2012 and its therapeutic effect on Sthaulya. 28. Jirangelkar Yogesh R.R. A comparative and crtical study of Paradi Gunas specifically on the Samsakara 2013 Dwivedi Guna DEPT. OF DRAVYAGUNA VIGYANA Sl. No Scholar Guide Title of the thesis Year 29. DhyaniSC Determination of taste and taste threshold of drugs 1983 30. Pandya (Smt) Nighantuon ke Rachana ke Pariprekshya mein Bhava- 1989 T N Prakasha Nighantu par EkAdhyayana. 31. SharmaPP J M Sharma A study on anti-asthmatic effect of Arka-Pushpa 1992 32. ShahjahanS J M Sharma Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic pharmacological principles 1994 based on computerised Ayurvedic medicine 33. JoshiV N J M Sharma Evaluation of certain indigenous drugs for their pharmaco- 1996 therapeutical action in Vajeekarana w.s.r. to orgasmology 34. RaoGundappa J M Sharma Phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evaluation of 1997 S certain medicinal plants to assess their Rasayana, adaptogenic and anti-ulcer properties. 35. Solanki (Ms) J M Sharma Phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evaluation of 1997 Varsha certain medicinal plants to assess their Rasayana, adaptogenic and anti-ulcer properties 36. VarmaAruna TN Pandya A comparative pharmaco-therapeutic study of Arka Kshara 2002 & Kantakari w.s.r. to its efficacy in the management of Tamaka shvasa 37. AcharyaRN P P Sharma A comparative pharmco-therapeutic study of Tejaraja & 2002 Bahuphali w.s.r. to their Brimhana & Vrishya karma 38. JoshiPK P P Sharma A comparative pharmacognostical, phytochemical and 2006 pharmacotherapeutic study of ShvetaMusali and Krishna Musali w.s.r. to Vrishya Karma 39. AshaKV P P Sharma Comparative pharmacognostic and pharmacological 2007 evaluation of Langali (Gloria superba Linn) under wild and cultivated conditions 40. Rao Ravi P P Sharma A pharmacoclinical study of Chandrashura( Lapidium 2007 sativum Linn. With special reference to Sandhivata(Osteo arthritis) 41. GohilGD P P Sharma A advanced investigative study of controversial Ayurvedic 2007 drugs with particular reference to Amlavetas 42. Raval Neeta T N Pandya A pharmacoclinical study of Chandrasura ( Lepidium 2007 sativum Linn. W.S.R. to Sandhivata(osteoarthritis) 43. RajshekharN P P Sharma A comparative pharmaco-therapeutic study of 2009, Tugaksheeree (Curcuma augustifolia Roxb) (Fam.Zinziberacaea) and Maranta arundinacea Linn(Fam.Marantceae) w s r to Amlapitta. 44. PatelBR P P Sharma Pharmacognostic and pharmacological study of “Veerataru” 2009 (DichostachysCinereaLinn.) and it’s therapeutic effect on MootravahaSrotodusti (Urinary Disorders) with special reference to Mutrkruchhra 45. Pal Atanu P P Sharma Evaluation of Anti-ulcerogenic & anti–oxidant activity of 2011 'Jivanti' [Leptadenia reticulate (Retz.) Wt. et Arm.] 46. Ilachezhian R R N Acharya A comparative pharmacognostical and phyto- 2012 pharmacological evaluation of raw and Shodhit Bhallataka 47. Bhatt Savita D R N Acharya A comparative pharmacognostical and phyto- 2012 pharmacological evaluation of Vacha and Shodhit Vacha 48. Mitra R N Acharya A comparative pharmacognostical, phyto-pharmacological 2012 Swarnedu evaluation of raw and Shodhita Kupilu seeds (Strichnus nuxvomica Linn.) 49. Bhargav Bhide R N Acharya A phytopharmacological evaluation of role of Shodhan on 2013 expression of biological activities of Langali Mool (Gloriosa superb Linn) 50. Joshi Pravin B R Patel Analytical studies on the Dravyas of Laghupanchamoola 2013 and its pratinidhi Dravya with aspects of categorization. DEPT. OF RASASHASTRA Sl. No Scholar Guide Title of the thesis Year 51. Jain H C LSBhatnagar. A critical study of toxicology in Ayurveda 1982 52. SharmaHS L S Bhatnagar. Standardization of Rasa-Sindoora in relation to Paka- Kala and Agni 53. ZalaKK H S Sharma Preparation of ParadaBhasma 1991 54. PillaiKU H S Sharma A standard preparation of HartalaBhasma and its 1991 therapeutical efficacy in certain skin disorders 55. Joshi (Ms) H S Sharma A study on Shila-Sindoora w.s.r. to its toxicity and its 1994 Chetana clinical efficacy on eosinophilia. 56. RathorAS H S Sharma Standardization of VaikrantaBhasma in relation to its 1995 identification, experimental studies and clinical observations 57. SaxenaSN H C Jain ShilajatuVinischaya 1997 58. Gaur J R H C Jain A critical study on recent advances in RasaShastra 1997 59. PandeDamodar LKBhattanagar Studies on some aspects of toxicology of Ayurvedic drug 2000 (Vatsanabha) 60. PattagiriB P K Prajapati A pharmaceutical and toxicity study of Makaradhvaja 2005 prepared by Ashta-Samsakarita Parada 61. Tank ZankhanaG P K Prajapati A Pharmacetico - clinical study of Vit 8 Lepa and Vit 8 oil 2007 (Modified Karpanpatru – A herbo mineral compound) in the management of Shvitra (Vitiligo). 62. JarasaniyaAlpesh A K A pharmaceutical study of BharangigudaAvaleha 2007 Choudhury prepared by two different processes and its efficacy on TamakaShwasa 63. SahuKC P K Prajapati Pharmaceutical development in Ayurveda and 2008 standardization of certain formulations 64. MitraSuchi P K Prajapati Physico – chemical effect of Bhavana on 2008 GandhakaRasayana processed with two different media and its therapeutic effect on Ekakushtha (Psoriasis) 65. Sarkar Prashanta P K Prajapati Evaluation of Shodh ana process & antidote – study on 2009 Vatsanabha. 66. Baragi Pramod P K Prajapati Pharmaceutical standardization of NarikelaKhanda and 2009 NarikelaKhanda granules , its efficacy in Amlapitta. 67. NayakSuhaskumar P K Prajapati Pharmaceutical standardization of Tamrabhasma and 2009 evaluate its antihyperlipaedemic and cardio-protective activity in experimental models. 68. KalsariyaBharat P K Prajapati A pharmaceutical standardization of syrup and Ghanavati 2009 (Tablet) of JwaraharDashemani& to evaluate its analgesic, Anti – Inflammatory and Antipyretic activity. 69. ModhJoban P K Prajapati A comparative pharmaceutico-clinical study of 2010 herbomineral compounds (Gandhakadi Yoga A and Gandhakadi Yoga B) and its effect on iron over loading due to Raktavikriti W.S.R. to Thalassemia. 70. Jaiswal Mundeep P K Prajapati Stability study of Shrisharishta & it’s effect on Tamaka 2012 K Shvasa (bronchial asthma) 71. K Srimannarayana P K Prajapati pharmaceutical standardization and toxicity study of 2012 Rasa Manikya 72. Khedekar Sanjay P K Prajapati Role of Gandhak Jaran in the preparation of 2012 Makaradhwaja 73. Mehta Neiky B J Pattgiri
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