TOPEKA, KANSAS, THuRsDAY, MAY 14, 1896. TABLE OF CONTENTS: SWINE. SWINE. T. 'PAGE 806-AGBIOULTURAL MATTEB8.-Ex­ LAWTON, North Ta­ J• breeder at With Oorn. ... 'pelr&, Ku., R. S. COOK perlments Improved Cheater WhIte PAGE 8O'1-TBB STOOK J:'NTBBB8T. - What I Wlohlta, Rae.. � awlne. Cholae.19nng 1010., Know About Berksh1res. Dispersion of bred to order. BraIl­ Breedarot _'- _- .LoIIIh' Linwood Short-horns. Prize Pens for Swine. ma chlokena. Kaftlr Oorn. Poland - Chlnas.- PAGE 808-IRRIGATIoN.-The Water Supply . , tor ilrrtgatlon. Irrlltatlon Farmlug by Ar­ BELMONT STOCK'·FARM. , WOD MTeD P� at tesian Wells. Geo. Cedar .... Oolorado for Fruit. ToppinS, Point, Kan World'. �.ON UlaIlIloll7. .lnIIle bree4er .......ot Irrigation IMPROVED CBESTER JudJre Emery In Oklahoma. BWlNlII-Pure-bred Breeder of OllJo. Omoand registered. One hundred at berd EngJIsh Berbblre and Poland-Ohlna PAGE 809-Potato and Pasteur­ spring pigs swine, B. C. Brown B. Bugs Slugs. times prices. Alao a few boars ready for servloe. ,Legbornl. Plymouth Bocl<a, Wng Mllk. Kerosene on Seed Oorn. "Iron- Mamm<oth Bronze and duol<a. � H. S. DAY, DwIght, Morris eo., Kas. turkeys Imperial PeJdIl qulll." Write for prloes. Farm six miles south of Cedar PAGE 81�TBB HOMB OIROLB.-There Point, Chase oounty, Kansas. (poem). FOR BALE.-YoungModeI1l837, - Extension Table. The Screen. To Sewing P0LAND-OBIMABKtJiir's Royalty 189'.!'l. Their get, either sex. 1,309 POLAND CHINAS Prevent Wrinkles. Various Vses of Salt. Co_old buoll<a. The above stock W'Ill be aold right w. S. A G:enulne The Most If taltell" BOOn. Address H. H. ATTEBURY, to elgh&een Statea and' Novelty. Important ! Hague & Son; Walton, Room. Xu. • Ro.aYlUe, Kanaae, Caliada. .' _ Wilke., CorWIn, TeonmMh BBBBDlm PAGE 8ll-TBB YOUNG FOLK8.-TheFarmer 01' and World's blood. .-Wrlte for one &0 " rilPP84yexpreu and the Fence Agent (poem). Bird That POIl'LTRY. Ohester Whites "17 A Box 1118, W••S �.. "'.. , Has a Decided Preference for Human Prey. Ezclualvely. 'll.T'-TA, Ottawa,KaDau. The Hunter Hunted. Garden on Shipboard. Yonng stock at all time.. Malne'li Oold Water c. B. LEGHORN AND B. LANGBJUN l!lGGB BatlafaotiOD guaranteed., Pussy. • One dollar PAGE 3l»-EDITORIAL.-The of Bor­ R per thirteen. BIll'1i PoUltry Yards Question Westmoreland, Kas. ,-, rowing. Treasury Report. Secretary 00- h)1rn's Oro_p Report. WE ARE AGAINI-Wl\ll ..... from thor­ PAGE 8l3-EDITORIAL.-Aprll Wind. Weekly HEREonghbred stock at bard-t1_ prloe8. 'Bulr Ply­ RE&iSTWrOUNO.CaIWwINE WI��!!����J!� I Weather-Orop Bulletin. mouth Bock, Bulr Leghorn and SUyer Wyandotte , We.tphalla, Andenon oe., Ku. F. H. VJID O'1ii) PAGE 81+-HoRTIOULTURB.-A Great Meet­ ,I per sitting. Larrabee, Hntoblnson, Ku. Breeder of hlgh-olasa pedIgree4 Poland-China I'1IJlISTBR WWTB" II'"Ulilt Ing of Horticulturists. Spraying With In- swine. Herd headed bJ' Tecumaeh Grand • e1V8 B., - un.e Herd of sectlcldes and Fungicides. Sulphuring Seed FALLS POULTRY yAIiDB The most asal.ted by Guy WOke. 3d 12181 O. Teo1linMh Ohamplon the World". Potatoes-New Varieties. Thayer'S Berry VALLEYextensive and best equlpped yards In the State. Grand 9178 B. II now for aale, alao IIftJ' oholce �rIl Bulletin for Thirty-live varietieS of ohiokens. Breeding pens pip. Write. _.:II;. A. BRICKER. May. DO Ilenel PAGE al5-IN TBB DAIBY'.-A Growing ,De­ scoring from to 00. EIIIIB '1.50 from pen No.1 and 11 hom pens No.2. AU ""'1Ia of " 'JIland for Oows. of Cochlils, Brabmas, FamUy Prtces Butter. P. Dal!'Y Notes. �ban8, Rocl<a, 'Leghorns, M1noreas, Wyan­ Higbland Herd of Poland-Chinas. dottes, Hamburgs, ,Javas, Games, BberwOOds, Red­ �:.":!.=g: . PAGE 816-TBE Herd headed by 121187 S. We beve a "HOlstein AplARY.-Bees as Messen­ Breckenridge Clttle.* caps and Bantams. W. B. MCCOY, the - Proprietor, line lot of fall boars and sows ,Bers. Anatom;y: of a Bee. Kansas read)' to ship. Spring Poultryman. bred. A line lot of PAGE 31'1'-:I)BII VETERINARIAN .... Market sprlua pigs CATTLE. About Stock. TO GET just arrived that are ,sired 'br .such RePorts. Gossip THE. BEBT.-Bna after'May . noted PAGE 816-TBE l'OULTRY YARD.-Flve-Dol­ ACBANC1II1 at 0fW.1aal1 Price. from-�is' :hOllS' as Seldom 14251 S., Up­ ' Baa' ,prlse­ liD' Henhouse. Oracked Oorn winners. 'rlght WJll<es llI246, a ,noted aon.of' , for Eggs tbat-WlIFproduce' pi1ze-wmnerS' _gilts Poultry. George Wilkes, and World'S Leader 15678 B. tor Barred Plymouth Bock and Brabma -- Early Eggs Breeding. Lice. Ltaht eggs that, , Dietrich SHAlmON' HILL STOCK F!HI were sell1ng at 18 per dozen now 11.60 dozen. At a-Gentry, Richmond.' Rae. per G. W. KAS. Topeka, the great State show, my Bocilll and my GLIOK., ATOHISON, has for straln took·more than all the , Breeds and sale Bates and Bates-topped premiums otherexblb­ Kansas I er - . an ltors, comWn.d. Wltb, three· 'Brabma C·ty, H d P0I d Ch·mas SHORT-HORNS. Waterloo, KlrJdevlngton, FIl- Llgbt hecs , BREEDERS' DIRECTORY � exblblted I took IIrst, ,seoond, and fourtb. Orders The futnre villa of Hadley Jr. 18814 0., the great-' ftlled In rotation as received. HENRY.E. PBERS, est boar of his age. I have pigs for sale now by ���= =:., �J!en;-:m����n:ut::,d.:r:� Marlon; Kas. - Badley out 'of Tecumseh Mortgage 'LIfter 112tU9 S. lome Duke 11th l11U31 and Orand Duke of OM"1Ia ollotW I(nu Of' Iu. �II be (naerUd '" tile North Oakl 11th 11373G at head of the herd. ,Bru<kr.' .D(rutOf't/ lor. $16 per llear of' 18 10f' .U: B. P. Bocilll (from �� n�!�ctlt::sg�g�f."i�as o� 'Choloe young bulls for sale now. Visitors weloome. mont"'; eacll adMUona! l("el2,60 A �� ���i per llear. COIIII EGG'S' AND PIGS• winners of live &MempblsR.R. PostomoeLenexa,Kas. Addreu 'W. L. CHAFFE.I!:, Manager. a 01 tile �t be .ent to Paper tile adllerUler duting tile prizes at Topeka In 18116). No.1 pen aI, No.2 600. conunuaM. tile card. pen W. P. OOODE, !CaL 01 per thirteen. White and Brown Leghorn, Bulr Co­ Proprietor, Lenexa, chin, Black Langshan and Black Minora&, all65c. per DOGS. thirteen. Bronze turkey, ulne for al.76. Indian - lUG IIfteen. Five Herd Poland Chinas. :U;0RSE8. Gamel per Poland-China boar UlGBLAND KENNELS, TOPEKA KAB.-Gre&' pigs rrom Wren's celebrated Wren's MedIum and For lira cholae from IItook plaa .D. Danes and Fox Terriers. The and Lady Orient, cheap; they are all solid 'producing winners at. B8Ten iirit_prlse! FARM.-CLYDEBDALE nearly blac)!:. _Quality prue. .weepltal<el Great Dane In BTALLIONB, ZACHARY Kas. World's Fali'. Darl<neaa; 2d and Ideal wlnner1 King William, pROBPlIICT ,TAYLOR, Marlon, Ouallty U. B. stnd. Doge boardea and vaaled for all by Ideal Black U. B. head the herd. Both cn-; HOGS. IIrst-prlse alao, remedle6 by mall. aoliolted. BHORT-HO�)J��!c�inu winners Kanaas State fair 189&. Come or Correl)lOndence Write for prices of IInest animals In Kansas. H. Wrl$8� W. MOAD:B, Topeka, Kas., Barred Plymouth Rocks. All the leadIng strains. Thirty )'onng oocII:erels want;e:;;��'�':B=::��atlon: and twenty-liTe pullets for aale. A IIS-poln' bird at RUSSELL'S C�TTLE. head of the harem. Eggs D per settlna of thirteen: OAk OItOVB, MO. STAPLE PULLER S. Franklfu • • K , McCullough, Ottawa, cm, .... E E AXLINE"Ja&:kson Co. .', GROVE HERD ' AND, WIRE SPLICER OF BHORT-HORNB.­ Breeder of'B. Plymouth Rocb exclusively of For sale, cboloe bulls and belfers at rea­ the best Drives and VALLEY young EOOS, EXPRESS PAID. stralns. Eggs from best matlllgs at al per pulls staples, .onable prloes. Callan or address Tbos. P. cuts and wire. Its Babst, Leadlml varieties of land and water splices DOTer, Kas. use Is In fowls. Bargains In Poultry, ,PI"I, g�ljfr�:�rr�ti:�=?S,;tts�J:�P����; special building Oclllber 1, 1800. Write for and repairing wire and POland-Cblna .. - Doga pet .tock. Bend stamp for catalogue STOCK FARM. Registered Sbort­ �'W'��:---�fllI'o fenoos, but may be used born catalogue. FAIRVIEWcattle. 7tb Earl of Valley Grove 111007 at for many dltrerent B.G. M...on pur- bead of berd. Young stock for sale. E. H. Llttle­ a Co.. KlrklvUle, Mo. ROYAL BERD lIeld, OJdaboma. e NewJdrk, POLAND-CHINASand ���� ��,:>u:os: I;a�e SWIMB. B. P. Rock ahlokl. RED POLLED CATTLE AND COTS­ Cun­ --�'fi-"""li'H.�� nlngham's Cholae 18'181 ���':J �r� ���o����' ENGLISHwold sbeep. Young stock for sale, pure-bloods B., Price .1.23. and ·JIl'IIdes. Your orders solicited. Address L. K. 18116; his grandsire Ask your hardware mer- Haseltine, Dorcbester, Green Mo. Ict��OO�? 1f:s':'�'::m�:::B':re ........ Co., Thoroughbred Duroc-JerseyHogs fair, 1895, on RoCkS. FIfteen cbant for It. Belll8tered 1Itook. Send for PJymouth _eggs for D. "-page catalogue prlcu Ward A.. Baoey, 1170 E.16th St., WiChita, Rae. VALLEY HERD OF SHORT-HORNS.­ and Iibtory, oontalnlnll mnch other 11I8fnl iii'iorma­ Russell Hardware • Implement Manul'g Co., • NBOSHOImported' Buccaneer 10fl668 at bead of berd. tlon to yonng breeders. WID be MD' aD receipt of Kanllal City, Mo. Betrlatered bulls, heifers and cows at bed-rock prices. .t&mpand addreu. J. M. BTOlDBB.A.JaB, Panola, m. TOWER, HIl.L HERD Ad� D. P. Norton, Council Grove, Kas. BLOODED Cattle, Sheep, = FINEHop,Ponltry,SportJngDoge. Bend Poland Chinas. CATTLE AND SWINE. Registered 173 head, 80 brood sows. Herd boars are Black ��P:6�«ff�:, J:���r.: Stop 10650 S.; U. S. Butler 18888S.; George Free Trade Farmers·Threshers STOCK FARM HERD OF THOR­ 21068 A., and a grandson of J. H. Sanders 27219 O. ASHLAND POland-China Short-horn Young boars ready for service and bred for ouahbred hogs,.
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