• Thanks, But No 'Tanks' ~ The Weather Today - INDIANAPOLIS (JP) - Tbe Broad Ripple Arnerlean Partly cloudy and moderately warm today Lellon pOSt dlcln'~ fleare wlUt the lenerOlllty of Ute war dePlrimenl whea It ..ked lor a lIOaYenir to decorate and tomorrow. Scattered thundershowers &he lawn. TIle Lerionnalres were hoplnl for 80me llmall weapon. extreme north portion tomorrow after­ Ba& the)' cot • 15-ton M-5 tank. And now they have to OWQI1 at noon. High today, middle 80's. Low to­ IIpre oat bow to cd It from Ute frel,bt )'ards to tbelr Established 186S-Vol. 80. No . '24S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. luly 17, 1948--Five Cents post wiUtout nlninl cI.)' atree&.. night; 66-72. Yesterday's high was 86. Mundt (ails for Supplement Mundt Relaxes Before Speech To (Iarify Monroe Doctrine Jews, Arabs To Halt By ()LETE Wn..EY Calling for an " American doctrine" that I, at least the secre· tarY of state can understand," Rep. Karl Mundt (R- D) ad­ dJ1'll8ed a uromer session audience·on the west approach to Old Capitol last night. - ~tundt outlincd six points in hill American doctrine "to sup­ plement the Monroe doctrine." Fi'ghting In 1. He called for a declaration by Jerusale m both major parties to "help those capable of dlrect resistance to ag­ Six Drown as Car gressive moves." Our help before the Italian elections was one ex­ Communist Boss UN (ease-Fire for All Fronts Russ Slate Fighters iopples into Ditch ample, he said. Munat called such a program TogliaHi Reported "the best bargain for peace ever Filled with Water seen." He said it would cost less Accepted by Jews;·Arabs Quiet ~~~9~r:!n :::ra~~s; over a period of 10 years than the 'Holding His Own' NEW SHARON {IP) - Six farm first thirty minutes of the next CAIllO (JP}-Arabs and Jews ,irls were drowned yesterday war. The cost of failure would be ROME (A') - Oxygen and Am­ agreed last night to stop fighting many Arab civilians and soldiers BERLIN (.4') - The Russian. when the car in which they were so prodigious the items couldn't erican-made peniciUin were ad­ in the Holy Cily of Jerusalem. were seen yesterday fiel!ing announced yesterday their fighter riding got too near the edge of a be calculated, he said. minstered last night to Commu­ It was reported officially in northward toward the Lebanese planes would train in the air cor­ rock road east of here and rolled nist Boss Palmiro TogUatti. Doc­ Amman, capital of Trans-Jordan, border from the Nazarelh district. ridor used by the western powers z. Mundt praised oar Informa­ to fly supplies to Berlin. into a deep water-filled ditch. tion program abroad. He asked tors said he is holding his own. {hat the Arab league political This came as the United States Sherilt Dwight Mateer identi­ that it be well financed ana have Togliatti, shot Wednesday by a committee had agreed to a cease­ Dr. Mary Godfrey dispatched 60 B-29s - the plane fied the girls as: an able director. He also backed Sicilian assassin. developed pneu­ fire in the city effective a~ mid­ the exchal'\lle of student personnel mania Thursday night, mostly in night, Greenwich mean time, (6 that burned out Japan - 10 Brit­ H e I e 11 Van Kampen, 11, and includ.ed teachers and farmers his right lung. p. m. Iowa time) last night. To Treat Lepers ain on a "short" training mission. daalhter of Evere" Vaa kamp- In the exchange program. He had been reported weaken­ The Israeli government prcvi­ The training trip greatJy builds ell. On Hawaiian Isle "Friendship can hold the lines ing. His wife, Senator Rita Mon­ ously said it was prepared 10 ac­ up U.S. air strength in the Europ­ ean area just when Russia is Geraldine McMahon, 15: Ro­ of peace," he said. tagnana, a nd student-son, Aldo, cept a United Nations truce on all By JIl\( PLATT wana McMahon, 14; lIa Rath 3. Abandon remnants of the hurried to his bedside {or an Palestine fronts and cease-fire in threatening 10 put the squeeze on An Iowa City woman doctor is western allied air travel in the McMahon, 12 r.nd CaroUne lIe­ Morgantheau plan, Mundt de­ hour's visit. Jerusalem provided the Arabs did going 4,000 miles to pracUce medi­ Mahon, 6, an daarblel'll or Gel'­ manded. They can wreck the Dr. Pietro Valdoni, one of the Ukewise. There was no word from Berlin corridors. cine in a leper colony. The Russians warned the Amer­ aiel McMahon, a nel,hbor or pea~, he said. Calling it a plan three physicians attending Tog~ the Arab league committee regurd~ (Dally )o",on pholo by Uerb Nlpaon) She is Llr. Mary Beth Godfrey, icans and. British their fighters Van Kampen. to keep 70 million farmers where liatti, was asked whether he Ing a cessation of fighting in areas AFTER ARRIVING BY AUTO, Rep. Karl Mundt (R-SD) relaxed 31, 630 Bowery street, a 1944 grad­ would. go aloft from airfields at Mona McMahon, 15, dalllhler there are no farms, he emphasized thought the Communist leader had outside the Holy City. The cdm­ uate of the SUI college of medi- the need for integrating German In his hotel fO m before a.ddresslns a summer session I\udlence Koethen, Dalgow and. Branden­ .r Donald McMahon and .. coa­ a chance to survive. He replied: mittee is in session in Lebanon, CIOC. indutsry with the rest of Europe. here last nIght. on tbe west approach to ~Id Capitol. "Yes, by all means." burg, west and southwest 01 Ber­ lin of the other McMahon rlrls. (Count Folke Bqrnadotte, UN Dr. Godfrey will spend one lin. U.S. operations men said the The Morgantheau plan for Ger­ Italy's seven-million member mediator, lcaves Lake Success by Sheriff Mateer said the accident many was as improbable as pros­ year in the Hawaiian islands as Russians told them the fighters labor confederation, eanwhile, plane today for Rhodes, his head­ a staff physician at the Kalaupa­ occurred only abou t a quarter of perity in the United States with­ began to crack up over the ilL­ will be flying between 7 a.m and a mile from the Van Kampen out Pennsylvania, he said. quarters. In a statemenl lasl nigh~ pa leper colony on Molokai. 7 p.m. fated\ 36-hour general strike wbich he said he sent messagcs to bOlh Founded in 1873 by lhe famed There seemed to be no doubt farm home. 4. Mandt aUacked tbe supply­ Capitol Stage Ready ended at noon. sides notifying them of the 9 a. m. Belgian priest, Falher Damien, Miss Van Kampen was driving, Ing of guns and other armaments Italy's anti-Communist labor among American military men cease-fire order tomorrow for all the (.'olony is known throughout that the Russian announcement the sherif1 said, and had just to Russia and the dismantling 01 leaders called for an autonomous Palestine I1ghling. the world. was another "harassing tactic." picked up the other girls to take German war plants which, he said, union "free of all party influen­ !hell) to a 4-H club meeting. For Command Show (He also told lhcm that at the A former member of the Oak­ They stressed that the Russian were being taken to Russia. He ces," The only survivor of the trag­ emphasized Russian need for ma­ They sent a stimy-worded let­ start of the truce he would havc dale sanatorium starf, Dr. God­ announcement was not affecting edy, Mateer said, was Iva May chine tools as "their big lack." Let WASHINGTON (IP)_ apitol scene shifte,·. set the stage yes­ ter to the confederation's Com­ no peace observer to help him. He frey says her work among the the air shutUe into the blockaded Van Kampen, 5, a sister of Helen. us trade with the Russians, he said, terday for a command pel'!'onnance by con <rress. Nobody, how­ munist dominated executive com­ asked the Jews and Arabs "to ob­ lepers will be regular hospital city. Iva May got out the window but don't send them machine tools. ever, Wall Rllre how the acts would r\ln. mittee denouncing the strike as serve scrupuiously both the spirit practice, simiLa\: to that followed There are 30 Superfortress\!s, of the car and told her brother, He stressed the Russian shortage President 'rl'lIman knows whal he wallis. H e lold lhe Demo· a violation of the confederation's and the leller" of the armistice., with tuberculosis patients. one group. airead,y in Germany. who was driving a tractor along of machine tools as one of the cratic national convention Ill! about it in bis ac <,plan speech constitution. Jewish troops capturcd Naza­ "I feel the experience J have For several months, groups of the road, of the accident. They most important reasons for peace when he diRrlosPd hI' is ca !ling congress bark. But the house and Their leiter called for an "ex­ reth yesterday, the boyhood home in a tuberculosis sanalorium will B-29s have been rota led through summoned Van Kampen and two with Russia today. senate are madp UI' of some 500 traordinary national meeting of of Chrisl, and northern strong­ stand me in good stead In my Germany, flying over and back from the U.S. on lralning flights, neighbors, who got the girls' Speaking of the pre-war sale of super-; ndividualists with their Christian D mocra~ union leaders" hold of Fawzl Pa.sha Al Kaujkl's new Job," she said.
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