BOOK REVIEWS journal of the Lepidopterists> Society species from areas adjacent to Europe that potentially 58(:,» 2004, 183-184 could occur there, though these are not illustrated. THE GEOMETRID MOTHS OF EUROPE> VOLUME 4, The reference list is extensive. There is an index to sci­ LARENTIINAE II (PERIZOMINI & EUPITHECIINI) by entific names occurring in the main text, though this Vladimir Mironov, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, Denmark does not include synonyms, only taxa recognised at 463 pages, including 16 color plates> Hardback 2003, specific or subspecific level, so readers confused as to ISBN 87-88757-40-4. Price: DKK 720,00. the fate of taxa newly established as synonyms will need to refer to the Abstract on p. 8. This Abstract also This is the second volume to appear in a series of six provides a summary of species newly recorded in par­ on the geometrid moths of Europe, a series that ticular European countries in the main text. The ex­ promises to provide a definitive, copiously illustrated tensive list of Acknowledgements is testimony to the foundation for future studies on the family. This vol­ thoroughness and industry on which the volume is ume is of particular importance as it includes the most based and to the wealth of information resources dis­ diverse but taxonomically most challenging genus in tilled into it. the fauna, Eupithecia Curtis. This genus contributes One topic where I was hoping for enlightenment 128 species (out of 1300 worldwide) to the European but was somewhat disappointed was the treatment of fauna. These make up about 85% of those treated in the higher classification. The Larentiinae are the one the volume, there being five more Eupitheciini and 18 geometrid group where the greatest species richness Perizomini. and tribal diverSity occurs in temperate latitudes, It is The author is eminently suited to produce such a from these latitudes, therefore, that clear definition of work, having worked extenSively on the Palaearctic higher taxa is likely to be established. A treatment in fauna of the group, and provides an essentially eastern depth of a major component of the larentiine fauna at perspective, vital when so many of the generiC centers a continental level might be expected to offer some in­ of richness of the Palaearctic occur outside Europe. sight in this area. He divides Eupithecia into 35 species groups that are Xue & ScobIe (2002), investigating the larentiine defined on genitalia characters. tribe Asthenini at a global level, found difficulty in dis­ All the species are illustrated l.5 times natural size tinguishing this tribe from the Eupitheciini, a problem in 16 color plates, Several specimens of each species that had previously confronted this reviewer (Hol­ are illustrated, particularly where variability is encoun­ loway, 1997: 120). This book notes in the introduction tered, and the text also includes half-tones that indi­ that the Perizomini are also closely related to the Eup­ cate key pattern characteristics distinguishing closely itheciini, and a genus is transferred to the Perizomini related species. The male and female genitalia are also as it shows 'all the characteristic morphological fea­ illustrated by line drawings of very high clarity and tures of the tribe'. In the 'Remarks' section of the quality. They have a distinctive style, but a colleague tribal account, the Perizomini are distinguished from who also works extensively on the group testifies to all other geometrids primarily by the presence of their accuracy. In many instances the aedeagus vesica labides in the male genitalia. The corresponding ac­ is shown everted. These illustrations are numbered count of the Eupitheciini lacks 'Remarks' bllt notes in with the species number in the main text, which makes the description of the male genitalia that there are it easy for the reader to track a given species through labides! Labides are also seen in the Asthenini (Hol­ them, the only exceptions being the half-tones and ve­ loway, 1997; Xue & ScobIe, 2002: 79-80). The female nation diagrams in the body of the text. The distribu­ in Perizomini is distinguished by a heavily sclerotised tion of each species is illustrated by a map within or band arising from spurs from the anterior apophyses close to the relevant text. This consists of spot localities and encircling the antmm; this is not present as a com­ within a more generally shaded range, though the plete ring in the Eupitheciini, though the spurs are spots also indicate outlying records. present. Another feature that appears to distinguish The text itself is comprehensive, with: synonymy; the two tribes is presence in the Eupitheciini of modi­ description of facies and genitalia; details of distribu­ fication to the eighth sternite of the male, tion; phenology and biology, including host-plant This prompts me to air a more general complaint records; records of parasitoids; habitat; particular diag­ about sections headed 'Diagnosis' in taxonomic publi­ nostic features relative to similar species; remarks on cations. I hope to find highlighted in such sections the taxonomic matters, particularly 25 newly established diagnostic features that will enable me to distinguish synonymies. the taxon concerned unambiguously from all others, There is a summary checklist that also notes 53 either individually or in combination. However, I fre- 184 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY quently find myself wading through a lengthy general Departments. The introduction concludes with description of fe atures that I suspect are also widely information on the book's color illustrations, various distributed outside the taxon in question, yet are un­ sources of related information available on the qualified by diagnostic remarks. In this particular internet, and acknowledgments. book, the real diagnosis is usually found in the 'Re­ Following the introduction, 69 pages are dedicated marks' and 'Similar species' sections and in the text fig­ to detailed accounts for 194 genera and 377 butterfly ures; these are of sufficient quality to be truly diagnos­ species recorded at Machu Picchu. All taxon names tit:, the features indicated with 'Peterson' pointers, include authorship and date of description, and with the excellent illustrations of genitalia in support. taxonomy generally follows Lamas (in press). For each The book is well deSigned and printed in clear type, included genus, a brief summary of its total diversity and the color values of the plates appear accurate. I and distribution is provided, and in a few cases, can fully recommend it, and expect it to be indispens­ references to detailed revisions are included. For each able in maximising accuracy in future identifications of species, notes on identification, distribution, habitats European Eupitheciini. and foodplants at Machu Picchu are provided, along with citations to other publications where taxa have LITERATURE CITED been cited as occurring at Machu Picchu. HOLLOWAY. J.D. (1997) The moths of Borneo: family Geometridae, The first 6 color plates include 54 images of live subEunilies Sterrhinae and Larentiinae. Malayan Nature Jour­ butterflies and larvae (of two papilionids), taken in the nal ,51: 1-242. XUE, D, & SCOllLE, M.J. (2002) A review of the genera associated wild by David H. Ahrenholz. The following 28 color with the tribe Asthenini (Lepidoptera: Ceometridae: Larenti­ plates include 488 images of pinned specimens, in<1c). Bull. nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Ent.), 71: 77- 1:3.3. representing all 377 species currently recorded from JEREMY D. HOLLOWAY, Department of Entomology, The Machu Picchu. For most species, only one image is Natural History Museum. Cromwell Road. London SW7513]), u.K. provided, though a few species that display strong jOllrnal '1' th e Lepidopterists' So{;iet'j sexual dimorphism are represented by multiple 5R(:l), 2004, ]I'4-1H.5 images. Images are not life size, but each includes a 1 LAS MARIPOSAS DE MA CHU PrCCEU. GUfA IL USTRADA cm scale bar to give an idea of true size. DE LAS MARIPOSAS DEL SANTUARIO HISTORICO MACHU Following the color plates is a brief two-page PrCCHU, CUZCO, PERU, by Gerardo Lamas. Published bibliography and four appendices. The first appendix by the Fondo Nacional para Areas Naturales Protegi­ is dedicated to descriptions of new taxa. A total of 13 das por el Estado (PROFONANPE), Lima, Peru. [ivJ new subspecies are described, in the Pieridae (2), + 221 pages, 1 map, 569 color images (,34 color plates). Riodinidae (1), Satyrinae (3) , Biblidinae (1), and Softcover, glossy paper, 21.0 x 29.7 cm, 2003. ISBN lthomiinae (6). The second appendix includes a list of 9972-778-1O-X. Available for US $25.00 (not includ­ all species recorded at Machu Picchu, indicating the ing postage), from PROFONANPE, Fondo Nacional distribution of each at 6 elevational intervals, from para Areas Protegidas por el Estado; Prolongaci6n 1500111. to over 4000 m. elevation. The third appendix Arenales 722, Lima-I8, Peru. Phone: (511 ) 212-1010; includes a list of 1373 butterfly taxa currently recorded Fax: (511)212-19.57; e-mail: [email protected]; from the D epartment of Cuzco, and highlights 278 www.profonanpe.org.pe. species that are expected to eventually be found at Machu Picchu. The fourth appendix provides Claiming over 3800 species of butterflies, Peru specimen label data for each of the 488 illustrated arguably hosts the greatest diversity of butterfly pinned specimens. species of any nation on Earth (Lamas 2000). While This is perhaps the first book to treat and illustrate this new book treats only a small fraction of Peru's the entire known butterfly fauna of any single South species, it treats a faSCinating cross-section of Peru's American locality. Due to its large size, it is not really butterf:ly diversity, of mid- and high-elevation Andean a field guide, but nevertheless, this book belongs on species. the bookshelves of anyone interested in Neotropical Entirely in Spanish, the twelve-page introduction butterflies, whether or not they have intentions of includes a brief historical review of natural history traveling to Machu Picchu or elsewhere in Peru.
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