bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.16.440030; this version posted April 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. GPR171 Agonist Reduces Chronic Neuropathic and Inflammatory Pain in Male, but not in Female Mice Akila Rama, Taylor Edwardsa, Ashley McCartya, Leela Afrosea, Max V. McDermotta,b, and Erin N. Bobecka,b, aDepartment of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA bInterdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA Chronic pain is a growing public health crisis that requires exi- pain sensitivity and their responsiveness to opioid analgesics gent and efficacious therapeutics. GPR171 is a promising ther- (10, 11). However, the long-term use of opioid analgesics apeutic target that is widely expressed through the brain, in- for the treatment of chronic pain has profound negative side cluding within the descending pain modulatory regions. Here, effects and has been shown to have limited effectiveness we explore the therapeutic potential of the GPR171 agonist, in the daily management of chronic pain (12). Given these MS15203, in its ability to alleviate chronic pain in male and substantial issues with usage of opioids, we sought to look female mice using a once-daily systemic dose (10mg/kg, i.p.) beyond this class of drugs to identify efficacious therapeutics of MS15203 over the course of 5 days. We found that in our models of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA)-induced inflam- for chronic pain. matory pain and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropa- thy (CIPN), MS15203 did not reduce thermal hypersensitivity G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their dysregula- and allodynia, respectively, in female mice. On the other hand, tion is implicated in a wide range of pathologies, including MS15203 treatment decreased the duration of thermal hyper- chronic pain (13–15). However, only 34% of FDA-approved sensitivity in CFA-treated male mice following 3 days of once- drugs target GPCRs, highlighting the yet untapped potential daily administration. MS15203 treatment also produced an im- of the GPCR family to be therapeutic targets (16, 17). One provement in allodynia in male mice, but not female mice, in particularly promising target of interest for novel pain ther- neuropathic pain after 5 days of treatment. Gene expression apeutics is the G-protein coupled receptor, GPR171, and its of GPR171 and that of its endogenous ligand BigLEN, encoded endogenous ligand, BigLEN. The peptide BigLEN is derived by the gene PCSK1N, were unaltered within the periaqueductal gray in both male and female mice following inflammatory and from the neuropeptide precursor ProSAAS. The precursor neuropathic pain. However, following neuropathic pain in male peptide, in turn, has been shown to be upregulated in the mice, the protein levels of GPR171 were decreased in the pe- cerebrospinal fluid of patients with fibromyalgia and within riaqueductal gray. Treatment with MS15203 then rescued the the periaqueductal gray in a rodent model of opioid-induced protein levels of GPR171 in the periaqueductal gray of these hyperalgesia (18, 19). The receptor, GPR171, and its mice. Taken together, our results identify GPR171 as a GPCR endogenous ligand, BigLEN, are widely expressed through that displays sexual dimorphism in alleviation of chronic pain. the brain including the periaqueductal gray (PAG) (20, 21). Further, our results suggest that GPR171 and MS15203 have This particular brain region is situated in the descending demonstrable therapeutic potential in the treatment of chronic pain modulatory pathway and is a site of action for a range pain. of antinociceptive drugs including opioids and cannabinoids Correspondence: [email protected] (22, 23). Previous studies exploring the role of GPR171 in acute pain showed that agonism of the receptor via systemic administration of the synthetic agonist, compound MS15203, Introduction led to an increase in the antinociceptive effect of systemic Chronic pain is growing public health concern with over 50 morphine administration (20). million adults in the United States having suffered from the condition since 2016 (1). Globally, nearly 2 billion people We explored the role of GPR171 in chronic neuropathic and have been affected by chronic pain conditions, emphasizing inflammatory pain in male and female mice. The therapeutic the need for extensive research and development of effica- potential of the GPR171 agonist compound, MS15203, was cious therapeutics (2). Despite the progress made in studying assessed via repeated once-daily systemic (10 mg/kg i.p.) in- the causal and therapeutic mechanisms of chronic pain, jections. We found that the compound MS15203 reduced the inclusion of female cohorts in pain studies is limited the duration of chronic neuropathic and inflammatory pain (3, 4). Several reports have highlighted the existence of sex in male mice, but not female mice. While we found no al- differences in the pathology of chronic pain (5–8). Indeed, terations in gene expression levels of ProSAAS or GPR171 females have been reported to experience more severe and in the PAG of male or female mice, we found that CIPN persistent pain than males in postoperative settings leading produces a decrease in GPR171 protein levels in vlPAG of to reduced levels of physical activity (9). In addition, the male mice. We note that following MS15203 treatment, the estrus stage of females has also been implicated in their GPR171 protein levels in male mice with neuropathic pain Akila Ram et al. | bioRχiv | April 16, 2021 | 1–12 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.16.440030; this version posted April 17, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. recovered and were indeed elevated compared to untreated D. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Pa- controls. Our findings demonstrate a sexually dimorphic re- clitaxel (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) was diluted in a vehicle ceptor system in chronic pain and establish a role for the comprising of Cremphor (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA)/90% recently deorphanized receptor GPR171 in the reduction of ethanol/ 0.9% saline in a 1:1:18 ratio, and administered in- chronic pain in male mice. traperitoneally (i.p.; 4 mg/kg) to mice on four alternate days (cumulative dose 16 mg/kg) to induce neuropathy as de- scribed previously (26, 27). The control group received four Materials and Methods injections of the vehicle (10 mL/kg). As paclitaxel can be A. Animals. 102 Adult male and female C57BL/6CS mice present in animal excreta, bedding of mice used in this study (Charles River Laboratories, CA), 6-8 weeks old and weigh- was treated as a biohazard and disposed according to Univer- ing 18-26 g at the start of the study were used in the study. sity guidelines. Food and water were available ad libitum, except during test- ing. Mice were housed (four to five per cage) in a humidity E. Assessment of mechanical allodynia in mice. The and temperature-controlled room with a 12-hour light/dark von Frey filament test was performed as previously described cycle (off at 1900). All behavior testing took place during (26) to assess allodynia in mice. Briefly, all mice (vehicle- the light cycle. For the female cohorts, estrus stage was de- and paclitaxel-treated) were placed in plexiglass enclosures termined by obtaining a vaginal lavage daily starting 5 days mounted onto a testing platform containing a metal, perfo- prior to the start of the study. A lavage was also obtained rated floor (Stoelting Co., Wood Dale, IL, USA). Animals daily over the course of the study. All procedures were per- were acclimatized to the testing chamber for 3 days prior formed in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use to the start of the study (1 hour/session). On each testing of Laboratory Animals adopted by the National Institutes of day, the animals were acclimatized in the testing chamber Health and were approved by the Institutional Animal Care for 20 minutes, or until cessation of exploratory behavior. and Use Committee of Utah State University (Protocol 2775). Mechanical allodynia was assessed in male mice by apply- ing von Frey filaments to the midplantar region of both hind- B. CFA-induced inflammatory pain. Animals were very paws for approximately 2s per stimulus using calibrated fila- briefly anesthetized with isofluorane (99.9%, inhaled; ments (Touch Test kit, Cat. NC12775-99, North Coast Med- Fluriso, VetOne) and restrained in order to access the plantar ical). All trials began with the 1g filament and proceeded surface of the hind paw. Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA, using an up-down trial design. Both right and left hindpaws Cat. F5881, Sigma-Aldrich) was injected under the epider- were tested and their average mechanical threshold was con- mis into the plantar surface of both hind paws using a 27G sidered for statistical analysis. A sudden paw withdrawal, needle (20 µl/paw) as described previously (24). Animals in flinching, or paw licking was regarded as a nocifensive re- the control group received light isofluorane anesthesia alone sponse. A negative response was followed by the use of a without manipulation of their hind paws to prevent inflamma- larger filament. For assessment of mechanical allodynia in tion from the injection procedure. Drug administration com- females, an electronic von Frey device (Ugo Basile, Italy; menced 24h following CFA injection. Cat. 38450) was used as the allodynic females’ mechanical thresholds were lower than the detectable range of the man- C. Assessment of inflammatory pain in mice. A plan- ual filaments. Paw mechanical withdrawal thresholds are ex- tar test was performed as previously described (25) to assess pressed as a percentage of baseline values, where the baseline inflammatory pain.
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