RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

y RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF FIFTH CENTURY SCULPTURES 113 slides Prepared by Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name:SCULPTSC.SCH 1 Metal Box Loca lion: 17B The following slides of Fifth Century Sculptures arc from the collection of Fr. Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. They are arranged numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The list below provides a brief description of the categorical breakdown of the slides and is copied verbatim from Schoder's own notes on the material.· The collection also contains some replicas of the original artifacts. I. SCULPT: Owl, V c (A crop.) # 2. SCULPT: 'Leonidas' (Sparta) c.400 3. SCULPT: Vc: Boy ded. by Lysikleidcs at Rhamnous, c. 420:30" (A) 4. SCULPT: Vc. Girl, Rhamnous (A) 5. SCULPT: V c. hd, c.475 (Cyrene) 6. SCULPT: Peplophoros * B arberini, c. 475 (T) 7. SCUPLT: Horse, fr. Thasos Hcracles T. pediment, c. 465 (Thas) 8. SCULPT: Base for loutrophoros, Attic, c. 410: Hermes (1), Dead w. apples (Elysian?) (A) 9. SCULPT: Aphrod. on Turtle, aft. or.c. 410 1459 (E. Berlin) 10. SCULPT: fem. fig. fr. frieze Arcs T? (Ag) II. SCULPT: V c. style hd: Diomedes (B) 12. SCULPT: v C. Hercules (Mykonos) 13. SCULPT: V c. style goddcs hd. colossal: Roman copy (Istb) 14. SCULPT: Vc Goddes; Farn. 6269; Rom. (N) 15. SCULPT: Gk. Here. pre-Lysippus (Csv) 16. SCULPT: Choiseui-Gouffier Apollo·· aft early V c (BM) 17. SCULPT: Choiseui/Gouffier Apollo, c. 460 (BM) 18. SCULPT: Zeus V c. Gk, in Rom. copy (Cyrcn) 19. SCULPT: Charis fr. Palatine (T) Vc 20. SCULPT: Pclophoros (Bar) 21. SCULPT: Youth, c. 420 (Pir) 22. SCULPT: Apollo hd., c. 440, fr. Ciro Marina T. (Reggio) 23. SCULPT: Choragic Comedy, (Thasos) 24. SCULPT: Nereid Mon.,c.400 (BM) 25. SCULPT: Nereid Monument: Lions (BM), c400 26. ACULPT: Nereid, acroterion,c.400 (Ag) 27. SCULPT: Niobid, Gk. Vc. (T) 28. SCULPT: Niobid Vc Gk. (T) 29. SCULPT: Niobid, Vc. (T) 30. SCULPT: Niobid head, V c pcd. (Bassae? NyC) 33. OLYMPIA: W. Ped. Apollo, hd. .H 34. PL YMPIA: E. Ped.: Lapith Groom C 35. OLYMPIA: E ped: Kladios close (01) 36. OLYMPIA: W ped: Apollo, head (01) 37. OLYMPIA: Apollo head w. ped. .H 38. OLYMPIA: W. ped. Apollo hd, .H 39. OLYMPIA: W. Ped.: La pith wrestler Cent. biting his arm C. 40. OLYMPIA: W. ped. Young Lapith hd. .H 41. OLYMPIA: W. ped. Young Lapith hd. .H 42. OLMPIA: W ped: Lapith woman; Lapith & biting Centaur 43. OLYMPIA: W. Ped,: Lapith Maiden, Centaur holding her hair, Lap defender,Lap. woman c. 44. OLYMPIA: W. ped: Lapith servant, North corner 45. OLYMPIA: W ped: Hippodameia & Centaur detail 46. OLYMPIA: W. ped Bridge Hippodameia .H 47. OLYMPIA: W. ped.Centaur hd. 48. OLYMPIA: W.ped: Centaur seizes Lapithwoman,det. (01) 49. OLYMPIA: W ped: Theseus hd. .H 50. OLYMPIA: Metope: Here., Atlas, Athena (01) 51. OLYMPIA: Me tope: Lion Sleeping (L) 52. OLYMPIA ME TOPE: Here. & Cretan Bull (0 l) 53. OLYMPIA ME TOPES: He. & Geryon; Lion (L) 54. SCULPT: Alcamenes' Hermes Propylai os, Gk. copy (Brussels, Cinq.) 55. SCULPT: Bearded Hermes, Alcamenes Vc. school (Venice 56. SCULPT: Alcamanes Ares, Borghese copy (L) 57. BAIAE: Calamis Sosandra copy, side 58. SCULPT: Calamis' Sosandra, side, Baiae 59. SCULPT: Amazon Cresilas (copy) (Csv) 60. SCULPT: Amazon, after Cresilas 61. SCULPT: Amazon, after Cresilas (Cap) 62. SCULPT: Amazon, Kresilas?, Rom.copy +& (EBerl) 63. PORTR: Pericles, Rom. copy of Kresilas? fr. Lesbos, + 1530 (EBerl) 64. SCULPT: Myron Dioscobolos rcstr (T) 65. SCULPT: Myron Discobolos, c. 450 (Vat) 66. SCULPT: Myron's Discobolos (Lancelotti copy): head (T) 67. SCULPT: Discobolos fr. Castel Porziano (T) 68. SCULPTURE: Apollo, Cassel type, Rom. copy (A) (orig. by Myron?) 69. SCUPT: Myron's Athena, Rom. c. fr. bronze (Frankfurt) 70. SCULPT: Paeonius' Nlke. Olympia c415 71. SCULPT: Phidias' Athena Lemnia, copy (Bg) 72. SCULPT: Athena Lemnia copy (Bologna) 73. SCULPT: Phidias' Athena Lemnia: Ij1 c. Gk. copy of bronze (Bologna) 74. SCULPT: Phidias Ath. Lemnia copy (Bolg) 75. SCULPT: Phidias Ath. Parth: Rom. copy Lenormant, 18" (A) 76. SCULPT: Varvakeion Athena (A) 77. SCULPT: Varvakeion Athena: rt. side (A) 78. SCULPT: Varvakeion Athena: rt. angle (A) 79. SCULPT: Phidian Nike aft. that in hand of Athena Partenos (U Pa) 80. SCULPT: Phidias Amazon: Rom. 2c copy as Caryatid (only w. hd); fr. Kynouria (A) 81. REL: Phidian Amaz. fr. Shield Ath. Partl1., on 2 c. Rom. rei. (Pir) 82. SCULPT: Amazon Phidian (Vat) C 83. SCULPT: Apollo Tiberinus, head (T)* 2 R.V. Schader. S.J./Vth. Cent. Sculpt. 80. SCULPT: Phidias Amazon: Rom. 2c copy as Caryatid (only w. hd); fr. Kynouria (A) 81. REL: Phidian Amaz. fr. Shield Ath. Partl1., on 2 c. Rom. rei. (Pir) 82. SCULPT: Amazon Phidian (Vat) C 83. SCULPT: Apollo Tiberi nus, head (T)* 84. SCULPT: Apollo Tiberinus hd. (T) 85. SCULPT: 'Cassel' Apollo, Rom. aft. Phidias (A) .H c 450 86. SCULPT: Phidian Apollo Parnopius (Rom. copy) (Kassel) 87. SCULPT: Phidian Ap. Parnopius: hd (Kassel (Rom) 88. SCULPT: Phidias Zeus hd, fr. Elis coin, 133 (Berlin) 89. SCUPT: Phidian: Rom. copy fr.gold-iv. frieze on Zeus Throne at Olympia: Apollo vs. Niobids (Kassel) 90. SCULPT: Barberini 'Pythic', V c. (L) 91. SCULPT: Phidian head .H (A) 92. SCULPT: Phidian head .H (A) 93. SCULPT: Polyclitus Diadoumenos copy (Tripoli Mus., Africa) (*Costelloe) 94. SCULPT: Polyclit. Diadoumenos copy (L) 95. SCULPT: Polykleitos' Diadoumenos head: Rom. copy (A)# 96. BRONZE: Polycleit Doryphoros hd: signed Apollonius Ath. (N) 97. SCULPT: Polycleitus Doryphoros Pompeii Copy (N) 98. SCULPT: Polyclitan Doryph. hd. copy (N) 99. SCULPT: Polykleitan Hera hd, c. 410, fr. Argive Hera ion (A) 100. SCULPT: Polyclitan Hera hd. c. 420, fr.Argiv. Heraion (A) 101. SCULPT: Polyclitan 'Westmacott Boy', aft. Kyniskos? (BM) 102. SCULPT: Westmacott (aft. Polycl. Kyniskos) (BM) 103. SCULPT: Wastmacott Boy (cop. Polyclitus' Kyniskos?) (Bm) 104. SCULPT: Polyclituan Narcissus copy (F) 105. SCULPT: Polyklitan Boy, IV c #254 (A) 106. BRONZE: Polyclitan Athl. base (Flor) 107. BRONZE: Polyclitan Athlete, del. (Flo) 108. BRONZE: Polyclitan Athlete, det, (Flor) 109. BRONZE: Polyclitan Athlete, modified Ilc (Fior) 110. BRONZE: Polyclitan Athleta * (Fior) Ill. SCULPT: Vc copy Diomedes? Polyclitan; fr. Cumae: 144978 (N) 112. SCULPT: Polyelitan(?) Here. (Myk) 113. SCULPT: Here. (T) 3 RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department ANCIENT GREEK VASES 125 slides Prepared by Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: V ASESW-G.SCH 1 Metal Box Location: 17 The following slide collection of Greek Vases are from the collection of Fr. Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. They are arranged numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The short list below provides a brief description of the categorical breakdown of the slides and is copied verbatim from Schoder's own notes on the material. NOTE- The "w-g" initials throughout the list are abbriviations of "white-ground" vases. SERIES NO 1.: White Ground Vases SERIES NO II.: "Shapes" SERIES NO III.: "Late" SERIES NO IV.: Miscellaneous I. WHITE-GROUND VASES 1/1. VASE: w-g, Ach.Ptr. lek.,c. 445: Muse playing cithara on Helicon (Lugano) # 2/1. VASE: w-g. lek. Ach. Ptr: Woman, Girl c. 440 (B) 3/1. VASE: white lekythos. Ach. ptr., 440 (B) 4/1. VASE: w-g. lek. Ach. Ptr: Worn. at Stele (B) 5/1. VASE: white lekythos, Ach. ptr. c,440 (B) 6/ I. VASE: w-g lek: Helicon, Bird; Ach. Ptr. c.430 (Mun) 7/1. VASE: w jg. lek: Ach.Ptr. c,440: Man at Stele (Ashm) 8/1. VASE: w-g lek: Ach.Ptr. c.450: at Tomb (V &A) 9/1. VASE: Attic white grd. trefoil oinochoe, by Athena ptr, c. 485 Fogo 10/1. VASE: Attic b-f white grd. trefoil oinochoe, by Athena ptr,c. 485; Hermes Giant (F) 11/1. VASE: w-g. trefoil oinochoe, by Athena Ptr: Hermes vs. Giant,c.475 (F) 12/I. VASE: w-g, Leandros Ptr. kylix, c. 460 (Flor) # 13/1. VASE: w-g. pyxis Judgm. Paris: Aphr., Eros: Pais Kalos (M) 14/1. VASE: w-g. pyxis fr. Cumae: Judgm. Paris: Paris, Hermes, Priam (M) Penthes Ptr I5/I. VASE: w-g. alabastrom 6" high archaic mae (B) Pasiades 16/1. VASE: wjg albastrom, archaic: 8" Maenad w. apple (B) 17/1. VASE: w-g lck, by Reed Ptr. c. 410: Dead at stele (A) 18/1. VASE: w-g. phiale for libations, by Sotades: w. Cicada (B) 19/1. VASE: w-g. kylix int. by Sotadcs. c. 440: Woman w. Hydria (B) 20/1. VASE: w-g pyxis Sotheby ptr (Walters) # 21/1. VASE: w-g lek by Thanatos Ptr, c440: Man at stele #1935 (A) 22/1. VASE: w-g lek, Thanatos Ptr. c. 430: Charon, Hermes, Woman 2777 (Mun) 23/1. VASE: w-g lekythos: Woman honoring dead youth; 2 sides c. 440 BC # (A) 24/1. VASE: w-g oionochoe, c. 480: Od. on Ram (BR) 25/1. VASE: w-g. amph: Dionysos on Ass (B) 26/1. VASE: w-g. lek: Centaur (Syrc) R.V. Schoder,S.J./Greek Sculptures 28/I. VASE: pyx is: w-g Muses (B) 29/I. VASE: w-g. lek: Fox hunter. c. 470 (F) 30/I. VASE: w-g.lek: Diphilos k. (Br. Cinq) 31/I. VASE: w-g. lek: Flutist (BN) 32/I. VASE: w-g. lek: Man. Woman, Goose (BM) 33/I. VASE: w-g. lek: Apollo, Deer .H (A) 34/I. VASE: w-g. trefoil oinochoe, c. 500: Battle; Attic (Ashm) 35/I. VASE: w-g lek: Silen on horse .H 36/I.

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