The Newark Post ~LUM~ X X='I=I========~==~==================~N~E~W~A~R~K~,~D~E~L~A~W~A~R~E~,~T~H~U~R~S=D=A=y~,~F~E~B~R~U~A~R~Y~26~,~1~9~Sl~===================7==========~N~U~M~B~E~R~5 NAB]ACKSON'S NEEDGRADUATE iFRATERNITIES LEGISLATORS LEGISLATORS PROGRAM FOR STOREL OOTERS SCIiOOL AT UNIV., TO GIVE PLAYS TO VISIT U.OFD. INTRODUCE 164 DISABLED VETS IN WILMINGTON HULLIHEN SAYS MARCH 4 AND 5 . THIS FRIDAY BILLS MONDAY GIVEN BY V. F. W. Two Men Held After Robbery I Urges New Section of U, of D, Competitive Productions Ex- Biennial Inspection of Plant Rush as Deadline Gets Closer Local Post Gives Entertain- of Store and Gasoline at Alumni Aaaociation pected to be Hiahly Will Bring Lawmaken Causes Flood' of Measures ment at Coatesville Soldier Station Banquet Entertaining to Newark at Dover Hospital GUNS, WA T~~ES, TAKEN MAJOR SASSE SPEAKER TRY FOR TROPHY LUNCHEON PLANNED CLOCK TURNED BACK BAND ACCOMPANIES Two WIl mi ngton men who broke Recommendations for the establish- The second annual Inter-Fraternity Members of the Legislature will A last minute rush to introduce An entertainment, sponsored by the t And robbed J ackson's Hardware ment of a graduate school for the Play Contest sponsored by the Alpha make ,their biennial visit to the Uni- new bills Monday .afternoon, resulted Lt. J. Allison O'Daniel Post No. 475, ~t:re here unday night, and then University of Delaware, mention of Psi Omega, ~ dramatic fraternity of verslty of Delaware on Friday of this in a total of 523 finding their way on Veterans of Foreign Wars, the New­ broke into and r ob b e ~ a gasol.ine fill- the need of a second chemistry build- the University of Delaware will be week. The lawmakers will arrive in the calendars of the two houses of ark chapter of that organization, was ing station on the L~ nc?ln Hlghw~y, ing to relieve the present congestion, held in Mitchell Hall on the'evenings Newark about 1U:30 o'clock. They the Legislature Monday. Of this num- given for the enjoyment of the dis­ \fere nabbed by. Wll?"llngton pohce and praise for the stimulation of in- of Match 4 and 5. will be met by Dr. Walter Hullihen, ber, 333 are in the House, with 190 in abled veterans in the United States , shortl y after thell' crimes ha~ b~e~ terest in university athletics, due to Last year the Footlights Club ini- president A. G. Wilkinson, business the Senate. Veterans Bureau Hospital at Coates- committed, and are now held m Jail the active interest of the alumni, feat- tiated the idea of interfraternity play administrator, William H. Heald, There were 93 measures introduced ville, Pa., Sunday. More than 35 Iwaiting trial in Court of General ~red the a~dress of Dr. W:alter. Hul- competition, and the success of the chairman of the finance committee of in the I;£ouse Monday, while 71 were me~bers of t?e I~cal post, accom­ Sess IO ns. hhen, president of the University of plan was gratifying not only to those the Board of Trustees, and several offered m the Senate, for a total of panled by their Wives, guests, and The men, orm an Smith, 28, and Delaware, before the annual banquet participating in the venture but also other trustees and a committee of the 164. F"u l:' o'clock that afternoon members of the auxiliary of the V. F. Francis Layton, 18, are being held of the. Alu~ni. Association of the pleasing to the student body' and pub- faculty. .. ~arked the dea~line for the introduc- W., made th~ journey to Coatesvi!le under $2500 bail o ~ two charges of school m WII"!lngton I~st Saturday lic who attended the highly-entertain- T.he Vlsl.tors ~Il first be t~ken .on tlOn. of n~w busmess.. to take p~rt m the show for the dls- breaking and entering. The robbery night. AcademiC education and aca~ ing performances Sigma Phi Epsilon an mspectlOn trip over the university Bills hterally poured mto the two abled soldiers. o( Jackson's Hardware Store occurred demic sports were the outstanding was the winner of last year's trophy. plant. The~e will be many new things houses Monday. Everything was hus- The entertainment was one of the shortly after midnight. The men had themes of the program of the meet- The name of the play was entitled for the legislators to see on this ocea- tie and bustle, as the solons rushed most elaborate ever given by the local appa rently planned their work care- ing, which was attended by more than "The Cad" and was written by Mal~ sion compared with two years ago. the preparation of bills, in order to group. The Continental-Diamond Fi­ (ully, as they waited until the town 1.50 member~ of the Alumni Associa- com Ada~s, a member of 9he winning E".anl ~all, the new engin~ering introduce them ~n time.. Both houses bre Company ~and accompanied the policemen had passed the front of the tlOn and their guests. fraternity - bUilding, IS now complete and Mitchell concluded the mtroduetlon of new post on the trip, and gave a concert store on their rounds shortly before A Delaware boy who. attained na- A .' Hall, one of the finest auditoriums business on time. ' for the soldiers, as well as providing midnight and a half hour later, when tional prominence through his suc- tccordmg I tO ~~rr;ntt ca~.push re- any college\ or university can boast of, The efforts of a Sepate attache to music during the vaudeville and en- f the oflic~rs passed by that place cessful first year as coach of the PO\~' sever.a 0 e ra ernl les ave a gift from H. Rodney Sharp, will no set back the clock at 3: 45 in the after- tertainment part of the program. The again the robbery had been commit- United States military Academy foot- ~I en tth~lr hOwn play~. ~~e r~le~.of doubt especially interest the legisla- noon, were hlllted by President Pro Harmonious Sextette, a group of local ted ~nd the men gone. ball team, Major Ralph I. Sasse oc- I e con es, owever,. or I t e IS- tors. They will also be shown the new Tem Simonton, who insisted that the men, sang a number of songs for the Entrance to the store was gained cupied the spotlight in behalf of ~ osure of the playwrights or th~ n~- gymnasium at the Women's College introduction of new business would be disabled veterans and the Lyons Sis­ by breaking a heavy lock and staple sports. He recounted numerous anec- bur~1 of the P~~s. Ehach ~rat~~nlt1Is which, however, awaits an appropria- concluded at 4. As a result, the few ters, also of Newark, gave several in the front door. A number of boxes dotes within his own experience as U~I y engage. m re earsmg. I spay, I tion from the state before it can be remaining bills which had not been sketches. o( cartridges, three rifles, several coach illustrative of what he describeci an k.ever~ t~re~or h;S his. gro~p Ientirely completed and equipped. In offered up until that time, were rush- One of the most outstanding feat- knives several fla shlights, and some as the development of unselfishness, wor mg, tt e ope 0 securmg t e addition to an appropriation to finish ed to the secretary's desk and read. ures of the afternoon was the appear- wrist ~nd pocket watches were taken. tenacity and character through foot- permanen rop h Y' . this building, the Women's College Is In the House, the clock was set ance of the Ferko Aces, three times The rifl es were fu lly loaded and were ball. He stressed the value of foot- The purpose .of thiS contest IS to also asking for an appropriation for bac~, but this vas not necessary, as winners of. the Mummers parade in placed between the two men on the ball as a safety valve during the for- develop dramatic. talent and the art the erection of a much needed Science the introduction of new business end- Philadelphia. (ronl scnt of the automobile in which mative period of youth, asserting that of ac.tmg, to cultivate a taste for the Building. The maintenance appropri- ed just about on time. Lt. Colonel S. J. Smith, of Newark, they were riding when they were cap the sport has an important place in best In the drama, and fin.ally to fos- ation that the university is requesting While there has been considerable former National Chaplain of the V. tu red by the Wilmin gton police. American life because of its contri- ~ er the cultural values. whIch dram~t- from this legislature is slightly more agitation against skeleton bills, sev- F. W., made a short address. Wesley The gasoli ne station broken into is butions both physical and moral, les d~velop. ~he merIt ~ up0!l whlc.h than the one two years ago, to take era I were offered during the day. Dempsey, of Newark, and S. J. Bar- owned by Edwin Baker, and is located which it makes toward the develop- the Judg~s Will be gUided m . their care of the natural growth of the in- nett, of Newark, sang several solos near the Diamond Tea House. About ment of citizenship for everyday life award WIll be as follows: quality of stitution.
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