Jd % cawj Last Day Terlfominate For Faculty Awards APR 2ft 19€1 ^^ Weather Editoral Rain or Sno» A Three-King < irrus There is No Sun (See Page 2) "Serving Storrs Since 1896' VCJL CXV No. 91 Olbcai In Student Union Building SIORRS, CONNECTICUT Complela Associated P.ass Wirt Service FRIDAY, APRIL M. 1961 Senate Passes Budgets, Fall Room Assignments Constitution; In Confusion Four budgets and the con- Variooui senators then slated To Take Place May 1-5 Ititution of the Connecticut'that they were not against the Room drawing for Septem- given permission to work in an semester have completed more Daily Campus were passed by class having any functions l>er 1961, will take place from Upiovcd home In rclun, fol | than eight semesters of college the Student Senate after over whatsoever but that they want- Ma*, i ■ . Ma) 5, in accordance board ami or ktdg work at I ils Institution ot also- With u. "cy set up by the term their own home Is Strict- "lure, anil 1,1,1111,il women two hours of discussion and ed to make sure that the offices of men's and women's i> construed to mean: 111 itu- students arc I»>I eligible to re. deliberation on the budgets. amount requested was not too housing. Students requesting dents living win, parents 01 side In Unlversltj operated The first budget to be ap|extravagant and was complete- room assignments will com guardians; t2i married si i residence halls except by spe- proved was one submitted by ly necessary. piete, sign, and date IBM dents in u»g with spouses i n rial ^permission of the spprop- "Room Assignment Card' tand married undergraduate stu. riats housing office, Petition WHUS asking (or 943.90 to at- VWi< K(.I||U.H1 Agreement Card whtch is on dents ma\ not rent in reside forma aie svallabls at the of- tend a convention in Pitts- Npxl on lhj, agenda o( ,he the reverse side) in the prea- In apartments ami unsupervis' flea of housing ence of lhe Resident Counslor ed houses. This applies 10 ,\ sorority member for burgh for two delegates. The Kmancp Commi„„ to ^ pre. MXl one discussed was con- of Hie. residence where the;, groups aa wall as Individuals.' whom there Is no room In the .. _ . ,„„, senled by new Finance Lhair- cernniK the freshman r ( wIan to be assigned, on the fo|- Students presentl) occupying .'miner house will on Maj u, man Sam Nemirow i ISO I was Council. lowing dates: a |XX)m |n an independent resl- sign the IBM Room Assign* the WSGC budget for their ^Tuesday, May 2. 7:00 p.m • dence «iil be allowed to 1- mem card In Ins section In ( l.i« "f ltMil Coed C"ode. -Much discussion 9:00 p.m. - Women who have lain the room in that residence which she wishes to lne until Hie Council budgeted for,look place on this budget for previously been assigned to All olhe, rooms in independent assignment to the somi ily is $295 from the senate,, but it SU5 as to the necessity I West Campus will go to the residences aie selected on 8 pofdble She must, how ever. Buil was realised that since only II GM supplements since part of -uVi"''u- ' "'"" '*"'8. room semester i ritj basis aftei sign the preferential list of har 301; Wednesday, May 1, 7:mi special health problems have sororlt) >„ that as unexpected $205 was needed immediately the Code was beeing printed in p.m. - n:r> p.m. ■ Sorority been cared tor, Only active vacancies arise, she maj be that the other $90 should be the Husky Handbook already ■"•"wars and pledges iat sor- and pledges maj request space ■saigned there In .nine prac* referred lack to committee and for all incoming Krcshmen. onty housei; Souih Campus in sororlt] sections An\ \,i- lice the msjorit] of I hose on brought back to the Senate at Barbara Ceppelelli iISO) women wb*Utg w stay In then-eancles after these assignments lhe preferential lists do get their next meeting. jstated that she felt that all the own residences; iioieomh. aiT ma(|0 Uln n,. riii<-<i fm transferred to the sororitj be. The $205 which was request- information necessary for • piague. Manchester, and by tin- sororlt) Inviting lndl\ fore school opens In Septenv ed ami obtained was (or tlM FWtbmtn """''I he included VVIiitney residents (eighth • IdualS, and then bj Irani bet About 259 of lhe lieits m Freshman dan Council lo I" *• Husky Handbook that all ''.' meater students); ami branchfera The Unlyer- each Independent women's res- sponsor a patio dance for the!additions or changes to the iniisdav, M.,\ i, 7:IKI p.m. sit>. however, reaerves ihe i.ieme will be left available 10 class and also tor a booth at I rules governing women could B: 11 p m -south Campus: all right to make changes in order new Incoming itudeaU. CCC. Since such a great be mimeographed or put in the women vv,vi„„g ,0 transfer lo to best meet Its housing re- A,. HIM Advance Pee Korm Pictured above is a speech therapy installation of a suite of soundproof rooms amount of money was request-: paper later on and that these another section. commuters quirements. Room assign w,|l be mailed lo women stu- Coed Codes supplements were major I right i giving auditory training to a and complete testing service The hearing wishing to hve on campus, ments in rasidencea occt ' homes iraund June I. ed for the dance alone ($185) hard1 of hearing child (left'. Although the nU not needed, as all the upper-1 clinic is located in the Speed, and Drama and sorority pledges for whom by fraternities will be made In Failure i retomt tins Form with no prospect of income, University has operated a speech clinic for a Building of the Fine Arts Center Supervisor 0 classmen know the rules al-i there Is no ipace at the preaenl sccordanca with the plan sub- ;,„,, lhP 150,00 deposit hv Juiv the motion was made and number of years, the hearing clinic is fairly of t,',e Speech and Hearing Clinic l« Mr Rnh- lime ime in the chapter house; milled In the olfners or Ihe iy „ ,|, .„'„,„ w.|v result in passed to appropriate the,ready. She stated that "we new. It was enlarged this semester with the ert Hejns. (Campus Photo—Boglarski> I money to them on the condi-, should defeat this," loleomb. Manchester. Sprague fratemltj to the Kesidenl caneellatmn of the room rs- t or Whitney 'third and second Counselor. tlon that admission of $.35 a I Senator Bob Reilly iCSAl couple be charged in hope ofi made a motion lo delete the r A ' "^rman'Xunng .0 re'- outy u" """^or fraternity ° %<» maj "' * ?»live "»'»" April 15, an IBM Ad- making some money on the code from the Husky Hand- Vil.imc Fee Form will be mailed ...am in or .ransier to a Ira' ,„„„„„. of „,p ,-..«„,.-,„-.. „OUS ,0 „„„,. -imirnis homes M-v affair hook and to publish just Coed This motion was accepted byjCoes for tvaryOM concerned, IFC And Panhell Launch r mnn y the Class President Bill True-jThis motion was defeated, *?S2ttS2X£:;:::the follow in. i,e,,ml •>» » ,„ o, ; :, %rT ,l> stuclclils^t::: ?-*|, ,„„ -recelveda■ Ti?" thisr lime,' heart and that part of the bud- <•„„,„,.„,„ a ST*' ii. r^ -»;"•;"'"«'-> *»«*. cancll. , o, o,,,,, re- get was therefore acceptable. Greek Week Activities p.m. .except dinner tune) Unctoi**<l atudanu. part- aarvatlon as waU as the regis. A ,s Whtn speaking for his class, . < °™ T' '" '* SSH from May 1 Mav 5 Ti>- """' "'idciiis. undegraduste Irat ami car permit, K any, Trueheart (I-St)l told the Sen-,s,on 'heWSGC budget, Beginning on April 29, and May t, with all fraternities and rhssed from house represents ™ schedule for all other tes,. »"»«'•"«* »»o ai the end of this, will result. ators that they were alwayslPr"i,lp'» Hale commented that subsequently running for nine sororities participating. Man) lives st two-thirds of the list deuces is as follows Mav 1 • —— screaming that the .lasses do "»•■» aren't going too well." authentic Greek sporting price. days, the Interfraternity Coun- men who are reuesting the not do enough or try to hold8,n*tor Nemirow to trying to events will add lo the glamoi A picnic will beheld at Sper cil and the Panhellenlc Coun- same room; May 2 - men who anv functions and that hisclar"> things, said that he had of the Olympics. Tim iv's (Jlen from 12a.m. to 6 cil will launch one of the moat evening's activities will be ar» requesting the name ree> Space Acheivement Credit class was very active and in- «■"««« «» <•* other WSGC V t. urique and acllv* Greek highlighted by the bridge Thp Greek Activities will dence but a change In room terested in having this dance m-mher* Present »«« "">' (priority based on semester ,or Mme moun f Weeks ever lo be presented. tournament beginning at 7 come to a close on Mom's Day, and that now the Senate was " "'« » ' ° p.m, in Room 311 of the Tom standing.; Mav .1 - men who Goes To Western World Coordinating this year's ar- Sunday. May 7, with Hie Greek opposed to giving them any "JJ *»* ,**" lo Uo,;,f,e arc requesting a change in res- idities will he Howard Ftosen- mom Building. Sing, which will take place In monev hv which to hold Usla»N*>" >-ou d ,,k» ,n «• * » idence i present Juniors i; May The great tod,, about send- | IxMik and saying there can be ■ feld of Phi Sigma Delta and Friday May fi Is Greek the auditorium fmm 6 to S functions" ' their own hook or have I - preaenl Sophomores who ing a man into orbit is quite no other direction, Dee Brien of Alpha Delta Pi.
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