Lots to do and see Clinton all set for Michigan Week There aren't any* single big St. Johns has probably the paintings will be exhibited every Hospital Week this week. The Auxiliary and the Red Cross events to mark Michigan Week widest range of activities, set day and will be works by local open house will be from 2 to 5 Volunteers, in Clinton County next week, but up or coordinated for Michigan artists. p.m. and is being hosted by High School youth are being there are enough programs, ex­ Week by St. Johns Chairman Exhibits by St. Johns in­ the hospital's board of directors, invited to write essays incor­ hibits and talking going on keep William Patton. The weeklong dustries will be set up all week board of trustees, Women's porating one or more of the the heat up in the fires of en­ program starting Sunday in­ at three locations, Saylor-Beall Michigan Week daily themes — t i *• thusiasm about Michigan. cludes art shows, open houses, Manufacturing Co. will have one Community Pride Day May 18, Michigan Week Chairman service club speakers, displays 'at-the Clinton National Bank, Spiritual Foundations Day Sun­ Betty" Jane Minsky pointed to a and essay contests. Fv C. Mason Co, products will be day, Government Day May 20, wide range of activities for a on exhibit at Capital Savings and Our Heritage Day May 21, Our wide segment of Clinton County's SUNDAY, THE KICKOFF day Loan Assn., and both Federal- Livelihood Day May 22, Edu­ population — all designed to ex­ for Michigan Week, will Indeed Mogul and Sealed Power pro­ cation Day May 23," Hospitality tol the virtues of the county, be busy. ducts will be displayed at the Day May 24, and Our Youth Day and the state. The Friends of the Bement Central National Bank. May 25. The essays are being "There are many, and most Public Library will sponsor a A display by the Clinton Tool handled through the English De­ of them we take for granted," public art show at the Central and Die Co, will be set up at partment at the high school. Mrs Minsky said. "This is the National Bank all week, with a Clinton National Bank. Sunday is Religious Heritage purpose of Michigan Week — to reception to be held Sunday from . Sunday's open house at the Day, and churches that have bells remind ourselves and to tell 2 to 5p,m. Mrs Brandon White, Clinton Memorial Hospital will MICHIGAN WEEK have been asked to ring them at others about the advantages of president of the Friends of the be tied in with both Michlgn 8 noon to signify recognition of living and working in Michigan. Bement Public Library, said the Week next week and National MAY 19-25 (Story continued on Page 3-A) 113th Year, No. 3 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1968 15 Cents CD siren test set Pool fund splashes May 24 LOOK AT THE CAMERAMAN, NURSE a test demonstration of St. Little Ian Hill was in the hospital last week, but he was bright-eyed Johns' flrve tornado warning and alert when he spotted the cameramen roaming through Clinton Memo­ sirens is being planned for Fri­ day, May 24, during the noon rial Hospital and pointed one of them out to nurses' aide Judy Rivest. It hour. within reach of goal could be imagined he was pointing to you and asking you to attend the John Furry, chairman of the open house from 2 to 5 p.m. this Sunday at Clinton Memorial Hospital. city's civil defense committee, A couty-wide drive to open the Veteran's Ian won't be there: hewent'home later Wednesday. The 18-month-old said the sirens will be sounded Memorial Swimming Pool in St. Johns this at 12:05 p.m. May 24, and will lad is the son of Mr and Mrs Robert F. Hill of DeWitt. give out a wavering tone for three summer is within reach of success. minutes. This will be followed As of Monday, evening's volunteer com­ soon after by an "all clear" signal, consisting of three aerial mittee meeting, $11, 625 had been raised and banked. The committee agreed that with a Open house Sunday bombs. J Posters are being distributed successful car wash which St. Johns students to homes and businesses around will have this weekend they are assured of town explaining the meaning-of the sirens and giving instructions reaching their goal of $12,500. at Clinton Memorial on what to do if they are sounded Besides the stu- Residents throughout Clinton have cost in excess of $1 mil­ make the old and the new into on an unscheduled basis. Per­ chemicals, but with the drive County are being invited this lion.' one blended hospital facility. sons not receiving one by next dent car wash this • looking so successful — espe­ Sunday to attend an open house The most apparent Improve­ The rearrangement of space week may pick one up at the weekend, there are cially with a good tournout at designed to show off more than ment is the new Fehling Wing on the upper floors of the hos­ municipal building. the student car wash this week­ $1 million In additions and im­ to the west side of the building. pital and the new additions has still a few who have end — it was decided to add the provements at Clinton Memorial It now houses the lobby and made it possible to increase the Furry said the small posters pledged money, but tank to the equipment order. The Hospital In St. Johns. main waiting room, accounting hospital's bed-capacity to 85 are designed to be hung in the slurry tank would prolong the life areas, physicians' conference beds. appropriate area of the home or as of Monday evening of the filters and save time of The open house will be from room and central supply room St. Johns architects St. Clair business' basement which would 2 to 5 -p.m. The hospital is the cash had not been the pool personnel, eliminating on the main floor and the obste­ and Douglas Pardee designed the likely afford the best shelter in FRANCIS JOHNSON REV WESLEY MANKER hand mixing of chemicals. located on South Oakland Street case of a tornado. trical department, nursery and improvements, which were ap­ received. Another suggestion was to the near the intersection with Sturgis rooms for some medical and proved -by the board of trustees At Monday evening's meeting, Street. The posters are being dis­ Johnson effect that if the pool fund should surgical patients on the second of the hospital in mid-1966. Work tributed by St. Johns Boy Scouts Nazarene Dr Herbert Oatley, chairman of come up with a surplus, this floor. got under way in August that All improvements at the hos­ and the St. Johns Jaycettes. the volunteer committee noted would be used to open the pool pital are not complete yet, but The new east wing of the build­ year. Contractors doing the work that "The outlook for a swim­ next year if the City of St. Johns ing provides a new kitchen and have been: Clark Construction Furry said current plans are promoted Church has ming pool program for the chil­ ^still happens to be without Special sect-ion enlarged dining and food service Co. of Lansing, general; Hol- to test the five sirens on a regular dren of Clinton County has had available funds. facilities. An addition to the werda - Huizinga Co. of Grand basis once every three months. a complete change from our Larry Scramlin, representa- A special section with Rapids, mechanical; Fox Ele~ by MMPA new pastor boiler plant and a third boiler Advance notification of residents meeting here of less than two (Story continued on Page 2-A) stories and pictures of the were also added. trie Co. of Lansing, electrical; will be made. The sirens are weeks ago. The people of St. enlarged Clinton Memorial The Rev Wesley Manker of Considerable remodeling and Haughton Elevator Co. of Toledo, located atop the courthouse, OVID — Francis Johnson, 47, Traverse City, has begun his Johns and Clinton County have Hospital accompanies this Ohio, elevators; and Douglas- Clinton Memorial Hospital, of 125 W. Front Street, Ovid, has poured their hearts out to us, week's Clinton County News. reshuffling of rooms and depart­ pastoral duties at the St. Johns ments have gone on in the ori­ Brothers of Grand Rapids of Sealed Power, Federal-Mogul been appointed production man­ Church of the Nazarene. On Sun­ which will enable us to have a Bath special ed ginal structure in an attempt to Grand Rapids, equipment. and Hettler Motor Sales. ager of the Michigan Milk Pro­ day, May 5, he and his family swimming program this sum­ new additions on the west and ducers Assn., the state's lar­ were presented to the members mer, and many summers to students plan trip east and to the boiler room have gest dairy farmer cooperative. and friends of the local con­ come," BATH—Special education stu­ been finished and in use for Johnson will also continue to gregation. anywhere from a year to sev­ dents at Bath High School are in serve as manager of the MMPA THE COMMITTEE ALSO re­ for a treat — and a well-earned eral months. These areas -will Ovid plant, the largest dairy Rev Mr Manker comes to the ported that two pumps had been hold the prime emphasis for one — next Thursday and Friday.
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