Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East I: Near Eastern Archaeology in the Past, Present and Future. Heritage and Identity Ethnoarchaeological and Interdisciplinary Approach, Results and Perspectives Visual Expression and Craft Production in the Definition of Social Relations and Status Bearbeitet von Paolo Matthiae, Frances Pinnock, Lorenzo Nigro, Nicolò Marchetti 1. Auflage 2010. Buch. XXXII, 1026 S. Hardcover ISBN 978 3 447 06175 9 Format (B x L): 17 x 24 cm Weitere Fachgebiete > Geschichte > Alte Geschichte & Archäologie Zu Inhaltsverzeichnis schnell und portofrei erhältlich bei Die Online-Fachbuchhandlung beck-shop.de ist spezialisiert auf Fachbücher, insbesondere Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft. Im Sortiment finden Sie alle Medien (Bücher, Zeitschriften, CDs, eBooks, etc.) aller Verlage. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Services wie Neuerscheinungsdienst oder Zusammenstellungen von Büchern zu Sonderpreisen. Der Shop führt mehr als 8 Millionen Produkte. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 5 May – 10 May 2009, »Sapienza«, Università di Roma Volume 1 Near Eastern Archaeology in the Past, Present and Future. Heritage and Identity Ethnoarchaeological and Interdisciplinary Approach, Results and Perspectives Visual Expression and Craft Production in the Defi nition of Social Relations and Status Edited by Paolo Matthiae, Frances Pinnock, Lorenzo Nigro and Nicolò Marchetti with the collaboration of Licia Romano 2010 Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden ISBN 978-3-447-06175-9 CONTENTS FOREWORD OF THE EDITORS ................................................................................... XI PROGRAMME OF THE CONGRESS ............................................................................. XIII VOLUME 1 THEME 1 - NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE AND THE ARCHAEOLOGIST’S IDENTITY JEAN-CLAUDE MARGUERON, La Mésopotamie antique: un monde mono- ou bi-polarisé? ............................................................ 3 WILFRID ALLINGER-CSOLLICH, SANDRA HEINSCH, WALTER KUNTNER, Babylon. Past, Present, Future. The Project “Comparative Studies Babylon-Borsippa”: a Synopsis ................................................. 29 CARMEN DEL CERRO, Sharjah’s Archaeological Heritage. A Model for the Integration of the Past into the Historical Identity. Contributions from al Madama ............................................................... 39 FERNANDO ESCRIBANO MARTÍN, ¿Infl uencias de la arquitectura mesopotámica en España? Algunas líneas de búsqueda ......................... 55 J. GIL FUENSANTA, EDUARDO CRIVELLI, Late Iron Age “Post-Assyrians” and Persians in Turkish Euphrates: an Archaeological or “Historical” Approach? ........................................ 65 BRUNO GENITO, The Achaemenid Empire as Seen as from its Eastern Periphery: the Case of Dahan-i Ghulaman in Sistan. Forty Years Later, a Preliminary Revision of Data ................................. 77 MARIA GABRIELLA MICALE, Designing Architecture, Building Identities. The Discovery and Use of Mesopotamian Features in Modern Architecture between Orientalism and the Defi nition of Contemporary Identities ....................................... 93 DAVIDE NADALI, Archaeology as a Science of Humanism ..................................113 BRIGITTE PEDDE, Reception of Mesopotamian Architecture in Germany and Austria in the 20th Century ............................................................... 121 THEME 2 - ETHNOARCHAEOLOGICAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, RESULTS AND PERSPECTIVES IN NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY TONY J. WILKINSON, Models of Human Settlement and Behaviour. The Role of Ethnoarchaeology ...............................................................133 CORRADO ALVARO, Architectural Analysis of the VIA Monumental Complex at Arslantepe ....................................149 VI Contents EVA ANDERSSON, ELENA FELLUCA, MARIE-LOUISE NOSCH, LUCA PEYRONEL, New Perspectives on Bronze Age Textile Production in the Eastern Mediterranean. The First Results with Ebla as a Pilot Study ................. 159 HAI ASHKENAZI, YUVAL GOREN, The Archaeology of the Individual: Reconstructing the Life of the Deceased from “The Cave of the Warrior” .............................................................177 ELENI ASOUTI, Beyond the “Origins of Agriculture”: Alternative Narratives of Plant Exploitation in the Neolithic of the Middle East ...................... 189 JENNIE NICOLE BRADBURY, Space, Place and Burial: an Examination of the importance of interdisciplinary approaches within the investigation of burial monuments in the Ancient Near East ........... 205 MARTINE M. DE VRIES-MELEIN, DIRK VISSER, JUDITH J. MULDER, LUC MEGENS, SILVIA IMBERTI, WINFRIED KOCKELMANN, HENK KARS, Mesopotamian “haematite” seals in a new light .....................................219 ALESSANDRO DI LUDOVICO, Exploiting Perceiving Frames in Late Third Millennium Mesopotamia. Remarks on Some Clues from Decomposed Communication Phenomena .................................... 233 RITA DOLCE, Ebla and its Origins - A Proposal ...................................................245 YILMAZ SELIM ERDAL, A Retrospective Study on Trepanation in Anatolia ......... 261 ZEYNEP ERES, Some Observations on the Domed Adobe Architecture in South-Eastern Turkey: Degradation and Mound Formation Process ...............................................................277 DONIERT EVELY, JEROLYN E. MORRISON, The Minoan Potter’s Wheel: a Study in Experimental Archaeology ....................................................283 SILVIA FESTUCCIA, LUCIA MORI, Road Networks in the Cities on the Upper Euphrates in the Late Bronze Age. An Interdisciplinary Approach Focusing on Archaeology and Epigraphic Sources ................................ 289 GIROLAMO FIORENTINO, VALENTINA CARACUTA, The Use of Plants in a Ritual Well at Ebla (Tell Mardikh) - North-Western Syria ........................................307 ALEJANDRO GALLEGO LÓPEZ, Tools and Building in the Architecture of the Iron Age in al-Madam (Sharjah, U.A.E) ...................................... 321 MARCO IAMONI, The MB-LB Pottery from the Eastern Palace of Qatna. Tradition and Variation in the Ceramic Horizon of a Mid- Second Millennium Syrian Metropolis................................................... 333 DENISE LACAMBRE, Weighing Artefacts in the Ancient Near East: for a Dialogue between Epigraphy and Archeology ...............................351 M. LÖNNQVIST, M. TÖRMÄ, K. LÖNNQVIST, M. NUÑEZ, J. OKKONEN, M. STOUT WHITING, H. RIIHIAHO, M. NISSINEN, Desertifi cation and Ethnoarchaeology. Studying Hazards in the Nomadic Environment of Jebel Bishri in Syria ............................369 KIRSI O. LORENTZ, Hair, Bone and Teeth: Reconstructing Life from Human Remains at 3rd millennium BC Shahr-i Sokhta (Sistan, Iran) .................391 Contents VII ALI MAHFROOZI, Political, Economical, and Social Changes in South and South-East of Caspian Sea Area from 4th to 1st Millennium BC ......409 GIULIO MARESCA, Reconsidering the Pottery from Dahān-i hulāmān (Iran, Sistān - 6th century BC): Some Preliminary Production-Related Typological Observations .......................................423 KIMIYOSHI MATSUMURA, TAKAYUKI OMORI, The Iron Age Chronology in Anatolia Reconsidered: the Results of the Excavations at Kaman-Kalehöyük ..............................................................................443 ELISABETH MONAMY, M.A., le bit-hilani existe-t-il encore? une approche ethnoarcheologique .......................................................... 457 A. TUBA ÖKSE, YASEMIN ESENTÜRK, AHMET GÖRMÜŞ, ALI BORA, KADIR USLU, The Collapse of a Middle Bronze Age Building Complex at Salat Tepe due to an Earthquake .........................................................465 ADELHEID OTTO, MARIA GIOVANNA BIGA, Thoughts about the Identifi cation of Tall Bazi with Armi of the Ebla Texts ................................................481 KAMERAY ÖZDEMIR, YILMAZ SELIM ERDAL, Metal Objects in Ikiztepe: Manufactured or Imported Items? .......................................................... 495 BRADLEY J. PARKER, Setting the Stage for a More Productive Ethnoarchaeology ................................................................507 MICHELA SANDIAS, Human Diet in Ancient Jordan: Results from Stable Isotope Analysis of Skeletal Remains .................................................... 521 GUILLAUME SENCE, Khorsabad: de l’analyse spatiale à la 3D ............................. 533 ZSOLT SIMON, Das Problem des luwischen Nomadismus ................................... 545 YUKIKO TONOIKE, Beyond Style: Petrographic Analysis of Dalma Ceramics in two Regions of Iran ............................................................................ 557 MELANIE WASMUTH, BIRGÜL ÖGÜT, A Syro-Hittite Weather-God in Egypt? ....... 567 CELINE WAWRUSCHKA, Regional Analysis of the Prehistoric Cilician Plain: Geopolitical and Socio-Economic Aspects of Settling ...........................579 PAWEL WOLINSKI, Will the Real Philistine Please Stand up? A Case Study of Ethnic Identifi cation in the Early Iron Age Southern Levant .............591 SERGEY A. YATSENKO, Ethnic Specifi city and the Infl uence of Others on the Costume of Ancient Iran (Luristan, Achaemenid and Arsacid Empires) ..............................................................................603 THEME 3 - HIGH VERSUS LOW: VISUAL EXPRESSION AND CRAFT PRODUCTION IN THE DEFINITION OF SOCIAL RELATIONS AND STATUS
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