ECAL - General Track Collective Dynamics and Homeostatic Emergence in Complex Adaptive Ecosystem Dharani Punithan and RI (Bob) McKay Structural Complexity Laboratory, College of Engineering, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea punithan.dharani,rimsnucse @gmail.com { } Downloaded from http://direct.mit.edu/isal/proceedings-pdf/ecal2013/25/332/1901807/978-0-262-31709-2-ch049.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 Abstract 1. Life-environment feedback via the daisyworld model We investigate the behaviour of the daisyworld model on 2. State-topology feedback via an adaptive network model an adaptive network, comparing it to previous studies on a fixed topology grid, and a fixed small-world (Newman-Watts 3. Density-growth feedback via a logistic growth model (NW)) network. The adaptive networks eventually generate topologies with small-world effect behaving similarly to the The topology of the our ecosystem evolves with a simple NW model – and radically different from the grid world. Un- der the same parameter settings, static but complex patterns local rule – a frozen habitat is reciprocally linked to an ac- emerge in the grid world. In the NW model, we see the tive habitat – and self-organises to complex topologies with emergence of completely coherent periodic dominance. In small-world effect. In this paper, we focus on the emergent the adaptive-topology world, the systems may transit through collective phenomena and properties that arise in egalitarian varied behaviours, but can self-organise to a small-world small-world ecosystems, constructed from a large number of network structure with similar cyclic behaviour to the NW model. interacting adaptively linked habitats. Background Introduction Our model has three feedback loops determining its dynam- In this paper, we examine connectivity changes in a com- ics. We next detail the relevant background. plex adaptive ecosystem based on the daisyworld model, combining coupled map lattice (CML) and complex adap- Daisyworld (homeostatic self-regulation of the environ- tive network models. Daisyworld, proposed by Watson and ment by the biota) Daisyworld (Watson and Lovelock, Lovelock (1983), is a simple mathematical system demon- 1983) is an imaginary planet where only two types of species strating planetary homeostasis – self-regulation of the envi- live – black and white daisies. These biotic components in- ronment by biota and self-sustainability of life through inter- teract stigmergically via an abiotic component – tempera- action with the environment. Daisyworld topologies in the ture. The different colours of the daisies influence the albedo literature are static, with only local connections (Wood et al., (reflectivity) of the planet. In the beginning, the atmosphere 2008). In our previous work (Punithan et al., 2011; Punithan of the daisyworld is cooler and only black daisies thrive as and McKay, 2013), we have investigated ecological home- they absorb all the energy. As the black daisy population ostasis in preconstructed static topologies with local and expands, it warms the planet. When it is too warm for black non-local long range couplings –small-world networks. But daisies to survive, white daisies start to bloom since they complex networks in nature and society are adaptive, in that reflect all the energy back into space. As the white daisy they exhibit feedback between the local dynamics of nodes cover spreads, it cools the planet. When it is too cold for (state) and the evolution of the topological structure (Gross the survival of white daisies, again black daisies thrive. This and Blasius, 2008; Gross and Sayama, 2009). Examples in- endless cycle, owing to the bi-directional feedback loop be- clude genetic, neural, immunity, ecological, economic and tween life and the environment, self-regulates the tempera- social networks, complex game interactions etc. ture and thereby allows life to persist. The topology of our ecosystem evolves in response to lo- cal habitat states, and the evolved topology in turn impacts Adaptive Networks (dynamics on the network interact- the habitat states. Our adaptive and self-maintaining ecosys- ing with dynamics of the network) In most real-world tem, based on CML consists of a set of diffusively cou- networks, the topology itself is a dynamical system which pled habitats incorporating logistic growth of life with bi- changes in time and in response to the dynamics of the states directional biota-environment influences. Thus our ecosys- of the nodes (dynamics of the network). The evolved topol- tem incorporates three kinds of feedback: ogy in turn influences the dynamics of the states of the nodes ECAL 2013 332 ECAL - General Track (dynamics on the network), creating a feedback loop be- Denoting the set of neighbours of (i, j) as < l, m >, we tween the dynamics of the nodes and the evolution of the can simplify equation 2 to: topology. Networks exhibiting such a feedback loop (mu- tual evolution of structure and state values) are called adap- ǫ k x = f (1 ǫ)x + x (3) tive or coevolutionary networks (Gross and Blasius, 2008; (i,j,t+1) − (i,j,t) k (l,m,t) Gross and Sayama, 2009). In road networks, the topology <l,m> of the road influences the traffic flow, while traffic conges- Small-world Phenomena The co-occurence of high clus- tion influences the construction of new roads. In the vascu- tering (as in regular networks) and low characteristic path lar system, the topology of the blood vessels controls blood length (as in random networks) define a small-world struc- flow, while restrictions in blood flow influence the formation ture (Watts and Strogatz, 1998). These small-world network of new arteries (arteriogenesis). Numerous other examples properties, giving rise to the well-known “six degrees of are discussed in Gross and Blasius (2008). separation” phenomenon (Milgram, 1967), are quantified by Downloaded from http://direct.mit.edu/isal/proceedings-pdf/ecal2013/25/332/1901807/978-0-262-31709-2-ch049.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 Logistic Growth Model (density-dependent growth rate) two statistical measures: the clustering co-efficient (measur- The discretised logistic growth model (Verhulst model) is ing local cliqui-ness) , and the characteristic path length C L¯ key to population ecology. (measuring global connectedness). Their average values and ¯ for a network with n nodes are defined by: C L Pt P = P 1+r 1 ; r>0,κ>0 (1) n (t+1) t − κ 1 E(Γ ) ¯ = | v | (4) C n k where P [0,κ] is the population size (at times t and t+1), v=1 v ∈ 2 r is the intrinsic growth rate (bifurcation parameter), κ is the carrying capacity (maximum sustainable population be- where Γ is the neighbourhood of a node v, E(Γ ) is the v | v | yond which P cannot increase). The parameter r amplifies number of actual links in the neighbourhood of v, kv is the P population growth and the component [1 t ] dampens the number of nodes in the subnetwork Γ and kv is the num- − κ v 2 growth due to over crowding. Thus population density self- ber of possible links in Γv; and regulates population growth rate. It is also well-known that n n chaos emerges from this growth model (May, 1976) in spite 1 ¯ = d (5) of the built-in regulatory mechanism. L n uv u=1 v>u 2 Coupled Map Lattice The coupled map lattice (Kaneko, 1985, 1992; Kaneko and Tsuda, 2001) incorporates discrete where duv is the shortest path between a pair of nodes u, v. time evolution (map) in a discrete space (lattice or network) as in cellular automata (CA), but takes continuous state val- Degree Distribution The degree of a node is the number ues as in partial differential equation (PDE) models. CML is of neighbours it is connected to. The degree distribution governed by the temporal nonlinear reaction (maps - f) and is defined as the normalised frequency distribution of de- the spatial diffusion (coupling - ǫ). grees over the whole network. The degree distribution of If f(x) is a reaction function of a dynamical variable (x), a network is a simple property which helps to classify net- the update of the variable is computed by combining that works. The regular network with Moore neighbourhoods reaction with discrete Laplacian diffusion. For a regular net- have the same degree (k =8) for all the nodes. The degree work with Moore neighbourhoods (k = 8), the update of x distribution of small-world networks (p in the small-world is computed as: regime (Punithan and McKay, 2013) follows a Poisson dis- tribution with exponential tail. Networks in which most ǫ nodes have approximately the same number of neighbours x = f (1 ǫ)x + x (i,j,t+1) − (i,j,t) 8 (i+1,j,t) are known as “egalitarian” networks (Buchanan, 2003). +x(i 1,j,t) + x(i,j+1,t) + x(i,j 1,t) − − (2) Model +x(i 1,j 1,t) + x(i+1,j 1,t) − − − Our ecosystem is a complex dynamic system in which +x(i 1,j+1,t) + x(i+1,j+1,t) the continuous state habitats diffusively interact with their − neighbours (coupled), evolve in discrete time (map) and are where x(i,j,t) is the spatio-temporal distribution of a dynam- distributed on a discrete space (lattice). Initially, we con- ical variable, ǫ [0, 1] is the coupling parameter (diffusion struct a 2-lattice with Moore neighbourhoods and periodic ∈ ′ rate), k is the number of interacting neighbours, f(x(i,j,t)) boundary conditions. Each point in the lattice represents a ′ is a local non-linear function and x(i,j,t) is the value after habitat with a maximum carrying capacity of 10, 000 daisies. diffusion. Each habitat in our ecosystem is a system.
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