UH 511-816-95 OHSTPY-HEP-E-95-010 February 1, 2008 B Mesons Thomas E. Browder University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Klaus Honscheid Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Abstract B mesons are bound states of a b quark and a light anti-quark. While the binding is provided by the strong interaction B mesons can only decay by arXiv:hep-ph/9503414v1 22 Mar 1995 the weak interaction. Since the top quark mass is large, B mesons are the only mesons containing quarks of the third generation and thus their decays provide a unique opportunity to measure the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements Vcb, Vub, Vts, and Vtd which describe the couplings of the third generation of quarks to the lighter quarks. We review experimental results on masses, lifetimes and decays of B mesons. These include measurements of the inclusive production of charmed and non-charmed mesons and baryons, observations of semileptonic B decays, B B¯ mixing, B meson lifetimes, measurements of exclusive hadronic final − states with charmed mesons, the search for exclusive hadronic final states without charmed mesons, the first observation of the decay B K∗γ which → is described by an electromagnetic penguin diagram and measurement of the inclusive b sγ rate. The theoretical implications of these results will be → considered. 1 Contents I INTRODUCTION 5 A Hadronic and Semileptonic B Decays .................... 6 B Rare B Decays................................. 8 II THEEXPERIMENTALSTUDYOFBDECAY 9 A Υ(4S)Experiments .............................. 9 1 Continuum Background Suppression . 11 2 Selection of B Candidates......................... 12 3 BackgroundStudies ............................ 14 B High Energy Collider Experiments . 14 C Determination of Average B Meson Branching Fractions . 16 III B MESON MASSES AND LIFETIMES 18 A B¯0 and B− Masses. .............................. 20 B Measurement of the B∗ Mass......................... 21 C Observation of B∗∗ Production ........................ 21 D Measurement of the Bs Mass ......................... 22 E b-BaryonMasses ................................ 23 F Techniques of b LifetimeMeasurements . 24 1 Selection of an enriched b sample..................... 24 2 Impactparametermethod. .. .. 25 3 Decaylengthmeasurements . 26 4 Averaging lifetime measurements . 26 G Inclusive b Lifetime .............................. 26 H Exclusive Lifetime Measurements . .. 28 1 B− and B¯0 lifetimes ............................ 28 2 Bs lifetimemeasurements . 29 3 b baryonlifetimemeasurements . 30 4 LifetimeRatios............................... 31 I LifetimeSummary............................... 32 IV SEMILEPTONIC B MESON DECAYS 33 A Inclusive Semileptonic b cTransitions................... 33 → 1 Measurements of sl on the Υ(4S).................... 34 2 The semileptonicB branching fractions of the B− and B¯0 mesons . 37 0 3 Measurements of sl on the Z Resonance................ 38 4 Measurement of bB Xτν ......................... 39 B Exclusive Semileptonic→ Transitions. ..... 39 1 Measurements of (B D∗ℓν)...................... 40 2 Measurements of B(B → Dℓν) ...................... 42 3 Measurements of B(B → D∗∗ℓν) ..................... 43 B → 4 Summary of exclusive semileptonic b c measurements . 45 C The Dynamics of Semileptonic B Decay...................→ 46 2 1 Polarization in B D∗ℓν decays..................... 47 → 2 Measurement of the B D∗ℓν FormFactors .............. 47 → D Determination of Vcb ............................. 50 1 V from inclusive| | measurements . 50 | cb| 2 V from exclusive measurements . 51 | cb| 3 Determination of Vcb usingHQET.................... 52 E b u Transitions and| V| .......................... 54 → | ub| 1 Inclusive Semileptonic b u Transitions. .. 56 2 Exclusive Semileptonic b→ u Transitions ................ 58 → 3 Observation of B πℓν Transitions ................... 59 4 Prospects for the Determination→ of V .................. 59 | ub| V B B¯ MIXING 62 A − B B¯ Mixing ................................ 65 d − d B B B¯ Mixing ................................ 67 s − s VI INCLUSIVE B DECAY 69 A Motivation ................................... 69 B Inclusive B DecaytoMesons ......................... 70 C Inclusive B DecaytoBaryons ........................ 74 D Charm Production in B Decay ........................ 79 VII EXCLUSIVEBDECAYTOBARYONS 82 VIII EXCLUSIVE B DECAY TO D MESONS 82 A Measurements of D(nπ)− FinalStates .................... 82 B Measurements of D∗(nπ)− FinalStates ................... 82 C Polarization in B D∗+ρ− Decays...................... 85 → D Measurements of D∗∗ FinalStates ...................... 87 E Exclusive Decays to D and Ds Mesons.................... 89 IX COLOR SUPPRESSED B DECAY 89 A Exclusive B DecaystoCharmonium . 89 B Polarization in B ψK∗ ........................... 91 C Exclusive Decays to→ a D0(∗) andaNeutralMeson. 92 X THEORETICAL INTERPRETATION OF HADRONIC B DECAY 98 A Introduction .................................. 98 B Factorization.................................. 99 C Phenomenological Models of Hadronic B Decay............... 99 D HeavyQuarkEffectiveTheory . 100 XI TESTS OF THE FACTORIZATION HYPOTHESIS 100 A BranchingRatioTests............................. 100 B FactorizationandAngularCorrelations . .... 103 C TestsofSpinSymmetryinHQET . 104 3 D ApplicationsofFactorization . 105 E Factorization in Color Suppressed Decay . .... 106 XII DETERMINATION OF THE COLOR SUPPRESSED AMPLITUDE 107 A Color Suppression in B Decay ........................ 107 B Determination of a , a and the Relative Sign of (a /a ) ........ 108 | 1| | 2| 2 1 C The Sign of a2/a1 and the Anomalous Semileptonic Branching Ratio . 111 XIII RARE HADRONIC DECAYS 113 A Decays to Ds Mesons ............................. 114 B Charmless Hadronic B Decay......................... 114 C New Experimental Results on B¯0 π+π− and B¯0 K−π+ ........ 116 D Inclusive/Semi-Inclusive b sg transitions→ . .→ . 118 → XIV ELECTROMAGNETIC PENGUIN DECAYS 119 A Observation of B K∗(892)γ ........................ 119 → B Search for exclusive b dγ transitions. .. 120 C Experimental Constraints→ on the b sγ InclusiveRate . 120 → D Theoretical Implications of b sγ ...................... 121 E b sℓ+ℓ− Decays ...............................→ 122 → XV PURELY LEPTONIC B DECAY 123 A B DecaystoTwoLeptons. .. .. 124 B The Decays B τν, B µν and B eν.................. 125 → → → XVI CONSTRAINTSONTHECKMMATRIX 126 A Introduction .................................. 126 B The CKM element V ............................ 126 | cb| C The CKM element Vub ............................ 128 D The CKM element |V | ............................ 129 | td| E The CKM element V ............................ 129 | ts| F The ratio Vts/Vtd ............................... 130 G CPViolation..................................| | 131 XVII CONCLUSIONS 132 REFERENCES 135 APPENDIX 148 4 I. INTRODUCTION One intriguing puzzle in physics is the regular pattern of the three fermion and quark families. The existence of families gives rise to many of the free parameters of the Stan- dard Model, in particular the fermion masses and the elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi- Maskawa matrix (CKM) [1] that describe the mixing between the quark generations. The determination of all of these parameters is required to fully define the Standard Model and may also reveal an underlying structure that will point to new physics. In the Standard Model of three generations the CKM matrix is defined by three real parameters and one complex phase. It relates the eigenstates of the strong and weak interactions and can be written Vud Vus Vub V = Vcd Vcs Vcb (1) V V V td ts tb The matrix V can be expressed approximately as 1 λ2/2 λ Aλ3(ρ iη) − 2 −2 4 λ 1 λ /2 Aλ + O(λ ) (2) ≃ Aλ3(1− ρ iη) −Aλ2 1 − − − This empirical parameterization, suggested by Wolfenstein [2], is correct to terms of order λ4 with λ = sin θ 0.22. In the case of the two generations, the matrix V is a Cabibbo ≈ simple rotation matrix where θCabibbo is the angle of rotation. For three generations, V may contain complex elements and allows for CP violation if the parameter η is non-zero. Although readily accommodated in the Standard Model, CP violation remains one of the least well understood phenomena in physics. So far it has only been observed in the decays of kaons. While the results from the kaon sector are consistent with the Standard Model, the complications introduced by strong interaction effects make it nearly impossible to ascertain whether the complex CKM phase is the sole source for the observed asymmetries. The only other observational constraint on CP violation comes from cosmology. As was first noted by Sakharov, there is an important connection between the observed baryon asymmetry in the universe and CP violation in fundamental processes [3]. He postulated that CP violation in fundamental processes in the early universe, C and baryon number vio- lation, and the absence of thermal equilibrium gave rise to the observed baryon asymmetry. However, recent work suggests that the Standard Model and the complex phase in the CKM matrix cannot provide sufficient CP violation to account for the magnitude of the baryon asymmetry so that other sources of CP violation must be present [4]. An experimental effort to determine the magnitude of the CKM matrix elements and to measure the CP violating phase is therefore of fundamental importance. B meson decay provides an ideal opportunity to pursue such a program. Since the dominant B meson decay mechanisms involve generation changing transitions which are
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