Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-8-1944 Bee Gee News March 8, 1944 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News March 8, 1944" (1944). BG News (Student Newspaper). 686. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. To Servicemen- Is By Ac Card Admission at B.G. See Qee AfenAi Only Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXVIII—Z551 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, MARCH 8, 1944 NO. 16 BG Servicemen Broadway,' Here We Come Falcons Receive Invitation Plan To Return To Madison Square Garden Bowling Green's Falcons will play in the National Inter- collegiate Invitational basketball tournament in Madison After The War Square Garden in New York City for the first time in the University's history- More than three-fourths of the Winners of 22 out of 25 games, the Harold Anderson- service men studying at Bowling coached Falcons play their first game in the tournament Thursday, March 16. Other games Green State University plan to re- Although the three Bowling are March 20, 22, and 26. turn to college following the war. Green players chosen to be on the The quintet will play St. John's I.N.S. All-Ohio College basketball University officials have just de- College, winners of last year's squads will play, the team will not termined this in a survey which tournament. be at full strength because sev- shows that Naval and Marine V 12 Eight of the country's leading eral V-12 students were trans- students are already making plans cage teams are picked annually for ferred from the University at the the contest to determine a mythi- about what they will do after start of the new semester. cal national championship basket- the war. Forward Howard Martin, Ma- ball team. "This tournament is to rine V-12, and center Sid Otten, An additional 18 per cent are basketball what the World Ser- were picked for the first All-Ohio undecided about their educational ies is to baseball," Coach Anderson team. Forward Joe Siegferth was said. plans following victory. Only five placed on the second team and Other teams participating arc Mike Patanelli, Marine V-12 now per cent of the entire unit indicat- Oklahoma A. and M , Stillwater, at Parris Island, received honor- ed that they will not return to Okla.; University of Utah, Salt able mention. college. Lake City, Utah;. University of Patanelli, Ron Lyons, and Bob Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.; DcPaul Of the group planning to return Conner arc the three players who University, Chicago, 111.; Muhlcn- to educational institutions, almost received letters who were trans- bcrg College, Allentown, Pa.; St. ferred. half will study engineering, busi- John's University, Brooklyn, N. Y., Because of a nuval ruling stat- ness administration, medicine or and Canisius College, Buffalo, N.Y. ing that V-12's may not be away dentistry. Other fields of study from the campus for more than chosen by the V-12's include physi- 48 hours, the greater part of the Technical Crews team will have to make several cal education, chemistry, law, his- trips to New York if they win the tory, education, personnel work Are Appointed first game. and biology. The team that gained for Bowling Green an invitation to Madison Square Garden ill Technical crews for the Univer- At press time Coach Anderson Assuming that the group of ser- had not made the selection of play- First row, left to right: Joe Siegferth, Ron Lyons, Mifaa Patanelli, Don Otten, Howard Martin, sity production, "The Old Maid", vice men at Bowling Green is a have been announced by Prof. ers who would make the trip. representative one. University of- Bob Conner; second row, Coach Harold Anderson, Ron Waugh, Ed Karpowici, Brenton Kirk, Assist- Elden T. Smith, director. Patricia Fourteen have been practicing and ficials have determined that: ant Coach George Muellich; back row, Al DiMarco, Jim Measmore, Roger Rorabaugh, Trainer Marion Schweitzer has been named stage ten will probably go to the Gar- 1. the fields of engineering and Stephenson manager and will be assisted by dens, he said. business and the professions of Marjorie Fordyce. Music is under Depaul's Demons, victors over medicine and dentistry will be the direction of Jene Kohls. Ohio State, western conference champion, are fuvored to win the popular choices of returning ser- Mary Jane Lloyd is in charge of vice men who have attended col- Campusteen Hostesses Entertain Servicemen tournament, according to mid- properties and others on her com- western sports writers. The De- leges during their preparatory Hostesses of the Campusteen Ellenbroot, Joann Etzel, Barbara LeFevre, Grace Lewis, Helen mittee are lone Geisel, Olga Son- training for the aimed forces. mons have u center, George Mikan, supply the entertainment for the Fish, Helen Lu Fling, Opal Ford, Lieser, Aniilie Lind, Mary Jano koly, Barton Church, Mary Crim, who is only two inches shorter 2. about one third of the high parties which are arranged by the Marjorie Fordyce. Lloyd, Martha I.own, Lois Lucky, Joan Ward, Wilma Ilolzhauer. than the Falcon's 6 foot 11 inch school graduates, who did not at- Meg Friedley, Lois Gault, Joan Dorothy Luedtke, Gloria Lumley, Campusteen Board. Each month Costumes are under the super- Otten. tend college until they were sent Giez, Enid Glann, Ardine Gott- Dorothy Main, Jean Mains, Mary vision of Dorothy Main with Ann there by the Navy or Marines, members pay dues which cover the fried, Jessie Graf, Wilma Granger, May, Hilda Mehring, Doris Miller, Brencic, Margaret LeFevre, and have definite plans for post-war expenses which are connected with Ethel Grover, Marcia Hachtel, Bet- Ruth Miller, Beverly Milns, Evalyn Betty Paxton assisting. college attendance. the social gatherings. ty Hamler, Ann Hammack, Mar- McClelland, Ruth McC'lurc, Mug Leila Brock heads the business Radio Players The following is a list of hos- jorie Hanline, Marjorie Hopkins, Merrinm, Carolyne Moyer, Exelyrr staff. Dave Thompson is in charge tesses and board members: Erma Hartman, Lois Hartman, Moyer, Alice Mutcrshaugh, Laura of lighting and Pat Howcll is as- Broadcast Sat. Betty Acker, Betty Jane Adams, Lois Hartell, Patricia Henkes, Vi McClain, Carol McCartney, Nancy sisting. Grad Returns To Ann Antypas, Marjorie Arm- Henke, Mary Herman, Charlen* McClain, Mnrian McGinn. The Radio players will present The painting and building com- their second dramatic production strong, Betty R. Arnold, Dorothy Hendershott, Virginia Hill, Jenet Phyllis Naegele, Norma Nicho- Teach Typing mittee is headed by Marjorie Fit- Saturday at 3:05 over WFIN. Ashbrook, Miriam Balliet, Carol Holtmeyer, Wilma Holzhauzcr, las, Clela Overly, Patty Penny- kin and Virginia Keller. Commit- Marie Powell will be the student George Hankey, graduate of Bame, Martha Baxter, Glena Ben- Ruth Horton, Mary Hubble, Mar- packer, Haroldinc Palmiter, Anna- tee members are Ann Hammack, director with Ella Ann Vaughn as this University and a native zing, Nancy Bogdanoff, Dorothy pory Hummon, Mary Frances maric Pnnasuk, Barbara E. Parker, Raymond Bowman, Robert Sonder- Jane Boozer, Velma Bisher, Doro- Hyde, Alice Johnson, Audrie John- Betty Paxton, Lucille Pope, Marie eggcr, Louise Duffy, Ralph Klein, student announcer. Martha Tran- of Bowling Green, is now teaching sue is in charge of music, with thy Bloomingdale, Betty Brcne- son, Joanne Jones, Naomi Jordahl, Powell, Kathleen Price, Marjorie Evelyn Joan Smith, Kent Taylor, typing classes in the Business Edu- man, Ann Brencic, Doris Brickner, Jean Kellermeyer, Frances Kern, Protsiuan, Elizabeth Itagg, Dot Dick Herring, Marie Powell, Hal Dorothy Main in charge of sound, and Doreen Stouffer at the control cation Department. Leila Brock, Delores Bryan, Mar- Evelyn Kibler. Raines, Lyn Rasmus, Mae Bell Potts, Olan Dunlap, and Walter board. Mr. Hankey has been head of jorie Bussdickcr, Bcutrice Bush- Avis Kint, Kay Knisely, Betty Reece, Lois Reed, Eliznbcth Renz, Jorgenson. the commercial department in the man, Jane Byrnes. Ruth Krabill, Kay Keough, Pat Pat Resch, Mary Louise Ritz, Joan The play is to be presented on On March 19 another produc- Boys' High School of Charleston, Martha Campbell, Maxine Camp- Kroft, Dorothy Krosnosky, Peg (Continued on page 4) Thursday and Friday, March 23 tion with L'Jane Kiplinger as stu- Charleston, South Carolina, for bell, Ellen Canfield, Kay Carras, and 24. dent director will be presented. the past 17 years. He also studied Eunice Clark, Patricia Cloos, Kath- The first meeting of the second at the College of Charleston. ryn Cook, Sue Conners, Mary semester was on Thursday, March Mrs. Hankey is also a graduate Craigmile, Virginia Crycr, Mary Dean's ListHonors 116 Students Treble Clef Sings At 2, and an enrollment of 25 was of Bowling Green State University. Ellen Cuff, Jean Curtis, Doris Toledo Museum there. Their son, David, who attended Dangler, Anna Rose Darr, Mary Of High Scholarship Averages The first program of the second summer school here one term, Ann Davis, Mary Jo Davis, Esther The Treble Clef Club presented semester was presented March 4. and was a student at Clemson Mili- Davis, Mary K. Davis, Eloise Di- Names of students listed on the present semester's Dean's a program in the Toledo Museum Miss Charlotte Skenc spoke on tary School in South Caroline is bert, Jeanne Derr, Ann Douglass, List were released this week by Arch B.
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