LATEST SEENEWS FMCG COMPANY PROFILES, INTERVIEWS & NEWS PROFILE PROFILE INTERVIEW PODRAVKA MERCATOR NESTLE > PAGE 2 > PAGE 12 BULGARIA > PAGE 20 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2014 036 THE VALUE OF AN IDEA LIES IN THE USING OF IT. THOMAS EDISON, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO-FOUNDER INDEPENDENT BUSINESS NEWS AND MARKETINTELLIGENCE WITH FOCUS ON THE EMERGING MARKETS. INTELLIGENT PLATFORM FOR ACTIONABLE DECISION-MAKING THE VALUE OF AN IDEA LIES IN THE USING OF IT. THOMAS EDISON, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO-FOUNDER INDEPENDENT BUSINESS NEWS AND MARKETINTELLIGENCE WITH FOCUS ON THE EMERGING MARKETS. INTELLIGENT PLATFORM FOR ACTIONABLE DECISION-MAKING For morE anaLytIcaL and markEt reports 02 ProFILE vIsIt http://intelligence.seenews.com/ Alternative Names Podravka JSC; Podravka prehrambena industrija d.d.; Podravka Food Processing Industry, Incorporated; Podravka Inc. Podravka d.d. Incorporation Date Jan 1, 1934 Podravka d.d. is one of the major food process- ing companies in Croatia. The company op- contacts erates in three main business segments - food, beverages and pharmaceuticals. Podravka d.d. holds an ISO 9001:2008 Qual- ity management systems certificate, valid Address E-mails 32 Ante Starcevica [email protected] until April 26, 2016. Str., 48000 [email protected] The company’s shares are included in the Koprivnica, Croatia [email protected] blue-chip index CROBEX of the Zagreb Stock [email protected] Exchange. Telephones +385 48 651 144 Podravka d.d.’s shares are included in the +385 48 651 200 Websites Dow Jones STOXX Sub Balkan 30 index that +385 48 651 228 www.podravka.com combines share price trends of the 30 larg- +385 48 653 225 est companies from Croatia, Macedonia, Ser- Faxes bia and Slovenia. +385 48 622 518 +385 48 220 562 Last updated on Oct 27, 2014. +385 48 622 621 comPany hIstory 1934 – A fruit processing company in May 19, 2006 - Podravka starts trad- M006A7). (Editor’s Note: Commercial Koprivnica is established by the Wolf ing its corporate bonds on the Official papers are an unsecured, short-term brothers. Bond Market of the Zagreb Stock Ex- debt instrument issued by a corpora- change under the ticker PODR-O-115A, tion, typically for meeting short-term 1947 – The company is nationalised ISIN number: HRPODRO115A4. Bonds liabilities.) and named Podravka. are issued in the amount of HRK 375 mln with maturity in 2011 and annual February 2009 - Podravka d.d. sets up 1972 - Pharmaceutical plant Belupo is interest of 5.125%. its subsidiary in Turkey. set up in Ludbreg, northern Croatia. 2007 - Podravka d.d. acquires Polish Jan 24, 2014 - Podravka d.d. takes 1973 - Danica Mesna Industrija is seasoning brands Warzywko and over its wholly owned subsidiary Lero established as a meat processing Perfekta, as well as local beverages d.o.o., which is written-off the Trade factory. brand Lero. register and no longer exists as a separate legal entity. 1993 – Podravka is privatised and reg- Oct 15, 2008 - Podravka d.d. acquires istered as a joint stock company. 100% in Lero d.o.o., Rijeka, a company Mar 26, 2014 - Podravka d.d. takes active in manufacturing and trade in over its wholly owned subsidiary Sept 25, 1997 - Podravka d.d. takes non-alcoholic beverages. Ital-Ice d.o.o., which is written-off the over local company Zlatka d.o.o. Trade register and no longer exists as 2008 - Podravka sets up its restaurant a separate legal entity. Dec 7, 1998 – Podravka d.d. is listed on keeping company Podravsko Ugos- the Zagreb Stock Exchange. titeljstvo d.o.o. in Koprivnica. August 2014 - The company acquires a 53.86% majority stake in Croatian 2003 – Podravka d.d. launches the Feb 10, 2009 - Podravka d.d. issues its fish products manufacturer Mirna d.d. Podravka Academy of Management commercial papers with a nominal for HRK 198.2 mln. (POMAK) in cooperation with the value of EUR 18 mln and maturing Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. in 364 days (Stock Symbol: PODR- Last updated on Oct 27, 2014. M-006A, ISIN number: HRPODR- managEmEnt 20.52% Primary Industry: Board of Directors and Executives: CROATIA 18.51% Food Zvonimir Mrsic | Chairman of the Board and CEO SOCIETE GENERALE - Secondary Industry: Jadranka Ivankovic | Member of the Board SPLITSKA BANKA D.D. Diversified Holdings Olivija Jakupec | Member of the Board CROATIA Legal Form: Miroslav Klepac | Member of the Board Joint Stock Company Hrvoje Kolaric | Member of the Board Status: OWNERSHIP Active Supervisory Board: NIN: Dubravko Stimac | Chairman of the Board 010006549 Mato Crkvenac | Deputy-Chairman of the Board Quoted: YES Dinko Novoselec | Member of the Board ISIN: Petar Vlaic | Member of the Board HRPODRRA0004 Petar Miladin | Member of the Board 60.97 Tickers - Martinka Mardjetko-Vukovic | Member of the Board OTHER PODR-R-A (Zagreb Stock Ivo Druzic | Member of the Board Exchange) - PRIMARY Milan Stojanovic | Member of the Board Ivana Matovina | Member of the Board 04 SUBSIDIARIES & AFFILIATES DIRECT IndIRECT MAJORITY NAME HOLDING HOLDING STAKEHOLDER ACTIVE COUNTRY MIRNA D.D. 53.86% YES YES CROATIA STUDENAC D.O.O. 100% YES YES CROATIA LERO D.O.O. 100% YES NO CROATIA ITAL - Ice D.O.O. 100% YES NO CROATIA KOTI NekRETNINE D.O.O. 100% YES NO CROATIA PODRAVKA INZENJERING D.O.O. 100% YES NO CROATIA PONI TRGOVINA D.O.O. 100% YES NO CROATIA BelUPO D.D. 100% YES YES CROATIA DANICA D.O.O. 100% YES YES CROATIA PODRAVKA - POlskA SP.Z.O.O. 100% YES YES POLAND PODRAVKA INTERNATIONAL KFT 100% YES YES HUNGARY PODRAVKA D.O.O. 100% YES YES SLOVENIA PODRAVKA D.O.O. 100% YES YES SERBIA PODRAVKA - INT. DeUTschlAND KONAR GmbH 100% YES YES GeRMANY PODRAVKA D.O.O. 100% YES YES MONTENEGRO SANA D.O.O. 100% YES YES SLOVENIA PODRAVKA - INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. 100% YES YES ROMANIA PODRAVKA D.O.O. 100% YES YES MAceDONIA PODRAVKA INTERNATIONAL EOOD 100% YES YES BULGARIA PODRAVKA INTERNATIONAL INC. 100% YES YES USA PODRAVKA INTERNATIONAL PTV LTD. 98.88% YES YES AUSTRALIA PODRAVKA - INTERNATIONAL S.R.O. 75% 25% YES YES SLOVAKIA PODRAVKA INTERNATIONAL 75% 25% YES YES TURkey LAGRIS A.S. 100% YES YES CZECH RepUblIC PODRAVKA D.O.O. SARAJEVO 100% YES YES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BelUPO D.O.O.E.L. 100% YES YES MAceDONIA BelUPO S.R.O. 100% YES YES SLOVAKIA BelUPO LJUblJANA 100% YES YES SLOVENIA LJekARNE DelTIS PHARM KOPRIVNICA 100% YES YES CROATIA FARMAVITA D.O.O. 65% YES YES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA PRODUCTS & SERVICES Podravka d.d. is engaged in the acqui- instant soups, pastas and risottos, tomato-based products sition, management, evaluation and bouillon cubes pasteurised, sterilised and frozen sale of stakes in domestic and foreign dessert, snacks, wafers and ice vegetables companies. cream bakery products natural mineral water, spring water, meat products Podravka d.d. also markets the prod- non-alcoholic beverages, vitamin pharmaceuticals ucts of its subsidiaries: instant drinks and tea universal food complements, sea- jam and honey soning and sauces fruit in syrup and processed fruit Last updated on Oct 27, 2014. CAPACITY Podravka d.d. is headquartered in Koprivnica, northern Croatia. It also has a business unit in Croatia’s capital Zagreb. Last updated on Oct 27, 2014. 05 MARKET & SALES Podravka d.d.’s main foreign markets are: Armenia, Aus- and a gross profit of HRK 305.9 mln, up 2.0% on the year. tralia, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, the UK, In April 2014 Podravka d.d. signed an agreement with Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Croatian PIK Vrbovec d.d. to take over its canned meat busi- Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Rus- ness. The deal covers the transfer of trademarks, recipes sia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, USA, as well as and equipment as well as the takeover from PIK Vrbovec countries from Africa, the Middle East and South America. d.d. of the manufacturing business and sale of canned meat pate and canned meat products. In July 2014 the company was granted a EUR 73.4 mln syndicated loan by the European Bank for Reconstruction Podravka d.d. reported a non-consolidated net loss of HRK and Development (EBRD) and the Austria-based banks Er- 4.220 mln in the first quarter of 2014, compared to a net ste Group Bank AG, Raiffeisen Bank International AG and loss of HRK 12.844 mln in the same period of 2013. The Unicredit Bank Austria AG. company’s total revenue went down to HRK 392.6 mln in the first quarter of 2014 from HRK 423.7 mln in the first For the first six months of 2014 the company posted a net quarter of 2013. sales revenue of HRK 832.4 mln, down 6.0% on the year, PODRAVKA D.D.'S ReVENUE by SEGmeNT (in HRK) SEGMENT 2013 2012 CULINARY 932,235,000 902,821,000 SWeeTS, SNAcks AND beVERAGES 174,036,000 165,184,000 BAby FOOD, BREAKFAST AND OTheR FOOD PRODUCTS 912,314,000 899,064,000 MEAT AND FIsh PRODUCTS 281,566,000 344,071,000 OTheR 349,656,000 345,818,000 PHARMAceUTICAls 851,270,000 825,716,000 TOTAL 3,501,077,000 3,482,674,000 PODRAVKA GROUP'S ReVENUE by ReGION (in HRK) REGION 2013 2012 CROATIA 1,483,479,000 1,579,367,000 SOUTH-EAST EUROpe 916,122,000 877,709,000 CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROpe 788,673,000 727,922,000 WesTERN EUROPE AND OTheRS 312,803,000 297,676,000 TOTAL 3,501,077,000 3,482,674,000 Podravka d.d. owns the following brands: Aji-Shio for seasoning; Vegeta for universal food complement; Podravka milk rice for milk rise; Podravka soups for packet soups; Podravka wafers for wafers; Talianetta for pastas and risottos; Podravka rice for rice; Fant for seasoning mixes and sauces; Podravka ice cream for ice cream; Podravka cubes for bouillon cubes; Fini-Mini for instant soups Dolcela for desserts; Lino for Baby’s and children’s food; Cokolesnik for instant wheat flakes with chocolate.
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