Vol. XLV, No. 22 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Friday, May 14, 1965 Kennedy Evaluates Prefect Wins Damag~s Drought Ends • For Strong-Arm Tactics "PBK" Education In Lecture Of New South 'Putsch' With Huge Induction by Robert J. Barrett A possible milestone in stu­ dent rights at Georgetown University was reached this week in the Small Claims Court of the D. C. Court of General Sessions. A lay pre­ fect won a verdict for damages to his car suffered last Fall when it was moved during the paving of the New South parking lot. Charles A. Glackin, prefect in New South, had filed his lawsuit claiming some $33 damages when his car was moved by workers on the paving project October 19, 1964. He had suffered setbacks , _~c;,~;~~~. during the pursuit of his claim, ,...,";-<,I" .... ;, ...... :"", ,.l.'II.r'-J"':;,I.--t" ,I.: ~1\)1i" Ii' ,,~: .....:.;..-...~,,1 , LET ME SAY THIS ... Senator Robert F. Kennedy speaks to a but finally won judgment. ~__ ~:I,~ ~~._.,!~ j~ .,;::",Ir. , capacity audience in Copley Lounge at a reception Tuesday night. Upon termination of the suit, FINALLY ... Dr. Witney J. Oates, President~of the United Phi Beta there immediately arose ,specula­ Kappa Chapters, presents a charter of the national honor .frat~rnity Senator Robert F. Kennedy tion on campus as to whether to the Very Rev. Gerard J. Campbell, President of the Umverslty. Panelists Divided of New York outlined the others would file claims for dam­ burgeoning domestic and in­ ages to their autos in the same by Jim Capra ternational problems that the project. After one hundred seventy-five years of academic en­ On Student Rights Background for the incident per­ U. S. is presently facing to deavor, Georgetown University has entered the ranks of haps is best provided by The HOYA America's national honor fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa. The In EC Symposium an overflow throng in Copley for October 23, 1964, in which Lounge this past Tuesday night. "strong-arm tactics" were de­ installation of the chapter was held on Thursday, April 29, The theory of in loco par­ Commenting on the world situa­ scl1ibed. The story mentioned that in Gaston Hall.' entis proved to be the main tion, he emphasized the value of the act10n "was accomplished with­ The formal installation of the chapter took place in topic of discussion at the educating America's youth in out informing the students whose autos were involved and with -------------- private ceremonies. This in­ symposium on the "Rights striving to achieve practical solu­ tions to these pressing problems. dubious regard for the safety of Dr. Keegan Chosen cluded the entrusting of the and Responsibilities of a After remarking that it was the ca~s towed." charter to the charter mem­ Georgetown Student" held by good to be back in the company of Litigated Latin Co-ordinator bers, the conferring of the people who speak his language, the East Campus Sodality. The Many students complained, The constitution, the adoption of symposium, held C'n Tuesday night Senator Kennedy discussed the 49- For Ford Company 45 defeat the Poll Tax Amendment HOYA reported, that their cars had by-laws, and the election of in Palms Lounge, was sparsely at­ been forcibly entered and moved. by Tom Crowe tended, however. Because of the to President Johnson's Voting chapter officers: Franklin B. Wil­ Rights bill in the Senate on A number of students complained The resignation of Dr. Sil1all turnout, ·members of the that their autos had been damaged. liams, Jr., President; Ralph S. panel were able to discuss their Tuesday, saying that an otherwise Frank L. Keegan, Associate Henderson, Vice-President; Valerie admirable effort could not over­ A third year law student, Pre­ A. Earle, Secretary; Frederick D. views with the audience which in­ fect Glackin determined that his Dean of the College of Arts cluded members of the iaculty and come the opposition of both par­ Eddy, Treasurer; J. Joseph Hutch­ ties' leaders in the Senate. damages should be litigated and and Sciences, was announced macher, Historian. the administration. Among those V'owed that the responsible parties Reviewing the accomplishments Those to be initiated as new present were Dean WilHam E. would pay the costs of his repairs last week by the Dean's office. Moran of the Foreign Service of the Kennedy-Johnson Adminis­ Keegan's resignation had been members entered following the in­ ($33.10 plus court costs). stallation of the chapter. Professor I School, Assistant Dean Charles P. tration, he .pointed out the great anticipated on campus for several O'Donnell, and Dr. Frederick D. amount of work which has been Lad Mills Williams, president of the chapter, months. gave a short address which was Eddy, professor of languages in done to ~Jlevinte the economic and Glackin first filed suit in the The Ford Foundation has re­ followed by the reading of a history the Foreign Service School. social troubles that existed when Small Claims Court against Lad tained Keegan as an advisor and of Phi Beta Kappa by Professor President John F. Kennedy took Mills Esso Station (who allegedly Panelists seemed to disagree on co-ordinator for their Latin Ameri­ Hutchmacher. office early in 1961. He further towed his car) alleg.ing that their can projects. The new post repre­ just how far the university should stated that only through continued QPT go in supervising the life of the workers had negligently towed his sents a professional advancement hard work by all Americans could The new members were then ini­ stucIent. Views ranged from those car from the rear, damaging the for Keegan, who will move to illiteracy, racial discrimination, tiated individually, each receiving voiced by one panelists who stated Mexico City some time. this sum­ substand~.rd living conditions and (Continued on Page 10) a certificate, a pin, and a short that a parental ,attitude by the mer. unemployment be gradually elim­ The former Assistant Dean came history of the fraternity. Initiated university is valid becal.lse the nor- inated. to Georgetown in 1962 from the were five members of the class of 111al parent-SOIl relationship is not Referring to the indifference to University of Notre Dame, where 66, forty members of the class of at all a constraining one, to an­ social issues of many capable and '. he taught Philosophy. '65, and one graduate student. The other panelist's statement that 'i The Very Rev. Thomas R. Fitz­ educated people, the Senator re- '-j.. qualitative point requirement for "This university is not a family, called a favorite quote of the late gerald, S. J., Dean of the College, juniors was 3.75 and for seniors, it is and should be an institution; President: "The hottest places in informed The HOYA that replace- 3.5. there is no sacred cow around Hell are reserved for those who, in ments for Keegan's post were be- Humanities here; the only thing sacred is time of moral crisis, retain their '" academic freedom." Both sides ing considered, but at the time At roughly 5 :15 the ceremonies stressed' partnership between stu­ neutrality." no one had been chosen. The man were opened to the public. Dr. dents, faculty, and administration. Senator Kennedy was the guest who will eve n t u a 11 y occupy Whitney J. Oates of Princeton Uni­ The inability of the students to of honor at a reception held for Keegan's White - Gravenor office versity, President of the United form lasting v'alues while here was Massachusetts residents and their will, according to Father Fitz- Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, de­ also discussed and attributed to guests. He represented his younger gerald, be designated Dean of livered an address entitled "The sterility on the part of students brother, Senator Edward M. Ken­ Freshmen. This pas t semester Humanities in the American Sys­ and paternalism on the pa1·t of nedy (D.-Mass.), who was unable .. Keegan, in accordance with new tem." He stressed the importance the administration. to attend for unexplained reasons. College policY, had concentrated of humanities in the American Before Senator Kennedy arrived his efforts on the Class of 1968. In the May issue of Stimulus, educational system and asked sup- Student leaders on the panel in­ color films of the late President's port for a Humanities Foundation cluded Tom Ka.ne, president of the travels were shown. Refreshments a journal of collegiate opinion were served to the wall-to-wall published independently by stu- Bill now before Congress which East Campus Student Council; dents of 'local Catholic colleges, would establish a commission on Phil Verveer, vice-president; Gary throng in attenda.nce. Keegan attacked the parochial atti- humanities similar to the Presi­ Folowing his brief talk, the ~en­ Wasserman, editor of the Courier; tude of Georgetown's Jesuit Ad- dent's Commission on the Arts. Lou Rosenberg, head of CONT AC; ator answered a few questlons from the audiensce and then left ministration. He also expressed' At 6:30 a reception was held in Dave Bochnowski, president of the what he considered student non- the New South Faculty Lounge class of '67; Terry Modglin, vice­ with the two Kennedy children who president of the class of '68. accompanied him. CHARLES GLACKIN (Continued on Page 15) (Continued on Page 14) Page Two THE HOYA Friday, May 14, 1965 Editorial: Letters To The Editor The New Breed As you might guess, some pretty To the Editor: is too early an hour to expect a unusual letters have found their This scholastic year has been a gentleman of Georgetown to appear It is customary at the end of the school year to review way to the Editor's desk.
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