September 29, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27223 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OFFERING MILITARY DEPENDENTS change as I receive comments from the De­ begins, and I want to urge my colleagues, es­ AND NONACTIVE DUTY MILI­ partment of Defense, Office· of Personnel Man­ pecially those of Italian descent, to join me in TARY THE OPPORTUNITY TO agement, the military coalition, and other inter­ the celebration. PARTICIPATE IN THE FEDERAL ested parties. It is my hope, however, that this EMPLOYEES HEALTH BENEFITS vehicle will raise the issue to a level of debate PROGRAM that will enable us in Congress to seriously study merits of allowing military dependents TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE HON. ED PASTOR and military retirees the opportunity to partici­ JUDGE GEORGE C. STEER III OF ARIZONA pate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Program. Friday, September 29, 1995 HON. DAVID E. BONIOR Mr. PASTOR. Mr. Speaker, recently, the ITALIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE OF MICHIGAN Civil Service Subcommittee of the House Gov­ MONTH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment Reform and Oversight Committee held hearings into the problems with the mili­ HON. WIUJAM J. MARTINI Friday, September 29, 1995 tary health services system. Assistant Sec­ OF NEW JERSEY Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, the March of retary of Defense for Health Affairs described IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dimes is an organization with a noble mission: the three biggest problems in military health Friday, September 29, 1995 to fight birth defects and childhood diseases. care as "access, access, access." Those of us who have military installations in our con­ Mr. MARTINI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in We all share the March of Dimes dream which gressional districts are all too familiar with honor and recognition of October as Italian­ is that every child should have the opportunity these problems. It is not unusual for our case­ American Heritage month and to acknowledge to live a healthy life. workers to be helping military spouses or de­ the accomplishments and contributions of Ital­ For the past 12 years, the southeast Michi­ pendents receive health care treatment be­ ian-Americans. As an American with Italian gan chapter of the March of Dimes Birth De­ cause they could not get a doctor's appoint­ roots, I appreciate the significance of this fects Foundation has honored several ment at the on-base military clinic. month. My grandfather Michael came here Macomb County residents who are outstand­ In all fairness to the Defense Department, from Italy to begin a new life, seeking oppor­ ing members of our community and have the Office of Health Affairs has been working tunity for himself and his posterity. As many helped in the campaign . for healthier babies. to improve access. Last December, DOD an­ older Italian-Americans can attest, life in the This evening, the chapter will be hosting the nounced it was expanding its health care pro­ States was not necessarily easy. Our people 12th annual Alexander Macomb Citizen of the gram to provide military dependents and retir­ worked hard and labored long hours in some Year award dinner. The award, instituted in ees with a triple option health care benefit. very difficult jobs, seeking only to earn an hon­ 1984, is named after my home county's name­ The cornerstone of the plan is the Tricare est living. Michael Martini actually worked 16 sake, Gen. Alexander Macomb, a hero of the Prime option which affords beneficiaries the hours a day making hats and selling them out War of 1812. option to enroll in a managed care program. of a little shop in what would become my Beneficiaries will also be able to choose the hometown of Passaic, NJ. This year, the March of Dimes has chosen current health care coverage provided under Despite hard work, the road was not always my good friend, Judge George Steeh Ill, as a the CHAMPUS-now called Tricare Stand­ easy. At times ethnic discrimination reared its recipient of the award. Serving as a justice is ard-fee-for-service program. The third op­ ugly head to dampen the progress of Italian­ not simply a job for Judge Steeh, it is an avo­ tion-Tricare Extra-will give beneficiaries ac­ Americans; they were often assigned the most cation. As he recently said, "I feel there's cess to a preferred provider plan. menial tasks or passed up for promotions be­ never a day that goes by where I don't have The Tricare plan leaves many questions un­ cause of their names or their accents. Even as the opportunity to improve the human condi­ answered, and many military families are late as the 1970's, prejudice against Italian­ tion in my work." In his work and his private skeptical that Tricare will increase access to Americans was not unknown. life, whether it be with at the Macomb County health care. One such example occurred during a 1970 Circuit Court, the March of Dimes, Catholic Today, I am introducing legislation that City University of New York enrollment expan­ Social Services, or the Comprehensive Youth would offer military beneficiaries the oppor­ sion in New York City. As the University en­ Services, where he serves as an officer and tunity to participate in the Federal Employees rollment experienced unprecedented expan­ member of the board of directors, George's in­ Health Benefits Program [FEHBP] on a dem­ sion, faculty members born of Italian-American volvement within the community exemplifies onstration basis in States where beneficiaries heritage were unjustly denied tenure. A small his commitment to improving the human con­ care covered under the Tricare Program. yet strong group of faculty began meeting on dition. a regular basis to discuss the injustice unfold­ FEHBP has been held up as a model for con­ Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine is just one of ing all around them. After many years of cul­ taining health care costs and providing access the more famous breakthroughs that would not tivating support from outside agencies and to Federal employees. Certainly, the military have been possible without March of Dimes families and retired military personnel deserve State legislators, Italian-American descendants research funding. And, without people like the same health care access and advantage slowly but surely leveled the playing field. On Judge Steeh the job of protecting babies of the FEHBP's wide range of choices. The March 17, 1975, Chancellor Kibbee of the City would be that much more difficult. current system of providing health care to mili­ University of New York addressed the inter­ tary beneficiaries on a space-available basis, ests of the minority group developing aca­ I applaud the southeast Michigan chapter of through a priority system, is no more than ra­ demic, cultural, and political programs aimed the March of Dimes and Judge George Steeh tioned health care. Military beneficiaries de­ at the progress of the Italian-American society. for their leadership, advocacy, and community serve better, and I am confident that they will As they should, Italian-Americans have and service. I know that Judge Steeh is honored obtain better health care benefits through will fight all forms of discrimination and preju­ by the recognition and I urge my colleagues to FEHBP. dice head-on with pride and a fiery spirit. This join me in saluting him as a 1995 recipient of Mr. Speaker, this legislation is not perfect. It is just one aspect of our culture we should re­ the Alexander Macomb Citizen of the Year serves as a draft to be perfected. This bill will member as Italian-American Heritage month Award. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 27224 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 29, 1995 "GINGRICH AND THE nances with an impact equivalent to the ment with a number of fire-related associa­ COPPERHEADS" moon smashing into the earth. tions. A strong supporter of CFSI, Bob is a Our politics only rarely produce major major contributor to the institute's internship chances for fiscal reform. The last time was HON. NICK SMITH 1983, when Social Security's unfunded liabil­ program. The program gives future leaders of OF MICHIGAN ity, then 1.82% of taxable payroll, was the fire service invaluable Washington experi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES " solved." Twelve years later, the stakes are ence that will serve them well in the years Friday, September 29, 1995 more than three times higher. ahead. To be sure, Gingrich is bolder than Clinton I look forward to seeing Bob on his feet Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I and Democrats in Congress. Clinton's 10-year again soon. Until then, we in Washington send would like to submit this important article by balanced budget plan would trim Medicare's our best wishes to you, Bob, for a full recov­ Mr. Stuart Sweet into the RECORD. I urge my unfunded liability by a trivial amount. Con­ ery. colleagues to review it and heed its message. gressional Democrats pounced on him for We must fight for a balanced budget at all even that. And they've launched a million­ dollar ad campaign to denounce the plan to costs, yet we must look ahead. The article " slash Medicare." A TRIBUTE TO THE TENTH clearly shows that even if we pass a reconcili­ This is crass politics, not commitment to ANNIVERSARY OF FOOD FOR ALL ation bill and lower cost appropriation bills Medicare. Cabinet officers and nonpartisan which put us on a glide path for a balanced actuaries agree that Medicare benefits would HON.
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