WESTERN EUROPE EDITION One Year Ago Today her Today Russians take Warsaw. British PARIS: Fair, max. temp.—30 forces advance in Dutch triangle. S. FRANCE: Fair—36 Third Army traps Germans in THE STARS A TRIPES DOVER: Fair—34 Luxembourg pocket. Eighth AF GERMANY: Fair to cloudy—29 bombers blast Germany. Unofficial Newipapw M U.S. Forces In the European Theater Vol. 2—No. 184 2Fiv Id. Friday, Jan. 18, 1946 Lichfield Officer Getting 'End Draft'Drive Ready Loses Appeal for Shown ironing her babies' linen On in Congress; for packing is Mrs. Winifred Jenyn of London, who will de- part with her two daughters, Anita, 18 months old, and Diana, Rovall as Counsel six months, in a contingent of Ike Called Again GI brides abord the Queen Mary to join her husband, Cpl. Joseph By a Stars ana Stripes Stall Writer Jenyn of Detroit. At Southamp- WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (AP).—Sentiment in favor of ton, workmen began transform- LONDON, Jan. 17.—Brig. Gen. Kenneth C. Royall, Acting ing the Queen Mary from a letting the Selective Service law die on May 15 appeared to Secretary of War and former legal adviser to Secretary of troopship into a vessel "fit for be growing stronger in Congress today, despite a warning War Robert P. Patterson, was sought as his chief defense GI brides and their children." from Acting Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall that A maternity ward, nurseries, demobilization of the Army to its peace-time strength of councel by 1/Lt. Leonard W. Ennis, Lichfield trial defendant, play rooms, special laundries and but the War Department declared him "not available," the 1,500,000 men was dependent on sectional kitchens are provided. continuation of voluntary enlist- London Area judge advocate's of mmmm ments and present rates of induc- fioe announced today Masaryk Asks tions under Selective Service. At the same time. Lt. Col. Wil- At the same time, Gen. Dwight D. liam G. Hummell. assisant USFET Eisenhower, Army Chief of Staff, IG, who criticized the conduct of has been summoned to appear be- the trial in a letter to the London UNO Control fore the House and Senate Military Area commanding general, admit- Affairs Committees for further ted in court today that a week be- questioning on the demobilization fore he made his criticism. Col. Of World Arms program. The Chief of Staff also James A. Kilian had asked him to will make a nation-wide radio ad- serve as his defense counsel in the LONDON, Jan. 17 (AP).—United dress on the subject tomorrow event he (Kilian) was brought to Nations control of the entire world night at 9 PM EST. trial. armament industry, including Sen. Edwin C. Johnson <D-Colo.) Did Not Say No atomic-bomb factories, was propos- meanwhile, demanded the Army be Hummell testified he informed ed to the General Assembly today Kilian at that time that there was by Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister 3 Protesting GIs Confined "more competent counsel available," of Czechoslovakia, one of Europe's but said he had not given a flat great arms-producing countries. HONOLULU, Jan. 17 (INS).— negative reply. Jobs and problems piled up for Three American soldiers were Ennis, former 10th Reinf. Depot the new organization as it began confined to quarters today as prison officer, whom the prosecution the second week of its existence agitation for speedier demobiliza- has asked confined for threatening with a sober speech by British tion became a court-martial of- witnesses, is awaiting trial on Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin. fense in the mid-Pacific. charges of mistreating prisoners. Top developments included: Lt. Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Maj. Richard D. Kearney, Lon- mid-Pacific Army commander, re- 1— Bevin announced Britain was flecting the War Department's don Area staff judge advocate, negotiating to place three of her stated today that Ennis' request stiffening attitude toward GI pro- five old League of Nations man- tests, declared: for Royall as his counsel had been dates under the projected new forwarded through channels to "No further mass meetings, United Nations trusteeship system. demonstrations or agitation on Washington. The War Department Belgian officials said they would replied that the undersecretary was demobilization will be permitted announce similar intentions for in this command. Commanding "not available." their two mandates, Buanda and officers will be held responsible Called Friend of Father Urundi, in East Africa, in a day for this directive and will court- According to new evidence in- or so. martial offenders for disobedience troduced in the court, Ennis' fa- 2— Masaryk told the Assembly of orders." ther is alleged to be a friend of that in order to safeguard hu- Those restricted were M/Sgt. Royall. In the Hummell letter to manity asainst "the latest scien- Joseph Sam Nahem of Brooklyn, Brig. Gen. Claude M. Thiele; Lon- tific inventions," the world's arms former pitcher for the Brooklyn don Area office commander, 1/Lt. industry, "together with the latest Dodgers; T/4 David Livingston of Granville Cubage, another depot devastating inventions, should be New York City and Herbert Free- prison officer awaiting trial, is quo- put under the control of the man, whose home was not dis- ted as telling Hummel that Ennis' United Nations." closed. father was friendly with Royall. 3— Nasrullah Entezam, Iranian "Lt. Cubage advised," Hummell delegate, said that his country's slashed to an "irreducible mini- wrote, "that Lt. Ennis, feeling that appeal to the Security Council for mum," suggesting that it be cut to the case was weakly defended, has help in settling its dispute with 1,000,000 men. requested a friend of his father, Russia over political conditions in Won't Seek Renewal Kenneth Royall. brigadier general northern Iran might be present- AUS. to come over and take over ed formally tomorrow, thus pos- Influential members of the House the defense." sibly putting the Council under Military Affairs Committee indica- Hummell added. "Lt. Ennis appa- Meat-Buying Rush On in U.S.; a severe test at the outset. ted they would not attempt to re- rently doesn't know that Mr. Royall 4— Members of the 11-nation new the Selective Service law be- Is now undersecretary of war." Council, together with a variety cause they considered legislation of experts on organization, pre- for universal military service more Requests Declined Truman to Act in Steel Strike pared to hold their first meeting important, and they saw no pos- Hie defense counsel, consisting beginning at 3 PM. but prelimi- sibility of getting both pieces ot »jf>l/Lts. Frank M. Johnson Jr. and nary indications were the session legislation through Congress dur- Joseph E. Cassidy, declared today WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (UP).—President Truman will offer would be held to formalities and ing the present session. that they had turned down the re- his own formula for settlement of the steel wage dispute if the routine. Under President Truman's mili- quests of both Ennis and Cubage Masaryk was applauded loudly tary-training proposals, trainees to serve as their defense counsel. present deadlock between U.S. Steel and the CIO United Steel several times, especially when tie could not be used as overseas re- Johnson, who received his law Workers union is not broken, it said he hoped that "not one particle placements. House members said, degree at the University of Ala- of uranium produced in Czecho- however, that they felt a well-train- bama and practiced law in Miami, was announced at the White ed reserve created by the universal Overseas GIs, Vets Get House today. service program would reduce the Ha., said he was too busy defend- Aussie Heads Security Body ing Sgt. Judson H Smith and the Earlier in the day, two personal necessity for the large standing Priority on Surpluses LONDON, Jan. 17 (Reuter).— Army now planned. nine other accused enlisted men. pleas by the President had failed to Furthermore, he stated there was Australian Navy Minister Nor- Falling Short br«k the deadlock between Ben- man Makin was elected today as a possibility that the defense of WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (AP).— The Army has been relying the two officers might be antag- U.S. soldiers, sailors and veterans jamin Fairless, president of the cor- president of the United Nations Security Council. heavily on trie draft to replace over- onistic to the accused EM. abroad have received priority to poration, and Philip Murray, pre- seas GIs, although in recent months purchase Army and Navy surplus Asked out of court his opinion of sident of the CIO. Slovakia will ever be used for Selective Service has been falling the defense counsel, whom he per- goods overseas. short of meeting the Army's aver- Thomas B. McCabe, Foreign Rush To Euy Meat wholesale destruction and annihila- sonally selected. Smith declared, tion." Uranium is a source of age monthly induction requirements "There are no two other officers In Liquidation Commissioner, announ- Meanwhile, as the nation-wide of 50,000 men. ced that veterans and servicemen meat packers' strike went into its material for atomic energy. the Army who stick by us like these At another point Masaryk deplor- Abrupt termination of the draft two men here." would get preference over all second day, butchers throughout ed anti-Semitism, and told the UNO law on May 15 would eliminate a Upon opening today, the court purchasers except Government the country reported the biggest major source of replacements fot w delegates that "after what has (Continued on Page 8, Col. 4) agencies. buying rush in history by house- happened to the Jews, the solution those in low-point categories, leav- wives, with queues lined up all day ing them dependent on the Regular and everything edible sold.
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