’ ■ I ' I •;s :iv; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1964 Average Daily Net Press Ron Fon the Week Ended H ie February 8, 1984 FeteenM o t V . S. Weetl "Let Ua Ppay” la the theme Robert May of 75 Richard H m IVaiik J. |€aiiafi«ld K a ­ MountalB Laurel Chapter, Fair ate! eaMl 'i of a World tMy of Prayw aerv- Rd., and James R. Slater of 8 rine League will aponaor a Val- fweet Adtfinea, Ine., win have 13,892 A b o u t T ow n to 2S. Saturday loe tomorrow at 1:S0 pm. at Charter Oak St., have been entfaie Dance Saturday evening a buaineaa m etilng and chorus Member of the Audit - — ' .. ^ Salvation Army Otadel. named to serve as clasa agents from D to 1 at the haH on Park­ rehearaal tonight at 8 at tlM Bureau o t Circulation Ugh U the 980. Mn. O h s^ Lambert, Mn. ^ u r e h bella will ring at noon for a development fund cam- er S t Musie^ Will be furnished M U i American Heme; 88 Grove Manehnanr^A C ily o f VlUago Charm Howard Cbaae, Mra. C y ru to' hco^d the observance. Bbc- recently launched for by the Mike Gatee. Orchestra. St., Hertford. DEPENDABLE! Tompkliu, Mrs. George W. C. tended parking has been ar­ ehtworth Institute,. Boston, A buffet aupper.hlW, be served Hunt and Mra. D. Drummond ranged. Mass. by the auxiliary. Reaervatlona . Kenneth L. Roberge, aeaman VOL. LX X X m , NO. 116 (SIXTEEN PAGES) (OUMsifled AdvertMng ee Fkga 14) will cloae tomoniow, aecond class, USN, son of Mr. DEPENDABLE is the word for Dad to this MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1964 PRICE SEVEN C EIftl ' Stewart, all members of the That’s because he looks ahead, plans ahead w d saves Chaminade Musical Club, enter* St. ilrid^t’s Roeaty Society The Salvation Army will and Mrs. Louis R. Robarge of tained members of the Senior will sponsor a rummage aale have a Bible study group meet­ The Manchester Power 147 Hilliard St., is serving with ahead at Manchester’s oldest financial mstitution . • CUlaens’ Club at their club* Saturday at 10 a.m. in the ing tonight at 7:30 in Faith SQuadron will meet tomorrow the gold crew of the ballistic the dependable institution, now in its 72nd year. Hall. Russell dough will be at 8 pm. at North Methodist missile submarine USS George roonu on School St. church basement. Donations Events may be .brought to the <Aurch the leader. church. A.film, 'Tarpon. Flph- Washington, operating out of Cuba Trade Will Continue, ing with Ted Williams,” will be Holy Loch, Scotland. Mias Norma Lawton, daugh'* hall tmnoiTOw at 7 p.m. or after shown. This is the^ birthday ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Law- Stations' of the Cross. James O. Davis, sop of Mr. Sind Mrs. Edison O. ^ a v is of month meeting In 'recognition The British American Club Makarios Said Taking ton, Goose Lane, Coventry, has of the 50th anniversary o f the will hold a Valentine's Dance In State been elected to Kappa Delta PI, Members of a tidiet commit- 225 Mountain Rd., on Jan. 31 Home Says, Finishing Visit tee of the Junior Century dub completed a. nine-week basic United States Power SQuiul^ Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 am . S A V IN G S honor society in education, at ron. in the clubhoiue on Maple St. WilUmantie State Collage, fOT "Toby Tyler” will meet to­ training program at the Naypl Training Center, Great Lakes, A buffet will be.-served, with a Iv O A I V where she Is a junior. night at 8 pin. at the home Special Session ni. ‘ Miss Susan Feltham, daugh­ cocktail hour, scheduled be­ A s s <) < I A r I <• N WASHINGTON (AP) —4* Ruek eald the parley, the firet^men etresaed, waa for Johnaon o f Mra. Banian Hilton Hi, 19 business session between John' and Home to get to know each Academy St. ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Edward tween 8 and 9. Charley Var- Britain’s Prime Minister Membesa o f Fraidc J. Mana- The Secretaries and Treasur­ Feltham o f 84 Jarvis Rd., has rick's Orchestra will provide son and Douglas-Home as other before each is caught up May Be Called Cyprus Crisis to UN fldd Marine League Auxiliary Sir Alec Douglas-Home set heads of government, "was in in the whirl of election cam ­ The Polish Womm’s Alliance ers Association of Eastern Star been named to the dean’s list dancing music. have been invited to a Joint in- (OEIS) Chapters of the state at Colby Junior College, New out for home ioday with the beat sense a working meet­ paigns. atallatlon of Veterans of World will hold a meeting Sunday at Current Annual Dividend HARTFOR^(AP)—The will meet at 1 p.m. Saturday, London, N. H., for her academic Edward D. Kelly, son of Mr. the expressed hope that ing" which covered some 80 In this respect the get-togeth­ War I aatd Auxfllaiy, Sunday 2 p.m. at'th e Polish d u b on On insured Snvfaiga different international topics. er w ^ a complete success, said General Assembly may be at the Masonic Temple in achievement during the fall and Mrs. Walter A. Kelly of 15 BRANCH OFFlCE,JOIJTEjL_£OVBW™^ the sccomplishments of his at 2 pjn. at the VFW Home. CUnton S t semester. Miss FMtham is ‘ a a high American official, who called into special session Thomaston. Any past or pres­ Laurel PI.; and Kenneth R, visit with President John­ Referring to the publicised ent secretary or treasurer in­ senior In the medical technology Rooks, son of Mr.- and Mrs. U.8.-Britlin 'disagreement over commented: ^ "The ,farmer ,from .on the reanporfonment R ejects P lan son will benefit “a great Scotland terested in attending may con­ program at Colby. Ralph M. Rooks Sri of 40 Hart- m o m .-t o is ..« i. sales to Cuba and the Soviet Te«r"unterst^ "a X S i Problem, says Gov. John N. tact Mrs. James Elliott at 177 lahd Rd., recently began a nine- OPEN TILL 5 PJN. many other countries also.” Union, Rusk jokingly noted that Summit St. for information. Polish National Alliance, week basic training course at Thursdny 9 A.M. to 8 PJVL—Wed. Cloeed A t Nooa Secretary of State Dean Rusk there is " a rumor we didn't perfectly.” 1 Dem nsey. For a N A T O Group IMS, will meet Sunday the Naval Training Center, E' tra Hours Mcemd Douglas-Home's theme agree on one or two" of the 30 Although Thursday's joint ■ The Governor, who took a communiQue at the conclusion ! dim view of the prospect Tues­ at 3 pm. at 77 North SL ' - ^ Great Lakes, m . Hiiiliiiiiillliii Hlilli' In a brief farewell ceremony items. But he said this score marking the oloee of the Britlah shows " a very high batting of the two-day meeting men­ day, said yesterday he was pre­ P eace Force leader's two days of confer­ average." tioned only points on which pared to call a special session ences here. Johnson and Douglas-Home if a three-judge panel suggests Douglas-Home put it this It In Its reanportlonment decree. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) The prime minister took his way: "1 hop^ it will benefit not agreei*, both sides conceded that there were Issues on which—as The court will Issue its decree official leave from the grounds only our countries but a great' — President Makarios to^ of the U.S. Naval Observatory many other, countries also.” I the British leader put it at a no earlier than March 16. The day rejected the British- adjoining the British Embassy. The British leader had made later news conference — "dif­ decree will seek to implement ferences in emphasis” exist. the panel's ruling Monday that American proposal to land A clustOT of U.S. officials, head­ it clear his country will con -: an international peace force ed by Rusk, and an honor try will continue trading w ith' They were trade with Cuba, the State Senate and House of and trade with and credits to P I N E H U R S T S u p o jfi R I B R O A S T guard ushered him to the heli- Chiba and is willing to grant Representatives must be reap­ on embattled Cyprus, and eopter which transferred him Communist countries. Britain portioned. will take the matter to the credit to Communist nations in views trade as its lifeblood and, to his transaUanUc plane at An­ the same way it does to others. I Dempsey had said Tuesday as Douglas-Home put it, does that a special session would United Nations immediate­ drews Air Force Base in Mary­ Hie main purpose of the An­ ly, authoritative diplomatic land. glo-American . summit, spokes- not believe In boycotts. i serve no purpose. "There would W OULD YOUR FAMILY ENJOY TENDER. JUICY BEEF ROAST? The two government leaders be no use to call a special ses­ sources said. and their foreign policy chiefs, sion on a matter that would be I Sporadic fighting petsisted Secretary of State Dean Rusk up for appeal before the between Greek and Turkish IF SO, SERVE THE FINEST. SERVE THEM PINEHURST CH OICE BEEP and Foreign Secretary Richard courts,” he said. Cypriots. A. Butler, devoted most of their Republican leaders said they There was no immediate of­ Leaking of Data Hit tin-1 to the crisis In Cyprus.
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