Proceeduuie of the 7th Internatwnal Workwg Conference an Stored-product Protecium - Volume 1 Six new record species of Lathridiidae (Coleoptera) from China associated with stored products Zhou Yuxiang , Cao Yang and Huang Jianguo! Abstract antenna more than twice diameter of eye Frontal surface IS SIX species adults of Lathndudae associated with stored rough With some sutures, and higher than clypeus, products are recorded as new records of Chma with frontoclypeal suture ISdeeper Labrum ISWider than clypeus morphological descriptions and their distnbution They are and surroundmg It, base of front WIth a triangular hollow Cartodere elegans (Aube) , C beloni Reuter; C Antenna ISclubbed, 11 segments, 9 - 11 segments expend, elongata (Curtis ), Me/annophthalma lenqipenau« (Le length of 4 and 5 segments slightly longer than Width of Conte) , Coriicorui serrata (Paykull ) and Corucorui themselves and length of 3 and 6 segments (Fig 1 b) Impressa (Olivier ) SIX charactenstic illustrations are Prothorax IS nearly square, margms of apex and base IS mcluded m this paper straight, middle area prominent, both Side areas flat and no expend, margm With a row of tmy tooth, each tooth With one seta slightly longer than high of tooth, one fourth of base With a slightly or obviously shallow hollow Length of metasternum Without middle suture IS shorter Introduction than that of first stermte Prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum heavily spread rough granules, the first 600 species of Lathndndae have been recorded m the world stermte With heavily spreading big punctures, first half One tenth of them live m storage The mvestigauon of parts of 2, 3, 4 stermte lean forward and look like crescent, stored product msects has been earned out for many times m leamng surface Witha honzontal row of punctures, middle of Chma dunng the past forty years Approximately 20 species stermtes With other honzontal row of punctures (Fig 1 c) of Lathndndae have been recorded m China Because these Elytra are long ellipse, eprpleuron extending to end of msects are small m body, less than 1 mm, It IS difficult to abdomen, each elytron With 8 rows of punctures, elytral fmd m stored products, such as gram, traditional Chmese suture and 3, 5, 7 mtervals as clear ndge medicme, and other agricultural products They are Drstnbution Europe, North America, and Hunan, Widespread, and mfest vanously, prefer to live m humid Jiangshu , RUbel, Yunan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces m condition, and live m human homes occasionally Knowledge Chma of their biology and habitat IS very limited They are Habitat It was often found m high moisture traditional potential pests of stored products To mcrease the Chmese medicme , gram warehouse of pads and pad straw knowledge of Lathndudae , we Will mtroduce 6 new record mass species mcluding adult characteristics of morphology, distribution, and habitat 2. Cartodere beloni Reitter (Fig. 2) 1. Cartodere elegans (Aube) (Fig. 1) Adult of C be/om looks like one of C eleqams, which might be very close m relationship They can be separated Length of body IS 1 2 - 1 4 mm, flat and long, red brown as follows' color, pohshmg Without seta, both margins of body near (1) Two Sides of elytral apex have a few of long seta parallels tlun, erect and semi-erect Read IS of trapezoid shape, as Wide as between two (2) 4 and 5 segments of antenna are long, the length of compound eyes One compound eye ISconsist of 4 - 6 simple them twice as Widthas (Fig 2 b) eyes (ocilh ) , black color and prominent, occupymg about (3) The middle area of prothorax has a shallow suture, half lateral margm of head, distance between eye and tooth of margins large, like sawtooth, each tooth With one seta three times as long as high of tooth 1 Zhengzhou Gram College, 140 Songshan Road, Zhengzhou , Henan (4) Prosternum, mesosternum and metasternum heavily 450052, P R Chma spread punctures, no granules, 1 stermte With 128 Proceedmgs of the 7th International WOl'kmg Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 punctures. first half parts of 2. 3, 4 sterm te lean (mcludmg compound eyes) Compoundeye ISCircular, black forward, look like crescent. leamng surface with a and promment, distance between compound eye and antenna horizontal row of puncture. middle of sterrutes less than diameter of eye Frontal surface IS With some without any punctures (Fig 2 c) sutures that equal diameter of ocelli Labrum IS Wider than Distnbution Bntam , West India, and Chengdu, clypeus and over It m honzontal, frontoclypeal suture Guanghan, Mianyang, and Santai of Sichuan provmces m slight Antenna IS clubbed gradually, 11 segments, 9 - 11 Chma segments expend (Fig 4 b) Habitat It was often found m high moisture traditional Width of prothorax ISlonger than length of It, margms of Chmese medicine, mills of nee and wheat flour. brewery apex straight, these of two Sides and base are curves, edge and native products warehouse of Side With tiny sawtooth-shape promment, middle area of base With a large shallow hollow m honzontal, m front of 3. Cartodere elongata middle area promment With heavy tiny punctures Elytra are (Curtis) (Fig. 3) ellipse (oval), three times as long as prothorax , and With some yellow-brown hair m arrangement uniform, end of Length of body IS 1 3 - 1 8 mm, long and thm, yellowish elytra ISnear straight or curves, no sharp and reddish brown color, polishing Without seta. both Stermte have 6 segments both male and female, fifth margms of body near parallels segment of female leaning to up Basal segment IS longer Head ISof square shape. length more than Width between than second segment (Fig 4 c) tarsuses of propodium, two compound eyes Compound eye IS large. Circular, of mesopodium and metapodium, tibia of propodium of female black color and promment, occupymg about base of head. With a small sharp tooth mside of apex area (Fig 4 d) distance between compound eye and antenna twice diameter Distribution North Amenca, and Henan, Yunan, and of eye Frontal surface IS rough. base of front With a Sichuan provmces m Chma tnangular hollow. and higher than clypeus, frontoclypeal Habitat It was often found m warehouse of traditional suture deeper, labrum ISnarrower than clypeus Antenna IS Chmese medicine, gram, tobacco, 011 seeds and native clubbed by degrees. 11 segments, 9 - 11 segments expend products (Fig 3 b) Prothorax ISnearly mverted trapezoid shape, length equal 5. Corticaria serrata about Width. two Sides of apex With ndge , apex area (Poykull) (Fig. 5) promment and base area gradually low and flat With three hollows linked each other, middle hollow ellipse, two Body ISof long mverted oval shape, length approximately 2 hollows of Sides circular and less diameter of compound eye mm, dark chestnut brown color (Fig 3 a) Compound eye ISlarge and Circular, black and prominent, Length of elytra ISthree times as long as prothorax, each distance between compound eye and antenna equals to elytron With 7 rows of punctures, mtervals Without ridge diameter of eye, behmd eyes Without temple Frontal Propodcoxa close each other, mesocoxa and hmdcoxa surface has some punctures and network Antenna IS separated clearly from each other Middle base of clubbed, 11 segments, 9 - 11 segments expend With dark metasternum has a shoe-shape hollow clearly Every stermte color, 3 segment longer than 4,5,6,7 segments, 8 segment has not any punctures and granules the shortest, 9 and 10 of segments square shape, last one Distnbution North Amenca, and Hunan. Iiangshu, long oval (Fig 5 b) Huber, Guangxi, Iiangxi, Henan, Sichuan provinces m Width of prothorax IS more than length of It, margms of Chma apex ISstraight, these two Sides and base are curves, edge Habitat It was often found m gomg mould of traditional of Sides With 10 - 12 big tooth. two Sides of It heavily With Chmese medicme, pads, dry mushroom, pad and wheat 10 - 20 big tooth too Middle area of apex Withpuncture that straw mass It can fly and has phototaxis IS larger than diameter of a ocelli, distance between puncture less than diameter of puncture, area of base With 4. Melanophthalma longipenis big circular deeply hollow that diameter equals to one fifth of (Le conte) (Fig. 4) length of prothorax Elytra have some short and same length erect hair, m Length of body IS 1 0 - 1 3 mm, dark chestnut brown base area of elytra each mterval With a row of puncture, color, color of head and prothorax light and that of elytra diameter of puncture m striae equals to that m intervals, dark, all body With heavy thm hair. back of body promment puncture diameter of middle area m stnas larger one second and pohshmg than that m mtervals Head IS of tnangular shape, length less than Width 129 Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 b c Fig. 1. Cartodere elegans (Aube): a. Adult b. Antenna c. Stemites a b c Fig. 2. Cartodere beloni Reitter. a. Adult b. Antenna c. Stemites 130 Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 a b c Fig. 3. Cartodere elongata (Curtis). a. Adult b. Antenna c. Metasternum c a d b Fig. 4. Melanophthalma longipenis (Le Conte). a. Adult b. Antenna c. Tarsus d. Tooth of tibia 131 Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 b c Fig. 5. Corticaria serrata (Poykull). a. Adult b. Antenna c. Tarsus Basal segment inverted taper shape is longer than second labrum curves backward widely in the middle. Antenna is segment (Fig. 5 c). clubbed, 11 segments, 9 ~ 1) segments expend with dark Distribution: Whole world, and Yunnan, and Sichuan color, length of 3, 4, 5 segments approximately equal, the Provinces in China.
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