ABCD springer.com Springer Customized Book List Art & Design FRANKFURT BOOKFAIR 2007 springer.com/booksellers Art & Design 1 H. Aardse, A.v. Baalen (Eds.) S. Aigner, Wien, Österreich (Ed.) S. Bächli Findings on Ice Emanzipation und Konfrontation / Lidschlag / How It Looks Emancipation and Confrontation / Emancipacija in konfrontacija The Pars Foundation was founded from the con- Silvia Bächli gehört zu den international beachteten viction that art and science are both essentially cre- Kunst aus Kärnten von 1945 bis heute. Architektur aus Schweizer Künstlerinnen ihrer Generation. Die ative processes. Artists begin with an idea that is ul- Kärnten seit 1945 und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum heute. in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Künstlerin timately expressed in the form of music, images, or entstandene Publikation gibt erstmals einen words. Scientists begin with a hypothesis, sketch an repräsentativen Überblick über ihr Schaffen seit idea, and then test and describe it. Every year Pars „Emancipation and Confrontation" documents 1983. Silvia Bächli verunsichert mit ihrer Kunst, invites artists and scientists to make a contribution both the emergence of a new, postwar generation of die den Betrachter auf eine Gratwanderung schickt to creative thinking. The current topic, “Ice,” is situ- artists, and the way art has developed between then zwischen Banalität und gezielter Kontinuität. In ated in a wide variety of contexts: in connection with and now. In addition to painting, sculpture, photog- ihrer Kunst konzentriert sie sich stets auf das Mini- greenhouse effect, the rise in sea level, or a dancer’s raphy, video art and installtions have also gained in mum. Zu sehen sind einzelne Arme oder Gesichter muscles before making his first move. Ice absorbs importance, and have been presented accordingly. oder Augen. jeglicher Kontext bleibt ausgespart. sounds, reflects heat, and cools drinks. Pars Findings Many of the artists native to Carinthia such as Maria Abgebildet ist, was nach einem Spaziergang an demonstrates a variety of different perspectives and Lassnig, Kiki Kogelnik, Bruno Gironcoli, Cornelius Eindrücken hängen bleibt, Momentaufnahmen, sub- ideas by artists and scientists. The book Pars Find- Kolig, Kurt Kocherscheidt or Heimo Zobernig have jektiv umgesetzt. Die Künstlerin beharrt seit über ings on Ice functions as a visual and textual intro- made their mark on the history of art beyond the zwanzig Jahren auf Tusche, Gouache, Ölfarbe und duction to the ideas and visions of the artist and sci- confines of Carinthia. Described here within a cul- dünnes, glattes Papier als Arbeitsmittel. Die Wirkung entists who have a strong influence on our percep- tural-historical context are the significant artistic de- ist spektakulär. tion of today’s world. velopments that have taken place, and the protago- Features nists introduced with important examples of their Fields of interest Die erste und umfassende Monographie zu Silvia work. Carinthia’s contribution to modern architec- Fine Arts Bächli Hochwertige Repräsentation der Kunstwerke ture and art in public space is paid tribute to here for Type of publication the first time. Projects are exemplarily presented and Fields of interest Professional book the typically Carinthian prerequisites critically ana- Fine Arts lyzed. A publication that offers a profound insight into all spheres of artistic production. Target groups Due October 2007 Artists, historians of arts, fans of art Features Jointly published with Pars Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie, Videokunst, Architek- Type of publication tur und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum aus Kärnten Professional book im Überblick Ausstellung "Emanzipation und Kon- 2007. 189 p. 126 illus., 86 in color. Softcover frontation", 27. Juni bis 27. Oktober 2008, in Klagen- Due October 2007 29,90 € furt, Nötsch und Ossiach, Österreich ISBN 978-3-03778-125-8 Fields of interest Keine Vertriebsrechte für USA ARTS; Architecture, general; Photography; Archi- tects; Architectural History and Theory 2008. Etwa 300 S. 211 Abb. in Farbe. Softcover Target groups 27,94 € People interested in art and achitecture, students, ISBN 978-3-03778-115-9 lectorers, collectors, museums, curators   Type of publication Monograph Due June 2008 2008. Etwa 560 S. Zahlr., Abb. , großteils in Farbe. (in 3 Bänden, nicht einzeln erhältlich). Hardcover 46,68 € ISBN 978-3-211-75622-5 2 Art & Design springer.com/booksellers P. Chauhan, T. Garge J.L. Cramatte, Freiburg, Switzerland Dave the Spazz (Ed.) Pursuing Archaeological Research Poste Mon Amour The Best of LCD in India The Art and Writing of WFMU Ancient Indica Rediscovered The post office - for those who live in Switzerland a treasured and ubiquitous feature of daily life - has Named the best radio station in America by Rolling developed in the cities into a complex service center, Stone magazine four years running, WFMU is con- India has a long and vibrant historical past, span- while in the country it has often become superfluous sidered the alternative radio station. LCD (Low- ning from the Lower Pleistocene to modern times as a result of the changing economy and new means est Common Denominator), the station's program and the entire subcontinent is highly varied in its of communication. We find ourselves having to say guide—begun in 1986 as a visual counterpart to ecology, cultures, and traditions. The people of In- good-bye to many rural post offices, which have long WFMU’s oddball programming—was a wicked cock- dia include diverse tribal communities, nomadic been not only one of the characteristic forms of Swiss tail of satire, cultural news, alternative history, and and semi-nomadic groups, as well as historically-es- service but also a typical expression of the aesthet- provocative artwork that has earned its own devot- tablished caste-based populations. As a result, the ic of our everyday lives. Jean Luc Cramatte’s pho- ed cult followers. It ceased publication in 1998 and region provides archaeologists with ample tographs of numerous post offices, taken after clos- its back issues have become treasured—and valu- opportunities to conduct anthropological and ar- ing time, are cheerful and unpretentious - the mail able—collector’s items. Dave the Spazz has spent the chaeological research on living traditions as well has already been sent or has already arrived. past twenty years hosting a weekly radio show on as on past material cultures. This manual, WFMU, self-publishing, freelance writing, making part of the WAC Cultural Heritage Manu- Features artwork, singing in punk-rock bands, and holding al series,  represents a source of reference Ein ungewöhnlicher und intimer Blick hinter down one crummy job after another. for those interested in pursuing professional den Postschalter: Feierabend bei der Post Ein unprätentiöser Abschied Ein bemerkenswerter Bild- archaeological research in India. This book provides Features band des Fotokünstlers Jean-Luc Cramatte zum readers with basic information of archaeological re- •Rare artwork from renowned underground artists, drastischen Wandel unserer Epoche Mit 200 Abbil- search in India, such as: General Indian geography including illustrations by Shag, comics by Daniel dungen in Farbe A brief history of archaeological research and devel- Clowes, and others • Acknowledged fans include no- opment of field methods The diversity of the Indian table celebrities such as Sterolab, Sonic Youth, Lou archaeological record The scope of ethnoarchaeology Fields of interest Photography; Fine Arts Reed, Conan O’Brian, Jon Stewart, and Matt Groen- on [..] ing • Culturally savvy satire, both in art and textual form Features Target groups Photographers, artists, photography and art lovers the first manual to focus on the Indian subcontinent Fields of interest a very practical resource for those already working Type of publication Music; ARTS in India and for those who want to collaborate with Professional book archaeologists and cultural heritage managers in In- Type of publication dia aims to encourage and enhance foreign collabo- Collected works rations with Indian archaeologists Due November 2007 Due January 2008 Contents 2007. Approx. 256 p. 200 illus. in color. Hardcover Ch. 1 Introduction to India Ch. 2 The Development of Archaeology in India Ch. 3 Indian Archaeology 41,96 € 2008. 238 p. 450 illus., 150 in color. Softcover – Prehistory, Protohistory, History Ch. 4 Ethnoar- ISBN 978-3-03778-095-4 chaeology Ch. 5 Government Departments & 23,90 € National Agencies Ch. 6 Indian Legislation on Ar- ISBN 978-1-56898-715-6 chaeology & Heritage Ch. 7 Conducting Ar- chaeological Fieldwork in India Ch. 8 Management of Indian Cultural Heritage BIBLIOGRAPHY & RELATED WEBSITES GLOSSARY Index APPEN- DICES 1. Timelines 2. Forms 3. Contact Informa- tion, Addresses Fields of interest Archaeology; Cultural Heritage; History Target groups This manual is written for archaeologists, museum curators and cultural heritage managers work- ing in India or who plan to work in India.  It will also be of interest to those who work with arti- facts and material culture from this area. Type of publication Manual Due March 2008 2008. Approx. 260 p. (World Archaeological Congress Cultural Heritage Manual Series) Hardcover 84,70 € ISBN 978-0-387-76456-6 springer.com/booksellers Art & Design 3 G. Garcetti L. Joubert, The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Ed.) B. Levine, K. Jenson Water is Key Educating in the Arts Around the World A Better Future
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