tel, end Ml >r« STQMT to not The he steeds, alleys, f rollers heeled six VOL. VII.—NO. 5. Ths horse Aad Moihrr ha* to *«rt m mi ST. JOHNS, MICIL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1872. WHOLE NO. 317. New Haven, * t.u. 4« 1 pals, end meets# fee st were allowed to past. “the doorkeeper ant accepted this proposal, and Alexandra Not over twenty minutes elapsed after General Hews Summary. Ml**<mri .—Returns from ssvsnty-ooa coun ­ base made public, aad may ha so mod their regular trips. little dreamiag.’‘ears Alexandre the Grant, left him, bluntly declaring that no ad< the firs was discovered before the three ties give Greeley a majority of 18,000; tto into this phrase, “Little politics sad mack The trial of Woodhull, O I MM watt, MW saKaluu* for tb« that he was admitting tbs Revolution." vantage must be taken of the delay or ha boats were launched. The Missouri’s for libeling Mr Lather C. wee In THE ELBCTIOVtL remaining forty-three counties would add administration/' The newly-elected Presi­ i^ittjrrssr^r They went si might to the house of would return and “blow mil their brains engines were stopped, but her sails were dent has eaaiafi to sxarctoa say of the extra­ progress la New York CKy en fen Ths news receivsd oa ths morning of ths to hto majority. Tkaf *4 poj IWb all Why I Hutin*s mother, where their first business out,” and that the whole party must give left spread, and n speed of four knots was Alabama —A Montgomery dispatch says ordinary powers with which he waa in- tbs drift of ths evidence was ths manufacture of a huge tricolor their parole of honor that they would re­ maintained. •ih Indicated ths following results : •yom, Mr. MW Grant would have a majority la the State of vested. I ladtea think flag. She contributed her blue and red main exactly as they were. When last seen Captain Green was .Yew Tort, Oreslsy ’s majority tn New iw mass» #lar 'll ku- from 4,000 t9 6,000. Entire Republican State Mao ton Marble, of the New York World, In Cincinnati, on tha fife, there wsrsi rhy mv « curtains, with a table-cloth, and nil the 4'Yes, yes,** cried the lady. Alexandre working with Purser Hempstead and some York CUy reported at M,909. Grant's ma­ ticket elected. Four aad probably five Re­ returned to kis post as editor of that paper fifty horses affected by the sptsootis. M> uiotsrr Myiika'i why : women of the household were set to work made her a low bow, but declared that It of the crew tijing to get off the lee boat Jortty la ths State would be about 40,000. DoyMwppoMtlMttflf«otWn«M publicans elected to Congress. Stale Legis­ on ths 7th, la restored health. disease bed mads Its sppeereues at B| to sew the pieoee together. By dflfhiunk was not her parole that he wanted. The surrounded with smoke and flame. Eleven Dlx, for Governor, and ths rest of tto Re­ How “h * 0* 1*7 day*" ray by » The New York Times of ths 7th claimed a field, IU., and In several the task was &>mp)efted. The pda, of Commandant gave what was required of of the survivors say that tha boat was publican Stale ticket would have from 26,- lature In doubt MtBtUw, Mr. 1» lady. too ; him, and Alexandra, hurrying away, never launched; but the twelfth. Captain Teras —Slats largely Democratic, with popular majority of 701,880 for General Stats, I Ht . nil*, aad pottl*; course, gave no trouble, as the one from 000 to 80,000 majority. la Rochester, sixteen speedily returned with two or three of Cultner, says It was launched full of peo­ four out of tto alx Congressmen sleeted by Grant. Tils World estimated It at 580,016. Aa address has bass 1st •to mv* <mu phf»> if bravelybr%v*ir koru,I which the Bourboo white flag was float­ women, beaded by flosaa B. Anthony, voted ~kf bto thr dan Of sight— ing would answer. “The flagstaff.” a* his men, shorn be placed In tha Court. ple, but that It was immediately iw stuped, tbs Democrats. Tbe Supreme Court of New Jersey has offer of the Chisago T« . When •htotog thfo’ tha d«riH-*l‘ tJoom Dumas says, “had no political opinions. ’* OiwniniK ithe window he called to them, la the Eighth Ward A few swore hi their oongPstulaUng fee Lew and Order people Tbry Ma* thrir ••cwL#M light. votes, and ths remainder were allowed to Virginia.—Indications that Great had ear anaaimoaaiy decided that aa act to submit The plan they had arranged was really and tMule them inform the gentlemen in Bailie’s *Tlwe. rtod ths SUts by about 8,000, aad that Smith, tbe question of “Liceass or no license" to ths upon ths fast that M there to a majority at tot Dean kind, Quixotic in Ua extravagance, and Indeed side that they were ready to fire on them vote In pesos—fifteen votes for Great end eight la ths Common Council favorable to one tor Greeley. Havemejrer was probably Platt, Stowell, Thomas, and Lever, Rspubll- people to constitutional. This to against ■7W3W* tto wkllv - seems almost Incredible. Making all a! at the first signs); an appeal answered by A yATuxn, not very far from hero, read seas, and Heater, Harris, Whits aad Bowen, law, order, and a Christian Sob both. The Oa,rt«r» shaeomavt I'll hobbit on — elected Mayor of New York City. Ths Re ths opinion of Attorney-General Gilchrist, lowance for Dumas* bombast, It will be the significant sound of the cocking of In the paper the other morning that ths Conservatives, sre elected to Congress. given to the Legislature last winter. executive authorities have sow an rxuufts To aoa aaa 'll aaaka tor mu )» publicans have a working majority la ths seea that at the most he has only been guns. Tha Commandant understood, “ Utica girls who want their heaux to go Maryland.—Greeley’a majority between for not enforcing ths laws. Ia fee Legisla­ and, going to hit desk, wrote out a formal Legislature. Georgs Francis Train offered himself as guilty of the novelist ’s exaggeration; and home the aame night they call, pull a 1,000 and 1,500. Congressional delegation, ball for Mrs. Woodhull and Tennis C. Cla- ture, there are four tenet on tn furor of the Jtmmi JTm Ihrtor. order. A»«fee*to—Heavy Republican gains on though at the lime the storv of the ad ­ string at the proper hoar which reverses four Democrats sad two Republicans. flln, bat they announced, with thanks for protective laws, to two against them. The venture was all hut scon ted, It could not After this the rest was comparatively tha October a lections. Great's majority In a picture, on the back of which appear •Georgia —Greeley's majority In •seventy- the offer, that they preferred to be inde ­ representatives are about evenly divided in be disproved In Its facts, which sre given easy. The magazine was brokan open, tha words : M Ten o'clock is my bed- Philadelphia, except tbs Twenty eighth ▲ DASHING EXPLOIT. four counties, 6,681. Democratic Congress­ pendent aad remain in Jail for tha present. numbers, but to morel weight and toluenes, with ths most minute details of dates, oarte were procured and loaded, and at tlma." Ward, 48.906; hs carried every ward la ths men elected in ths First, Fourth, Sixth, Tbs following National Banks have been those favorable to temperanes ara vastly names and place#. It was settled that about five o’clock they wars outside ths This father, who has a daughter given city. Hls majority la ths guts would range Wni the Revolution of 1990 set la, Seventh. Eighth sad Ninth Districts, aad authorized: Third National Bank, of San superior; the country mam bars generally Bard and Hnttn were to take the flag and town. Dumas was so exhanstsd that he to late hours when a oertaln youth stts up from 80.000 to 100.000. Alexandre Dumas, then a very young Republican la ths Fifth. Rest doubtfal. dusky, Ohio; capital, 8100,000. Tbs Pells throughout the State will stand by the law.” contrive to get Into the cathedral under sank down on the grass, under a hedge, and helps her keep them, thought be Okie.—A net Republican gala in ths Stats man, and seeing nothing tm Ufa but one pretense of seeing the tun rise from the and fell fast asleep. Routed uo presently, would try this Utica plan, so be wrote In Louisian*. —Liberal Slate ticket undoubt ­ National Bank, at Pella, Iowa; capital, A small son of Eugene Berne, shout sight MfW of tableaux, took hit a hare la the tower. If the sacristan mads any realat’ he started on his Journey, and by eight of about 96,000 over tbs October vote. Ths 860.000. years of age, while returning home from •ore stirring seenes in the capacity of a large characters on the back of a huge Democratic and Liberal majority in Hamll- 1 edly elected aoce he was to be flung over the parapet. o'clock reached Villers-Cottursts, where portrait of George Washington, this In ­ Maine —Three hundred and fifteen towns Hoa. Schuyler Colfax contradicts ths re­ school at Georgetown, Ky., on fee fife* skirmisher Ha tails vha whole story la ton Coast j is about 4,600. Then, having dragged down the white they found the supper ready, which had scription t give Grant a majority of 86,386.
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