VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Tetiana Kucher STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL OPTIMIZATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL NETWORK OF THE VINNYTSIA REGION Master Thesis Study Programme Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, state code 6211DX012 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Algimantas Paulauskas _________ ______ (signature) (date) Defended: Dean of the Faculty Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Saulius Mickevicius_________ ______ (signature) (date) KAUNAS, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………….....3 SANTRAUKA…………………………………………………………………………………….4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………………………..5 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………6 1. LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………...8 1.1. Basic establishment principles of the ecological network………………………………...8 1.1.1 Organizing the establishment of an ecological network at European level…...……..8 Global international agreements (conventions)………………………….....8 Pan-European international agreements…………………………………..10 1.1.2 Legal support the formation in the Ukrainian ecological network…..………….....12 1.1.3 Scientific and methodological support in the formation of an ecological network………………………………………………………………….………………...16 Scientific and methodological principles of creating an ecological network…………………………………………………………………………....16 Scientific developments to ensure the formation of an ecological network……………………………………………………………………………17 1.1.4 Structural elements of the national ecological network…………..……………..….19 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS……………………………………………………………..23 2.1. Ecological and geographical characteristics of the research region…………………..….23 2.1.1. Geographical location and administrative-territorial structure…………………………………………………………………………………...23 2.1.2. Features of relief and hydroclimatic conditions in Vinnytsia region……………………………………………………………………………………...25 2.2. Methods of forming a regional ecological network………………………………………25 3. RESULTS…………………………………………………………………………………….28 3.1. Structure of the regional ecological network of Vinnytsia region………………………..28 3.1.1. Key areas…………………………………………………………………………...29 3.1.2. Connecting territories………………………………………………………………36 3.1.3. Restoration areas…………………………………………………………………...38 3.1.4. Buffer zones……………………………………………………………..................39 3.2. Characteristics of biodiversity in Vinnitsa region……………………………..................39 3.2.1 General characteristics of plant diversity in Vinnytsia region……………………...39 3.2.2. General characteristics of zoological diversity in Vinnytsia region………………………………………………………………………………….….40 3.2.3. Sozological assessment of zoological diversity of vertebrates of Vinnytsia region……………………………………………………………………………………..42 3.3. Structural-functional optimization of eco network in Vinnytsa region………………………………………………………………………………………….43 3.3.1. Structural and functional analysis of the protected area in Vinnytsia region……………………………………………………………………………………..44 4. DISCUSSION .…………………………………………………………………………….....49 4.1. Perspective directions and ways of formation of the regional ecological network of Vinnytsia region…………………………………………………………………………..49 CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………………………............54 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................................55 ACCESSORIES…………………………………………………………………………………..61 2 ABSTRACT Author of Master Thesis: Tetiana Kucher Full title of Master Thesis: Structural and functional optimization of the ecological network of the Vinnytsia region. Supervisor: prof. dr. Algimantas Paulauskas Presented at: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Biology, Kaunas, 23.06.2020 Number of pages: 59 Number of tables: 9 Number of pictures: 5 Number of appendices: 7 The purpose of this master's work is to study the spatial structure of the ecological network for the functional completeness and the effectiveness of ensuring the conservation of biodiversity. This research presents an analysis of the main normative and legal bases of forming an ecological network, the coverage of the current state of biodiversity. The study was done using analytical, descriptive, retrospective methods of analysis, the features of structure and functions of Vinnytsa regional ecological network. There were demonstrated dynamics of the formation of the NRF network and the distribution of protected objects among administrative regions with the help of statistical and comparative analysis of data. The results revealed the necessity to revise the current structure of eco- network and creation of new reserves in order to improve the functional efficiency of the network. The results suggest paying more attention to providing multifunctionality to eco-network elements, as well as avoiding the creation of island objects. 3 SANTRAUKA Bakalauro darbo autorius: Tetiana Kucher Bakalauro darbo pavadinimas: Vinycios regiono ekologinio tinklo struktūrinis ir funkcinis optimizavimas. Vadovas: prof. Algimantas Paulauskas Darbas pristatytas: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Biology, Kaunas, 23.06.2020 Puslapių skaičius: 59 Lentelių skaičius: 9 Paveikslų skaičius: 5 Priedų skaičius: 7 Magistro darbo tikslas - ištirti ekologinio tinklo erdvinę struktūrą siekiant funkcinio išbaigtumo ir veiksmingumo užtikrinant biologinės įvairovės išsaugojimą. Tyrime išanalizuoti pagrindiniai normatyviniai ir teisiniai ekologinio tinklo formavimo pagrindai. Buvo apžvelgta dabartinė biologinės įvairovės būklė. Naudojant analitinius, aprašomuosius, retrospektyvius analizės metodus, buvo tiriamos Vinnitsa regioninio ekologinio tinklo struktūros ir funkcijų ypatybės. Atlikus statistinę ir lyginamąją duomenų analizę, buvo parodyta NRF tinklo formavimosi dinamika ir saugomų objektų pasiskirstymas tarp administracinių regionų. Rezultatai parodė, kad siekiant pagerinti tinklo funkcinį efektyvumą būtina peržiūrėti dabartinę ekologinio tinklo struktūrą ir sukurti naujus rezervus. Rezultatai rodo, kad reikia daugiau dėmesio skirti ekologinio tinklo elementų daugiafunkciškumui, taip pat vengti kurti salų objektus. 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BR - Biosphere Reserve DADENR - Department of Agro-Industrial Development, Ecology and Natural Resources; DLR - Department of Land Resources DLR - Department of Land Resources; DP - dendrological park ECVSCC - executive committees of village, settlement and city councils. ERL - The European Red List; GIS - geographic information systems; NM - natural monuments, NNP - national nature parks, NR - nature reserves NRF – Nature reserve found PA - protected areas, PMLGA - park-monuments of landscape-gardening art. RBU – Red book of Ukraine; RDFH - Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting; RLP - regional landscape park, ІВА - (Important Bird Area) 5 INTRODUCTION Actuality of theme. Due to the intensive loss of biodiversity, in the twentieth century, the formation of a legal framework aimed at nature conservation activities, this lead to the development of methods and measures for conservation of landscape, ecosystem and genetic diversity began. Ukraine has ratified a number of conventions and treaties and launched a fundamentally new line of political activity aimed at preserving natural landscapes, species and habitats, as well as introducing a sustainable use of nature (Nagorniuk et al., 2017). An effective way to achieve all of these points is to create and optimize the eco-network at all levels of its organization - local, regional, national and pan-European. Each of them has its own specific structural elements and requires the use of an individual compound of methods, principles and criteria for the selection of territories for potential involvement. The physical and geographical conditions in the Vinnytsia region determine the qualitative and quantitative indicators of its diversity. Vinnytsia region is located in the central part of Ukraine, which serves as an explanation for its temperate continental climate with mild temperature fluctuations. The relief is heterogeneous, represented by an elevated plateau with numerous outcrops of rocks, which led to the formation of numerous valleys, beams, quarries, etc. An extensive river network is observed on the territory of the region, forming wetlands, which are habitats and breeding sites for species. Forests, steppe and meadow complexes are also natural for the Eastern Podillya, which provided conditions for the formation of a considerable diverse flora (Mudrak, et al., 2018a, Tkach et al. 2016) and fauna here. However, anthropogenic interference with the structure of biogeocenoses, and especially the uncontrolled influence of agro-industrial and agricultural activities, led to a decrease in the number or even to the destruction of many habitats and consequently species. The mission of the Vinnytsia Regional Ecological Network is to ensure the effective protection of natural areas and the re-naturalization of partially altered or degraded territories. Its structure is now branched, but still heterogeneous and fragmented. Expanding the territories and increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the structural elements of the regional network will provide a possibility to take real steps towards the conservation and restoration of the natural state of biodiversity of the country and Europe (as three sub-meridional eco-corridors passes through Vinnytsia region). That is the reason why biodiversity research and analysis of the spatial organization of Vinnytsia regional eco-network with the purpose of its optimization are topical issues and need special attention. The
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