New 6ALS full wave recti­ fier in AC input circuit per~ mits full scale peak-to-peak measurements. Seven ranges - upper limits 4000 volts peak-to-peak, Just the thing you TV servIce­ men have needed in mak­ ing TV circuit voltage checks. Precision resistor voltage divider limits AC RMS level to 150 volts, Prevents overloading the rectifier- extends upper limit AC RMS ranges to 1500 voIts- f"rther pro­ tects meter and circuitry against AC flash-over.or arcing. Another ~efi~'te example of contlnuu~g Heathkit design leadershIp in the kit instrument field. ~3" IlilY SCOPE 'Jt,ew. H I G H • READABILITY PAN ElS The lIew 3-- Scope is :\ r \" lor the well roullded II\~I U;'keathkit instrumell\.S, Sma ~cw lU55 Henth­ ~. }S /. .. deep. 6y'/ wide, kits feat.ure com­ III stze, 1;14 b' 'n perform­ ~I L. ' high yet Ig I plele panel n J t think of the value. sign. ShtLrP . ,"e"6se~~loscope lor ~29.50, lettering applied to ~~i\1iant inten~iLY. ~harp the beauti£ul char­ . wide ositionmg r.\lIgc. coal gray pan~18. USIIIK, P bl Scope lor the provide a neW high Anidcalport.a e dshop TV scr\,iccroan- aseeon .lor in readability. _modulation monl Lettering is easy­ scope (defteetion plnte t<>-rend open ,tyle {or you ~ams\s. car of 'cahinet" termma In T rr an . • nd psnel callbm­ Performance to spar: °1\calions. See specifications tions arc vividly general seope , PP c1enr .goinst the d New knohs on £ollowmg poge. pleasing sort gray backgro~n . of exclusive Heathkit. desl&n. FU~ PROGRESS -......~NETh~~ANSION featured' ndlng impro Ii In the 19 r. \fements ;e are represen 5~ Heathkit ~ ogre•• char tatlve of the Loeath Companactenzed by . og range pI -": operation nnmg \fJde a Con tinut Will pro.' new kit re1ea ng suCce.saion 0 Pond the Ii sea to further f a/read eathkit rex­ Y represents Ine Which g~!es t select, the World' kits Th Ion of e/ • 1955 line e innovations ~~rOtnhic add' . are rep,. e ltjonal new esentati\l'e of uled for reI"" mOdels sched Yea.", se for the COmin; HEATH COMPANY · Benton Harbor, Mich. , BRAND LOW PRICED 5" HEATHKIT PRINTED CIRCUIT OSC I LLOSCOPE KIT ~ New Heathkit Model full size 5" scope at pre­ ~ Step attenuated frequency compensated vertical ,. war price level. ,. input circuit. Modern printed circuit design, easy trouble­ ~ Deftection plate connections; spot .hape control. ~ free assembly. DESIGN: A new model, popular priced, full size Heathkit scope. Modern printed circuit design, push-pull deflection amplifiers, 5BP1 CR tube, twin-triode sweep generator and a host of other fine features all at the prewar price level of $39.50! Just check the unbeatable dollar value represented by these additional features; adjustable spot shape control-RF connections to deflection plates-direct coupled centering controls-external and internal sweep and sync.­ 60 cycle line sync.-1 volt peak-to-peak panel terminal reference voltage-3 position step attenuated frequency compensated input circuit-new modern, professional appearing cabinet and panel styling. Tooling and engineering for the printed circuit board alone represents several thousand dollars investment. The only other scopes usin~ printed circuit boards sell for hundreds of dollars. An exclusive kit engineering feature obtainable only in Heathkits. MODEL OM·l SWEEP GENERATOR-POWER SUPPLY: The new Heathkit designed sweep generator features a twin triode circuit with 4-position switch se­ . lected frequency range of 15- 100,000 cycles. CharacteristIcs are: stable locked-in traces-easy, positive syn­ The nrst kit Instrument chronization. Printed circuit wiring insures dupEcation of labora­ to olT er the advantages or printed circui t co n~ tory pilot model performance. Internal or external sync. or 60 cycle structlon. Circuit board Shpg. Wt. 24 Ibs. line .sync. Convenient 1 volt peak-to-peak reference voltage for Is pre-rabrlc8led and making peak-to-peak measurements WIth plastic calibrated grid pre-wired. Component place ment Is clearly 111­ furnished with the kit. dlcnled by silk screen­ Ing the reverse side or . Transformer operated power supply system uses 1V2 and 6X4 circuit board. Easier, rectJ~ers to su.pply CR tube accelerating potential and requirements of DC voltage distribution system. laster, troulJle-frce as­ se mbly. Assures dupli­ EffiCIent filtering for smooth, trouble-free performance. ca t lon or laboratory !,MPLIFIERS: Vertical amplifier features step attenuated frequency compensated input circuit with low pilot model wiring. Impedance cathod~ follower-p'!sh-pull deflection !,~pl~er . Sensitivity .09 volts per inch deflection, -6 db at 500 ~c. HOrlz~ntal amplifier features 3-posltJon Input selector switch with cathode follower-push­ pu!l de~ectJon ampEfiers. Instrument tube line-up: three 12AU7, one 12AT7 in amplifier circuits. 12AX7 tWin triode sweep generator, 6X4 low voltage rectifier, 1 V2 high voltage rectifier and 5BP1 CR tube. Good performance, easy assembly and simplified operation are characteristics of this new Heathkit general purpose oscilloscope. H EAT H KIT 3" PRINTED CIRCUIT OSCILLOSCOPE KIT ~ New modern design printed circuit board for easier, lrr... Convenient deflection plate terminal. - ideal ,. trouble-free auembly. r for transmitter modulation monitoring. New Heath twin triode sweep generator circuit lS- New compact utility scope; light weight and port­ ~ 100,000 cycles. ~ able for service work. PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGN: A new, timely addition to the famous Ene of Heathkit oscilloscopes. A light weight, COm­ pact 3" scope at only $29.50! An ideal general purpose scope for hams, students and experimenters. This low price places the usefulness of an oscilloscope within the range of electronics enthusiasts with slender pocketbooks. It fea­ MODEL OL·l tures modern printed circuit design for easy, trouble-free assembly-miniature tubes-transformer operated power supply and direct RF connections to the deflection plates. Just the type of instrument you budget-minded hams have been looking for to check.your transmitter modulation. Ideal for portable TV service work or as a "second" shop scope. Students can construct this instrument, obtain first-hand knowledge of scope operating principles and investigate wave forms encountered in their studies. Even you part-time experimenters, audio fans and electronics enthusiasts can now justify your investment in an oscillo­ Shpg. Wt. 15 Ibl. scope for your circuit investigation and design problems. Housed in a new, compact Heathkit cabinet 6~H wide x 9 ~" high x 11 ~" deep and weighs only 11 Ibs. The professional appearance of the smart new charcoal grey panel and feather grey cabinet imparts a quality appearance far above the amazingly low kit price level. SWEEP GENERATOR: The new Heath twin triode sweep generator pro­ AMPLIFIERS: Identical push-pull )(ertical and horizontal am~lifiers are vides frequency coverage from 15 to 100,000 cycles in four switch ideal for individual applications if' phase shift is important. Seneitivity selected positions. Printed circuit construction assures uniform stand­ of vertical amplifier .25 volts per inch deflection, down 5 db at 500 kc. ardized wiring, resulting in positive, easily synchronized stable Horizontal amplifier .2 volts per inch at 1 kc, down 5 db at 500 kc. locked-in traces. Provisions for external or internal sync. and external Detlection plate tcrminals at rear of cabinet. Ideal for ham transmitter or internal sweep. All coupling and bypass condensers used with this modulation monitoring. Power supply is transformer operated to insure new Heathkit are the plastic molded sealed type with capacity values an adequate source of smooth, well-filtered DC and high level accelerat­ directly imprinted for easy identification. ing potential for the CR tube. Tube line-up: four 12AU7 horizontal and vertical amplifiers. The New Heathkit OL-1 represents the lowest priced kit oscillo­ 12AX7 sweep generator, 6X4 low voltage rectifier, IV2 high voltage scope ever offered. A terrific value at $29.50. rectifier, 3GP1 CRT. YOU SAVE BY ORDERING DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 5" PUSH-PULL PRINTED CIRCUIT OSCILLOSCOPE KIT ?M COL 0 R T V-B R 0 A DBA N D Fint color TV service ,cope, full 5 mc band width, New type wid. frequency sweep g8nerator,20-500,000 down Ie•• than l1f.:t db at 3.58 megacycle color cycle, in decoding ranges. Five limes the sweep ~ burst sync frequency. ~ range usually provided. Modern printed circuit construdion for faster, easier, more accurate assembly. Virtually eliminates wiring New DC positioning controls for instantoneous trace ~ • rror. ~ positioning without bounce or overshoot. The outstandingly brilliant performance of the new 1955 Model 0-10 Heathkit Scope easily meets all requirements for succesaful color TV servlcinlJ. Completely re-designed amplifiers, using techniques made possible only through the use of modern printed circwts, establish bandwidths essentially flat from 5 cycles to 5 megacycles (down only 5 db at 5 megacycles). Most important of all, the response is down less than 1 Yo db at 3.58 megacycles (TV color sync burst frequency - thereby providing true, accurate, service information of actual operating characteristics at this important circuit position. MOD E L 0 - 1 0 Also a convenient one volt peak-to-peak panel re.ference used in conjunction with a calibrated grid screen, will permit meaaurements of TV circuit peak-to-peak voltages! Careful TV circuit operating analysis requires accurate reproduction of actual wave form and peak-to-peak voltage measurements without frequency error. $ 69 New printed circuit horizontal amplifier design provides trace width three times the diameter of the CR tube. New DC positioning control circuit along with greater trace magnification allows viewing of any portion of a TV sync 50• pulse for observation of small transients or step portions of pulses. Model 0-10 provides service information to satisfy the most critical TV serviceman or TV service problem. SWEEP GENERATOR-POWER SUPPLY: The sweep generator circuit in the Model 0-10 Oscilloscope is worthy of special mention and a full circuit description will be found at the bottom of this page, but remember that this is the first Shpg.
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