i f FRIDAY, MARCH 1 0 ,1M4 Avenge Daily Circnlattbn The Weather 14. For the Month of' Fehranry, 1944 ForecMt oi C. S. \> eathcT Bureau J a g e f o u r t e e n Cloudy end warmer tonight: nell place. An account of the ■Sunday cloudy and warmer; gentle SUff Sergeant Edward J. Wil- Rev. Quulea JMirnm, acting meeting, carried in The Herald Member of w Apdli ' pastor of the Covenant Congrega­ Walter Armstrong lo modemte southwest winds. ■on. of 134 M.apic street, haa ar- this week, said that it was Private Barene of XilraalvIloBa About Town ^ a d aafely in'Zl^land. He la with tional: church" wHl give gn illi^ William R. • Armstrong William the Booth Ordnance Oompany and trated Icctpfe oh "The Land of the IiT^oulh P0j(ic lives at 869 Mato street ajfd is Manehe$ter^A City of ViUag0 Ciufftn was formorly- aUtioned at Fort Vikings"/ht Center church Thurs­ Walter’s brother. Ho is training Lewia, Waah. He la the aon of Mrs, day evehlng of next week at 8 It now develop* that tiie local in California end is also with the TJ>« Mci?* Soctety of th* Email- o’cloeX Group E of which Mrs. J. Marines ' ii0h's7 (OlaaaUMI Advevllalag oa-Phge 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDATi MARCH 11,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C B N ^ ■cl Lutheran'^iHirdi will meet Mkrkaret Wllaon and the late Ed­ Seymour Brown Is leader, will be Marine, Pfc. Vincent Farrand, Pfc. Walter Armstrong has been SuMday^e^htnir *t 8 o’clock. Fol- ward J. WUaon. J r, met on the island of Tarawa, Spring l^ifcharge.. ^ - in the 8outh Pacific, was Pfc, in to«r South'Pacini:^ tor the past - - uie buainem aeasion Alex- 118 months. "Cflc wIB preaent two mo- ' Pfc. Elmore McLoughlln o f, ^ The American Legion band will Walter T. Armstrcng, of 43 Pur- picture “^e ^ Hartfotd, fornlcrly'of Manchealer/ play for the fourth anniver pilot Rescued from Truk HariiQP' ^PhMla” and **Baptl8ro of _ Fire.- haa aiT lved' aafely In England a'c- There wlQ a«o be a aocialvtli^ coidlng to Information received by American Bpmbers i t i i h S b e ll with cafwahmeota, and it la Jio w hia parentSj Mr. and vfra. Robert evening. Hw inembera adll miike it a point McLoughlln, of 116 Eaat Center ''loAttfMd^ __ atrdet. Prevloua to hla embarka­ tion Pfc. Mcloughlm served at ;rike Heavy Blow iuchacl WllUam Wabfek <4 Fort Deven* and Camp I>ee, Va. ,J tt& ifapto ctreet has been trans- '•m d'W further atudy « the jO^menr achool in uaredo, Texaa. T h e 'l^ n ’B cluX of St. Bndget’a "gently completed a cow e In handed the K. df C. setback team At Western Reich •IraiaiM niCehanlca at Keecler a defeat last evening at the K. of S id d . Mlaa.. and waa graduated C. home on MalnNitreet. ’The win­ iM tm o^ He *a the »on «>f the ners had suffered three straight Fortresses, > Liberators I defeats before annexing last 100% Into Mr. and Mra. Michael Wabrek. night’s victory. ’The Individual Resume Record Bomb* 15 Fighting St. Margaret’i Circle, Daugh- I whiners were Lawrence ’Touhey ing Marathon After tora of laabella. will have_a buai- I and WillUm Maatropletro. Boxy Styles Days Could Royal Navy...-Ship8 Sus­ UM meeting and aocial Tuead^ Lull of Day; Pasnle* Soviet Armies Rum^Boats tain Neither Casual*/ •renliig at 8 o’clock at the K. of C., ALICE COFRAN Calais Coast Also Tar* Imme. ’The etanding en tertain in g (Known As Qnoen Alice) ' ^ p o r t coats are going to be yerj’ popular Hurt Nazis ties Nor Damage Dll •ommlttee for March la Mra. ^ SPm m JA L MEDILM Shatter Foe’s Face Stiff WUllama. chairman; Mm.C»X:, Seventh Dnughter of a Seventh Son and.very much in demand this season. get in Daylight Raid. _____ spite Accurate Fii^ by JWd MdSamara, Mr*. f J ^ r d Bom With a Veil l ^ c h and Mr*. WUUam Scully. Rendlnge Daily, Including Sunday, Some with Velvet Collars. Tweeds, London, March 11.—(JP)— American Ace Asserts Shore Batteries;/ Two 9 A. M. to 8 P. M* Or By Appolnt- Lines in Drive Sea Patrol The regular rehearsd of ^ 8d- roent. In the Service -at the Peo­ Shetlands and Fleeces. American Fortresses and Lib­ German Air Force Small Nazi Thrusts ■ yation Army Songater Brigade | ple for SO Venn. erators resumed their record wiU be omitted thta evening. 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn bombing marathon after a. Effectiveness Could Konev's Forces Kill 20,* Coast Guard Reatly to Repulsed \yj Indian Phone 6-2034 Lilac — Red — Nude — Goto — Blue — lull of one day and struck al , Eliminated Then. 000 Germans, Capture Fire on jin y Vessel ' Forces; P ^ues Active. TALL CEDARS Toast — Navy — Black — Btown heavy blow at western Ger­ many and the Pas-de-Calais A Fighter Base in England, 2,500 More and Liber­ Attempting to Bring Allied ^eadquartens Na­ ples, March 11.-^/P)—British BINGO At The coast of France today a few March 11—OP)—Capt. Walker Ma- ate Over 300 Towns. ' In Liquor Illegally. hours after the R.A.F.’s Lan- hurin, former Fort Wayne, Ind., desti'oyers have shelled TONIGHT PRmCESS caater’B made a preciaion night clerk who now U the leading London, March 11—(4^- -Three Washington, March 11—dP) — towns'on Korcula island off attack on four factoriea In France. great Soviet armies, rolling for­ the Dalmatian coast, reported ORANGE HALL RESTAURANT The new aaaault on the French American fighter ace in the Euro­ The Coast Guard spat fondly on coaat where Prime Minister pean theater, declares the German ward through the mud and water its deck artillery today and pro­ occupied by large numbers of Comer Main nnd Pearl Streets $ 1 9 .9 5 to Air Force could be eliminated as Germans, headquarters an­ ..V.' Churchill haa aaid the Naria were an effective weapon of war In 15 of the southern Ukraine, have nounced itself ready to fire on Business Men’s readying rockets and robot planes days of combat. shattered German lines over a anything afloat that might be nounced today. A communi­ LUNCHEON— to bombard England was the 15tb "We definitely havb superiority 500-mile front in a mammoth drive carrying, as one officer put it, “a que said the bombardments RANGE AND 75e attack there by American heavy now,’’ said Mahurin, who likes to to clear the »nemy from all south­ case of rum or a case of sabo­ Were carried out Wednesday night Served 11 A. M. to 8 P. M bombers since the day before look at Berlin from the sky.’ "It ern Russih, Moscow dispatches re­ tage.” and that "in spite of accurate fire f u e l o h . Chrlatmaa. shows the trend more than any­ ported today. With yesterday’s order cutting from enemy - shore batteries our Complete Dinners Have Been Hammered 60 limes thing elae.when we can go all the A cruiser scout plane landed In Truk harbor^when Am erica planes raided that Jap stronghold The drive was brought into down the volume of cane liquors ships sustained neither casualties James A. Woods S err^ 5 to 9 P. M. • These targets on the nearby way in there and shoot Jiem up.’^ to rescue a Hellcat pilot who hud been shot dqwn. Rere is the plane returning to its cruiser with the sharp focus by yesterday’s an­ flowing northward to slake the nor damage.” Also A Ls Carte Service. northern French coaat have now The hand.some, 2t)-year-old pi­ rescued pilot. Lieut. George Blair,-Scwickley, Pa., seated in the rear cockpit. The rescue ship was nouncement that a third offensive great American thirst, the War Small Vessel Lett to Flames S81 Center St. Tel. 6568 White Blouses. Cotton, rayon crepe, and spun rayon been . hammered by Allied planes lot, although frankly "scared to piloted By Lieut. Denver F.. Baxter, Suminertown, Tcnn., (front cockpit). On the wing, waiting to had been launched m that area— Production board feared It might British light coastal forces at­ on 60 days out of the last three death" on every flight, said he catch the book from the shjp to hoist the plane aboard i.s Radioman Reuben F. Hickman, Waverly, by Marshal Ivan S. Konev’s Sec­ be inviting an old-fashioned out­ tacked a small vessel farther In­ in tailored and dressy styles. Short sleeves. Sizes 32 months. They first were hit early gets “lots of fun out of combat." Tenn. (AP Wirephoto from TJ. S, Navy.) ond Ukrainian Army. break of rum-running. shore, between the eastern end ot to 38. in September when Allied armies His 20 victories are only six un­ Moscow said j:is forces had bro­ But, said a Coast Guard spokes­ Hvar and the mainland, leaving and navies were staging a big in­ der the American record of 26 held ken through enemy defenses 'on a man laconically: it abandoned and In flames, th* Roofing—Asbcistos Range and Fuel vasion rehearsal on the channel. Jointly by Marine MaJ. Gregory lOB-mile line southwest of Cher- "A rum runner wouldn’t have a bulletin added. The American bombers thunder­ Boyingtun, missing in action, and Puclieu Guilty kasy, killing 20,000 Germans, cap­ chance in a million these days.” The ground bulletin said Eighth Siding and Rock OIL $1.59 to $5.98 ALL THE ed out after only a day's interval M:^ne Maj.
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