S> ^ , , 1 7 / 2 0 0 0 vwvw.magicvalralleyxom^ ^ ,5 3 0 6 3 ^ V- SHI J JM PAfJKE 3 6 2 7 E YAMDEl r x 7 9 9 0 3 . EU PASD T e s e w ^ 8 50 ccnts ■ tcsday, Octobcr 18,B. 2 0 0 0 -______________ Q. 292 "^™ "*™ ""wcdnc GOODMOR)RNING i m C a n cd i d a tt e s g ee t t e ss t y I W e a t h e r Today:!^ P a rtly each other I iy today, and ird debate ruliles give Bushh. Gore chanince to target e ht,high66. ■ ■ ■ contendon - over h<health care — and that I ^ lw 4 0 . ThaWa»lilrthlngtoo P o > t ____________ tone carried throvough the SOrminutes I P ag e A2 Ju stat th e fa c ts - B6 almost without abreai^ak. I ST. LOI,OUlS - Vicc President AlW G o re . Gore accused Busiish of being a president xas Gov. George W. BushI dducded le agendas of the phar- !s h e r e only a dilferent2nt "leadership style” can1 peget who would back the AIQora M a g i c V a lXEY l y over domestic issues n Washington, maceutical compaianies, health mainte- _ . r t Qaors '■■■ *l>»rplyly .night, with Gore asseri•rtin g a things done in \ ‘I want ey airp o rt maW.Biiali Tuesday: ««m the The diird andan< final debate berween’ th Picasase see DEBATE, Page A2 to fight for you.’ N ew o w n e r Stanley liKeience of opinion” betwe itial rivals opened on a noteite <of has itself a new ownt^vner. t e n got — ‘'huge diffndidates and Bush arguiniing th at two presidenda P a g e B l ' nrtM nedon*.'tw o candi Escape: Two TWinI p£Falls m en Citvty eyes ^ facing diargess irin connec- [>efrom a - - - -........8 tion with an escape 1 w tower minimum-securiiyy pprison. ISKY GRG m nev P ag e B l R l ordidinance Money Acc cident puts By John T. Huddy Aftvice over breakf»(fast: Hyrum Tlmes-NewsIWS writer______________ W. Smith* who willsII sp eak in O C tlViety - back TwinFais'niursdoy,lay, doesn’t TWIN1 FFALLS / - Heiglu restric- jiist teach time manlanagement. in. S' ceicertain zones. Aesthetic P a g e E l spotlight requiremerments forccll towers. .TheseJ wwere among the ideas ByMarit d iscu ssedied by city planners ffkHebs I o m e s m t H . Tuesday/ wlwhen thoy met to brain- Food & Hc ■Wewwrttef,_____________ storm newlew regulations for com- municauontion towers. IN FALLS - A Twin FaUs nk we are at a point now j) H ig h S. l i - ' 1 “ I think ^ m inorSchool ir student sufferede we have a lot of options : injuries Tuesday when he a E B i w here we and I thinkdnk we need to start look- i t by a van while crossing a ththem e and making some : near lhe school, once again" 4 - ns on where we need to lg the issue of pedestrian aid city Planning and / in the dty. ___ _ ’ Cominissioa Chairman HS junior Matthew Garrison ' C< Jeff irr. “Wliat are our options in ju re d h m m p u h PPIh y and hinv dn we want to . he was IdnfSfU nK M re this?" T was h i t ' I y g |E ;day.’s meeting gave city K street'**10 n« 03 The disappearing « s an opportunity to gel ■ raisin g deas from the representa- of th e Magic ValleyB H safety ir f several ccllular service is nearing the end,c ■ TFHS ers, including U.S. W est p£^_,; '• , H ' was inj Wirelessss and Cleartalk PCS. H when hi 2 of the Idens brought up ■ stru c k I ly induded creating cellu- a b o u t : lar e r zones in the dty. llio se SlKJRIB J?(ash: A part ajn. by such as residential, agn- ley lan d scap e I al and industrial, could ,a,o£itslifes- bound -c v en -hlavc. a v i hcitOil-resuidionfi-on leaders also talked aboul P ag e C l possitssibility of mandating cel- F a U sP lu lar piroviders ro to co-locate on D e p art o th er cell towers - a common press te cc among cellular service G a n ers. w as lcrc i n a r y f Clayton'ton Trapp, a hind use plan- F i l as A a t th e isMnci'croitEwalk . ner forr U,U.S. Wcsr, Siiid U.S. West in' a mir m o n . - (n tM Maurice. OPSSW9rc h on streetfUtf fPlease sec TOWER. Poge A2 his wasu r i c e -. Av^ufi lntsree& • fro mr e e t , ' Uon. - ------------ releaseirding to > Make eyo con­ C enter c o iiit Sout] s e mvin i i Falls toctvriiJnWyere Eve^en nurses Idaho’s big«hool\ c la sshool t tomatosufo M orict r news ttwyseeyou. squads got the pos •. Churc: are; afraid as rolling Tuesday. ise. and I-ow your I M a leu issu e intenllonsto S i rtu < d e n ts ’ cross. )ola spreads accord Ebo Ity w h ile .Well for trafnc ,,,,y . juthem |T™”a m g th e 3,, jq The AswhsaoclBted Press __________ 0P1NION et to an a before step- ol voUeyball nisuion sem i; pingmiothe V./ GULULU, Uganda - Dressed in Trimmed downtiiiwstseason ball release cal gowns, flimsy masks C ounty Cdinmisslc y ^ street. Do not___ T h e kne<mee-high nil)lH;r btiots, the to eliininate a full* le b efo re ossumflthbt' P{tfe D l of stui T w in bocQuse 0 car •s at U)car Hospital know missioner post, safety hasstoppcsd in ^tliat^willwith <-iich dav that passes______ als«o®. ■■ ■' crossiiincil-L.in— onfrlene.-oH drI— they havehai a greater chance of streetpast, d ty vors will yield tho ming infected with the fromn a g e r rimofwoy. ly EEbola virus, TTie J ero m e „ a rya C o u rt- Onee dldoctor iind two nurses are S ection byKlonwaswise i come' said amonglg t!the 37 wlu) have died so iill‘tim e com- th e sday. And Garrison’s acadentty’s trnxitH rom the terrifying heinor- ire to put it on top of the dty ’s ,c fever thiit can be passed Section A today^editori-S( Falls Uenue East and Maurice Streotreot North aftor school on Tuesosday. A stu- ragliic fi ...........................Councnda again, he said, itu -_ A Twin FslIs HIgh Schohool student crosses Rler Ave le site of sevet- throughJgh a simple handshake - Weather ...3 . Sp _ esday momlng along the busyisy avenue, which has been the th er acddents involving stu;nth dent croMlngth# str#!rt«t WM hit by a vehicle Tuest includin;ding two n»)rc victims who Nation . .3-5,8 - rogoP ag e «wA6 mants - induding one last month died TutTuesday. /Vnd with 10 more OKnlon ....6-7 » Tomthe* I intersection of Filei nth, - office.lias.boe^ojiuing extensive susperti[.Tted cases identified each tnue East.and-Mfldrona Syeei c control division this monlh tlieir work loa<l will only— Y SECTION ^gs Pcd«tri^ safety)yliosTbng'beeir o^fic c icw. trtiffic flow and inteitersection safer . .day, tiu rth that injured siblingston an ongoing issue wwith the city, die atyIty is pushing to put up new la s e r ................... T ” Section 6 cc Tina M artin, 11, and T rJtor d e said. After bnghteIter sijjns near crosswalksilks. Please sec CROSOSSINOrp'ascAJ to st uf tis lire so afraid . Section D * e Mayor Elaine Steel said. The city engineer’e r’s M«glc\61tey.W Dt rrin, 1 0 - have also raised die launching a four-p-police officer she sai Please see EBOLA. Page A2 Obituaries .. .2 CrS p o r ts ------1-6 Oth<’s concern, he said. Iiteho/West .+5 Mi 11 11 Nation.......... 6 M:Section E ^ . Mon^ ....1-3 - Section C CCl o m ics.......... 4 K a trii ecurity fiinds aSetting the USISS Cole to drjydook Fbod Dear Abby . .5 Marrix wegian-ownod commordal “heaeavy-llir ship, will corry tho} ^emenise Howow the Blue Martin. 0 Norweg &Home ...1-8 Crossword.. .5 dty'si atnagod destroyer USS Colo)le tto a shipyard' for repair: Tugboats movo/o Colo ■ O Wator Is Hitcr Morning break .5 Cble is movod 10 deep pumped Irom ••••-'*" . -------- ;ms 7 ovor 8ubmorge( iking itei water in tho open soa bollast tanks to 4 . ▲ ▲ WipHaM o v ies.......... 5 >omb-ma ■ o^"raiso dock with T T T B lue Marlin lills 1 a « ts secure hull Community . 6 X 7 deslroyorto ^Cole attached; 1 /ill bring the Colee home Its ballast tanks H l l l B Bluo Marlin I x .. Classified .7-16 YJorw < egian ship w il with water to ^ ck with blocks^ , gl^ this," she said, sinkltsdeck Pf— ______----- Yemeni offiaals,s, w ho spoke on VoodblockB ‘0 0 ! C lassi nymity, Identi- ^ISSColelwath: ' •w,<:er *»DiVOI tors condition of anonj 05 tt. (154m) . ■ . J)EN, Yemen - Invesugatorient fied the missing meie n only as non- ^•Ck USS,S ccolo vv o lg ^ g JO ^ H ^ M k L og ori t o ... tKnd bomb-making equipment of Yemeni Arabs. OOther Yemeni in apaiiment near the portn eo r source.-; said the;ey were from . ^ cn and believe two formeo u t neighboring Saudii Arabia,t but an ■ Ncupants may have carried Uedpu Interior Ministry spspokesm an told ' I suidde'bombing that kiUeio le,_ _die state news agerency SABA that I ______— «w.tn«J)c*i SIFIED —sailors aboard the USS Cole■ ■ tliefeT'was'no'liilink'CO Saudi _ i i # “ AD]xirity officials said Tuesday.
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