" 11110 11110 11110 111101111111111111111111, 11111111111111110 111111 Vol. V, No. 32 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 30 September 1950 INJURED CHILD FLOWN 70 GUANTANAMO MEN TO BE HIKED HERE FOR TREATMENT IN RATE EFFECTIVE 16 OCTOBER Tuesday morning at 0450, UF-1 belonging to the Naval Air Station, Results Of First Navy-Wide Examinations Held In July Guantanamo Bay, Cuba roared off Received From Norfolk Last Week the McCalla air strip and headed south to Grand Cayman, B.W.I. to By Allen Collier, J03, Editor lift 20-month old William T. Raley Seventy enlisted men learned last week that they had suc- Jr., injured in a beach accident cessfully passed the First Semi-Annual Navy-Wide Advance- late Sunday and return him to the ment Examinations and will be advanced to the next highest Naval Hospital here for observa- __________________________ rating effective 16 October 1950. tion and treatment. Of the total number, forty-four Piloting the UF-1 was CDR W. T. CARRIER ROOSEVELT, are attaining their first crow (petty Sutherland, NAS Operations offi- OTHERS ARRIVE FRIDAY officer third class) on their way up cer, with a crew of E. M. Bush, Navy's advancement ladder. ARC, plane captain; R. 0. Fant, ________the AD1, second mech; R. F. Wartel, The 45,000 ton aircraft carrier, Only by applying one's self to his AL3, radioman and J. F. Egge- USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB- job and knowing the duties assign- brecht, AT3, radar technician. 42), and three destroyers together ed to his rate can one attain a When The Indian contacted the with the repair ship USS Oppor- higher rating, These men have baby's parents late Wednesday, it tune (ARS-41) will arrive here taken the first step. 19 of those was disclosed that X-rays taken at sometime Friday October 6. being rated next month are second the Hospital here had revealed no Destroyers slated to arrive in class petty officers, while a mere fractured ribs as had been expect- port with the mighty FDR are: 7 are being advanced to first class. ed. Hospital attendants told the USS Sumner (DD-692), USS John Lee Blanton, YNSN, at- boy's father W. T. Raley, Sr., a Moale (DD-693), USS Ingraham tacked to the Naval Station and Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve (DD-694). serving at the Leeward Point out- (Inactive), that they believed the An expected arrival Monday is post came up with the highest child to be suffering from multiple the seaplane tender USS Duxbury individual mark when he recorded bruises and severe shock but that Bay (AVP-38). Slated to arrive a perfect mark of 4.0 on his mill- no bones were broken. Tuesday is the submarine USS tary exam. He posted a 2.747 for The elder Mr. Raley told your Chivo (SS-341), while the USS a final multiple of 58.69. Con- reporter that the accident occurred Ellison (DD-864) will arrive on gratulations rightfully go to Blan- at 5:15 Sunday afternoon at the Thursday October 5. ton for his remarkable achievement. beach when he and his wife and Following is the list of men who child were preparing to return DON'T FORGET TO SET will be advanced next month, list- home. The clutch in his car was YOUR CLOCK BACKactivities. Naval Station broken and so they were pushing G. E. Laber to BM2; A. H. Stan- it while the car was in reverse At 0200 tomorrow morning, Sun- cell and J. J. Walker, both to DC3; gear. Young William fell out of the day 1 October, the Naval Operating R. L. Cames to EN2; J. C. Siro- car and before it could be stopped Base, Guantanamo Bay, will revert watka and C. E. Weaver both to the front wheel had rolled across from Eastern Daylight Time which ET2. C. P. Hartman to DC3, and his chest. Since the clutch was has been effective since 1 April, to C. E. Twice to EN3. broken and the car had to be lifted Eastern Standard Time. At that R. P. Mullally to ET3; D. C. Ru- off the child, his father estimated hour, all clocks, watches, hour dolph and D. E. Herrold to MR3; that the wheel remained on the glasses, etc, will be turned back P. A. Jacobs, A. R. Rade and J. F. child's chest approximately 11/2 one hour. Gallagher to PH3; F. H. Bartho- minutes. The local doctor happened The shortwave broadcasts from lomew to QM3; V. Rajcula to RM3 to be on the beach at the time of AFRS New York, which have been and R. F. Pitkin to TE3. the accident and after examining coming on at 3:00 p.m. this week G. E. Pierce, P. L. Ramsey, C. R. the child said he thought there will come on beginning tomorrow McCoy, A. R. Summerville, J. R. were three ribs broken and pos- afternoon at their regular 2:00 Perry and R. C. Eynon all to be sibly a punctured lung. It was then p.m. spot. advanced to YN3. that Mr. and Mrs. Raley called on Utility Squadron TEN the local authorities for help. Media, Pa. (AFPS) - Robert J. W. MacMartin to AE2; R. C. McMullin, 57, served his first 100 Weidler, J. V. Drexler, and B. B. Formosa has the highest cliffs in jail terms-all for 90 days or less Traeder, all be advanced to AT2; the world. On the northeast coast -very meekly. But the 101st, a W. P. Madden, Jr., to PR2; R. C. they rise 6,000 feet-or almost year at Broad Meadows Prison Olund and E. D. Garvin, to AE3. five times the height of the Empire Farm, taxed his patience. He es- A. L. Hiers, J. F. Hannan, R. E. State Building in New York. capped. (Continued on Page Four) Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 30 September 1950; Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 30 September 1950 TRAINING GROUP TRIVIALS By Lewis, Yo Yo 1 The Training Group Picnic was -S another one of those monotonously Sunday, 1 October 1950 Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg. wonderful get-togethers by all Room 205 - Phone 254 Catholic Masses hands and their families of the 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 30 September 1950 Training Group, also a few invited 0930-Naval Base Chapel guests. The turnout was hampered 1745-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE somewhat by current operations, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Daily Mass - 0630 but those of us who were there real- Confessions before all Masses Rear Admiral A. M. Bledsoe, USN ly went all-out on the ham and dog Commander Protestant Services Allen Collier, JO3------------------Editor sandwiches, small fry were "pop- ped" and the older guzzlers topped 0930-Sunday School at School- P. H. Teeter, LODR---------- Staff Advisor house THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- off with lots of beer. We didn't anced by appropriated funds, printed on hear a single gripe, but we look Protestant Choir rehearsal each government equipment, for free distri- for some suggestions for the next Thursday at 1930 bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, one. Note 'em and pass 'em to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the Chaplain at this Activity Base Commander. LCDR Hayward. CDR JOHN F. HAGEN, USN THE INDIAN is published in compliance The Gugliamo family are slip- (Protestant) with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 ping, Chief Wright is moving in, LT P. J. MARRON, USNR (Rev) 1945. and even the little Snays are THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press (Catholic) Service material which may be reprinted giving competition. We are setting with the credit line: AFPS. an egg to one side for the next picnic and plan to "emery" down AN AVERAGE MAN'S the hard part of the shell so it PRAYER SAILOR SAVES LITTLE will give on the first toss. GIRL'S LIFE AND GETS Congratulations are in order for "Lord, teach me that sixty min- all those new rates, the paymaster utes make an hour, sixteen ounces REWARD HE ASKED FOR! will soon be taking a beating-and one pound and one hundred cents we hope that the contenders on one dollar. Help me to so love that San Diego (AFPS)-All the sail- the coming test will show up to I can lie down at night with a clear or wanted for saving the child's last group. How about it fellas? conscience without a gun under my life was the little heart charm from Speaking of getting ahead, ever pillow, and unhaunted by the faces its necklace-just for luck. He now hear of USAFI? The Educational of those to whom I may have has the charm and a mother's Services Officer on Bay Hill can brought pain. Grant that I may eternal gratitude. get you started off on courses for earn my meal ticket on the square, I The sailor, John Burgher, HM1, which you may receive credit- and that in earning it I may do stationed at the San Diego Naval either military or civilian-for ac- unto others as I would have them Hospital, says Mrs. J. S. Olsen, in ademic courses, cultural courses, do unto me. Deafen me to the a recent letter to a local newspaper, technical courses or vocational jingle of tainted money and the "was the only motorist who would courses-your name 'em, he'll get the rustle of unholy skirts. Blind stop in response to her frantic you started for the original (and me to the faults of the other fellow roadside appeals".
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