Calaveras County Water District Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Review Draft | April 2018 Prepared for: Prepared by: Calaveras County Water District Amec Foster Wheeler 120 Toma Court 10940 White Rock Road, Suite 190 San Andreas, California 95249 Rancho Cordova, California 95670 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of hazard mitigation is to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards. The Calaveras County Water District developed this Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) update to make the County and its residents less vulnerable to future hazard events. This plan was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 so that the District would be eligible for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants, including Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Hazard Mitigation Grant programs. The plan was originally developed and approved by FEMA in 2006. The plan was then comprehensively updated in 2012. The District followed a planning process in alignment with FEMA guidance during its original development and update, which began with the formation of a hazard mitigation planning committee (HMPC) comprised of key District, County, and water agency representatives, and other regional stakeholders. The HMPC conducted a risk assessment that identified and profiled hazards that pose a risk to the District, assessed the District’s vulnerability to these hazards, and examined the capabilities in place to mitigate them. The District is vulnerable to several hazards that are identified, profiled, and analyzed in this 2018 plan update. Floods, wildfires, drought and water supply, and severe weather are among the hazards that can have a significant impact on the County. Based on the risk assessment, the HMPC identified goals and objectives to reduce the District’s vulnerability to hazards. The goals and objectives of the 2018 LHMP update are: Goal 1 Provide protection of life and public health and safety • Objective 1.1 Maintain adequate flows in water system for fire protection. • Objective 1.2 Improve capacity of critical sewer infrastructure to accommodate peak events. • Objective 1.3 Continue emergency water supply planning during periods of drought and water shortage. Goal 2 Reduce risk and vulnerability to existing and future facilities from natural hazards • Objective 2.1 Protect critical facilities from hazard impacts. • Objective 2.2 Implement mitigation measures for facilities vulnerable to flooding. • Objective 2.3 Reduce the vulnerability of facilities identified in fire hazard areas. • Objective 2.4 Coordinate with the County to update and improve risk assessment data and maps. • Objective 2.5 Integrate natural hazards mitigation into future facilities planning. Goal 3 Maintain current service levels and prevent loss of services • Objective 3.1 Protect critical lifeline utilities from hazard impacts. Calaveras County Water District i Local Hazard Mitigation Plan • Objective 3.2 Enhance and improve interconnections with regional water suppliers to prevent loss of service during drought and other emergencies. • Objective 3.3 Improve and protect water supply storage capacity. • Objective 3.4 Improve redundancy at critical facilities. • Objective 3.5 Increase backup capacities post-disaster to service the community until complete services are restored. Goal 4 Improve education, awareness, coordination, and communication with District staff, first responders, emergency management planners, public and other stakeholders • Objective 4.1 Educate public on responsible water use and conservation measures. • Objective 4.2 Foster partnerships with other water and sewer providers locally and regionally. • Objective 4.3 Improve emergency planning relative to vulnerable special populations. • Objective 4.4 Improve coordination with other County departments (such as planning and public health) related to natural hazard planning. • Objective 4.5 Maintain and enhance participation in multi-agency groups, such as the Multi- Agency Coordinating Group, related to natural hazards and emergencies. • Objective 4.6 Coordinate with other agencies for disaster training exercises. • Objective 4.7 Increase use of shared resources. • Objective 4.8 Make better use of communication and GIS technology. To meet these identified goals, the plan recommends 22 mitigation actions, which are summarized in the table that follows. This plan has been formally adopted by the District and will be updated every five years at a minimum. Table ES.1. Calaveras County Water District Mitigation Actions New Action/ Addresses Addresses 2012 Hazard Current Future Mitigation Action Action Addressed Priority Development Development Status 1. Implement and Expand New Wildfire H X X Started Fuel Breaks to Reduce Action Wildfire Hazards at CCWD Properties 2. Hardening of Water and New Wildfire H X X Started Wastewater Facilities (and Action Associated Electrical and SCADA Communication Systems) Against Wildfire 3. Implement Other Facility 2012 Flood H X X Ongoing Flood Mitigation Projects 4. Replace Remaining 2012 Wildfire H X Ongoing Redwood Storage Calaveras County Water District ii Local Hazard Mitigation Plan New Action/ Addresses Addresses 2012 Hazard Current Future Mitigation Action Action Addressed Priority Development Development Status 5. Improve grading and 2012 Flood H X Ongoing drainage of Wastewater Effluent Storage Ponds 6. Enhance On-Site 2012 Wildfire H X Ongoing Coordination with Cal-Fire during Fire Events 7. Increase District Owned 2012 Severe H X Ongoing Snow Removal Equipment Weather: and/or Snow Plows that Winter can be attached to the Storms and District’s Truck Fleet. Extreme Cold 8. Work with Calaveras 2012 Multi-hazard H X X Ongoing County on County General Plan update to integrate natural hazards mitigation measures in new development planning 9. Implement 2012 Flood H X X Near recommendations in Completion service area master plans related to critical sewer facilities 10. Implement pipeline 2012 Wildfire H X X Ongoing improvements identified in water master plans to provide adequate fire flows 11. Evaluate the need for 2012 Multi-hazard M X X Ongoing improved redundancy at critical facilities 12. Create and maintain 2012 Wildfire M X X Ongoing wildfire defensible spaces around facilities identified as in high fire hazard areas 13. White Pines Lake Storage New Drought and M X X Started Restoration Project Action Water Supply, Flooding 14. Merge 2018 LHMP into the New Multi- M X X Deferred next update to the Action Hazard Calaveras County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 15. Highway 4 Community New Drought and M X X Deferred Emergency Water Supply Action Water Feasibility Planning Study Supply 16. Construct Fire Resistant 2012 Wildfire M X Ongoing Electrical Control Panels 17. Retrofit Manhole Covers 2012 Flood L X Ongoing Calaveras County Water District iii Local Hazard Mitigation Plan New Action/ Addresses Addresses 2012 Hazard Current Future Mitigation Action Action Addressed Priority Development Development Status 18. Review and update a 2012 Drought L X X Near tiered rate structure to Completion encourage responsible water use 19. Update the National 2012 Flood L X Ongoing Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for wastewater facilities as required 20. Identify and incorporate 2012 Drought L X X Ongoing strategies for increasing water storage capacity to mitigate impacts of drought and other emergencies in an updated CCWD County Water Master Plan 21. Dam Failure Emergency 2012 Dam Failure L X X Started Planning 22. Develop mutual aid 2012 Multi-hazard L X X Near agreements with other Completion water providers and county agencies for support during emergencies Calaveras County Water District iv Local Hazard Mitigation Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1.1 1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................1.1 1.2 Background and Scope .........................................................................................1.1 1.3 District Profile .......................................................................................................1.2 1.3.1 History and Organization ..........................................................................1.4 1.3.2 Topography ...............................................................................................1.5 1.3.3 Economy ...................................................................................................1.5 1.3.4 Population .................................................................................................1.6 1.4 Plan Organization..................................................................................................1.6 2 WHAT’S NEW ....................................................................................................................2.1 2.1 What’s New in the Plan Update ............................................................................2.1 2.2 2012 Mitigation Strategy Status and Successes ....................................................2.4 3 PLANNING PROCESS .........................................................................................................3.1 3.1 Background on Mitigation Planning at Calaveras County Water District ............3.1 3.2 The 10-Step Planning Process ..............................................................................3.2
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