Department of the Army, DoD § 578.81 Parachutist badge with bronze service pletion of courses leading to an aero- star. nautical rating of Army Aviator, and to foreign military personnel under the § 578.80 Army Aviator Badges. provisions of paragraph (d) of this sec- (a) Badges authorized. There are three tion. degrees of the aviator badges author- (2) CG, USA HRC (HRC–OPA–V) to ized for award. They are as follows: inter-service transfers who previously Basic Army Aviator Badge, Senior held an aeronautical rating in another Army Aviator Badge, and Master Army service. Aviator Badge. (3) Commanders having general (b) Eligibility requirements—(1) Eligi- court-martial convening authority bility for U.S. personnel. An individual may award the Senior or Master Army must have satisfactorily completed Aviator Badge to officers on extended prescribed training and proficiency active duty. tests as outlined in AR 600–105, and (4) Major Army overseas com- must have been designated as an avi- manders, CONUSA (the numbered ar- ator in orders issued by headquarters mies in the continental United States) indicated above. commanders, and CDR, USA HRC may (2) Eligibility for foreign military per- award the Senior and Master Aviator sonnel. While only U.S. officers may be Badge to U.S. Army Reserve personnel awarded an aeronautical rating, the not on extended active duty in the Ac- Army Aviator Badge may be awarded tive Army. to foreign military graduates of initial (5) Chief, National Guard Bureau may entry flight-training courses conducted award the Senior or Master Aviator at the U.S. Army Aviation Center. The Badge to Army National Guard (ARNG) Senior and Master Army Aviator personnel not on extended active duty Badges may be awarded to foreign mili- in the Active Army. tary personnel rated as pilots who (d) Army Astronaut Device. A gold col- meet or exceed eligibility criteria re- ored device, 7⁄16 inch in length, con- quired of U.S. Army officers for the re- sisting of a star emitting three spective badges, and subject to the reg- contrails encircled by an elliptical ulations of their countries. As a min- orbit. It is awarded by the Chief of imum, foreign officers recommended Staff, Army, to personnel who com- for award of advanced aviator badges plete a minimum of one operational must— mission in space (50 miles above earth) (i) Be currently qualified for flying and is affixed to the appropriate Army duty in their own military service. Aviator Badge, Flight Surgeon Badge, (ii) Be medically qualified. or Aviation Badge awarded to the as- (iii) If not a graduate of an initial tronaut. Individuals who have not been entry U.S. Army aviation course, have awarded one of the badges listed above attended a formal training or aircraft but who meet the other astronaut cri- transition course conducted at Fort teria will be awarded the basic Avia- Rucker or at an U.S. Army Aviation tion Badge with Army Astronaut De- Training School. vice. (iv) Have 1000 flying hours in aircraft (e) Description. An oxidized silver and 7 years from basic rating date for badge 3⁄4 inch in height and 21⁄2 inches the Senior Aviator Badge; have 2000 in width, consisting of the shield of the hours in aircraft and 15 years from coat of arms of the United States on basic rating date for the Master Avi- and over a pair of displayed wings. A ator Badge. Total Operational Flying star is added above the shield to indi- Duty Credit (TOFDC) which may be ap- cate qualification as a Senior Army plied by U.S. officers to qualify for ad- Aviator. The star is surrounded with a vanced badges will not be used to jus- laurel wreath to indicate qualification tify awards to foreign officers. as a Master Army Aviator. (c) Approval authority. Badge ap- proval authority is as follows: § 578.81 Flight Surgeon Badges. (1) The Commander, U.S. Army Avia- (a) Badges authorized. Three levels of tion Center and Fort Rucker, to U.S. Flight Surgeon Badges are authorized student aviators upon successful com- for award, Basic Flight Surgeon Badge; 451 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00461 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR § 578.82 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–08 Edition) Senior Flight Surgeon Badge; and Mas- (c) Eligibility requirements. See AR ter Flight Surgeon Badge. 611–75. (b) Eligibility requirements. Any Army (d) Badge approval authority. See AR Medical Corps officer who satisfac- 611–75. torily completes the training and other (e) Descriptions. (1) Scuba—A 1 inch requirements prescribed by AR 600–105. high silver badge consisting of a scuba (c) Badge approval authority. (1) The diver’s hood with face mask, mouth- basic Flight Surgeon Badge may be piece, and breathing tubes. The width awarded by the Commanding General, is 31⁄32 inch. U.S. Army Aviation Center and Fort (2) Salvage—A silver diving helmet, 1 Rucker. The CG will award the badge inch in height, with the letter ‘‘S’’ 3⁄8 to those U.S. medical officers who have inch in height, superimposed on the been awarded an aeronautical designa- chest plate. The width is 23⁄32 inch. tion per AR 600–105 and to foreign mili- (3) Second Class—A silver diving hel- tary personnel who complete the train- met 1 inch in height. The width is 23⁄32 ing and the requirements prescribed by inch. AR 600–105. (4) First Class—A silver diving hel- 15 (2) Senior and Master Flight Surgeon met ⁄16 inch in height, between two 3 Badges may be awarded by the fol- dolphins, 1 inch high. The width is 1 ⁄32 lowing: inches. (i) The Surgeon General. Forward re- § 578.83 Special Operations Diver quests to HQDA (DASG–HCZ, WASH Badge. DC 20310–2300. (a) The Scuba Diver Badge was re- (ii) The Chief, National Guard Bureau named the Special Operations Diver to National Guard personnel not on ac- Badge (SODB). In additional to the tive duty. Forward requests to the Na- SODB, another skill level was created, tional Guard Bureau, Military Per- Special Operations Diving Supervisor sonnel Office, 111 South George Mason Badge (SODSB). Drive, Arlington, VA 22204–1382. (b) Eligibility criteria. The basic eligi- (d) Description. An oxidized silver bility criteria for award of the SODB 23 1 badge ⁄32 inch in height and 2 ⁄2 inches and the SODSB are as follows: in width, consisting of a shield, its field (1) The SODB is awarded to graduates scored with horizontal lines and bear- of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Spe- ing the Staff of Aesculapius on and cial Warfare Center and School over a pair of displayed wings. A star is (USAJFKSWCS) Combat Diver Quali- added above the shield to indicate the fication Course (CDQC), Special Forces degree of Senior Flight Surgeon and Underwater Operations, Key West, the star is surrounded with a laurel Florida or any other United States wreath to indicate the degree of Master Army Special Operations Command Flight Surgeon. (USASOC) approved combat diver qual- ification course. § 578.82 Diver Badges. (2) The SODSB is awarded to grad- (a) Badges authorized. There are five uates of the USAJFKSWCS CDQC, Spe- types of Diver Badges authorized for cial Forces Underwater Operations, award, Master Diver Badge; First-Class Key West, Florida or any other Diver Badge; Salvage Diver Badge; Sec- USASOC approved combat diving su- ond-Class Diver Badge; and Scuba pervisor course. Prerequisite for the Diver Badge. SODSB is the SODB. (b) Navy Badges. The following Navy (c) Approval authority. The Com- Diving Badges may also be worn on the manding General, USAJFKSWCS is the Army uniform after written approval is approval authority for the SODB and obtained from HQ, AHRC (§ 578.3(c)): the SODSB. Diving Officer and Diving Medical Offi- (d) Retroactive award. The SODB and cer. The eligibility criteria and ap- the SODSB may be awarded retro- proval authority for these two badges actively to members of any service who is provided in Army Regulation AR successfully completed the 611–75, Selection, Qualification, Rating USAJFKSWCS CDQC and the Combat and Disrating of Marine Divers. Diving Supervisor Course on or after 452 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00462 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR.
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