ss "'rW* ^ * The Morehead Independent “ONE OF KENTUCKY’S GREATER WEEKLIES’ MOREHEAD. KENTUCKY, THURSDAY. MAY 27, 1937 Facilities College Faculty Is First Lady Heard Cooking School To For Summer Term What is Mrs. Franklin D. Employed By Board Hoosevell's favorite cplor? Readers of fashion magazines By Thousands At At Local School won't have a hard time an ­ In Amiual Meeting Close Today ]Vith swering that, for the color that [nqiiiries fawftft# That Prac- Mrs. Roosevelt favors Is the Ernest Hogjfe Ls Granted lice• Teaching- • Classes~ jVvui \ one that was created by and Leave Of .Absence To Work School Dedication Be Over-Flowing named after her—it's that new On Ph. D. Decree A warding ofPrizes shade of blue—called Eleanor MANY GROUPS MAY BE blue—vhich is opt to prove SALARY RAISE GRANTED _ ^ _ .c * the high-point in this year ’s Superintendent Ova Haney Praised For Work DIVIDED DURING YEAR JOHNSON AND MILLER Last Day of Attraction Expected To Draw classic fcraminc wearing ap ­ In Securing Magnificient Structure For parel parade. Lar^rer Crowds; 10 Reel Picture Fea ­ College Officials BeUeve That W. B. Jackson Named .Assist­ Eleanor blue dominated the . Morgan County; Barkley Speaks ant Dean Of Men: Doug- tures Presentation of Newspaper Enrollment WiU Be Ur dreis, oi" Mrs. Roosevelt in her gest In Ye.ars Uppear.'ince at West Liberty la.s Johnson Hired , Mn. rranklin D. Roosevelt. Arst r'L'fortuni ’ befell the Morehead Independent's Cooking ■Monday, reports the fashion ot tbe land, snilingly and 3 Enter Political Indications at the present time ]editor. The First Lady was All the faculty, admmistralivc ^hool Wednesday, as a Iran.sformer which burned out at (racloualy officiated Monday''at point toward the most extensive and the buiidinga and grounds I'ihe Cozy Theatre prevented the second dav's showing of the ; garbed in a piece Eleanor blue the laying of a c rner-slonc of a program 'in the Breckinridge i ,‘nsemblc. who resisned. mployed I feature film. 'The Bride Wakes Up." nm achool build. at Camnrgo Races During Week Training School that has with s ■ She wore a black hat, trim­ contract at a meet-1 However the Independent rapidly revised its pkins 9« and the dedicatio;i of a quarter* been attempted during a summer med with a while Bowed, and millioa dollar Corsolidated achool sessilSrrWork will be offes-ed in Sf >“'■ 't' “Of' Lonnie Flannery Aaks Re­ Black shoes. Her purse, which atructure at West .iberty. aU grades from the first through than it would ordinarily havo boot. presentative Nomination; she kept with bvr constantly, Bilra. Rooaevelt told thousands of twelfth and extra teachers of President H A. Babb the Board Houaewives of Rowan and adjoining counties are In- Fraley Seeks Office even while speaking was .also Kentuckians, asar mbled at West are being added to handle the ad ­ Eleanor blue. She wore a cor ­ named V.', B. Jackson assisuni vited to comc in full strength to today ’s cooking school, Liberty, that her only regret was The week brought -three new ditional work. sage of talisman roses and baby dean of men Mr Jackson will, Among the offerings at the last day will be a douWy that “the Presidcat ts not along ir toe first ttme, those move in September t _ announcements for county poLti- breath. Thompson large number of free gifts. Among the gifts that wU! be with me.” She wt-3 cheered along charge are asking that all children ckptl. dean . ____ :______ . —:tA. \______ xta ., ■ . cal offices, although several per­ Mrs. Roosevelt wore no '‘ritributed are iarge aize yift boai. of Lifebuoy and Loa the entire route, and oMtgingfy who are to enter the first grade sons rumored as prosp«tivc cai jewelry except three or four Po"*'-. Rinao. several large cana of Spry shorten- shook hands wit > many of her in September attend during the diamond rings which Cashed admirers who wuald not be de­ didates did not enter the fieOd. Ihe eastern end of the campus. nied.- first-grade work. During the groceries, 10 piece.s of aluminum ware, canned goods, free Flannery. Several salary increases were* AjTiYing at M'. Sterling, the annotmeed hb candidacy for Re- weeks of the term these children receipe books to everybody. Thi.i is not the complete list of Liberty school as she was granted, among them being sub- Montgomery cou .ty scat, at " presenUUve tram the Bath and will be given work that to de­ stanUol increases to Ellis Johnson awards that will be presented. a. m. by train, Mj Boose^-elt speaking. v Rowan County dlstHct. Mr. Flan ­ signed to prepare them for and Len Miller, who. m tocir first The prizes, for the most part, are given by the manu ­ < at the rallrord station by all For trovciiag during warib nery is a Democrat. successful aceompltohments when year at the local institution the early risers r f that city phu weather Mrsi Roosevelt prefers facturers or jobbers of the merchandise, so that women may The Representatives office. they begin their regular t)ist brought the college out of the ath- hundreds of otb< 3 who made a seersucker. She drives her own Decome better acquainted with their products. which carries with it comparative ­ grade work in toe, fall. letic doldrums. special effort to •. imb out of bed always . Thursday's cooking school, which will be held at tbe ly small financial renumeration, Arhmgements are being made Mrs. Martha Blessing, instruc­ before their ar ustraned time. to handle a number of additional companisd by her secretary. In Cozy Theatre will start promptly at 2:30 p. m. Awarding of so ^ seems to be o « of the tor in toe department of mathe ­ Right up In froi . of the crowd pupils during the summer term. a recent radio address the wile matics. resigned. gifU will be held immediately following the showing of the most sooght after. Three demor of the PrasideBt said she was was s delegation of Girt. Scouts At toe present tone, vacancies ex­ Ernest Hogge. associate profes- 10-reel cooking school film. crata bedte Mr. Flannery have never accompanied by secret 'Bf she the Nstlonal already mode known their inten- in aQ grades. The term begins the department of Science. I president ^ the --------■ --- service men. Merchants of Morehead are cooperating with the Inde- Monday, June 14th. and continues was granted a leave of absence. nendent to c five weeks. In the first 'eight Bobbv Laushiin. who had i oxi _ _________ grades only half-day sessions iblD of orchids. held. Classes will begin Luther Bradley, of Eadston. an- Weaving her » y through the eight and close at twelve. All par ­ Piano Recital Is the Regional basketball title, was -^ored in the City. I - vmins committee "ounced the Republican tickel ents who wish to enroll pupils for employed as a full-time assist- Doors at the theatre will be open a half hour eaiiy. atMount Sterling die distinguish- County Clerk, opposing C. V. this term should do so at the department of physi- ed visitor climbed In her auto- -^Ifrey. incumbent. Mr. Bradley Presented At MTC The school and the awarding of prizes should be over before Training School Office imme­ Besldes teaching mobile, which hrJ been dri^•en but ,wm unsuc- 5 o ’clock. diately. No tuition charge is made classes in that department, he will to the Montgomc-:/ County city the nomin- Dorothy Riggs ’ Jnnior Class The cooking school con.sists of the most modern methods below the ninth grade. assist'with the freshman football during the ni^t Cram Washing- rtto"- Scores Soec|te In Initial team and coach the Breckinridge of preparing dishes with economy as a by-word. The nation ’s V>n. and went to tt.e home of Dr. 1 Luther Fraley IfecShe the first PnbUc ^arance . basketball club. greatest culinary experts had a hand in preparing tie re-* O. P. Henry and Mrs. Henry. | to announce for tax eoiAmisslcmer Tbe quarterly budget was read cipes. Rlierc she was the guest of honor His announcement wa^ received MotorCrash Fatal Piano pupito of Misa Dorothy at a breakfast The ncmi was tur- late today. Mr. Fraley and approved. The school is somethin new for Morehead and Bowaa Riggs were Douglas Johnson. Morehead. key hash andind wafCcs and. accord- laame office Inin IM3,l was nomi C«nty. It efSfn a worth-while instruction for hou ' tec to b«iMta. Mrs. ««^ DwipwMte Cdtet. To2Womein,lMmi of the. Mtbout Rigr ctfL There fe ao charge for any part cf tbe r iMta. Mrs. RiarnttettM ^ ^ -dMcMfeg opened in Septmber. program. Inatead of charging yon the Independent urgea It over, Mn. Roowvdt tuTlBal teetteectioa. e «Bd Traek CoBUc state Teaefaers College tor. five that you attend as the newspaper ’s guest. flowed ;>y hundreds of ' -------------- M U. a Hislisrgy 60 Near years, ha»an unusually large class OUve RIH Fanners Exercises of pupito this'year, not only col- lage of Camargo, five miles cast •tween ^l*8e stodents but a great many In Gosin? Hours Are ;|Postal 'Telegr^i A head-on colUston between Scheduled Tuesday Traveling School of Mt. Sterilng. wb re she wielded “ W i loeded coal truck and on aut^ »he demonstration classes from Fixed By Groceries toe elementary aniLaeeondary de­ -ptoblto brought death to two gftto Commencenent exercises ft Effects Rate Cutand a young man about 8 p. m. portments of Breckinridge Train ­ stone of the $1S.OCO naUve stone | tenth grade students and Effecuve Sunday, May 30, aU To TourKentncky Tuesday evening, two miles west ing School.
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