Journal of Cyprus Studies Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi KAD, Cilt 17, Bahar 2013 JCS, Volume 17, Spring 2013 emupress Journal of Cyprus Studies Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi Volume /cilt 17, Number / sayı 40, Winter / Kış, 2013 Please visit the JCS Web site at KAD internet sitesi http://jcs.emu.edu.tr http://jcs.emu.edu.tr Eastern Mediterranean University Publications Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yayınları CENTER FOR CYPRUS STUDIES KIBRIS ARAŞTIRMALARI MERKEZİ CCS DAÜ-KAM © 2013 emupress © 2013 DAÜ-Yayınevi Indexing and Databases Derginin Tarandığı Bilimsel Dizinler ve Veritabanları The Journal of Cyprus Studies is indexed in Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi aşağıda belirtilen the following databases: CSA Sociological Abstracts, veritabanlarında taranmaktadır: CSA Sociological Social Services Abstracts, Linguistics and Language Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Linguistics and Behavior Abstracts, ASSIA, Worldwide Political Language Behaviour Abstracts, ASSIA, Worldwide Science Abstracts, Info Trac Custom, Info Trac Political Science Abstracts, Info Trac Custom, Info One File, Expanded Academic Index and History Trac One File, Expanded Academic Index and RC: Modern World, International Political Science History RC: Modern World, International Political Abstracts, ABC-Clio Historical Abstracts, America: Science Abstracts, ABC-Clio Historical Abstracts, History and Life. America: History and Life. Correspondence Address Adres Bilgileri The Journal of Cyprus Studies is published Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi (Doğu twice a year by the EMU Press on behalf of Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gazimağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs the Centre for Cyprus Studies at the Eastern Türk Cumhuriyeti) Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi’ni Mediterranean University. Subscriptions, address yılda iki kere çıkarır. Abonelik başvuruları, adres changes, advertising, books for review, and other değişiklikleri, ilanlar, kitap eleştirileri ve benzer business communications or inquiries should be iş bağlantıları veya sorular için tüm yazışmalar addressed to: aşağıdaki adrese yapılır: The editor Editör Journal of Cyprus Studies Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi Centre for Cyprus Studies Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi Eastern Mediterranean University Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Famagusta - North Cyprus, Gazimağusa - KKTC. Mersin-10, Turkey. Belgegeçer: (90) 392-630 2865. Fax: (90) 392-630 2865. E-posta: [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected]. Web: http://jcs.emu.edu.tr Web: http://jcs.emu.edu.tr © 2013 DAÜ-Yayınevi © 2013 emupress ISSN: 1303-2925 ISSN: 1303-2925 Volume 17 (2013) Cilt 17 (2013) [40] JCS Editorial Board / Yayın Kurulu Hıfsiye PULHAN (Editor-in-chief) Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Levent ALTINAY Oxford Brookes University, England Mehmet DEMIRYÜREK Hitit University, Turkey Süheyla ERBİLEN Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Şebnem Önal HOŞKARA Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Umut TÜRKER Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Advisory Board / Danışma Kurulu Feroz AHMAD Bilgi University, Turkey Engin DENIZ AKARLI Brown University, USA Claudio AZZARA University of Salerno, Italy Tözün BAHCHELI King’s College in London, Canada Michael BEARD University of North Dakota, USA Aysu DİNCER University of Birmingham, UK Tufan ERHÜRMAN Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Jean-Louis BAQUÉ-GRAMMONT CIEPO, ICTA, CNRS, France Carol HILLENBRAND University of Edinburgh, UK Jeremy GİLBERT-ROLFE Art Institute of Pasadena, USA Halil İNALCIK Bilkent University, Turkey Cemal KAFADAR Harvard University, USA Norton MEZVINSKY Central Connecticut State University, USA Christian F. OTTO Cornell University, USA Ahmet SÖZEN Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus İlhan TEKELİ Middle East Technical University, Turkey Vamık VOLKAN University of Virginia, USA Birol YEŞILADA Portland University, USA Page Layout / Sayfa Düzeni Hıfsiye PULHAN Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Fatemeh GHAFARI TAVASOLI Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Shahriar M.ALIKHANI Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Aims and Scopes of JCS The Journal of Cyprus Studies is a publication where complex issues are concerned, invite other of EMU-CCS (Centre for Cyprus Studies) which was contributors to submit critical evaluations and launched in 1995. It is a multi-disciplinary, refereed responses to an article, or alternative perspectives; and bilingual journal (both in English and Turkish) and these may be published simultaneously. published biannually. The Journal of Cyprus Studies is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi’nin Amaçları ve Hedefleri Cyprus issues at a global level. It plays an active role in the development of an authoritative archive Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, Doğu Akdeniz and bibliography of sources and the provision of a Üniversitesi - Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi’nin yayın scholarly, academic forum for the analysis, exchange organı olup, disiplinler arası Kıbrıs ile ilgili Türkçe and critique of ideas on social, cultural, historical, veya İngilizce özgün ve evrensel boyutta çalışmalara environmental, political and legal matters relevant yer veren hakemli bir dergi olup yılda iki kez to the past, present or future of Cyprus. yayımlanmaktadır. Yayın hayatına 1995’de başlayan Papers submitted for consideration are Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi (JCS), Kıbrıs ile ilgili expected to focus on subject matter specifically bilimsel özgün makalelerin yanısıra, tanıtım yazıları, related to the island of Cyprus and may include güncel bilimsel etkinlikler ile ilgili haberler, raporlar (but are not restricted to) the following areas ve arşiv belgelerine yer vermektedir. JCS, İngilizce ve of interest: archaeology, culture, history, art, Türkçe olarak iki dilde yayımlanmaktadır. linguistics, literature, music, law, economics, Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde yayınlanmak sociology, geography, folklore, gender studies, üzere değerlendirilecek olan çalışmaların Kıbrıs adası philology, psychology, political science history of ile ilgili konular çerçevesinde arkeoloji, antropoloji, medicine, ecology as well as book reviews on recent mimarlık, tarih, sanat, sanat ve mimarlık tarihi, publications, historical sources, abstracts of recent dilbilimi, müzik, hukuk, ekonomi, siyaset bilimi, theses on Cyprus and news and reports on important uluslararası ilişkiler, sosyoloji, halkbilimi, edebiyat, recent scientific events. psikoloji, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı, çevrebilimi ve bu gibi Material published in the JCS may include alanlardan özgün makaleler, kitap, tarihi kaynaklar original critical essays or studies, statements of ve filmlere ait tanıtımlar yanında yeni tamamlanmış reasoned opinion, sustained critical responses yüksek lisans ve doktora tezi özetleri, güncel bilimsel relevant to published material, book reviews, etkinlik haberleri ve raporlar olması beklenir. translations, photographs, reproductions of works Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, milliyet, ırk, of art or cultural artifacts, interviews, official etnik köken, din veya cinsiyet farkı gözetmeksizin, documents, transcripts of media broadcasts, or bakış açıları veya vardıkları sonuçlar itibarı ile, reprints of significant texts. itinalı ve mantıklı tartışma içeren yazılara açıktır. The Journal of Cyprus Studies does not JCS’e gönderilen bütün yazılar, değerlendirilmek discriminate against contributions on the basis of üzere incelenirken yazarın olduğu kadar hakemin the nationality, race, ethnicity, religion or gender of de kimlikleri gizli tutulur. Tartışmaya açık konular the contributors; nor on the basis of their points of söz konusu olduğunda, editör herhangi bir makaleye view or conclusions, provided that they are conveyed ilişkin eleştirel değerlendirmeler, yanıtlar veya by careful, reasoned argument and discussion. alternatif yaklaşımlar için başka araştırmacılardan Submissions are sent by the editor-in-chief görüş isteyebilir ve bu konudaki bütün görüşler anonymously for review to experts whose identities JCS’nin aynı sayısında yer alır. also remain confidential. The editor-in-chief may, JCS 2013 v Editorial As the new editor, I am delighted to address his lifetime success as a journey in place and time, the readers of the Journal of Cyprus Studies -JCS from Nicosia to London during 87 years. Peter which is one of the prominent academic journals Clarke introduces Nevvar Hickmet as one of the publishing papers solely relevant to Cyprus studies successful graduates and business man in the United since 1995. After a short pause, JCS has again Kingdom also became a role model and example for started to be regularly published with a renewed other Cypriots immigrated to London in those years. content and image for a competitive status in its In the third article by Nazım Kaşot, findings about field. In the renewed vision of the JCS, the subject the biology of a specific turtle species (Mauremys matter, Cyprus is considered as an inseparable entity rivulata) disappearing due to rapid urbanization of Mediterranean Medina and it is not limited only in Cyprus are presented. The article introduces the with geographic and temporal boundaries of the characteristics of these turtles and their natural living island. In a broader context, Mediterranean studies environments in Cyprus with a particular emphasis which aim cross-cultural, comparative or this sort onto the Asi River. In the last part of JCS which is of interrelating approaches asserting particular reserved for reviews on the noteworthy publications, associations with Cyprus are also welcomed. At the
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