. _,-.. ~~{:l}j~ ·:i~: .. (",f j)/ '· ~ ~ "'!")' !~~J.... - r>·:> iiO. ~~ i CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DECEnmER 11, ~1 }~ . !. ;~~~ ~~ ~ (...-' r:· '----;•:;.,, :.~~-z-=-----------'-'-------· -------,-------------------------- • 6 > I• 11 ,ti. "'~ • · . ... ) ·~~ - ..l~ g$'$1LEY moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolu~ H. Turner, deceased, late adjutant Twenty-Fourth Kentucky Volun­ ·i·- .t:i,tt_rjn 'tJla.adopted; and also moved that t.he motion to reconsider be teers, for arrears of pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions . ." ., .lit.... rw.a: ~the table. By Mr. BLAINE: 'fhe{etition of Annie C. Grant, widow of Fred­ ...... ._ • ~o latter motion was agreed to. erick T. Grant, inventoro the patent known as" Grant's patent sliver­ ADJOUR~IE:yr TILL 1\IONDAY. machine," for extension of patent, to the Committee on Patents. By Mr. BLAND: The petition of citizens of Crawford and Gascon­ Mr. HOL~IAN. I move that when the House adjourns to-day it l>e ade Counties, :Missouri, for the establishment of a post-route from to meet on Monday next. Cuba, Crawford County, to Hermant..Gasconade County, to the Com­ The question being taken, there wer&.-ayed 83, noes 9-J. mittee on the Post-Office and Post-..twads. Mr. HOLMAN called for tellers. By .Mr. CHAFFEE : The petition of William Craig, of the Ten-itory Tellers were ordered; and Mr. HoLMAN and Mr. EAMEs were of Colorado, for relief, to the Committee on Military Affairs. appointed. By .Mr. CHIPMAN: The petition of citizens of the District of Tile House divided; and the tellers reported-ayes 77, noes 94. Columbia and of the State of Virginia, for a free bridge over the Poto­ So tile motion wa~ not agreed to. mac River at Georgetown, to the Commit.tee on the District of Colmu­ .Mr. GARFIELD. I ask to make a suggestion, that tho House meet bia. to-morrow for debate only. Also, the memorial of citizens of Tennessee, praying Congress to Mr. n UTLER, of Massachusetts. By no means. complete theWashington Monument, to the Select Committee on tho Mr. GARFIELD. Several gentlemen desire to spCl'lk. Washington Monument. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I understand that; but I have Also, the petition of J. R. D. Morrison, for relief, to the Committee no invitation to that frolic to-morrow, and I am not going to agree on War Claims. to the proposition. I want to come here and do business. Also, the petition of John D. Smith and others, pensioners, for the Mr. GARFIELD. I do not know what "frolic" t.he gentleman passage of a law providing for the payment of arrearages of pensions, refers to. If my proposition is objected to, I demand the yeas and to tho Committee on Invalid Pensions. nays on the motion of the gentleman from Indiana, [Mr. HoLMAN.] By Mr. G. F. HOAR: The petition of Henry Hoyle, for increase Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I suppose that in a few days the of pension, t.o the Committee on Invalid Pensions. gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GARFIELD] will want the appropriation By Mr. KASSON: The petition of citiz'ens of Clark County, Iowa, bills to stop all other business. for change of location of United States district court for Iowa from Tho SPEAKER. The Chair thinks the gentleman from Ohio is t.oo Keokuk to Burlington, to the Committ-ee on the Judiciary. late in callin* for the yeas and nays. Also, the petition of attorneys of Clark County, Iowa, of similar Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I move that the House adjourn. character, to the same committee. FILLL~G OF VACANCIES ON COMMITTEES. By Mr. LANSING: Resolutions of the Board of Trade of Oswe~o, The SPEAKER. Before submitting the motion to adjourn, the New York, in favor of the reciprocity treat.y with the Dominion of Chair will detain the House by announcing appointments to fill Canada, to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. vacancies on the following committees: By Mr. McCRARY: The petition of eitize11s of Des Moines County, The Select Committee on the Arkansas Election Investigation: Iowa, for chauga of location of the United States district court for Mr. ScuDDER, of New York. Iowa from Keokuk to Burlington, to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Committee on the Judiciary: Mr. FINCK, of Ohio. Also, the petition of citizens of Henry County, Iowa, of similar The Committee on Reform in the Civil Service: Mr. CmTTElo."DEN, character, ·to the same committ.ee. of New York. By .Mr. NffiLACK: The petition of Commander Richard L. Law, The Committee on the Centennial Celebration and the Proposed United Stat-es Navy, f.or relief, to the Committee on Naval Affairs. National Census of 1875: Mr. SCHELL, of New York. Also, the petition of John V. Miller, late private Fifty-eighth Ohio The Committee on Invalid Pensions: Mr. STRAWBRIDGE, of Penn­ Volunteers, for a pension, to the Committee on Pensions. sylvania. By Mr. PAGE: The memorial of the trustees of the town of San The Committee on Education and Labor, and also the Committee Leandro, California, in relation to the proposed ship-canal to connect on Expenditures in the Navy Department: Mr. CARPE'NTER, of South the bay of San Francisco with San Leandro Bay, t-o the Committee Carolina. on Commerce. There was a vacancy created last session by the resignn,tion of Mr. By Mr. PLATT, of Virginia: The petition of the incorporators of RoBERT S. HALE as chairman of the Committee on the District of the Society of Original Knights of Saint Augustine, for extension of Columbia. No a-ction was taken further than the rules indicated, and chartered privileges, to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the Chair will have the rule read to show what takes p1ace in such lly lli. SHELDON: The petition of James Graham, of New Orleans, an emero·cucy. aski.ug legislation to enable him to settle his accounts as United States The Clerk read a~ follows: marshal to the Committee on Claims. Also, the petition of James Graham, asking the refunding of moneys Thefirst-namedmemberofanyoommitteeshallbethechairman,andinbisabsence, he bcin~.cxcnsell by the House, tho next named member; and so on a.s often as the paid by him to the United States for property sold under confiscation caso shau happen. unless the committee, by a majority of their number, shall elect acts, to the Committee on Claims. a chairman. By Mr. SMITH, of Virginia: The petition of Edward T. Maynard, The SPEAKER. The operation of this rule makes the gentleman late private Sixteenth United States Infa.ntry, for a pension, to the from Pennsylvania [Mr. HARMER] the chairman of the Committee on Committee on Invalid Pensions. · the District of Columbia. By Mr. VANCE: The petition of William H. Moore, to be compen­ PROTECTION OF LIVES OF PASSENGERS. sated for property taken by United Stutes troops, to the Committee on War Claims. On motion, by unanimous consent, a messa-ge was orclered to be Also, the petition of Adolphus M. Gudger, to be compensated for prop­ sent to the Senate, requesting the retum of the bill (H. R. No. 58) to erty taken by United States troops, to the Committee on War Claims. revi e, amend, antl consolidate tLe laws r~lating to secmity of life on Also, the petition of Wiley G. Woody, to be restored to the pensjon­ board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and for rolls, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. other purposes. · . By Mr. WILSON, of Iowa: The petition of citizens of .Johnson MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. County, Iowa, for change of location of United States district court for A message was 1;eceived from the Senate, by .Mr. McDONALD, its Iowa. from Keolmk to Burlington, to the Committee on the Judicjary. J Chief Clerk, notifying the House that the President p1"o tempore of Also, tho petition of citizens of Poweshiek County, Iowa, of simi­ that body had appointed Mr. MORRILL, of Vermont, commissioner on lar character, to the same committee. · the statue of General Nathanael Greene, as provided for in the act Also, the petition of citizens of Iowa County, Iowa, of similar umking appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government character, to the same committee. i for the :li~:;cal year ending J nne 30, 1875, and for other purposes. By .Mr. WOOD: ThepetitionofAnnieM.Dudley, widowof William { It further announced that, in compliance with the request of the H. Voorhies, alias William J. Brown, late of Company F, One hundred House, the S'enate returned the bill (H. R. No. 15&3) to revise, amend, and fifty-ninth New York Volunteers, for removal of charge of deser­ ancl consolidate the laws Je.}ating to security of life on board of ves­ tion from her deceased husband, to the Committee on Military Affairs. sels prope~ed in whole or fn part by steam, and for other purposes. The motion of .Mr. BuTLER, of Massachusetts, was then agreed to; and accordingly (at three o'clock and forty-five minutes, p.m.) the House adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ?ETrTroNs, ETc. FRIDAY, December 11, 1874. The followin~ memorials, petitions,andotherpaperswere presented The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. at the Clerk's tiesk, under the fJ.ll.e, and referred as stated: J G B D D By Mr. ALBR'IGHT: The petition of Charles B. White, Georue M. · · UTL'ER, · · Sternberg, and J. J. Woqdward, assista}lt sip-geon~~ United Stat-es The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. ) ~m_y, asking redress of gr~~yances, to the !)om.mj.tte,e on .Military REGENCY, SMITHSONLL~ L.'ISTITUTION. Affarrs.
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