^ MiSBlonary Sodaty oC Bmanual Isitharan church will AbontTown hold lU Srat faU masting tomorrow 36” ABC afUnioiNi at 1:80 in tha church O n tir TbaipliM will hoM baam ant Opaning davoUons will t M r a n t mMttBC v t th* ba lad by Mrs. Harman Johnson. SANFORIZED WULTONE ■UM at Owtar dmrdi. T1i« Tha ptasidant Mrs. O. Albert aMsUnc «<B b a ^ with a pot luck pMrtoQ, who wlU conduct the a^ppar St T o’clock. _ buslnaas aasaion, hopes for a good attendance. Mrs. Bvarett John­ ! Mr. and MW. M ward Kirkham son will talk on •’Woman of the PLAIDS Dungarees M factor atraat anUrtslned a Bible.” An aeoordeon aalactlon will g ro w v t Maada at a houaa party ba played by Mrs. Brie Anderson. Oaed quality, aanforUed shrunk, deeptene Mtu danbn. Slfantiy at thatr aummar homa at Hostesses for tha aocial hour to Fine quality wool-lyke plaids and H aaiftea’a Oova, MontvUla. High* follow will be Mrs. aarence Wog- checks in smart color combinations. Fully guaranteed. Hipper side, anap top button, swing Bghta eC tha waak-cnd #era roaoU pockets. Size 12 to 20. man, chairman; Mrs. Oscsr John­ A.B.C. quality............................Y a r d ^ water activlUai. including son, Mrs. William Orr and Mrs. ■wlBUBlng, beating and canoeing. Mary Johnson. Allies Repulse 2 Coluiilns of 50,000 Reds Mrs. Frank F. Spancar of U Jsan F. Aspinwall and Lois M. $2-50 n«itiMMi ■treat baa returned to Smith of this town are among the bar botna aftar a visit with her many new students of the 8t. 39” WASHABLE PRINTED ■on and daughter-ln-Uw, Mr. and Francis Hospital School of Nurs­ Ex-Marines Gag it Up M n. Dwight P. Spencer of Athens, ing In Hartford. aaases will President Will French Police Opposes Dewey Vermont. open Monday, following an orienta­ After Truman Apology tion period. S r* a,aC Pusan, Taegu Grimly Joal H. Bast, of «8 CSiurch atraat RAYON CREPES Give a Radio Waahington, Sept. 7.—(ff)— Round Up 200 has entered the Veterans’ Hospital Marine League delegaUs, In in Newington for treatment of a good humor from Prealdent ■pins] injury. His sUy there will e il AiC DEVELOPED Over thirty-patterns and colorings in M L I V I 9 AND PRINTED Talk on Curbs Trurtian’a apology for his Foreign Reds A ‘^Clumsy’ Tale be tru^flnite. the ever popular rayon crepe. Smart cracks about their aervlce. Defended by Heroic floral patterns on • all new color Memorial L>odge, No. M. Knights were pauing thi* gag around of Pythias, which suspended meet­ 39c Per Roll grounds ....................................... Yard To Broadcast Saturday convention headquarters; Prisoners Will Be De­ Dares Sclioeppel to Re­ ings during the months of July Md "W hafe for lunch today, August will resume meetings be­ Arthur Drug Stores Night; Says Will Veto crow?" ported in 48 Hours; peat “ Red Link" Accu­ ginning tonight at S o’clock at the Polish Princess Is sations Outside the U, S stle haU on Golway street. McCarran Anti - Red G. L’s Who Won’t Quit t w e n t y c o l o r s i n 3fi" FINE QUALITY Among Those Seized S. Senate Chamber The Official Board of the Con­ Bill If It’ s Passed cordia Lutheran church will meet GOP Cheered this evening at 8 o'clock for its STUDENTS CROMPTON PINWALE Washington, Sept. 7—i/P)—Presi­ Pans, Sept. 7 —i>Pi— Sweeping Washington. Sept 7- i;D—Sec- Outniiinlicrcfl Dough- retsry of the Interior Chapman, monthly business session. 42” SANFOWZED- dent Truman said today he wiU down at dawn today, French police SCHOOL SUPPLIES with the blessings' of President hoys uiifl Marines Fight COMBED YARN go on the radio Saturday night tO Over Dewey’s rounded up nearly 200 Foreign Holds Housing Vital The senior choir of Center Truman, vigorously denied today DEWEY-RICHMAN tell the nation what he haa In itiind Communists, including some Rus- Haml-to-Haiifl Battles church wUl rehearse this evening In the way of homefront g n o m ic that he has ever had any Com­ at 7:30, with OrganUt Frederic K. 767 MAIN ST. CORDUROY siana munist- ties. controla during the emergency. Change of Mind There were indications that tho Part o f U. S. Program With Savage Foe;, Loss­ Werner directing. Avondale He aaid the plana will be put police had hoped to grab 300 sus­ '."I have none whatever; I never! You will want a dress of corduroy into civilian handa^And added em­ pected spies and saboteurs but haVe," Chapman told the Senate j es Heavy on Both phatically there,will be no military found many were absent from Interior Committee investigating for fail. And probably a suit or skirt Candidacy Adds New charges- brought against him by | Sides; Enemy Within Plaid or jacket. iBcautiful colors and a fine $ 1 . 6 9 dictator in charge. their hotels or residences. For Civilian Defense In making theae atatements at Fire to iRepublican All of the suspects will be ex­ Senator Sr^oeppel (R.-Kan). He Sight o f Tatfgu; Reds, quality by C rom pton.................Yard a newa conference, tha Prealdent pelled within 48 hours, an Interior said he had ..pevor had any con­ For Chfldren, Boys and Girls Attacks • on Admin* nections with, any subversive Mass for New Pusk. Ginghams reported the anti-inflation bill Miniatry source said, specifying Rep. Walter A. Lyach (above) Slate Capitol. Hartford, Sept. • Lnahbough's leatlmony this -after­ paaaVd by Cktngreaa la now being istration’ s Policies the drive was aimed at t^rippling of New York. S6-year-old lawyer, g ro ^ , "open or Cipaed." 7.—(/Pi State Housing Director 1 noon. for School and Gym analyzed by many federal agen- flfth column activities by foreign who lias lieen in Congress since Chapman dared 9,^hoeppel to his Bernard E. Lnshbough declared | The Housing Admlnlatrator took Tokyo, Friday, Sept. 8.— ciea. He said he will answer a lot Communists In France. 1940, has received the' Dem­ face to repeat the charges outside here today that housing is "a Issue with a statement made to a (/P)— Twip pincera aimed at Bulletin! Quit Pollah Princess the Senate, where Sena|ors may very vital part of a defense pro­ of questions about it in hia radio ocratic nomlnatlnn for governor Republican caUcua Tuesday by Taegu by 50,000 Red- Kore­ Ic yd. address over four networks Sat­ Albany, N. Y., Sept. 7 — i;P) Police sources aaid that a Polish of New York at the state conven­ thy anything without d^iger of gram." John I.,odge, the party's guberna­ urday at an hour still to be aet. —Republicans today nomlnat- princess was among those being tion In Roehester, S4pt. 7. He prosecution for damages.^ Thus, In a atatement prepared torial candidate, that caution muat ans were l>eaien back Thurs­ New patterns and colors In Hm JW.HAU COM ' ed Thomas E. Dewey lor a Sehoeppel Bears Repl.V for a legislative hearing, Loah- He expects to sign the measure questioned, and that among those will oppose Republican Governor be exercised lest housing con­ day by Allied troops. Severe beautiful quality Avondale bough supported the view of his MaucMsma Conw in a few days. third term as Governor of New police had failed to nab were a Thomas R. Dewey In the election Senator Sehoeppel sat In the struction interfere with ' defense fighting raged all along the ginghams. Combed yams, York and Democrats tapped Yugoslav doctor and a Spanish Ejilef, Governor Chester Bowles, Mr, Truman, in reply to ques­ November 7. (.AP WIrephoto). committee room as CThapman made work. r20-mile Korean battlefront. sanforized. Rep. Walter A. Lynch to op­ Communist, general named Lister. his reply. that the current special aeaalon of Said Loshbough: tions, said he is not now consider­ the General Assembly, called to Some of .it was fought by ing aettlng up an independent pose him in the Nov. 7 elec­ In southwestern France, where CThapman areused the Senator "It haa been Implied that if we tion. 30 Spanish Communists were tak­ of Clumsily "weaving together enact -pivll defense legislation, embark on an expanded hoqalng Marines and doughboys in agency to handle price and wage Dewey, who only last Kfnn- en, police said they had been of­ names, dates and Incidents" to should, ka part of that Job, ex­ controls when and if needed. program In Connecticut, we ahall hand-to-hand combat with bSyo- BLOUSES day reversed his decision to re­ fered the choice of being sent to Cliing Warns make it appear that Chapman had pand the abate housing program. neta and clubbed rifles. Marine Incident Closed Some Republicans have ques­ And ourselves bidding against the tire, was nominated by ac- Ckirsica "or to an eastern country something to do with the Alaska national defense effort. Such a Both aides lost heavily. Oom- Mention of reports that W. Statehood CTommIttee hiring Ran­ tioned whether. this should be rlainatlon of shrieking dele­ to which they seemed attached" contention is indefensible. I want munlat caaualtlea In the flaming; Rayon crepes, nylon and qcatate, tailored and Stuart Symington, chairman of Ole gatee to the Republican State I presumably Russia). G E Strikers dolph Keltus as a lobbyist. Feltus done, but a Republican sponsored National Security Resources was described by Sehoeppel as i bill to make another., $30,000,000 to make very clear that the Issue aouthweatern sector alone Were Convention at Saratoga "One remarked that moat of put at 30,000 men for tha waak dressy blouses.
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