.!/ CEREAL MERCHANTS "MAKE WITH MUSIC" IN PLANNING DANCES FOR THE BENEFIT OF COMMUNITY THE HANNA HER Regular Friday Night Dances Start September 11; Many Volunteer As • "ANDAuthorize EASd aa Second ClasTs MatteCENTRAr by tha Poat Offlca DepartmentL. OttawALBERTa And for th* Pay ment Aof Postag NF^/Se in Ca " Members of Old Time and Modern Band VOLUME 52 — NOMBErTTo THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAlTALFlFlRTATJEWS—THURSDAY, StH I tMBtK iu. IV64 Through the efforts of business men and volunteer mu­ sicians there will be a "hot time in the old town" every Friday 'FAIR WEATHER OLDTIMERS GET-TOGETHER!' ttight in Cereal, commencing Friday, September 11. With a view to creating some ac continue. tviity each week of a public nature, Assembling of the "biggest or­ •ind at the same time directing ef­ chestra in the Big Country" has Artificial Ice P fort stowards community benefit, a not been a problem, as a large number of business men have un­ number of musicians readily vol­ derwritten a dance in the commun­ unteered their services and while ity hall every Friday evening. Mu­ all of them may not be able to ap sic for the dances will be provided pear and play for each dance, there by local talent on a purely volun­ is no chance that an orchestra teer basis. All proceeds from the "fully manned" will not be able to For Byemoor Rink dances will go into a fund for com­ turn up. munity benefit. A limit of eighty ;Kiult and eighty student tickets Contributing their talents on var­ will be sold for each dance, at 75c ious instruments are: Tony Dziat- a- -~i COMMUNITY IS HIVE OF ACTIVITY and 50c each. kewich, Paul Dziatkewich, Norman, Ken and Bernie Rude, Art Lemke, GRADE ONE GIRLS Business firms who have tickets HAVE WIDE CHOICE! on sak and who are the instigators John Klug, Pete Palynchuk, Eva AS CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY FOR and backers of the plan are Water- Faille, Collie Sutherland, Bernice ACADIA VALLEY, Sept. 8 — house Hardware, Tee-Ells General Coates, M. Kulyk and "the Bakers", The grade one class in the Store, Cereal Auction Market, Cer­ Dr. and Mrs. t. J. liaker and their Acadia Valley School may INSTALLATION BY THIS WINTER eal Motors, Melvill's Hardware, two sons. prove very interesting, if one Cereal Tool Hall, Ray Peterson, Music will be of bnth the modern dares to look into the future. Members and Non-Members of Club Tony Toy Grocery, J. H. Halpenny, and oldtime variety with a spriiak As the years roll by an ele­ n f so| b-A Service (Bill Adams) and the I " « « - o numbers antl novelty ment of extreme competition Urged To Get Behind Fund-Roising •$• Cereal Hotel, John Flug manager, presentations The dances win coin may develop! The reason is Programs; Real Community Asset! John Halpenny has been elected! mence at y:U0 p.m, and conclude that this year there are fifteen at secretary of the group and will I midnight. boys enrolled in this initial (Special to the Herald by Scoop Keough) handle all financial accounting, as | The program of providing a corn- class, and only three girlsl The ticket receipts are turned in each ' inunity benefit on a regular basis young ladies who "can afford" Byemoor, Sept. 7 — Work commenced this post Wednes­ week following the dance, lt is I should be playing a "merry tune' to be highly selective are Mar­ day on the first phase of the preliminary work to install the planned to hold these dances for at | in Cereal every Friday night! Re- lene Skappak, Cecile Skappak artificial ice plant in the local rink, the Calgary bosed firm of least the next ten weeks, and if member, the first dance is this co- and Gwen Haverylock. Mrs. Western Pump and Refrigeration arrived with transit, ground the affair proves popular, they will I ming Friday, September 11. 0 The happy group of oldtimers Niwa is the teacher of the was staked out and leveled, treated stringers or sleepers were '. pictured here are some of the many class which strongly leans to laid across the whole rink surface, cement was poured far • a | who, during the past summer, con- the "male side" of primary ed­ trough on the south end which will contain the main feed line ' tributed time and effort to the con­ ucation! Teachers In th* other to the plastic pipe from the freezing plant. TOMATO GROWERS struction of an addition to the Han- grades are: Mrs. Neil Garbutt "DAY OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT" (nee Holland) of Chinook, CONTINUE TO SHINE! 1 na District Pioneers' Association • The Calgary firm has been no­ hall, on second avenue east Last grade 4; Miss Millard of Rose­ tified that the ground work has PLANNED IN OYEN SEPTEMBER 20; Bill Fano of Hanna has laid I Thursday, September 3, they were town, grade 5; Mary Brausse, been completed and they should strong claim to the title of | all on hand as a "pot luck" supper grade 6; Miss Symes, New Rains Continue arrive sometime this week to In­ "Tomato King" and in a friend­ j and program marked the comple- Brigden, grade 7; Mr. S. Sub, stall the plastic pipe, all that will ly fashion issues a challenge to j lion of the hall. On the right is grade 8; Mrs. Caldwell, Altario be left to do then is to build a KINSMEN BEHIND'ANOTHER EFFORT' Elmer Clough and Ollie Baltis, I the Association secretary Bert grade 9; Mr. Christianson and To Hold Up house to contain the mate freezing Ali Proceeds Go To Swimming Pool who In last week's Herald Stock. Taking a second cup of (tea, Mr. Bozak, grades 10 and 11. unit. Byemoor will definitely have were acclaimed for their prow­ we presume) Bert seems in a pen­ artificial ice this coming season, so Fund; Baseball, Horse Racing, Etc. ess in growing tomatoes. Bill sive though satisfied mood. Per­ L] Harvesting get behind the executive and it produced two huge tomatoes haps glad the job is done, and then you haven't been contacted about Will Round Out Variety of Fun this veer, one weighing 15Va again he may be reflecting with sa­ Long Spell ef their fund raising campaign be ounces and the other 12% tisfaction on that paid up member­ Dry Weather Now sure and make it a point to do your While the swimming pool in Oyen has been officially ounces. "The smaller ones," he ship of 352 men and women! It was New Films Needed Badly part opened and made full use of in the past several weeks, there said, "are too numerous to a happy night and the oldtimers Light to heavy rains all over east The executive was well pleased is still a need to raise funds to complete the project it) its mention." Now that Hanna has can well be proud of their accom­ with the good turn ont of man entirety. The Oyen Kinsmen, strong boosters and actual insti­ three top flight tomato pro­ plishment. Arrive For central Alberta during the past week has harvesting literally bog­ power last week, so a big "Thank gators of the pool will, according to Lem McKenzie, chairman ducers, the Herald re-affirms See Story Page Five You" to all who helped. its opinion that a ketchup fac­ ged down, and should a break in of the project committee, continue to direct its efforts in this the weather occur immedietely jt direction. tory should be started here. Special Areas Fall and Winter Perhaps some of the local "In­ is likely that a week or a foil ten John Padberg A day of sports and entertain­ Loaning Facilities dustrialists" can persuade Mes­ Changes Hours days of warm weather would be ment has been arranged by the srs. Fano, Clough and Baltas to Located At Sullivan necessary before harvesting could Dies Suddenly Kinsmen to be held at the Oyen consent to a merger. "F.C.B. A change in hours at the Special Lake S.D. Office be renewed on a full scale basis. sports grounds on Sunday, Septem­ Areas offices in Hanna, Consort In Hanna since a week ago Tues­ A pioneer resident of the Sib­ Ketchup Company" would look The Hanna Film Council has just bald district, Mr. John Padberg, ber 20, starting at 1:00 p.m. good In large sixe letters! and Oyen has recently been an­ day, two inches of rain or mote has The attraction offers just about nounced. Effective Monday through received their first shipment ol fallen and practically a complete passed away suddenly at his home the ultimate in the line of sports Friday, they are ffcSO a.m. to 11:48 films for the Fall and Winter sea­ week of sunless skies and cold tern- on August 27 at the age ef 79 years entertainment, including a senior a.m. and from tesfi n.ah.ta Ana son. Itissuggested the public con- Born in He*renve«n^toHan<±ou WrgtBTTSseBan game; uertrse racTST ~tx Division Office, Hanna; and order , Some farmers (few and Jar'*tje- to New Brunswick with his parents wfth the fteattrreTSeing a three way in 1907, worxmg there and at var­ contest between Happy Campbell, a 1964-65 film catalogue. This ca- tween) have completed combining, talogue describes all films that wiU others had but a bare two or ious points in the VS.A. and Al- Jim Ball and Joe Robinson; chariot wftile Dertat wa i races featuring Saskatchewan and De in Hanna tor the coming year three days to go before dithe weti * " bomesteadiag in the and is a must for program plan- spell set in.
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