J PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1972 lEttralng H^ralli At The Center The Weather Clear tonight with low rang­ BARBS By. Glenn Gamber ing from 66 to 60. Sunny again Public Records iianrhpjstpr Hrralh Sunday: high near 86 — lower Kathy says: “Fleam don’t squeeze the fruit . By PHIL PASTORET More Troops Page 13 along the shore. « Know Your squeem Dad instead.” Warranty Dreda chester against Anthony A. and They say mone^ talks, but Manchester— A City of Village Charm Herman M. Frechette and Al­ Dorothy M. Maulucci, $2,700, NATIVE: Butter and Sugar Com, Tomatoes, Green and bert R. Martin to Russell and ours has laryngitis. In Ireland property at 60 Chambers St. « « • Yellow Beans, Leeks, Green and YeUow Squash, Cauli­ Nancy A. Betz, property on Chainber Members flower, Swiss Chard, Beet Greens, 'Cukes, RonMlne and (Classified Advertsing on Page 11) Release of Us Pendens (Continued from Page One) VOL. XCI, NO. 255 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1972 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Jackson St., conveyance tax Manchester Savings and Loan Hoyt King umnts yJu to PubUo Information Committee Boston Lettuce, BrocoUl, Hot Peppers, Imported Red $50.60. Association, Inc. against Robert know that, in the high- fire. ‘An army spokesman said Onions, Turnips, Acorn and Butternut Squash, Beets, Egg Greater Manchester Plant, Parsnips, IVhlte Onions, Yam s, Cherry Tonruitoee. Lillian A. Hunter to Clarke J. Butterworth II. class TV dinner chicken Chamber of Commerce the fire was returned EUid Insurance Agency Inc., prop­ department, many are FRESH: Blueberries, Bing Cherries, PeMhes, Plunts, claimed- one gunmam was hit. Nectarines, Limes, Grrqiefrtrlt, Cantaloupes, Honeydews, Marriage Ucenses culled but few are frozen. BANTLT OIL CO.. INC. ' erty at 243 E. Center St. , con­ British troops uncovered an­ „°Pears, Watermelons, Red, White and Blue Gnqies.. veyance tax $41.80. Richard James Gavis of 85 4i • « One of the oldest oil firms in with Its own service organiza- other arms cache In a wooded BUY ONE OR A DOZEN — PICK OUT YOUR OWN Nancy W. McCurry to William Oliver Rd. and Rosae Lynn Now that the rash of “ Most Manchester, Bantiy Oil Co., Inc., tlon and burner repair shop. It area near Armagh, the fourth Blankenship of Wlllimantlc. R. and Shirley A. Clark, prop­ Something or O th e r” pul- has had over fifty years of ex­ maintains a fleet of 18 trucks such haul In the province in the NATIVE TOMATOES................................ lb. erty at 324 - 326 Center St., con­ Gary Alfred Winter and Jan­ U.S. Says Dike Damage Is Minor perience. The firm was estab- and 25 employes, with 24-hour past few days. The cache in­ NATIVE CORN ..................................... 6 for 4 » d veyance tax $34.65. et Elizabeth Grace, both of lished by B. Theodore Bantiy service for its customers. cluded 1,600 rounds of ammiml- SEEDLESS GRAPES ................................ lb. 4 9 ^ Allan P. and Myra Ann Pratt Manchester. Sr. and was originally located at Bantiy Oil Co. has pioneered tlon, 100 pounds of explosives PEACHES................................................. 3 lbs. 8 9 d to Patrick J. and Catherine R. WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. intelligence report Building Permits 155 Center St. It has been at itk some of the “ firsts” In the field and four guns, a spokesmEUi SEALTEST ICE CREAM .... gal. SO d o f t Loguidice. property on Redwood All Season Pool Inc. of Bolton present location at 331 Main of oil service. One of the most said. says bombs have hit 12 places in North Vietnam’s wide­ Rd., conveyance tax $40.15. for Dominick and Betty Ven­ St. for about 30 years. Also, in Important was the establishment We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald spread dike network, "but the damage is minor.” Green Manor Construction COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS Tile State Department re- ------------------------------------------------- tura, below ground pool at 164 order to service the Rockville- of the automatic degree day de- WE SELL SOc CONN. LOTTERY TICKBTS Co. Inc. to Renaud J. and S. Main St., $1,920. Vemon area, the Bantiy Oil livery of oil. It was also one of Rdlahie le^d tlw elght-p^e In- h^ye been hit by stray bombs Jeanne E. Doura. unit in the chritude shows are on, why Central Connecticut Lock Co. don’t they call ’em “booty” Co. has opened a branch on the first to have radio dispatch telllgence finding BMday In a directed at military-associated Northfield Green Condiminium, Inc. for Roger E. Jordan, two contests? West St., Rockville. E. Theodore service vehicles and meter Audio - Visual follow-up to President Nixon’s targets nearby. conveyance tax. $30.80. signs at 425 E. Center St., $60. • • • Bantiy Jr. now serves as presl- printed delivery tickets, denial of Hanoi’s charges that , „ , , the United States Is dellber- ^h® IT k!" William R. and Shirley A. Alfred Rosettd, pool at 93 A pessimist is a fellow dent of the firm with Allen F. The firm is a member of the Sonrisos Clark to Robert Mercier. prop­ Repeiir on all makes Tape D F P n PRODUcer ately trying to knock out the vl- **®®" Lake St., $2,000. Behnke as general manager. Greater Manchester Chamber of who thinks that some­ tal water control system In the 9reachea. erty at 46 Whitney Rd.. con­ L. and M. Silvester of Bloom­ The Bantiy Oil Co. has been Commerce with Allen Behnke Recorders, Phonographs, thing isn’t right if it isn’t Projectors, Amplifiers, Red River delta. “The damage can be easily veyance tax $26.40. field, alterations and repairs to for many years a Getty oil dls- serving as chairman of the Man- 276 OAKLAND ST., BIANOHESTER — 64S-6S84 wrong. Radios, SmaU Appliances. But the department continued repaired—In a matter of a few Agnes L. Reneker to Richard commercial building at 749 Tol­ trlbutor for wholesale gasoline, cheater Oil Fuel Institute. The (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) itttlM FUmi and to keep secret the July 10-11 days—and has not been suf- G. and Julie M. Debate, prop­ land Tpke., $850. lubricating oil and both com- Bantiy Oil Co. Is also a mem- Projection Service U.S. aerial photos said to sup- flolent to cause any flooding, erty at 47 Lydall St., con­ Wes Robbins of Bolton for mercltil Euid home heating fuel, ber of the Connecticut Petrol- Herald ft Rentals port the finding. State Depart- "N o damage has been ob- veyance tax $26.95. James Stackpole, two-car ga­ The original Bantiy Oil Co. con- eum Marketers Association and Judgment Lien Classified Ads cept was to be and always has Behnke serves on Its advertising Sound Recording ment officials said release of served In the Hanoi area or rage at 34 Morse Rd., $2,000. e«6-UT8 .................. Read Herald Advertisements Drs. Hebert and Stephens Get Fast Results been a service oil company committee. the pictures would do no good against the primary dike sys- against Robert and Lucilie But- In the Washlngton-Hanoi ex- protecting that city.” terworth. $42,. property at 92 change of alIegatl(His about the State Department officials Venion St. bombing, because they expect said the U.S. Intelligence con- OertUlcate of Attachment North Vietnam would only re- elusions and pictures were The Savings Bank of Man­ spond with more photos alleg- shown to United Nations Secre- tag dike damage. tary General Kurt Waldheim Hie intelligence document, Monday by Ambassador George PRE-INVENTORY SALE I ^^^Nn-E! which State Department offi- Bush when the U.S. envoy cials said was based on com- sought to refute Waldheim's plete photo coverage of the en- criticism of the U.S. air attacks C aldoi tire Red River delta area In on North Vietnam, northern North Vietnam, main- contrast to Hanoi’s FREE SHAG Great charges of scores of U.S. bomb- GROOMER with Valuel ‘Photographlc evidence attacks on the dike system purchase of this WHILE shows conclusively that there gince the American air raids on model. THEY has been no Intentional bomb­ LAST! ing of the dikes. A few dikes (See Page Fourteen) Bomb Misplaced, General Electric Toast-R-Oven RCA Pocket Size Radio iCUtMuc Eureka Caniiister Vacuum Use as toaster with pop- Our Reg. 26.97 Our Reg. 6.39 open door, use as oven Powerful motor for thor­ FREE; Shag Groomer Powerful performer with South Vietnamese woman ducks as U.S. jet roars overhead during bomb run near Tam Quan. (AP photo) with controlled heat. Use ough cleaning. 8 piece tool handy carry thong. Only 20 Reds Attack Hue Kleenex Tissues Crest Toothpaste as top browner for sand­ set plus shag tool. per store. No rain checks. wiches. etc.#T93 21.97 #500BTX 32.88 3.88 SAIGON (AP)—Forty-nine soldiers in a South Viet­ 4..... 99* 49* namese infantry company were either killed or wound­ Radiologist Save an Extra 33-1/3% Off Nylon Shell 5 lb. Fill Sleeping Bag ed in a heavy North Vietnamese attack and a mistaken Nixon Appeals to War Critics Box of 200, white or pastel. Extra large 5 oz. size. U.S. bombing that hit the government lines instead of Our regular low pprices on all Dr. Stephan M. C o o p er, son the enemy near Hue, the allied commands announced 25 Asstd. per Store today. WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders were said ’The letter was released Fri­ dochina by Oct. 1 In return for of Mr. and Mrs. William C o o p er day by House Republican Lead­ GOIF SETS No rain checks The U.S. command said two In the past, field officers President Nixon is trying to be fearful that a fund cutoff release of American prisoners.
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