ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING, VOL. 5(2), 79±89 (JUNE 1992) Teaching digital typography1 JACQUES ANDRE ROGER D. HERSCH Didot Project Didot Project Irisa/Inria±Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu Laboratoire des SystÁemes PÂeriphÂeriques F-35042 Rennes cedex, France Ecole Polytechnique FÂedÂerale de Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland SUMMARY Digital typography is a very specialized ®eld that offers two widely different yet complementary aspects:art and computer science.This paper presentsProject Didot, which is all aboutteaching digital typography. While taking into account recent experience, the authors explore some subjects that should be included in a digital typography course and describe the various trades it would be aimed at. This paper concentrates on the computer science aspect and gives a basic bibliography. KEY WORDS Digital typography Curriculum Tuition 1 PROJECT DIDOT In 1990, the EEC launched its Comett II project, with its main aims being to place greater emphasis on advanced technology training and to ensure that cooperation between univer- sities and the industrial world is carried out at a European level. Project Didot2 was set in motion in this context, with the help of seven other partners.3 The aim of this three-year project is mainly to draw up a European curriculum for teaching digital typography,4 to implement the required software tools and to try out this curriculum in a teaching environment [4]. Among the experimental workshops organized for this purpose [5] was a two-day seminar which took place in Reading (UK) in February 1991 [6] as well as a one-week seminar organized in Lausanne (Switzerland) in September 1991 [7,8]. Whereas the ®rst seminar mainly attracted graphic art professionals, the second one was attended by as 1 This study is partly ®nanced by the EEC/Comett II project no 90/1/3697/Cb. A ®rst version of this paper appeared in French as ªEnseigner la typographie numÂeriqueº, in J. AndrÂe (ed.), Proceedings of TEP'92, Bigre, 79, March 1992. Opinions stated in this paper are the authors' own and do not necessarily re¯ect those of the project as a whole. 2 Didot means DIgitizing and Designing OfType or DIdacticiels de Dessin par Ordinateur de caractÁeres Typographiques. The name refers to the Didot dynasty and especially to FrancËois-Ambroise Didot (1730± 1804) who gave us the ®rst typographic unit, i.e., the didot point. 3 The nine partners in this project include two teaching institutions: the Department of Typography of Reading University (United Kingdom) and the AGS Schule fÈur Gestaltung Art school (Basel, Switzerland); three research institutes: the Peripheral Systems Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland), Irisa/Inria-Rennes(France) and EuroPARC (Rank Xerox, Cambridge, United Kingdom) as well as four private companies: URW (Hamburg, Germany), Lg&A-Hito (Getxo-Vizcaya, Spain), Infoprint (Salonica, Greece), and P. de Macchi (Turin, Italy). 4 As far as we know,there is at present no curriculumfor digital typographyeventhoughcurricula have beendrawn up for other computer sciences, for instance the Curriculum for Computer Education for Management[1,2]of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, USA) and, more recently, those for computer engineering [3]. CCC 0894±3982/92/020079±11 Received 15 July 1992 1992 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 31 July 1992 © 1998 by University of Nottingham. 80 J. ANDRE AND R. D. HERSCH ypeface des 1: T ign ont enteri 2: F ng 4 6 : : F U A o n s n t a e 3: Font management c l a y r l s s l i i s n g 5: g Ch in aracter imag R e a d e r s Figure 1. The various processes related to typefaces. Black indicates the computer scientists' world, white shows the typographers' domain, and grey a mixed ®eld. Numbers refer to the subsections in Section 2 many computer scientists as graphic art specialists and resulted in fruitful exchanges. In fact, the Lausanne school included two types of courses (notwithstanding practical work on computers): courses in letterpress typography aimed at all participants and especially a series of • courses and exercises,5 Rhythms, forms, expression, already tested in Basel [10]and in Reading, courses in digital typography mainly attended by computer scientists, which will be • further discussed in section 4. In 1992, two seminars were held in Paris (one on digitizing fonts through Ikarus and one on ligatures), in Basel (more dedicated on the educational approaches to the design and production of digital type) and one in Rennes (France) for teachers. Other courses and seminars are currently being prepared (Hamburg, August 1992, Milan and Thessaloniki in October 1992, etc.). The project publishes a magazine, Didot bulletin,6 where large reports are available on these seminars as well on other activities such as a study on a European vocabulary for digital typography. 2 DIGITAL TYPOGRAPHY: A COMPLEX FIELD In this paper, the expression digital typography does not encompass such a large meaning as the one it covers for some authors [13]; in fact, we are only focusing on methods for creating and drawing characters (in the same way that [14], [15]or[16] deal with the letterpress approach) and not at the higher level of page layout. Digital typography is a ®eld that overlaps two others: that of classical or letterpress 5 Including a successful art studio atmosphere, which was lacking in a previous experiment [9]. 6 [11,12]. Copies on request to the authors of the present paper. TEACHING DIGITAL TYPOGRAPHY 81 typography and that of computer science (Figure 1). Our basic postulate is that digital typography should not be taught without teaching classical typography at the same time. However, this paper does not describe which part of classical typographyshould be included in a course on digital typography.7 Our aim is to describe the part related to computer science and mathematics. In the present state of knowledge (which varies with the emergence of new technology), computerized fonts can be perceived differently, according to the quali®cations and the job held by the people who deal with them. Here are a few examples of activities related to digital typography; they imply having different points of view and use solutions which require very different utilities and software. For instance, a font designer's task is to create a new font family. For this purpose, • he will use either conventional or computer-aided drawing techniques, or even a mixture of both. On the other hand, a printing house will require a sophisticated computer system to • handle a large number of fonts which are downloaded onto phototypesetters when needed. Software companies developing multi-font interactive applications must also ®nd a • way of handling available fonts (font name, size, style) and come up with solutions for imitating the rendition of unavailable fonts. 2.1 Creating digitized characters Font designers often do their drawings by hand and then digitize the outlines manually point by point using an appropriate software such as Ikarus. Another way of doing things is to scan the drawing of the font in order to get a bitmap which can then be processed by an automatic outlining software such as Linus or Typo. The resulting outlines will have to be touched up using an interactive outline editor (Fontographer, FontStudio, Typo), since the rendition of available automatic outline extraction programs is only partly satisfactory. See sections 4.8 and 4.9 below. Designers interested in the mathematical speci®cation of pen trajectories and shapes can simulate hand-drawn designs by using an appropriate program [18]. This program, METAFONT, is capable of generating families of designs by varying pen size, pen orien- tation and other shape-creation parameters. 2.2 Shaping fonts The digitized characters produced by designers must be shaped in order to ensure optimal rendition on various visualization and printing devices. The shaping process may, for instance, mean ensuring that stems all have the same width and that serifs do not vary from one character to another. The slight variations due to the digitizing process must be removed. In order to ensure maximal character rendition at both low and medium resolution, hints must be added to character outline descriptions. Last, the fonts are grouped into families and styles and copied onto the production disks before being marketed. 7 Several forthcoming publications of the Didot Project will be devoted to this particularly complex issue. Let us note here Chuck Bigelow's statement that 7 years' study are required to become a good typographer [17]. 82 J. ANDRE AND R. D. HERSCH 2.3 Handling fonts An end-user workingon a PC or a workstationmust be able tohandlehisfontsaccording to their family, their style, their height of type and their computing functionalities. A desktop publishing specialist needs bitmap fonts as well as outline fonts in various formats (for instance, Ikarus, Adobe Type I and True Type formats). When necessary, the fonts will be converted from one format to another or used to create bitmap fonts with a given height of type. Some companies (publishers, software houses, laboratories, etc.) as well as font distributors handle and service a large number of fonts and their associated software. They therefore requiredatabases, great storage capacity, several programs for converting between font formats, adequate data access procedures and automatic processing capabilities, all of which call for modern software engineering techniques. Computer-aided Past and current font designs
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