E610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 16, 2019 first hospital administrator and the hospital great nation and remember that we owe those his involvement in public service, Chancellor thrived for many years under his direction. who serve a debt of gratitude. Blumenthal has also served on multiple gov- Five decades after it opened, Lakeland f erning boards in California, including the Cali- Community Hospital is truly living up to its fornia Association for Research in Astronomy, name, as it is owned and operated by the HONORING EDGAR G. GRIFFIN the California Institute for Regenerative Medi- community. Now a 49-bed facility, under the cine, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, and administration of Martha McCormick, the hos- HON. JUDY CHU the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership. pital is committed to providing high-quality OF CALIFORNIA Throughout his academic career, Chancellor medical care in a friendly environment. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Blumenthal’s work has led to numerous Lakeland’s medical staff includes 8 skilled Thursday, May 16, 2019 groundbreaking studies and discoveries in our physicians representing a wide range of med- understanding of galaxies and the interactions ical specialties. The hospital is also equipped Ms. JUDY CHU of California. Madam of celestial bodies. His work has transformed with some of the most advanced medical tech- Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of Edgar knowledge of concepts once seen only as nology available today and provides services G. Griffin, who passed away in April at the science fiction, including the function and be- such as CT scans, nuclear medicine, digital age of 94. Mr. Griffin was a World War II vet- havior of dark matter and how it plays a role mammography, senior care and medical de- eran, proud member of the Knights of Colum- in the shaping of the universe. His contribu- toxification. These tools help their doctors bus, and a longtime resident of California’s tions cannot be overstated. properly diagnose and treat a wide variety of 27th Congressional District. A natural leader, Chancellor Blumenthal has illnesses with greater effectiveness than ever Mr. Griffin was born in Leon Guanajato, garnered praise from his associates, cowork- before. Mexico on December 7, 1924 and emigrated ers, and students. This past year, Santa Cruz Lakeland Community Hospital is the only to Los Angeles as a teenager with his mother Mayor, Martine Watkins, declared May 9th to hospital in Winston County, Alabama. Like after the death of his father. Although he held be ‘‘George Blumenthal Day’’ in the city of many other rural hospitals, it recently faced American citizenship through his father, Mr. Santa Cruz as an annual recognition of his the threat of closure. However, due to the Griffin joined the Army to secure his mother’s scholarly and governing efforts. Chancellor hard work of the leaders such as Haleyville residency. A paratrooper in the 101st airborne Blumenthal’s decades of service make him Mayor Ken Sunseri, the Haleyville City Coun- division of the Army, Mr. Griffin survived the more than worthy of such an honor. As he cil, the Winston County Commission and citi- Normandy landing on D–Day in 1944. He was celebrates his retirement, I am proud to com- zens of Winston County, the Haleyville Win- awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for his mend Chancellor Blumenthal on his invaluable ston County Hospital Authority was created, service, as well as a Purple Heart and numer- work as an academic leader for the past four and it has partnered with Java Medical to ous other medals. At the time of his passing, decades. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the keep the hospital open and serving those in Mr. Griffin was the only surviving Mexican- Central Coast, I ask my colleagues to join me the area who need medical care. American veteran of the landing at Normandy. in thanking Chancellor Blumenthal for his con- I want to send my congratulations to the ad- After the war, Mr. Griffin returned to Cali- tribution to our community and wishing him a ministration and the leadership and staff of fornia, where he met his wife Mimi and they long and healthy retirement. Lakeland Community Hospital for their 50 raised their nine children together. After first f years of service to the citizens of the entire settling in the City of Commerce while Mr. area. I’m confident that in the years to come, Griffin worked in their Aircraft Assembly Radar RECOGNIZING BOB DOROUGH Lakeland Community Hospital will be there to Section of Hughes Aircraft, the family eventu- provide high quality healthcare that is needed ally moved to Monterey Park. There, he HON. SUSAN WILD to Winston, Marion and surrounding counties. worked as a sound and lighting engineer for OF PENNSYLVANIA f the Century Plaza Hotel, until he retired at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES age of 68. He was also an active member of IN RECOGNITION OF VA–10 UNITED the Knights of Columbus, elected Grand Night Thursday, May 16, 2019 STATES NAVY ENLISTEES four times. Ms. WILD. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Griffin was due to return to Normandy recognize Bob Dorough, a constituent of mine HON. JENNIFER WEXTON next month for the 75th anniversary of the D– from Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania. OF VIRGINIA Day invasion. He would have been nearly a Bob’s music is universally known: genera- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES century old and one of very few surviving vet- tions of children have learned about the work erans of the battle that heralded the end of that happens in this Chamber—along with Thursday, May 16, 2019 World War II. While his passing deprived him their earliest lessons in math and science— Ms. WEXTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today of that distinction, I would like to take this op- from Schoolhouse Rock, which he scored. to recognize the 14 high school seniors from portunity to honor the memory of a true Amer- Schoolhouse Rock is just one aspect of Virginia’s 10th Congressional District who plan ican hero. Bob’s legacy—his legendary seven-decade to enlist in the United States Navy after grad- f career as a jazz singer led him to play with uation. These students have excelled over the many of the greatest musicians in American course of their high school careers and I con- HONORING UNIVERSITY OF CALI- history, including Miles Davis and Charlie gratulate them on their graduation and their fu- FORNIA, SANTA CRUZ CHAN- Parker. These performances etched his re- ture plans. CELLOR GEORGE BLUMENTHAL cordings into our country’s soundtrack forever. I commend these student leaders for their A few weeks ago, Bob was posthumously courageous decision to pursue a path to serve HON. JIMMY PANETTA honored at the Kennedy Center as a recipient their country as a member of the United OF CALIFORNIA of the 2019 Jazz Master Award—our nation’s States Navy. I rise to recognize the following IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highest recognition for jazz musicians. students: Luis Bolivar, Judith George, Caleb Through his family, friends, and each new Thursday, May 16, 2019 German, Keldon Jones, Hanna Lund, Adeodye generation that continues to discover the Olabisi, Joicelyn Robinson, Kyle Rustick, Mr. PANETTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today warmth of his voice and the uniquely Amer- Douglas Schouviller, Dane Singer, Ashley to honor the retiring Chancellor of University of ican music that he loved, Bob’s spirit will en- Villars, Martin Stellato, Aubrie Thompson, and California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), George dure. Muhammad Yasin. Blumenthal, for his 47 years of service to our f The students were recognized at a cere- community on the central coast of California. mony conducted in Sterling, Virginia on May His leadership has touched the lives of many, PERSONAL EXPLANATION 16, 2019, by the Northern Virginia chapter of and I am honored to acknowledge this legacy. Our Community Salutes and the Blue Star Chancellor Blumenthal’s record in education HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS Mothers of Northern Virginia. has shown him to be a distinguished pro- OF INDIANA Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues fessor, researcher, and leader to all on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me in recognizing and applauding these UCSC campus. He first joined the Astronomy students and their families on their pursuits and Astrophysics Department at UCSC in Thursday, May 16, 2019 and wish them the best as they set forth to 1972 and was appointed as Chancellor of the Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, begin the process of learning to defend our university in 2007. Committed to expanding I was not present for the following roll call VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:48 May 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MY8.009 E16MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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