UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA PRELIMINARY STUDY ON DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) ON TEH BOTOL SOSRO THESIS LOUIS YOSEN PRIMSA T 09 06 58 59 50 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS MAGISTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JAKARTA JULY 2011 Preliminary study..., Louis Yosen Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA PRELIMINARY STUDY ON DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) ON TEH BOTOL SOSRO THESIS Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain degree of Magister Management LOUIS YOSEN PRIMSA T 09 06 58 59 50 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS MAGISTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MM-MBA JAKARTA JULY 2011 Preliminary study..., Louis Yosen Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This final paper represents my own effort, any idea or excerpt from other writers in this final paper, either in form of publication or in other form of publication, if any, have been acknowledged in this paper in accordance to the academic standard or reference procedures Preliminary study..., Louis Yosenii Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 LETTER OF APPROVAL Proposed by : Name : Louis Yosen Primsa T NPM : 09 06 58 59 50 Program : MM – MBA Title : PRELIMINARY STUDY ON DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) ON TEH BOTOL SOSRO Has successfully presented the thesis in front of Board of Examiner and is already approved to obtain the title Magister Manajemen (MM) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in MM Program Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia Preliminary study..., Louis Yoseniii Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 PREFACE And now the time is up for completing this study. I have a lot of thanks to all of you that has devoted much your sincere assistance during the study. I am here so happy to thanks to: 1. Prof. Rhenald Kasali, Ph.D as Director of MM Program of Faculty of Economics, all lectures and all staffs of MM-FEUI for their assistance and support during the period of my study in MM-MBA. 2. Dr. Avanti Fontana, my thesis counselor who has contributed her ideas to give added-value input so that I believe that this thesis is not only a requirement phase to get the title, but also as a tool to train sense of thought of economic matters. 3. Paulus H W, my friend who is changing his path to an entrepreneur life through CV Anugrah Jaya Mandiri. Success will always be with you, my friend. 4. My family, particularly my dear father and mother, my sister Christy Tarigan who is endlessly giving spirit from the start of this study while she is also being rush in her study. Hope you also complete your study as you expected. 5. My dear friends of MM-MBA Program Batch 2009. This is an energetic class with many ideas of making study a happy moment. 6. All friends, whom I can not mention one by one, that have supported me during these two years so that I can finish my study. I believe this thesis will add knowledge and understanding for all readers, but it will never satisfy our hunger of continuous learning process. So that I also open any criticism, suggestion and recommendation from all colleagues to make the great ideas behind the writing of this thesis will go nowhere in our real life. Jakarta, July 2011 Louis Yosen Primsa T Preliminary study..., Louis Yoseniv Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 LETTER OF AGREEMENT TO PUBLISH THE THESIS FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSE ONLY As a member of society of academicians of University of Indonesia, I have agreed as stated below: Name : Louis Yosen Primsa T NPM : 09 06 58 59 50 Study Program : MM-MBA Faculty : Economic Assignment type : Thesis On behalf of science development, I have fully agreed to give the Non-exclusive Royalty-Free of the thesis to the University of Indonesia which titled: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) ON TEH BOTOL SOSRO Along with any related materials if needed. With this Non-exclusive Royalty Free Right, University of Indonesia has the right to keep, transform and manage in forms of database, distribute and publish it in the internet and other media as well for academic purpose only, even without permission as long as my name is mentioned and included as the sole writer/author and as the copyright holder. Any form of lawsuit which possibly occur in the future event considered as copyright violation of this thesis will be my personal responsibility. Sincerely I declare the statement above is true indeed. Preliminary study..., Louis Yosenv Primsa T, FEUI, 2011 ABSTRACT Name : Louis Yosen Primsa T Student number : 09 06 58 59 50 Program Study : MM – MBA Title : PRELIMINARY STUDY ON DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) ON TEH BOTOL SOSRO This research is designed as advanced study of Deposit Refund System (DRS) as an alternative tool to increase the recycling rate of used glass bottle of Teh Botol Sosro. Keypoint studied is the integration of Customer Perceived Value (CPV) and supply chain management to make implementation of DRS focus on business perspective. The modification of supply chain from traditional to reversed approach is intended to optimise the utilisation of packaging of beverage product. Packaging of beverage product is selected as object research since beverage product is massively consumed by market in a standardised shape and size, while at the same time no collection of the packaging from consumption site systematically coordinated by all elements involved in supply chain channel. While consideration of consumer perceived value must be highly anticipated, this research is trying to explore the possible integration between customer perceived value and reversed supply chain. Key Words: Deposit Refund System (DRS), Customer Perceived Value (CPV), Reversed Supply Chain, Beverage Product, Modification of Supply Chain, Glass Material, Packaging. vi Preliminary study..., Louis Yosen Primsa T, FEUI, 2011Universitas Indonesia ABSTRAKSI Name : Louis Yosen Primsa T Student number : 09 06 58 59 50 Program Study : MM – MBA Title : STUDI PENDAHULUAN ATAS DEPOSIT REFUND SYSTEM (DRS) PADA TEH BOTOL SOSRO Studi ini dirancang sebagai studi awal atas Deposit Refund System (DRS) sebagai suatu alternatif untuk meningkatkan recycling rate atas botol gelas bekas Teh Botol Sosro. Poin utama yang dipelajari adalah integrasi nilai persepsi pelanggan dan manajemen rantai pasok untuk menciptakan impelementasi DRS yang fokus pada perspektif bisnis. Modifikasi rantai pasok dari pendekatan tradisional ke terbalik dimaksudkan untuk mengoptimalkan utilisasi kemasan produk minuman. Kemasan produk minuman dipilih sebagai objek penelitian karena produk minuman dikonsumsi pasar secara massal dalam bentuk dan ukuran yang terstandarisasi, sementara pada saat yang sama tidak ada pengumpulan kembali kemasan dari titik konsumsi yang secara sistematis dikoordinasikan atas seluruh elemen dalam saluran rantai pasok. Sementara pertimbangan nilai persepsi pelanggan harus sangat diantisipasi, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi kemungkinan integrasi antara nilai persepsi pelanggan dan rantai pasok terbalik tersebut. Kata Kunci: Deposit Refund System (DRS), Nilai Persepsi Pelanggan, Rantai Pasok Terbalik, Produk Minuman, Modifikasi Rantai Pasok, Material Gelas, Kemasan. vii Preliminary study..., Louis Yosen Primsa T, FEUI, 2011Universitas Indonesia TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE i STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ii LETTER OF APPROVAL iii PREFACE iv LETTER OF AGREEMENT v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENT viii LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF APPENDICES xiii CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Problem Identification 2 1.3. Research Question 5 1.4. Research Purpose 6 1.5. Research Objective 6 1.6. Research Scope 7 1.7. Research Limitation 8 1.8. Research Disposition 8 CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Marketing 10 2.1.1. Trend to Societal Marketing Concept 10 2.1.2. Customer Perceived Value (CPV) 11 Customer Perceived Benefits 12 Customer Perceived Costs 16 2.2. Supply Chain Management 17 2.3. Cross-Functional Issue in Recycling Rate 19 2.3.1. Packaging Function 19 2.3.2. Packaging in Beverage Industry 20 2.3.3. The Importance of Recycling Policy 21 2.3.4. DRS Implemented in Other Countries 23 2.3.5. International Standard Related with Recycling Rate 24 2.3.6. Competition and Innovation Opportunity 25 CHAPTER 3 : BEVERAGE INDUSTRY AND COMPANY PROFILE 3.1. Market Structure of Beverage Industry 27 3.2. History of Marketed RTD Brewed Tea 29 3.3. Supply Chain of Teh Botol Sosro 30 3.3.1. The Flow of Raw Materials 31 Preliminary study..., Louis Yosenviii Primsa T, FEUI, Universitas2011 Indonesia 3.3.2. Direction of The Flow 31 1.4. Company Profile 33 CHAPTER 4 : RESEARCH METHOD 4.1. Research Idea 34 4.2. Type of Research 35 4.2.1. Exploratory Research 35 4.2.2. Conclusive Research 36 Descriptive Research 36 Causal Research 37 4.3. Research Method 38 4.3.1. Exploratory Research 38 Influence of Financial Charge 38 Influence of Natural Business Control 39 Type of Outlet 41 4.3.2. Descriptive Research 42 Structure of Questionnaire 43 Questionnaire Format 44 4.3.3. Measurement and Scaling 45 Measurement 45 Scaling 45 4.3.4. Sampling 47 Population 47 Sampling Technique 47 Sample Size 48 4.3.5. Data Analyzing Method 48 Descriptive Analysis 48 Inferential Analysis 49 CHAPTER 5 : ANALYSIS 5.1. Result of Exploratory Research 51 5.1.1. Influence of Financial Charge 51 5.1.2. Influence of Natural Business Control 53 5.2. Impact and Alternative Solutions 55 5.2.1. Impact of Unreturned Used Glass Bottles 55 5.2.2. Benefits of DRS 58 5.2.3. Benefits of DRS through Teh Botol Sosro’ Supply Chain 58 5.3.
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