September 17, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1881 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING PENNSYLVANIA PARA- sionalism, offering a pioneering example for all congratulations on his four-decade career in MEDIC OF THE YEAR BRETT races. education. FADGEN Yet let me say, Madame Speaker, that Sam f Johnson’s legacy is his devotion to young HON. JASON ALTMIRE people, his determination that every student JACOB ADAM HENDRICKS OF PENNSYLVANIA should have the ability to excel, to achieve and ultimately to find success in higher edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM GRAVES cation. OF MISSOURI Monday, September 17, 2007 His first job as a teacher was in his home IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I rise today state of Louisiana, and his eventual move to Monday, September 17, 2007 to pay tribute to Brett Fadgen, the 2007 Penn- the San Mateo Union High School District sylvania Paramedic of the Year. Not only is after that first year began a lengthy tenure of Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly Mr. Fadgen an EMS Paramedic Rescue Tech- dedication at the district he would call home pause to recognize Jacob Adam Hendricks, a nician for the Ross and West View commu- for four decades. very special young man who has exemplified nities, he also flies with Stat MedEvac, serves Beginning his career as a math teacher, the finest qualities of citizenship and leader- as a trained firefighter for his local fire depart- Sam Johnson went on to hold nearly every ship by taking an active part in the Boy Scouts ment, and teaches at the Community College administrative position in the district. His re- of America, Troop 261, and in earning the of Allegheny County. He is truly a model rep- sponsibilities ranged through the years from most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. resentative of the thousands of paramedics being the Director of Human Relations for the Jacob has been very active with his troop, who serve in Pennsylvania, and I was pleased entire San Mateo Union High School District to participating in many Scout activities. Over the to learn that the Pennsylvania Emergency being Assistant Principal and then Principal of many years Jacob has been involved with Health Services Council awarded him with this Capuchino High School, where he was suc- Scouting, he has not only earned numerous great honor on August 18. cessful in acquiring a prestigious Carnegie merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Mr. Fadgen became an Emergency Medical Grant. He later served as Director of Per- ily, peers, and community. Technician (EMT) at the age of 17 after volun- sonnel, Associate Superintendent for Human Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join teering with the local emergency medical serv- Resources and Administrative Services and fi- me in commending Jacob Adam Hendricks for ice. Upon graduating from Gannon University nally, Superintendent of the District, over- his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of with a Bachelor of Science degree, he at- seeing seven schools. America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- tended school to become a paramedic. In Madam Speaker, I would like my colleagues ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. 2002, Mr. Fadgen moved with his family to to know that Sam Johnson will be remem- f Ross Township, Pennsylvania and has served bered for his commitment to the advancement the community as a paramedic ever since. Re- of young people from all walks of life. His in- IN RECOGNITION OF MARTIN cently, Mr. Fadgen obtained his nursing de- novative pursuit of an Academic Core Cur- SAVIDGE gree from Duquesne University and accepted riculum, guaranteeing that every student would a position as a Registered Nurse for UPMC be taking classes geared to success in col- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Presbyterian. Although he has taken on a new lege, was just one example of helping every- OF OHIO role in the community, Mr. Fadgen remains one realize educational dreams. He combined IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that vision with a push for seven periods in the committed to continuing his work as a para- Monday, September 17, 2007 medic on a part-time basis. school day, giving students the opportunity to I am honored to recognize Mr. Fadgen’s benefit from additional elective classes. He Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise outstanding accomplishment of becoming the also spearheaded a school year calendar today to honor Martin Savidge for his 27 years 2007 Pennsylvania Paramedic of the Year. His change that more effectively linked the end of of service to the American public, through his incredible achievements are just one example academic classes with holiday vacations. role as a news anchor and national cor- of the extraordinary work being accomplished These changes, which required political and respondent for many prominent news net- by paramedics across the nation. On behalf of administrative strength to achieve, highlight works. my family and the Fourth District of Pennsyl- much of Sam Johnson’s talents and vision. Martin, who is currently a correspondent vania, I extend our thanks and eternal grati- His success at reaching these goals provided with NBC News, does regular reporting for tude to Mr. Brett Fadgen for his continued more academic opportunities for the students NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, the commitment to our community. in his care. I am proud to say that the San Today Show, and MSNBC. Prior to NBC, Mar- f Mateo Union High School District has reported tin was a news anchor and a national cor- successively improving student scores in re- respondent for CNN, based at the network’s A TRIBUTE TO SAM JOHNSON cent years, something universally desired in world headquarters in Atlanta. any educational environment. Martin graduated from Rocky River High HON. TOM LANTOS Madam Speaker, Samuel Johnson Jr. de- School and earned a bachelor’s degree in OF CALIFORNIA serves respect and appreciation for an edu- journalism from Ohio University. He began his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cational career focused on improving the op- broadcast career as an anchor and reporter portunities and experiences of young people for WCIA–TV in Champaign, IL in 1980. He Monday, September 17, 2007 attending public school. He faced many chal- then moved on to work as the prime-time an- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise today lenges during his tenure, specific to the San chor for WMBD–TV in Peoria, IL Martin also in tribute to an extraordinary educator from my Mateo Union High School District as well as worked as a reporter for the Associated Press, home district in California. Samuel Johnson Jr. relating to society in general. He met those as well as a special projects reporter and an- has retired following four decades of service to challenges with dignity and what many of his chor for WJW–TV in Cleveland. students. Remarkably, for 39 of those years, colleagues described as class, while never Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist Sam Johnson was employed at the San wavering from the dream he held as a young attacks, Martin reported from New York City’s Mateo Union High School District, with the teacher in Louisiana; a dream of helping stu- Ground Zero on the search and rescue mis- final three years as its Superintendent. dents find the path to realizing their own sion and the ongoing recovery efforts. In 2003, A native of Louisiana, Sam Johnson strug- hopes and dreams. Martin delivered on-the-ground coverage of gled against and rose above the racial chal- Madam Speaker, I want to wish Samuel the crises in Iraq as one of CNN’s embedded lenges of his generation. His career displays a Johnson Jr.; his wife, Della; and children Brad journalists. Martin most recently served as shining light of perseverance and profes- and Shana, happiness in his retirement and NBC’s primary correspondent in New Orleans, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:43 Nov 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~1\2007NE~2\E17SE7.REC E17SE7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 17, 2007 covering Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath IN TRIBUTE TO DIC YOUNGS IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN ERICK M. along the Gulf Coast. FOSTER Martin has been honored with some of HON. LEONARD L. BOSWELL broadcast journalism’s most prestigious HON. JASON ALTMIRE awards, including two Headliner Awards, two OF IOWA Edward R. Murrow Awards, a Peabody Award, OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a DuPont Award and an Emmy. In October IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2002, the National Journalism Education As- Monday, September 17, 2007 sociation named Martin its Media Person of Monday, September 17, 2007 the Year for his support of scholastic jour- Mr. BOSWELL. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I rise today nalism. today to honor the life works and career of a to honor CPT Erick M. Foster, an Army Rang- Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join local Iowa luminary. Born in Grand Island, NE, er who was killed while serving in Iraq on Au- me in honoring Martin Savidge for his dedica- Dic Youngs—or ‘‘Youngsy’’ to his fans—has gust 29, 2007. As a member of the 1st Squad- tion to informing the public about important na- become a legend of regional radio in the Des ron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade tional and world issues, and his commitment Moines metro area, attracting loyal listeners Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, he was to educating future journalists.
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