Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study Project Information 1. Proposal Title: Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study 2. Proposal applicants: Trevor Kennedy, Fishery Foundation of California Thomas Cannon, HDR Engineering Inc. Curt Schmutte, DWR-ESO James Grummon, Condor Earth Technology 3. Corresponding Contact Person: Trevor Kennedy Fishery Foundation of California 5705 Audrey Way Fair Oaks, Ca, 95628 916 9671518 [email protected] 4. Project Keywords: Environmental Engineering Habitat Restoration, Wetland Wetlands, Tidal 5. Type of project: Implementation_Pilot 6. Does the project involve land acquisition, either in fee or through a conservation easement? Yes If yes, is there an existing specific restoration plan for this site? No 7. Topic Area: Shallow Water, Tidal and Marsh Habitat 8. Type of applicant: Landowner 9. Location - GIS coordinates: Latitude: 38.057 Longitude: -121.913 Datum: Describe project location using information such as water bodies, river miles, road intersections, landmarks, and size in acres. Chipps Island, Suisun Marsh/Bay-Delta 10. Location - Ecozone: 2.1 Suisun Bay & Marsh 11. Location - County: Solano 12. Location - City: Does your project fall within a city jurisdiction? No 13. Location - Tribal Lands: Does your project fall on or adjacent to tribal lands? No 14. Location - Congressional District: 3 15. Location: California State Senate District Number: 4 California Assembly District Number: 8 16. How many years of funding are you requesting? 3 17. Requested Funds: a) Are your overhead rates different depending on whether funds are state or federal? No If no, list single overhead rate and total requested funds: Single Overhead Rate: 10 Total Requested Funds: $1,830,043 b) Do you have cost share partners already identified? Yes If yes, list partners and amount contributed by each: DWR-ESO $50,000 Fishery Foundation of California $50,000 c) Do you have potential cost share partners? No d) Are you specifically seeking non-federal cost share funds through this solicitation? No If the total non-federal cost share funds requested above does not match the total state funds requested in 17a, please explain the difference: 18. Is this proposal for next-phase funding of an ongoing project funded by CALFED? No Have you previously received funding from CALFED for other projects not listed above? Yes If yes, identify project number(s), title(s) and CALFED program. 98-B1009 Cosumnes River Salmonid Barrier Improvement Project ERP 19. Is this proposal for next-phase funding of an ongoing project funded by CVPIA? No Have you previously received funding from CVPIA for other projects not listed above? Yes If yes, identify project number(s), title(s) and CVPIA program. Stanislaus River Juvenile Salmonid CVPIA Cooperative 114200J033-USFWS distribution study Agreement Lower Calaveras River Salmon and Steelhead DCN#11332-1-G006 CVPIA-AFRP Life History/Limiting Factors Analysis 20. Is this proposal for next-phase funding of an ongoing project funded by an entity other than CALFED or CVPIA? No Please list suggested reviewers for your proposal. (optional) Erwin van Nieuwenhuyse USBR 916.978.5213 Beth Campbell NMFS 916.930.3611 [email protected] Jim Martin DWR-ESO 916.227.7581 [email protected] Randy Baxter CDFG-Bay Delta Division 209.942.7800 [email protected] 21. Comments: The landowner, the Fishery Foundation of California (FFC), is a private, non-profit fisheries restoration and research group dedicated to providing inovative solutions to complex resource problems. The FFC has the experience and resources to facilitate the completion of the proposed project in a cost effective and professional maner and the will to manage the proposed project indefinitely to ensure that it meets its restoration goals. Environmental Compliance Checklist Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study 1. CEQA or NEPA Compliance a) Will this project require compliance with CEQA? Yes b) Will this project require compliance with NEPA? Yes c) If neither CEQA or NEPA compliance is required, please explain why compliance is not required for the actions in this proposal. 2. If the project will require CEQA and/or NEPA compliance, identify the lead agency(ies). If not applicable, put "None". CEQA Lead Agency: CA Department of Water Resouces NEPA Lead Agency (or co-lead:) U.S.Army Corps of Engineers NEPA Co-Lead Agency (if applicable): 3. Please check which type of CEQA/NEPA documentation is anticipated. CEQA -Categorical Exemption XNegative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration -EIR -none NEPA -Categorical Exclusion XEnvironmental Assessment/FONSI -EIS -none If you anticipate relying on either the Categorical Exemption or Categorical Exclusion for this project, please specifically identify the exemption and/or exclusion that you believe covers this project. 4. CEQA/NEPA Process a) Is the CEQA/NEPA process complete? No If the CEQA/NEPA process is not complete, please describe the dates for completing draft and/or final CEQA/NEPA documents. Draft completion 10/01/2002 b) If the CEQA/NEPA document has been completed, please list document name(s): 5. Environmental Permitting and Approvals (If a permit is not required, leave both Required? and Obtained? check boxes blank.) LOCAL PERMITS AND APPROVALS Conditional use permit Variance Subdivision Map Act Grading Permit General Plan Amendment Specific Plan Approval Rezone Williamson Act Contract Cancellation Other STATE PERMITS AND APPROVALS Scientific Collecting Permit Required CESA Compliance: 2081 Required CESA Compliance: NCCP 1601/03 CWA 401 certification Required Coastal Development Permit Reclamation Board Approval Notification of DPC or BCDC Required Other FEDERAL PERMITS AND APPROVALS ESA Compliance Section 7 Consultation Required ESA Compliance Section 10 Permit Rivers and Harbors Act CWA 404 Other PERMISSION TO ACCESS PROPERTY Permission to access city, county or other local agency land. Agency Name: Permission to access state land. Agency Name: Permission to access federal land. Agency Name: Permission to access private land. Landowner Name: ll 6. Comments. Land Use Checklist Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study 1. Does the project involve land acquisition, either in fee or through a conservation easement? Yes If you answered yes to #1, please answer the following questions: a) How many acres will be acquired? Fee: 0 Easement: 450 Total: 450 b) Will existing water rights be acquired? Yes c) Are any changes to water rights or delivery of water proposed? Yes If yes, please describe proposed changes. Diked non-tidal duck club flood-up will revert to tidal action. 2. Will the applicant require access across public or private property that the applicant does not own to accomplish the activities in the proposal? Yes 3. Do the actions in the proposal involve physical changes in the land use? No If you answered no to #3, explain what type of actions are involved in the proposal (i.e., research only, planning only). The project area is currently managed as a diked duck club with seasonal and permanent wetlands. The proposed project will create a tidal and muted tidal duck club. No changes in land use will occur. 4. Comments. Conflict of Interest Checklist Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study Please list below the full names and organizations of all individuals in the following categories: Applicants listed in the proposal who wrote the proposal, will be performing the tasks listed in the proposal or who will benefit financially if the proposal is funded. Subcontractors listed in the proposal who will perform some tasks listed in the proposal and will benefit financially if the proposal is funded. Individuals not listed in the proposal who helped with proposal development, for example by reviewing drafts, or by providing critical suggestions or ideas contained within the proposal. The information provided on this form will be used to select appropriate and unbiased reviewers for your proposal. Applicant(s): Trevor Kennedy, Fishery Foundation of California Thomas Cannon, HDR Engineering Inc. Curt Schmutte, DWR-ESO James Grummon, Condor Earth Technology Subcontractor(s): Are specific subcontractors identified in this proposal? No Helped with proposal development: Are there persons who helped with proposal development? Yes If yes, please list the name(s) and organization(s): Thomas Cannon HDR Engineering Inc. Stephen Culberson DWR-ESO Mike Garello HDR Engineering Inc. Comments: Budget Summary Chipps Island Tidal Marsh Restoration Study Please provide a detailed budget for each year of requested funds, indicating on the form whether the indirect costs are based on the Federal overhead rate, State overhead rate, or are independent of fund source. Independent of Fund Source Year 1 Direct Benefits Other Total Task Task Salary Supplies & Services or Indirect Labor (per Travel Equipment Direct Direct Total Cost No. Description (per year) Expendables Consultants Costs Hours year) Costs Costs Ecological 1(ffc) Monitoring 40 1,720 430 0 0 0 0 0 2150.0 215 2365.00 Plan Pilot Project 2(ffc) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 Design Baseline 3(ffc) Ecological 1922 66,098 16,525 19,965 3,000 0 0 0 105588.0 10,584 116172.00 Survey Environmental 4(ffc) 60 2,580 645 0 0 0 0 0 3225.0 322 3547.00 Documentation Construction 5(ffc) 0 0 0 0 0 218,361 0 0 218361.0 0 218361.00 Pilot Post 6(ffc) Construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 Monitoring Project Coordination 7(ffc) 60 2,580 645 0 0 0 0 0 3225.0 323 3548.00 and Management Cons 8(ffc) 270,000 270000.0 270000.00 Easement Ecological
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