December 15, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 31623 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SENATOR RANDOLPH COM- There being no objection, the mate­ America, as it moves forward among the MENDS CITIZEN LEADERS FOR rial was ordered to be printed in the nations, can only be strong if her people are COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT RECORD, as follows: strong. What happens at the grassroots is PROGRAMS what counts; all of you have demonstrated REMARKS OF SENATOR JENNINGS RANDOLPH this, through your participation in these Ladies and gentlemen, members and direc­ programs. People can, and should, do more HON. QUENTIN N. BURDICK tors, award winners and friends. It is a privi­ for themselves. The award winners are OF NORTH DAKOTA lege to join you again, in a KAB meeting. abundant proof of that: they stand as IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES We mark the successes and achievements of models of what can be accomplished in this year in the movement to keep America every community, large or small, urban or Tuesday, December 15, 1981 beautiful. My salute to the many award win­ rural. e Mr. BURDICK. Mr. President, I call ners. Voluntarism responds to the call for in­ attention to the tribute paid Decem­ Forgive my singling out three excellent creased participation of the individual in de­ ber 10, by our colleague from West programs from the State of West Virginia: ciding the destiny of his community, and ul­ Virginia, Senator JENNINGS RANDOLPH, The Governor's Office of Economic and timately, his country. You award winners who addressed 400 citizen leaders from Community Development, as you heard, has have already risen to the challenge, taking won a Keep America Beautiful Day Award the lead in determining the future of your outstanding community improvement for its statewide effort this spring. Lesley communities. A rebirth of individual respon­ programs in the country being hon­ Nall, please communicate our congratula­ sibility is needed in America: But for each ored at the National Awards Luncheon tions to everyone in your Agency and to and every award-winning program here, no of Keep America Beautiful, Inc. Governor Rockefeller for this fine achieve­ matter how great and wide-ranging its suc­ Keep America Beautiful, Inc., a non­ ment. cess, there is work to do. When you leave profit public service organization sup­ West Virginia won two first-place honors today and return to your own States, and ported by more than 140 companies, in the national awards competition-no sur­ counties, and communities, you will find trade associations and labor unions, prise to me, of course, because they're first­ waiting for you new problems, new obsta­ rate programs. I know that the Stratton cles, new challenges. Judging from the cali­ recognized more than 80 of these pro­ ber of programs, of volunteers, of dedicated grams. They were selected for these Conservation Club in Beckley has won two third-place awards and two second-place leaders today, I know that the difficulties national awards by an independent awards in past years. Charlie Sergent, I am will be faced squarely. Innovative, creative panel of judges because of their suc­ delighted your club has made it to the top. solutions to the problems will be applied. I cess in achieving litter reductions and The Youth Conservation Program of the am sure those attending this meeting will improvements in waste handling West Virginia Department of Natural Re­ return to their tasks with a renewed vigor, through voluntary means. sources won a first-place award. Maxine strengthened by the well-deserved recogni­ Senator RANDOLPH praised the lead­ Scarbro, I know you worked earnestly for tion they have received, and heartened by ership of Keep America Beautiful, that program. Your efforts are valued by ev­ the outstanding examples they have seen Inc., notably Chairman Jack K. Pa­ eryone in the Keep America Beautiful here. movement. I, again, salute the many worthwhile pro­ quette, vice president and assistant to grams represented here and the people who the chairman of Owens-Illinois, Inc., I don't have to convince you about the im­ portance of the solid waste problem. You make them work. I commend Keep America and KAB president Roger W. Powers. are solving it. That may not have been ex­ Beautiful, Inc. for its part in inspiring dedi­ He noted the significant contribu­ actly what you had in mind when you began cation and commitment to the improvement tions of KAB's Clean Community working in "beautification," "fighting of America.e System. The CCS changes personal at­ litter" or "recycling." Each of those goals is titudes toward the handling of waste, ultimately and inextricably tied to the abso­ and is now operating in 241 cities and lute necessity of planning carefully how we FREE WORLD LEADERS KNEW counties in 36 States. More than 25 manage and make room for the solid wastes OF HOLOCAUST IN 1943 million Americans live in these com­ emanating from everyday life. Everything munities, and litter reductions of up to from the three or four bundles of household HON. STEPHEN J. SOLARZ garbage we place in the trash to the millions 80 percent are being achieved. OF NEW YORK of tons of industrial wastes from factories From the Senator's own State, three must be disposed of in the safest, most effi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES outstanding programs were recog­ cient way possible. Tuesday, December 15, 1981 nized: the Stratton Conservation Club The Keep America Beautiful Clean Com­ in Beckley, the West Virginia Youth munity System, which we have watched • Mr. SOLARZ. Mr. Speaker, recently Conservation Program and the Weir­ grow to include 241 cities and counties in 6 a significant and deeply moving con­ ton Steel Division of the National years, is a shining example of a carefully ference was held at the State Depart­ Steel Corp. planned, comprehensive approach to man­ ment. Organized by the U.S. Holocaust His remarks on the importance of in­ aging solid waste on a number of levels. It Memorial Council and chaired by the dividual involvement in keeping Amer­ educates the individual, encouraging proper Honorable Elie Wiesel, the Interna­ ica beautiful were well received by this disposal of household trash. CCS approach­ tional Liberators Conference, October es businesses in the community to contain­ prestigious audience. He is, of course, erize their commercial wastes, and encour­ 26-28, was to commemorate the ,suffer­ well known to them as one of the age their customers to also be litter con­ ing and sacrifice of those who perished strongest supporters of KAB and the scious. It works with the town's public in the Nazi concentration camps CCS. He was one of the first citizen works and sanitation departments, suggest­ during World War II, and the libera­ members of Keep America Beautiful, ing new and more efficient methods of tion of those who survived. In the and in his leadership role on the waste management and inspiring employees words of President Reagan the Con­ Senate Committee for Environment to excel in their work. CCS recommends ef­ ference served "as a stark reminder to and Public Works, he has come to ficient waste handling practices to be used the world's conscience of what tran­ symbolize, for the thousands in the by workers in industry and construction. And while doing this, the CCS program en­ spired during that period of history KAB movement, a positive outlook on lists the aid of each of these groups, with and will strengthen our resolve to pre­ the Nation's waste management needs. civic and social organizations, to work to­ vent mankind from sinking into that Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ gether to make the entire community aware ultimate horror again." sent that Senator RANDOLPH's remarks of what must be done to improve the qual­ Conference participants came from be printed in the REcoRD. ity of life. many lands, including both those who e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 31624 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 15, 1981 liberated the camps, and those victims What was the reaction? According to evi­ Public and formal demand for evidence of the Nazi terror who still lived. I had dence? that such a pressure had been exercised and I, among many, did play a part in this Nazi practices directed against the Jews the opportunity to attend the Confer­ story. In preparing my report I had in mind stopped; ence and I shall not try to relate here not only our Conference but historical Placing the responsibility on the German my own reactions. Suffice it to say record, as well. nation as a whole if they failed to respond that the Conference was unique in my In the middle of the Summer, 1942 I re­ and if the extermination ·continues; experience. ceived a message from the Delegate of the Public and formal announcement that in However, I do wish to call to the at­ Polish government in exile for the Horne­ view of the unprecedented Nazi crimes tention of my colleagues one excep­ land, Cyril Ratajski, that he approved of my against the Jews and in hope that those tionally important speech which was request to be sent secretly to London as a crimes would stop, the Allied governments delivered at the Conference. The sub­ courier for the leaders of political parties were to take unprecedented steps: Certain ject under discussion was: "Discover­ organized in the Central Political Commit­ areas and objects in Germany would be ing the 'Final Solution'." In other tee, and for the Delegate himself. The bombed in retaliation.
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